The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 10, 1922, Image 2
1 v THip NORTH PLATT1D SlflMl-WiaiSKL.V TRIBUNE o enwmKie By Opie Read Copyright. Tb UeJl Sfixitattt, Inc. CHAPTER Vr, Continued ffI gave nlm the tiro hundred dollars tllitt ho was to put In with the five hundred furnished by you to be In vested Intihirivoly In Hint cotton-hugging factory nt VIcksburg, and lie took an early bout for that city. I think It Is n fortunate thing for tho South that thoy discovered a wild plant, a sort of Jute, really hotter for making ropes and bagging than cither flnr or hemp. I had seen nothing about the discovery, but I am not a very close reader of the nowspapern. Hut Shottle assures me that this wild Jute can bo grown on tho poorest land and that It needs no tending. I am naturally cau tious, Virgil, and I did not myself In vest, but backing your Judgment In tho matter, I loaned Liberty flvo hun dred. When do you expect actlvo op erations toward building tho factory?" Tycio forestalled Draco's answer: "Oh, I am euro It will succeed, and It wl be a great thing, especially for Liberty. Ho has tried so hard, but somehow his energies haven't been properly directed. And ho Is so cap able " Sho was so confident, and so hopeful for her luckless kinsman, that Draco played protecting villain to Shottlc's purposes. "Well, I don't know exactly when they nre to begin work, but soon, I trust." She guvo him a grateful look for his trust, now perfectly assured of Shot tie's useful future. But the General did not appear to bo easy In his mind, and a little later when he and Draco were Walking about tho yard, beneath the trees, he referred again to tho in vestment. Draco would have shuf fled away from It, but tho old gentle man cornered him with a question : "I wont tho truth. Did Llhorty He to mo?" "Yes, sir, ho did." "I began to think so tho moment ho left mo. Well, It Ik a singular thing, "i Want the Truth. Did Liberty Lie , ' to Me?" thnt when ho is with me, I bollovo fn I him, hut the moment he is gone my fa! tli bus gone with hlui. I have had much i"5terlonce with man, Mr. Drace, J In tho army and olsowhoro, but my , wife's nijl)ew Is the most I don't' know how to define him. Lot mo1 thank you for protecting him In tho! pregimce of my wlfo, and I rogrot that j I may havo seemed In doubt. But' torncc", thnt follow mnkos mo angry with myself. Confound him, ho almost convinces mo at tlmos that I hnvo no 1 stability of character. And yot I am ! fond of him. I am always glad to sco 1 liltn como. And lot mo say that ho 11-1 lustratos ono truth very clearly that ability consists mostly in tho fervor with which wo go nt a thing. I sup pose ho lias cost you considerable." "Oh, not very much. I am fond of him too, and I bellovo ho is going to bo of much help to mo." i "Well, I'vo lost flvo hundred this morning, but I can stand it I have or dered tho mules hitched up, and am going to drlvo with you about the plantation. I am going to show you a government hero in tho delta." During tho drlvo tho old gentleman was talkative, sometimes with the achooL man's hesitating precision, but more often as the free companion, agreeable rather than discursive. Drace evinced la everything a keen in. tercet, hut it was not real. His heart was not with him. It was In New Or 1Mh. In a."" -bAarda I House I Illustrated by I, R. H. Uvingetono wcro' nuUca: across a aoor. From what he had boon nblo to gatlu-r from the General and by talk ing In scorning Idlcnoss to boatmen and to men along tho Itlver, Draco confirmed tho Information snatched by Rholtlo from tho label on tho French man's wine esse namely, that old Stepho hod n haunt somewhere In tho neighborhood. A shrewd old negro had aid thnt the outlaw lived In the swamp, in a house hullt of periwinkle shells. On the opposite shore, find several tnllei below the Gonornl's homo, thoro lay n great wood of cy press and n thick tnngld of salt cedar, a sort of everglade, a marsh with hun dreds of knoll-Islands hero and there rising among tho bnyous. Here was In deed an outlaw's paradise, for Drace was told that not nearly all Its lano and crooked bywuys of brown wator had heun explored. Herein ho began his search for old Stepho, dfty after day pendtrntlng far! her nnd farther In to thin lnons-lianging wild. He did not confide In General Rethpngo, for his mission was sacred unto himself alone, and by himself nione must t he ac complished. At Ills feet in the canoe lay a rope, one end of It a hnnginitn's noose, nnd he smiled at It, grim uud firm of faith. Sometimes his cunoo vo;i1rl stall In the carpet of scum. But he forced his way through Into a t.anow and unob structed channel. Now he paddled swiftly. In front of him u great alli gator arose and sank, tho canoo graz ing his scaly back. With a shriek great birds flew, flapping low, their long legs stretched out behind them. Draco was armed with a revolver, but did not wish to flro It, caution warning him. When he ceased for n time to paddle, how still everything was! , Tho adventurer liked to feel that no one had ever been there before. But now suddenly something caught his eye. In the green tangle oiy-a low bank ho suw a pole with wires strung to It, n sort of gate. The wires were covered with vines, trained about them. But for what purpose, here In this brushy tangle? Ho caught hold of a weed and pulled tho. canoe up closer, took hold of the pole and now ho found n lower slat to which tho wires were also attached. Farther along he discovered a sort of hinge attached to a snog nlmost hidden by briers. "I'll open this gate and see what lies beyond," ho mused, drawing tho canoe bnck to tho other end. Ho pulled at tho polo, and It yielded. Tho gate opened, and through the weeds that appeared "to have been bent by the passing of n boat, he saw a nnrrow channel, ' It wns easy enough to shove through tho weeds nnd to enter the new canal. Soon It broadened, winding about nmong the enormous cypress trees. Now ho enmo upon a widening that looked llko a mlllpond, except that ln( tho midst of It nroso an island of tall" cane. It was an iiltractlve sight, and ho ceased paddling to look. Slowly he drifted toward tho Island's shore. He took hold of a cane root and pulled the nose of tho canoe hard Into the hank. Then he got out, parting the stiff nnd stubborn cone In a shade as denso as night. -But now through this parting hallway ho could sco sunlight beyond, and knew that he was about to como Into nn open space. And out Into It he looked with a start; for there, a few foot from the edgo of the fringe of cane, stood a small houso mnde of minute shells cemented peri winkles. Its roof was of thatch, tho long rushes gathered from tho swamp; and about the door was a cypress vine, Its red blooms dazzling In tho sun. And then a bended cane Draco hold was crushed In his bund, for through Through tho Door and Out Deneath the Vino Camo the Barbaric- Rose Maid, Nadlno La Vltte. tho door and out beneath the vino came tho barbaric roso-maid, Nadlne la Vltte, CHAPTER VII Sho did not tako fright when she saw him. She was Btartled, but did net run Into the house; sho stood dated, her marvolous eyos In wldo stare. Slowly ho came forward, gazing-, his hat In his hand. He dropped the hat, stooped, caught it up and now stood before her. Jf she wero agitated, he csala gg discover It. She stood whore the red blooms brushed her brow. Ho held forth his hand, and slowly sho shook her bond. "Monsieur, how foolish to cornel If you do not go now, In a short tlmo you will dlf. My father! lie will shoot you. I should like It not to soo you dead, you arc so brave. My father, ho will think you come for him." "But I will tell him thnt I did not I' Ho movod nearer, hut with her hand raised, palm toward him, sho motioned him nwny. "You do not know what you talk. Nothing could you tell him, for tho gun fire, and you will he no more. PIoriMe go nway now." "Oh. It is, bofeuiKc you want to get " n. rt io nn- hnf T in.,. INO. no, noi n is not wuir, i umi,.. You arc so brave - nnd handsome. It Is because I fohr for you. My father would ho angry to have me talk with a northern man. Go now, and for my sake, como no more." "Mr. Boyce,!' said Draco then, "is not a northern mnn?" She shot a sudden startled look at him. "Mr. Boyce but he Is my fn- thor's friend. My father expects me' to marry Mr. Boyce. And If my father section 30 township 12 range 28 run- deceased in tho County Court of Lln- ning thence cast across tho canyon 00111 County, Nebraska, v should como back .and llnd mo hen ami eontlnuelng on oast side of can- . Tll Stato of Nebraska, to all per tulklng with you, he would Plonc, vnn ,n HmifWlv ,iirpMn,, ,Mi, 'sons interested in said Estate tako Mr. Draco, go at once, before it Is too late. See, the sun Is almost set. The stars come soon, and then through the cane ho como. Oh, won't you please be kind to me nnd go at once I" "Kind to you? God bless you, I wnnlrl flln fnr vnii " ' Ofi, you make love soon! But won'Jt you please go now I Quick, I hear something." "You henr my heart. Let. me stay ten minutes, and then I go." "Ah, but why would you give mo ten minutes of fear?" Ho saw that her anxiety was real, nnd his heart smote him for cruelty t j Ing in an easterly direction through this dazzling creature whoso father he section G, township 10, rango 27, con would hnng with a rope brought from j nocting with road 299. near its infer tile North. section of lino between sections 5 and "Yes I will go. I wanted to tell you L townBhlp 10( range 27( terminating oviiiumiiiK, uui my ruri'l Ul KL""K lis so deep that I forget what it was. But I must come ngaln when tho sun Is not i so low. s'o, tell me please, when that shnll bo?" "Never would a man before talk llko this to mo . . . But If you must como when I beg you no, let It be next Thursday. My father then wilt bo In tho hills to buy cattle." "This Is Friday, und that will bo a week, lacking ono day. You have set doomsday for my return." "If you come before, you will not find mo. And now It Is the good-by." Sho drew bnck quickly through tho door, and down Into tho frlngo ot tall cano he went, parting his way to the canoo thnt lay iioslng tho mossy bank. Only now that sho was gone and night hud come did ho remember re member that this girl who had be witched tho swift mlndtes with him was tho daughter or his sworn enemy Stepho la Vltte. A voice called him as ho was curs ing himself for a traitor to his father's memory. On a point of land he saw three men standing. One of them beckoned him, and ho turned In to ward them. One of them spoko: "Would you be kind to set us across? The night ho comes, and we would not bo lost In tho swamp. We will get to the river. .Would you, please?" "Yes, but I don't know that my ca noe will hold four. We may get a ducking." He pulled alongside nnd stendled the canoo while thoy got In. Now he pad dled carefully. The man who had talked, and whom the other two ad dressed as Tonez, requested to bo set on u bushy shore where the wnter was so shallow that the canoo was almost stuck In tho ooze. With his paddle Drace propped his craft steady, for them to get out Tonez got out and with the quickness of a cat snatched a rope from beneath his coat and threw a noose nbout Draco's arms. Then the two men in tho boat threw thcpisolves upon him. There was a hard struggle In tho ennoo nnd then out into tho water, but they brought him ashore, wound about with the rope. Now thoy mnde lmsto to tlo him sc curoly. Tho canoo was dragged ashore ; Drace stretched out in It, and now they took it on their shoulders and hastened through the tangled un derbrush. Ho had fought hard, but had not cried out. But as he was. carried along, ho sworo bitterly n$ himself for not looking nt first with suspicion on the brutes who now had him In thotr powor. "Ah, you would steal ubout and Bpy," snld Tonez. "But you stonl about no moro. Tho carpetbaggers, thoy say, You bravo?' and you say, 'Yes, I am bravo.' Then they suy, 'You find old Stepho.' And you go to find him. IIo Is not nt homo. But his men, thoy como Just in tlmo." "You nre liars. I was " "Ah, you como with tho Joke. To morrow, we will laugh. Will you? No, you will not laugh." (To Bo Continued.) JOHN S. SIMMS, M. I). Special Attontlon Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phono 83 Residence 88 1)11. ItEDFIELD Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-Ray Calls promptly answered Night or Day Phones. Office G42 Residence 678 EXTENSION ROAD NO. 22 To Whom It May Concern: A consont road as follows: Commencing nt tho corners to sec- tions 4, 5, 8 and 9, township 12, north range 30, west of Gth P. M. running thonco wost on lino between sections 5 nnd 8, and 6 and 7, two mllos, to connect with oxtonslon of road No. 42. Anyono having objections there to or om,ms for damages by tho roa- son of tho ostnbllshlng of tho abovo 13, sections 14 and 23, all In township pointed as the day for the reception described road must Ill0 snmo In tho 12 rango 2G, wost of tho Gth P. M. and examination, ( adjustment and allow offlco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln terminating at tho southeast cornor , fence of lawful claims and domands of Count', Nebraskn, on or before 12 1 of section 1G and northeast cornor of all persons, against said oatato and o'clock noon of tho 10th dny of Nov. section 22 all In township 12 rango that tho County Court of Lincoln 1922 or Bald road will bo allowed 2G. Anvono havlnc oblectlona thereto Countv. Nobrnskn. will at said tlmo wlthout rof8ronce thereto -tH.,Jr, w. !..! ...1 (1 l I .1 . iy mum uuu uiiiuiui :iuni . o6.,, .... (,..,..... ,nn r obiimihhjui jum, A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. KXTBNSION 110 AD NO. 310 To Whom It May Concern: Tho special commissioner appointod to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at thu termination of road No. 210 near tho north lino of soction 3G, township 12, rango 28 and through sections 1 2 11-13-14-24-25-30, lll0 a nl account and report of his township 11, rango 28. Road to fol-, administration nnd a petition for final low east fbrk of canyon, which forks settlement and discharge as Buch Ad aout 200 yards north of south line ministatrix, which have been sot for of section 3G, township 11, rango 28, in a southeasterly direction through northeast corner of section 1 town- ship 10, range 28 and through north Vi soction G, township 10, rango 27, ( crossing divide near lino between north and south halves of section G, I township 10 rango 27, and continuo- i thoro. "vlv- ul'"ouu 1U"U l" uu ' wl(Ic lms rePrted in favor thorcof, anyono having objections thereto or claims lor tiamagos uy reason ot tno is January 10, 11)23, ana lor settle establishing of tho above described mont of said Estate is Soptember 7, road must file tho samo in tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln Coun - ty, Nebraska, on or bcroro 12 o'clock noon of tho 10th day ot November, 1922, or said road will b alolwed without referenco thereto. Witness my hand und official seal Soptember 28th, 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork, INM mpcrnnptimfymmi Mill Hi ymfidM Wm PERFECTION KEROSENE Oil, EXTENSION ROAD NO. 80 To Whom It May concern: , A consent petition for the establish mcnt of public road as follows: Commencing at tho wost lino of Dawson county, on tho southeast' corner of bection 13 and the north-, oast cornor of section 24 township i 12, north of rango 2G, wost of tho Gth P. M. and running wost along said ' section lino between sections 24 and or clnlms for damago by tho reason of ,, . ,. . , .. . mo esiaunsning oi uio aoovc uescnoeu ......... roau must mo same m tno oinco or. tno County Clerk of Lincoln county, No - braeka, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon on tho 10th day of Novombor 1922. Witnoss my hand nnd seal Sop tombor 28th 1922. A. S. ALLEN, County Clork. NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1875 of William Graves, notice that tho Administratrix has hearing boforo said court on Oct. 24 1922 nt 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Oct 2, Wm. 1922. H. C. Woodhurst, County Judge. Halllgan, Boatty & Halligan, Attys. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1902 of Martha Kocster, deceased in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. -s Tho Stato of Nebraska, as: Creditors' the time limited for presentation and , filing of claims against said Estate 1923; that I will sit at tho county court room in said County on October 10th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Jan 1 17th day of October, 1922 at c'ght uay 10th, y923 at 10 o'clock a. m., to o'clock p. m. recolve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust J Witness my hand and tho soal of all claims .and objections duly fllod. said city this 25th day of Soptember, Dated September 7th, 3922. .,1922. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, O. E. ELDER, ; Seal County, Judge. Seal City Clork. Use Perfection Kerosene Oil JOIN the great company of American citizens who have found by experience that a coal shortage doesn't mean chilly rooms. Perfection Kerosene Oil burned in a well-constructed oil heater is all the fuel that's needed to make any room cozy and comfortable during autumn weather. It costs less than coal. If your supply of coal is short, save it for days when the mercury column will drop down close to the bulb. There's plenty of Perfection Kerosene Oil and it is clean fuel no smoke, soot, ashes or dust every drop is turned into clean, intense heat. For cooking there isn't any fuel that's more dependably uniform and satisfac tory than Perfection Kerosene Oil. Use an oil heater or two, and a kerosene range. Cut downyour f uel bill and be comfortable.. Consult your friends who have oil heaters and oil cookstoves. Get your stove man's opinion. But don't shiver to save coal when Perfection Kerosene Oil will keep you cozy and comfortable. STANDARD OIL COMPLY OF NEBRASKA Win. E. Shumau, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho Mattor of tho Estato of Rose M. Knox, Doceasod. Notlco Is heroby glvon to any and all persons having claims and domands ngRlnst tho ostnto of tho said Rose M. Knox, docensed, that tho 17th day of January, 1923, has been set and up j receive oxamlne, adjust and allow .. . .......... .. . . an suon oinims against saia estate, ... :ns provmou uy law, at tno uounty j Court Room in tho Courthouse, in tho City of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska nnd all porsons so interested in -said os-to, will appear at said tlmo and p' 'ce and duly prosont their said claims and domands in tho manner required by law, or show cause for not so doing, and In caso any of said ' claims or demands shall not bo pre sented on or prior to tho said 17th of January, 1923, the samo shall bo for ever barred. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have ' od tllIa notIco and affixed the soul of said Court this 18th day of Soptomber, 1922. i WM. II. C. WOODHURST (SEAL) County Judge NOTICE OF PAVING ASSESSMENT. Notlco is hereby given that the Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, will on tho 17th day of October 1922, between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock p. m. of said day and so much longer as may be necessary to transact said business, sit as a Board of Equalization for tho purposo ot equalizing and assessing against abutting and adjacent prop el owners, tho cost of paving in Pa-itg Dlstrhis No. 4 and 5 a9 tho vane are now organized. And all por?onB intoifstod aro hereby notified to :;pp-ar nad show cause, if any why said equalization and assessment I should not bo made, on or before the ' r-f T -TW4 rr-. ... -'.,r .