.Morth TUESDAY ond FKIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 10, 1922. No. 79 t i FOOTBALL DOPE ON -1 LOCAL situation; HIGH SCHOOL BOS TO MEET SOME BIG TEAMS BEFORE SEASON IS ENDED Fall. Friends The defeat of last Friday has con siderably lessened the chances of a championship team In the local hlgn -tsekool but it is still possible for the locals to cotne out on top. If none f the major teams should go through the season without defeat the champ ionship would havo to bo decided by considering the records of tho major teams and should North riatto win all the rest of the games it is still possible for it to retain tho state honors. Of the teams which North riatto tUl has to play Central City lost .Friday's game to Grand Island and South Omaha lost to Fremont. Goth enburg won from Broken Bow, Mc Cook from Orleans, Columbus from OBccola and Bayard from Morrill. Farnum won from Cdzad. It looks as though tho gamo with McCook Tioxt Friday would bo one of tho big games on tho local field and should North Platte win it will mean much to redeem the loss of tho game to Lexington. Each weefcsees tho pro cess of elimination going on and the schools by comparison are dropping out of the championship class. Tho statement of Mr. Neville that a state championship comes to the average school but onco in a lifetime and cannot reasonably bo expected two years in succession is an assurance that the ordinary luck of the most of schools has been reached by North Platte and that under ordinary, con- i tiltions we cannot expect to win the , state title again for several years, j This is not disheartening as tho state-1 stent rests on tho law of averages and i HE THOUSAND TEACHERS EXPECTED AT C W ON Thr ee Day Program Is Filled With Addresses And Dis cussions By National Leaders In Education-Public Invited POLITICS IS GETT1N MORE ATTENTION NEW HEAD OF CITl LIBRARY HAS HAD GOOD LIBKAHY EXPERIENCE CANDIDATES ARE KEING CONSUL ERED AND VOTERS ARE MAKING UP MINDS -a- Politicals aid wly moving diorfe its' the unexpected may happen at" any own courso, Tno pagt -week has seen time. :o:- 11APT1ST PEOPLE TO TRY AUC TION SALE SO POPULAR ELSEWHERE MissEIonor M. Whooler has been appointed-, to succeed Mrs. Loretta Brownfleld as librarian of the, North I Platte city library. Sho is from ischuylor, Nebraska where she was J librarian for a number of years. Miss Wheeler took charge on October 2 and already has made a number of friends with library patrons by he: , rrnnrt tinttiro nnd fixtonnlvo kriowlnd'trn o w i of library work. Sho is proposing to establish at once an exchange mag azine shelf where patrons of tho li brary can bring magazines which SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLE!) THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT RE- CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS ' ... COMMUNITY 1 little change. Tho senatorial race 'between Howell and Hitchcock seems Uo center larcolv around tho dry I question. It is pretty generally conn they havo read and leavo them talc coeded that Hitchcock has a good: me rrom mo suou omuguzniu wui r?n rot eirv ntatfi. they would liko to read. This plan 1NU.L ouiuuu; UL uuiuiu n uuiub - i O" - , Miss Lillian Gatlin of San Fran cisco stopped at the North Platto landing field last Friday afternoon on her way to New York as tho guest of tho Air Mall service. She is re ported to havo reached Now York yesterday, making the first woman to have crossed tho country in an the members of tho First Baptist jmonts over to tho voters. Lincoln in being considered and may bo put j uirplane sho tho party Btaycd church of this city will put on an 'county peenis to be warming up to into operation in the near future. -:o: WHOLESALE TIRE DEALER BUYS HOUSE IN LINCOLN AND WILL MOVE in North Platte Friday night and loft here Saturday morning for Omaha. Sho will return to Dotrolt whero sho will assist in tho organization of tho Gold Star Aviation Mothers at tho second National Aero Congress to bo held thero'sdon. tot- auction Bale with H. M. Johansen as ( the election and county as well as auctioneer. Tho sale will consist of j state and district candidates aro bo livo stock, household goods, foodjlng Investigated and discussed, stuffs, clothing, an oil painting and Bryan for governor Is receiving about ther articles. These have been j tho same favorable consideration as Ado LCe( owner and manager of donated by tho mombors and friends Randall. Many voters are undecided ( tno General Tire Company plant nt of the church. This method of rais- i as to what candidates they will vote N0rtli Platto has purchased tho Gon- ing money ha? been successfully , for in tho list of stato nominees. eral TIre company plant at Lincoln Scout troop No. 3 left today for Max tried in numerous other places and For congress Beal and Simmons aro nnd wlll movo there about tho first J well where it will piny tho Maxwell nrovfl a success hero. Tho both doing their best. Tho sixth !of NovDmber. Ho will take chargo . Sh school. This troop was tho sale is advertised elsowhero in this district is normally Republican which oI tho Lincoln plant personally, put-1 champions of tho city Boy Scouts last gives Simmons the advantage buttlng a managor In chargo of the year. Tiie members oi tno loam aro tho tarrif, bonus and strike attitude North Platt0 a year or moro and haB Darrall Trout, Virgil Attobury, Frod of tho national republican party docs to a partnor. Mr. Leo has been in 'crick Messmer, Virgil Branuan, Chest nt RPom to meet with ceneral ap-lw,.n, Tintt n vnr or morn and has er Mecombor, Raymond Plaughor, Uww i iiui vit r - i paper. Julius Cornell arrived to-day from Green River, Wyo. to visit his bro ther Chas. Cornell. Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and dau. proval in this county and somo aro ma(i0 a iargo number of business and placing tho blame where It does notj80Ciai friondB by his genial person- Khtors Dorothy and Maxlne left Sun-1 belong. In Evorott Howard, Ralph Wickwlre, Francis Rose, Hammona Browcr -au.1 Charles Hunter. Dick Plttman Is county politics, tho nlItv nn(i huslnoss mottiodB. Htt tw ni whn wIhi.m s irettinc interesting. Most of.,a w fnr wr flnlda and a I scoutmaster or tins troop aim no nas fitly lUi UUD .IlUBdUOf VCVA ??v--j v j . .0.. a j - l f v v w w o ' . - , . . i , n will spend the winter months. Mrs. 'tho candidates are sawing wood ltblAQT opportunity and tho Tribune ! "con coaching thorn for tho past five Wilson will visit her son Lawrence, occasional forays Into tho fields of WiBiiea him great success in his new Tho Fourth District of tho Nobraslta , Slnto ToachorD, Association will open) its annual convention hero Wednesday October 11, with a session boginning at olght o'clock. Tho soss.ionB will continue during Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon, closing with n business meeting Just boforo noon on Saturday. District No. 4 comprises Adams, Arthur, Blaine, Buffalo. Cust- or, Dawson, Garilold, Grecloy, Hall, Howard, Kolth, Lincoln, Logan, Loup, McPhorson, Merrick, Perkins, Sher man, Valloy and Whooler counties. fThoro aro about 1,200 toachers in tho district. Tho officers are C. N. And- orson, Kearney, president; Mrs. Alleon G. Cochran, North Platte, vlco-pros-dont; Ethel M. Craig, Koarnoy, secre tary; R. W. Johnson, Hastings, treas urer; H. O. Sutton, Koarnoy. member stato executive committee. Tho as sociation headquarters aro at tho Ho tel McCabo Registration headquart ers nro at tho Franklin building. Tho sessions nro opon to everyone but ad mission is oy raomDorsiiip uaugo or by ticket. The membership is for tho entire convention nnd costs $2 whllo tho tickets for each session cost BOc. One and one-half faro has been grant od on tho cortiflcato plan of 250 cor tlflcntes aro presented. Professor George Allen of Teachers' College Konrney will lead in tho community singing. Tho main Bpeakors on tho general programs nro as follows: Wednesday S p. m, , Wolconio Address, Mayor Evans1. Response, . Supt. C. Ray Gates, Grand Island. Address, "Tho Stato and nn Educa tional Program" Dr. Edward S. Evotidon, Columbia University. Thursday, !) a. m. Address ''Why Should Ftorolgn Language Havo a PInco In tho Socondnry School Curriculum?" Profossor Aima IIosic, Kuarney. Address "What tho Superintendent Expocts of His Scienco Teacher' Supt. C. E. Claar, Gibbon. Addross "Tho Place Public Speak ing Should Havo in tho High School," A. L Phillips, Kearnoy. Addross "Learning 10 uso Liberty Without LlconBO," Ella V. Dobb University of Missouri, Thursday 2 p. m. Address "Tho Library and tho School," Anna V. Jonnlngs, Kear noy Address "Hyglono as a Basis for strctlon In Edcatlon," J. H. Stout moyor, Kearney. Addross "Illustrative Handwork Related to Regular Grado Sub- weeks. with 1 field. -:o:- mposed of all North Platto boys Wro during Uie month to havo Tho Dominos played at Brule Sat- inrrlav ovcnlne. This orchstra Is CO They aro Howard ' Purdy, Robt. Dlckeyjr., Roycr Hastings and Law rence Hart. They will play at the Vinoyard Thursday and Friday dur ing tho Teachers Institute in this city. I Tho Soptombor summary of tho weather conditions Issued by Weathor I man Shilling showB tho highest torn UAVE your painting done Pure White Lead and Linseed Oil, by Painters that know how. This is the best time in the year for outside painting and my price is right on guar anteed work. Paperhanging and Interior Decor ating a specialty- My Wall Paper Stock is priced to sell. Estimates furnished on request. H. H. LANDGRAF, Ritner Building, 113 W. 6th St. Phone 570W tho opposition to get convorts. Sal isbury and Bertho aro In tho midst of tho struggle for sheriff with strong friends on each sldo doing their best two inchos of rainfall slnco tho first to influenco tho voters. Four weeks cf tho yoar compared with tho avor. been 98 dogreo which Is only throe degrees below tho highest ever known. Tho moan tomperaturo was 08 degrees. Last year It was C5 and tho year boforo 64. Tho lowest this September was 39. Thoro was just ono Inch of precipitation during tho month which is tho same as last year and. .17 abovo tho year boforo, Thoro Is a doflcloncy of a Uttlo over from today will decldo tho matter. Whllo it Is uncertain Just what tho Iminor parties will" do between now and election, their candidates aro not attracting much attention now whero thoro nro republican and democratic nominees facing each other. But a loi of things can happen In four weeks. ago for 48 yoarB. Tho average hcurly velocity of tho wind waa 6.1 miles an hour. There woro 21 clear days, 6 partly cloudy and 2 cloudy days during tho month. The month if. characterized by being hottor and Uiyer than usual. ::- Clinton's for Eyo Glasses. VOTE FOR L. L. BERTHE Progressive and Democratic. Candidate for SHERIFF. Believes in enforcement of all laws. Two terms is long enough for any man to hold an office. Jccts," Ella V; Dobbs. Thursday 8 p. m. An address wlll bo given bv -ib nnmo and Utlo hna Hot beer announced. Friday 9 p. m. Address "Art," Miss Millor, Nrtk Platte. Address "Tho Community aa aa Agricultural Laboratory," W. P. Snydor, North Platte. Adddrcss "Advantages of Horn Economics to Our Girls," Blrcfte Vorhols, Stato Supervisor of Homo Economics. Addtoss "VocaUonnl BdBcattoa," E. A. Burnett, Dean of College f Agriculture, Unlvorsity of Ne-braoka. Friday 2 p. m. Address 'Dovoloping Good Clttaea ship Whoroln Homeo are FU ing," Knthoryn Langhlln, Koar noy. Address "Dovoloplng Good Cltlxen-f ship Whoroin Schools nro Wal ing," C. S. Hobson, Kearnoy. Address "Practical Projects for tho Rural Community J. H. Poarson, Stato UnivorBlty of Ag riculture Address "Tho, Blazed Trail Tk Rural School Responsibility,"" R. W. Powoll, Koarnoy. f Address "Tho Rural School lMs Moro Abundant," Dr. Wm. A. J Koover, Editor of Tho..Gold. Friday 8 p. m. AddrosB "Tho Now Phychology A- pliod to Education." Dr. Mii- Koovor. Saturday 9 am. ' Address "Essentials In Mathema tics in Junior High Schools," Georgo I. Moyors, North Platto. Address "Latin in tho School,"' Edith Rundlo, Kearnoy. Address "Training of High School Teachors," G A. Yoakam, Kcor' , noy. Tho professors of tho Teachors Col- logo at Kearnoy will Do horo aadf they havo boon frooly placed on the program because of tholr educational leadership. Music is to bo furnished In nbundanco by North Platto local talent, Including tho high school cadbt band. o: Miss Lottlo LaRuo will entertain at a Hallow'eon party to-morrow even ing at hor homo. . Mrs. Peto Becker will leave thia week for points In California. Stte will visit with her parents Mr. aa Mrs. T. Thompson. CD mm HANNA LUMP. We have a car of fresh mined Hanna Lump Coal and a car of Genuine Pinnacle Nut Coal now on track. We have a good variety of highest grade coals for furnaces, heating stove andrangss? Use Kemmerer Pea Coal for Retort Heat ing Stoves and Ranges. If our Coal pleases you, tell your friends. If it does not tell us. The Artificial Ice & Cold Storage Co. 900 E. Front St. Phone 40