The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 06, 1922, Image 1

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    HMPr WK WWW mm'"
No. 78
I J A 4 .
a h Mt fb m m- aim hk
About eighty men and boys gather
ed at tho Tlmmoruian Vineyard last
Tuesday evening, tho men being tho
Manngor Hawloy has been receiv
ing tolograius and lottcrs from man
agers of local thrcatres in other
mombers of tho Kiwanis club and tho WHAT IS BEING DONE BY THE rlacos tolling of tho onttvo satiefac-
tlon given by tho musical comedy
"Eve" which Is to bo at tho Keith
next Monday night. These messages
spoalc of tho work of Miss Nyra
Borwn and Johnnie Goiz as well
above th'J 'ordinary. Ono accounts
11:00 The Iropaiatlon ol Prayer., tolls of a scone whore soap bubbles
n. 1.1 . 11.. -... . - r . r n mi.. . t- ii , . . .i .. ' n rn nrnntnil li v tlin mllllnnR hi' mn-
Ihft frrnnnilR nf loqrrMnn Tlmv worn Snaner lniTOUUCUU. Ul-J muuiuuia ui 1UU JLNUVCT X' UW1IIK JlmUJ. i
married in Cass county in January the team. Tho spirit ran high under , chinos, tho bubbles entirely covering
,oco ' tho hoartv goodwill exDrossed by tho ALTAU SOCIETY. thostago and its occupants and
.hosts and a very nlensant evening ! Will meet this ovenlng after sor- when
Sarah E. Bowman has filed a suit
football coaches and officials and tho
boys being tho mombors of this years
team. Tho Kiwanis orchestra lead
in tho singing and Itov. W. II. Mooro
presided! Talks wtfre mado by Keith
"Neville, Victor Ilapau, M. It. Roe-
tl U Hr F rl IJ I. T U H
iu, stun :
for divorce from Jabcz I. Bowman on (.
ttger, Itov. II. E. Hess and Captain
Federation Of Women's Clubs To Hold State Meeting In
' KJf'
. North -Platte This Month - Local
S : Club To Act"As Host.
The State convention of tho Nobraska Federation of Women 'm ninim
tho different colored spot- will bo hold in North Platte October 24, 25 and 2G. Tills' convention la an
Clarence 'Mooro expects to ship was SDOnt. The dinner was sorveci ' vices. All me'.bcrs ploaso attend, as lights nro thrown on tho floating annual affair and attracts more attention than any other Catherine ' of
300 head of calves from Hershcy to a 6:30. i Plans fr a fair will bo discussed. globes tho effect boggars description. Avomon In tho Btate. It is probable that there will bo between four and Hto
feeders' who live in the vicinity of , ' Another scene 1s where tho myriad hundred dologntcs In attendance and tho number may be still larger, Tho
Cedar Rapids. Those animals will ! Parents or legal guardians como to LUTHERAN rf reflector causes tho stago to light up J railroads havo granted a half faro rato for tho return trip if 250 dologatra
bo fattened and marketed as baby j escort them homo. Mrs. - McGraw 11:00 How Rich are You? Special with seemingly millions of varl-co! . j present certificates of attondanco. Tlio president says In her message to
beef. W1 appoint iz ponco miuruna, iu music oy mo cnoir. i v. I'loretl balls of dancing flrtf. I1"0 cuius - wo expect tno largest
assist her. No evening pervlce. , i . .0.
Treasurer Souder has sold 4,270; nliiMnmt LOCAL ANI) ' PERSONAL
auio licenses up io uciouer x. jluis - .i.hv. .v.vui ....v ..." wumau , t
is still short of tho number sold last Maryland arc in town with the view,
year and it is considered they are!0 purchasing 700 head of steers.'
about all in which will bo registered i While it was posslblo to secure tho
this year. needed animals at the Chicago or
" Omaha stockyards, these buyers
Tho Inter-Church Reserve, com-1 preferred to como out to tho range
11:00 Morning Prayer and Sop
7:30 Evening Prayer and Sormdn.
11:00 Rev. Eugono Crlkton
Mrs. W. K. Esholmen of Hershoy
shoped in tho city ycatoriloy.
Mr. and Mrs. E..R. Farroll or
Wallaco visltod with friends in tho
city Thursday.
delegation at North Platto that has ANNUAL DINNER OF SUNSET CLUB
ever been registered in stato convon- HELD "WEDNESDAY
tion. Wo havo moro clubs. Wo NOON
havo a better understanding of tho ' .
need of club work in every commun- Tho 3nBct Club was ontortahipd
Uy," at a dinner Wednesday noon by tho
Tho-Bossions will bo held in tho,CnlholIc woinon. Over 100 guosts
Methodist church. Miss Athalla I woro present and many oldcrly poo-
posed of a number of men from each j country to look over tho herds.
of the North Plateo churches, is plan-,
nlng a dinner for Monday, October 1C.1 Tho officers and teachers of the
' Lutheran Sunday school held a
B.V till, V tllltV V4 A WAV Wb V A.A W A J .
i , ftntv Vflur VnrV nftor flnnncilncr
tho past few wcoks visiting relatlvos.
A. C. Tllloy will leavo tomorrow!
evening services.
credentials and Mrs. Ruth Hodgkln, , receiving lino woro roproBontatlyes
badge chairman. Tho program com- fr0ln tho difforont churches of the
mittco consists of Mrs. Goo. Frnter, city. Amonc theso woro, Mrs. Frod-
Tho local qouncil of tho Campflro for Lincoln whoro ho will transact North Platto, chairman, Miss Efflo , "ckson, from the X.uthornn church;
business for several days. Dotrlck, York and Mrs. M. E. Scott, fancnic, uapust; Airs, uunipn,
Mr and Mrs E W Young of. 1 LU o. uiiu. - -.-,
Hastings are visiting with relatives The program is being mado up this tat; Mrs Crawford, Christian; Mrs.
in "tho dtv this week' " woolc nnd s 18 not complete but o- KIdor. Presbyterian and Mrs. J. I.
. ir 71 : V ihiuKfc 18 known of tho numbers to bo Smith from tho Catholic church.
Miss Margarot Baker rotui nod the I glyoa fo n8auro ft wondorrul cou. Aftor tho dlnnbr a Program was given
first of tho week from JDcnvor after vontlbn . uy tho following, pooplo: Plnno sblo
visiting several days with trlonds. nn,nii.,n ma nt ri,i-.irrt ( hv" ProWnHor Vllnc. a sonc by Mrs.
mfi nlABilniti ah J n linn I . a 1 - . - ,
stxiod aier6 will bo no dancing, as tho through the city Wednesday in an u( Mlsg Maool lloumo leu msi oven- to bo on hand all day Wednesday Whoolor, vocal soios woro niso given
Lexinfiton authorities havo askea that airplane piloted by Mail Pilot J. c; u"u w- """""" y . ;ing or Gothenbure Avhoro1 bug vrm ,uui hor talks on "Tho Problem of tio by Mrs. Walter Good and Chas. 'Pass,
fl.inrlng b? not included in any form ' Moore. Ho was met by a delegation pnESllYTERIAN , ..... . . oiw ft'lend tli'e fall festival. Adolescent and "What tho Commun- Miss Esther Kolly, gave so vcral phsas-
of e-tortainment which tho local'poo- of Amorlcan Legion men arid a com- ii:oo" Looking Forward! ft Mrs.-Jonnio Mudgo loft last ovon-! Ry Owes to tho Child" should bo ing readings. Talks woro, Eivf)p..,by
plo might nlrtn for the visitors. Other ! niltteo of clthrens. Col. Rosovoltj 8:00 Storeopticqn .,;A)ddroi.-:VWtiingi for-' Gothenburg ' to attend tho ' high spots in tho program. Thurs- Gfiorgo Alistln; Mr. McicJic-lAnud T:
intpvestingg fentureg1 will put on -was -scheduled 'lo speak in Omaha Rint Africa. . , y, . a t falUfoBtlval."' ' " ' ully afternoon n ' pageant entitled' L. Baro.' Mrs. W. II. LoOIoyt acted
ami eonri ffmo is nirinnnd. ' ivariniftfin v 'mrrtninv Thnxr ' nvnnntn'd rn,, ti,noiluri .ni,n.i,..ii. im-.-ji.' . ' 'i. . ; '.-,.;! "America's Call' -will bo clvon follow- arf' toastmistrcss.' Each yoar , this
i . . , . r , . . v! . jip" .jura, jvruiui oiiinio iuii ",- ti
tornmnleto the' triti to that c ttf in thh wnVi.l , .. . , 1
intit l.n i,iviin,i nnA tinVnia win i. ani.i meetlntr Wednesday ovonlnc in the
m rulvan. Tho nin l,M not vnt'ehurch basement and elected tho 'Bins will meet Monday evening at;
boon decided upon. following officers for the coming ! ?f w,th Adua TurPle, 220 W.
,, year: A. W. Shilling, supt.; Oscar !Bmi1,
The .Senior class of the North jSandall, assistant supt.; Chas. Lierk, ', presBYTFRIAN ' '
Platte, high school will entertain the 80cmtary. Laura Bretzor llbrarlan; . -.La(ileg -A,(1 Soc,oty wm mect lhe
visiting members of the Lexing on M,S3 Jennle .CarlBon planlst. Thursday afternoon ai
foot ball team Friday evening at the . . , , m, t i , t
11 ia
Franklin auditorium.
Col. "Teddy" Roosevelt passed
council .jjbjpe OU fiall by. .Tchn,j;
to-conipleto the' trip to "that city in thb world.
WOMEN'S CLUli; ( . 'j' ? Y
mi... a i. i. a . ru 11. .
m u n". -tvfo -&6 ihakin 'tfio' wl 6le! trip. I
local coU otftoBo scouts 1-GhirWiWdihaSar ll'nfoi;
jjlr. Arthur, Starnt, MUast 1. mu,tratod locturo by Mrs. dlrinor is proparod' Khd ' sbrvQ.
rlor Goth.onburg to attend tho fall, R Mor(jy of . m--pf ; dIffpT)pnCJchuw&
"Vitf? . . ' !A?t.CJijiIrman of th Foderatipiu o(,tho city. .No.Nt.,year tho Mo.hod-
The general club will moot Tuos- , - ft.'W'BtpIl, Statfe Bank Examlridr; TT . fll ,H0 be an oxi,ibu ot. ist .womsn will havo. tho.oldevly peo-
day afternoon -at 2: 30 in tho Moth- 0i jCearnoy trah's-acted businoas in n;lttP1-. MrH. Wnllncn Porham. nto. dniMta; .,.Tu .,.'. ii
H,PIner. regional cfitor Jon, thR(IA?f0T!lIn QANuiij ft)K 'SEKA.'oaist church parlors. Mrs. Goorgo ihQ city." yes.tcrday. 'oiendlve. jMontaua. Second Vice-Pros . ; : i i.'- . -
Nai.kmal Council-Tha local council. (.ir,iiTw I'Pmtoi. ima Khnnronf Mm nhVtrr.nin nn ' .... .... 1 , , .... . .. : Y'. ' . . , .' !
' " - ' . 'itiri i j u ol'bajv liv jiiiMWJi. -...vw. ",-. ...v. --a ''Airs. "una, iiOEuo rauujmu u inn i lticnc ot uivuenorHi ieuornuuu wiu t ,i ..-
.PQW.WU loruiis . ceremony., A ... Anxw T the subject of "Better Homes for lflWlt H-.(i4n wr.v.Wn Omalia - aftai' '.Arfhir nn .TM,m,iv Avmnf .' 'HliK' i."AMW-,tt ulJ'
however iut is! proQDMIng fi operate
under, the new.plas., i.pmn Pouog'' the spealting dates dialred as, delegates . for rtho, State
AJnerlca." ' A go6d attendance is
ylBlting with' frlbhda f&r a feNv days.- Wlll repfasdnt thb officers of tho Gen- hf UlMrict raurtl
Mrs. Jamas uorram rojurneu m?. wb i it-'iaibidon h nt-law in conpn'js.
4 g tl- local fWn0.or- .tieebe cadldat;of ttf,i'eQnvention will he elected, also cojn- veora O rafter cpaveh
,n5 ...f1.:0 .ProgrGssivc paiy " for " United appointed. Those whd have re, friend 't,he hero thra-days.U ffT? 'T'lX
Monday nqt brought, dishes .forthjl...8hQwer
'-October 9. 9 a. m. Lexinalon: 11 a. m. aro-asked to bring thorn Tuesday.
of -SSrorihttoiad";-! p.'ln. 'Gohtehbugj 2 p. m. -o:'
:o Mat!' Brady; 3:30 p. jn. RlaiAVelr; . S.p. n jirSj pay 'Drawer' of Ilersll'ojHjhop
noighborlu l:ounties but iM 01iator from Keiraka:
iotue un,aeriftic9n ttys yew..
A niimbih' 1 "dfmdtliefs
riatte together with -the P&lic
rcjn met with the council "last dvon-' North Platte; Tuesday, October io, u peti ln tho-oity Thursday!
Ing and asked it to1 inforco tho oltyfa. m. Horshey; 11 a. m. Sutherland; Mr nnd..M. Poao' arfd daughter
curfew ordinance which forbid child-'1 12 M. Paxton. it. G. Parufenter. Pro-,- f Pax,on arQ tranaadtlne busl-
- . . ' l-T -l .1 1-1.. I fi nfl " ' w
rnn itnilai 17 vftorc nf n?rn tn lirt ntl ' CTCTSIVO CHUU1UMIV iur kuvuiuui ui
the streets after 9:30 without adult1 NeTlraskaVlll accompany him.'
escort. - The children will 'ho taken j' : :o:-
into custody and hold until their . -ooiaios -ioJ 's,uoiuno
spend Hi-n mr uRywiiuirwiuB. iu ..- (jov
UMiboA Minsoleft last liight for'W Jonn. smwr. er janaunganwiio. jrT,H
beciuia a forelm-r That
; "A"WOiniin t.unn in,i , , . a
Gothenburg where he wlll'Md flttV Federation uwoior .o - to4jMV she ,:,, a
?at festival : '' ' ' Nebralca. ' ' tottfgWr Wtft she .mrrioH a f-.r. Ign-
' ' - 'The folloWiiV state officers ar8 dx-,' ;lBj
James Guynan loft yoaterday. fct t (o w hWi (lurhc t)ie 'toUg
forSehylor, Nebr., ' to visit .wltlr BnBa'nnu.k et). n yMmRV. fry1? V0'""" : V
frlehd3 for a fow days.
.Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mar,ovlsh .
' Satard
We Seil Groceries Cheap 'tis True
but to Sell Cheap Groceries,
We Never Do. '
i ,,nos in tho city for a fow "days this"1" .
..-"weolc. ('!. ' Wallace nro visiting, tho A
I Mrs. F. W. Slecknokq returned to Pler home for a few days.
j.'hor homo in Hastings yesterday '.tulins Plzor ro'turned Wednesday
' after visiting scvof al days in tho city from Omaha af tor transacting bus(-
with her sister Mrs. D. S, Saleno. nes for a fow days.
Specials for
ay and Monday,
SUGAR, 13 lbs for $1.
Pure Fine Granulated.
Country Gentleman
CORN per can 15c, fin:,
est quality.
for 25c. ' '
POWDER 15c, largest
Jarge lze, per pkg. 1 9c,
COOKIES, assorted; per
lbs. 18c.
NAVY BEANS, 3 lbs.
for 20c.
1 ' I" Jim yiiwm t i
PEAS, real quality) 2
cans for 25c. '
-,,.....' ' '
HEBE MILK, 3 'cns
for 25c.
large jar 21c. Real
Free Delivery to any part of the City.'
DeForest Cash Grocery
Phone 212. 1001 No. Locust.
Friday and Saturday Night. 10c Dance.
Feature Nights 'Good Music 9:00'
leon, president; Mrs. James T. (oxtondd. to.; the .N,orth I?;atto,.Amor-
L, Lincoln, .vicc-prosldont; Mrs, Ii.. , lean .Loslon ,and Amwican Legion
D.. Kingsbury, Grand -Island, record-, Auxiliary to attbild in a body, Mrs.
ing'Hccrotary; Mrs. W. E. Mlnlor, i Penney was state "prosidonb of the
Oakland, corrosporiding secretary; Auxiliary .until very recently;'!
Mrs. Paul C. Porrymari, Ordj" troas- j Tho officorrt headiiuartors-will bo
uror and Mrs. S. C. S.ton'pr, S'oWahl. jin "tho ' McCabo Hotel' whoro ' tlio' er
Ayflltor. ' ' ecu'Hvo hoard 'will moot on Monday
Tho Presidents address by .Mrs. jovpnlnu for filial confererico boforo
Edgar B. Ponnoy will como on Wed-1 thp cqnvontlqn boglns. All sessions
nesday evening and it has been,, an- jarc open to tho public and men as
nounced that an Invitation will bet well as womon nro invited.
' ' "ti ' j J i
r fX-fr-tX'A in hrown, black mi patent with Mil-
7ftJ. prices of S3, 3.5QJSw$6?Pp....u , v J(!-
irnjyc 10 paients, saline, w$
HSjtiunibiMHtions all-. of -the
lateit paUern8ft $6 up. 7i
i 4. AYjeiljeaura Style wilhbut Extravairaftc. ' t1'"
n1 s
- Saturday and Monday Special
Men's Heavy Weight -
Fine ribbed cotton,'
Perfect Fitting '""
j.i 1 ii
I !J& II
suit : J '
Size 06 to46.,. .
Mnl llmii' 9 m'li In a
. Customer. WM
,ivt f'-.U '''rt i'l'i winw" 'I'
Colors: black, 'tvhitc, navy, i,jk
)rown, grey.
!'jjnt.'.!'i '.l3:
i w m J. .-..j .......
www m m m m rw of yra ni.i. t :..i c.a j-"
fSS: ..tftli Bia YaliiQJ .
IIP n'ojRr'1-,l'
S' 'Ml!
t,ltr.'iA ; I'.' l.n l'uiv
tfllhy. I A' 51'Hl l.)ift ,"i"tU
-7 ttvm'Vi v lfiht.'rtcm'
-i r r 1 1 ... I ft li.lH AlSiWofiMl! fflt
ol flnh alitWuX mi; ijw1
Corner lpront and Dowoy'
-l tM '