Won, (Tribune. TUESDAY and FJtLDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 3, 1922. No. 77 Jsemx t SHORT STORIES OF PE0PLEJ1 THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT HE CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY The Story Of Good Old Indian Summer The board of education meeting which was to havo been hold last evening was postponed to this ovenlng on account of so many other meetings being hold last night. Clyde Wuxrol Cupp.l, of North, Platto and Mrs. Alllo Reives, 24, of Paxton were granted a llcenso to wed yesterday and then Judgo Woodhurst tied the knot. They will llvo here. ThoSunday Lincoln Star show's a plcturo of twelve husky candidates forthe Nebraska team and ono of them is Junior Hinman for quartor back. Junior is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. York Hinman of this city. This ia his second year at the Univorslty. During September, 1922, seventeen marriago licenses wore Issued by Judgo Woodhurst. This compares rather unfavorably with twcnty-tlreo licenses which were Issued during September a year ago. However that might depend on how you look a: it. Melvln Simpson arrived hero Wed nesday and took over tho blcyclo and .motorcycle business formerly con ducted by John Null. Mr. Simpson is a skilled mechanic. Ho Bpent on winter hero In employ of Mr. Null and knows something of tho locai conditions. He plans to make tho shop on front street meet every need of the cyclist and by giving servico he expects to earn a place in tho bus iness life of North Platte. THE NAME OF THE RIG MUSICAI COMEDY AT THE KEITH IS EVE ACTIVITIES OF THE MAN ORGAnIZAT QMS I1EING DONE HIT THE DIFFERENT LODGES AND SOCIETIES LOCAL CLUB TO ENTERTAIN FOOT BALL OFFICIALS AND PLAYERS Coach Schulte of the University ot Nebraska Extension Department was in North Platte Saturday and hold a school ot instruction for foot ball officials. Tho sessions were held in tho high school. Coaches and of ficials were here from Ogalalla, Lex ington, Gothenburg and Chappell. The day wa spent in going over the football rules and giving those wno will have the working out of the rules a clear understanding of their intention. Tho day was considered vory profitable by those, who attend ed. , The September number of Tho Bulletin, tho official organ of tho Ne braska Federation of Women's clubs has a full page of illustrations of North Platte, the Hostess City aB they call it. In one place tho state presl- The Klwanls club will be host to tho members of the 1922 football squad, their coaches and officials and the men of the high school faculty at a" dinner to bo given this ovenintr at tho Timmerman Vine yard. Several short addresses will be !. given and tho football situation clear-1 ed for the roputition of the successes of last year. - - DOPE ON THE FOOT BALL SITUATION 'NEBRASKA SENATOR TOURING IN NEBRASKA TO SPEAK HERE Announcement wns rocoived hero this morning that Sonator Gilbert M. I Hitchcock will speak In North Platto PROSPECTS FOR MAKING GOOD jat 8 m- on Tucaday 0ctobf, 17' : announcement docs not tell of tho 'placo of mooting but it will bo an nounced later. Thoro has boon much I discussion ns to tho Bupport to bo j given Sonator Hitchcock In his cam firfilgn for re-election on account of his SHOWING IS STILL UNCHANGED Tho local football squad went to atand on cortalti mattors of groat im- dent, Mrs. Edar B. Penny, snys North Cozad last Friday and played a gamo p0rtarico and it is oxpected that ho Platte has a charm ot its own." Its , full ot straight football with a final rwlll discuss theso mattors and mako historical name and setting. Tho well j score of 44 to 0 in Its favor. This Xa stand plnln. known hospitality and progressive was noc mo mg scoro wnicn was spirit of its people. We wero cor- ( made last year but no such effort was dially invited and will, receive a attempted. Tho coaches wero satisfied warm welcome and snend tho convon-! 'with giving tho regulars and substi- .10HN THOMAS SHAW tlon days in pleasant surroundings tiltes a good trying out and confined and profitable ways. the gamo to straight football. Next Friday the team meets tho Lexington Was born May 22, 1849 at Clear Held, Pa. and died at North Platto Sept. 29, 1922 at tho age of 73 years, 3 months and 7 days. At tho CHATS WITH YOUR GAS MAIN Do vou know that the (immint of Kas used during tho year 1920 was moro than dou ble tho amount used in 1910 and moro than threo times the amount used In 1900? There are In uso In this coun try today six million seven hundred thousand gas ranges, ono million four hundred thou sand wator heaters, fcnd tn million incandescent gas burn ers, excluslvo ot arc lamps or Btrcct lamps. The gas companies havo on their books nino million cus tomers, and tho number of per sons who uso gfi service for cooking their meals and light ing and heating thoir homes and places of business aggre gate forty-flvo millions. There aro 70,000 miles ot gas mains in tho United States, or nearly enough to cnclrclo tho world threo times. Tho gas industry Is perform ing an Important sorvlco to tho people of this country. If you aro not making uso ot this ser vice, wo will gladly toll you how you can do so to your ad vantage. North Platte Light & Power Co. The Star Clothing House will com- ,,ova l0ro fln,i ,t is uncnrtnln 1nt wl.nt aE of tcn no movcd wlth hls Parents plete this week tho remodeling and thoy will bo up against as the visitors t0 IUInolB flrst to Rock Qrovo and' redecorating of tho storo room which , hnvo not uncovored anything yet. ""orwnrus lor many years ai win it has occupied for so many years. Bayard won from Scottsbluff by a Blow and vlcinlt'- 110 was niarrloa A basement has been ndded and a hot 41 to c score Thla lcavcg Bayard in A"Bst 30, 1882 to Miss Phidolla water heating plant will be Installed. tho raco for the weslcrn ond of the tiuiou, a cnuunoou scuooi cnum anu A separate department foi? boys cloth- Btato Iu tho B0Uthwcst McCook. do- to thls unlon woro born two chlldron fng has been prepared and will bo fento(1 Bonkloman by tno same score a Bon and ft daughter. Five years fitted up on purpose for this trade. that Nortu pmtto defeated Cozad, 44 to ag0 Mr and Mrs Snaw m0VC(1 to Now wall cases havo been built and , q. Tho'' Lincoln Star says Snyder, Colorado whore about a year ago ho improvements made In tho ofilco I ,Wavol and Nelson played tho star 110 uccamo 111 aI1(l thoy wont to Wis- whlch when completed will make tho I gamo for McCook with Modrol and cont)ln 111 tll llP of regaining his storo moro up-to-date and help it to , captain Burnott out of the game. Lin- llt'alth. When their expectations did maintain its position 'as ono of tho 'cojn won ovor promont by a G to 0 not materialize they decided to go greater of tho men's stores in west-scor0i maidng it necessary for North baclt to Colorado. Thoy got as far em Nebraska. jpiatto to defeat Fremont by -a still as North Platto when Mr. Shawns - - l larger scoro in order that it may condition became so serious that thoy v, :s r.oX ni'r,!'' - - - u- ."- r , "r l 'r " " T t i " a a m ti t m olttnrk iitmln f linlM I rvvt r lilt nfnn ijiucuin. jru oeieaieu uenirni jiiy i)yia",v-u muuu wun uumu mm in. a 25 to 9 score, taking the Joy out ot Shaw's sister, Mrs. Ida Potors. Mr. Manager Hawloy has announcod tho engagement ot tho Georgo B Wintz compnny, vroducing tha musical com-, ody "Evo" for Monday, October 9 at WHAT IS tho Kolth. Tliis company Includes two favorites with North Platto nudloncos, Miss Nyra Brown and Johnny Gotz. ThiFo pioplo nppoarcd horn last year in "Listen Irono" and wero vory well received. Tho nilttinnn rnnn nnvn I PRESBYTERIAN "Tho Mirror Ball ls considered tlin I Ladlcs ad will hold a food solo Sat lilethord ot an- cloctricnl effect ovor j urday at Rrodbocks Moat Market, seen on tho stago. Tho big orchestra Tho Ba, w,u atart nt 11 o'clock, and musical numbers will mako you pnESBYTERIAN V sii'.mmy -ii.d wmstlo or buy a mouth! n,,,n n. J.T, f lintp upon reaching home. La Zaskla, t'.i cuUcnn oxponlnot of porennial ! moot at tho homo of Mrs. Anna How- Inrfl .,l'n r Vine Wrl.lnw OKlnhni. (t dnncors such ns wltnossed by Roman i ' Emporor or Cleopatra's Barge, a COUNTRY CLUB flirtation walk of IB rows Into tho Tho mombcrs of tho Country Club audionco whoro n closor viow enn be will closo tho social Boason for the had, as tho heavenly Hoautios prom- year with a danco Friday ovonlng. inndo and show thoir lingorio stollor Music will bo furnished by tho DancV DoLuxo In a flopd of facinnting, filmy feminine and vorltnblo sea of dainty, luxurious, lacy garments which dnz- zlo tho oyo and toed tho brain with momorlos of such a night. Tho daz zling Bubble offoct which Is positively tho grontost offoct ovor produced will bo shown, also othor sconory which Is opoliciont In spangles and tinsel and a wedding scono which ovory girl will try to copy on thoir botrothnl day. Such aro tho roports on "Eve". :o: LOCAL AND PERSONAL land ontortalnors. PRESBYTERIAN Church holpors will meet Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock in tho church parlors. Those on tho ontortalnmebt commltteo aro Mosflamos Burke, Baker, Hoagland and Johnson. SUNSET SOCIAL Tho Sunset Social will bo hold at tho Methodist church Wednosday noon at 12 o'clock. Dinner will bo Bbrvca by the Indies of tho Catholic chuieh. Every porpon over 70 years of ago in i urgently Invited. Clinton's for Spectacles. Stonsvnd, 1 car livo poultry to San Francisco. E. V. Coopor transacted business l?"wl"B J,,aCfC0B! ,b, f0Up' m rwiinin . wr,mv. iPoase(103, So. Willow, Ann 1 ... " 13 . . O. L. Jenkins spent tho wook ond in Tryon visiting with redatives. Harry Younghnns spent last wook In Gothenburg transacting business. Mrs. Bertha PIUb of Tryon shop ped In tho city Saturday. O. D. Weodman was a business visitor iu tho city Saturday. Joo Tridlo ot Paxton visited with frlonds in' tho city Thursday. Mrs. Clras. Holvorson of Valyrang Bhoppod in tho city Saturday. BAPTIST Groups will moot Thursday at tho Mrs. Hazel - tine, in the church and ontortalned by Mrs. A. II. Jones and Mrs. Bainer Qucon Esther Group. Mrs. Saunders, 315 West 7th. :o: COUNTRY CLUB STOCKIIOLDSRS . ' ELECT DIRECTORS FOB NEXT TEAR The stockholders of tho North Platto Country Club mot last ovonlng in tho Elk's Homo and had a banquot with nbout fifty at tho tablos. Following tho dinnor, roports ot tho officora Mrs. R. P. Motcaif was a businoss ' woro mndo and nocoptofl. Theso show visitor in tho city last wook. tho club to ho In good flnnnclal ooa- Mlss Audra Adams has resigned her ,d,t,on m sl),to of rather largo oxpon position with tho telephone compnny. Ht"ro3 for pormnnent Improvomento Miss Mario Stuart has resigned hor nnd oqulpmont. Tho threo mombors position at tho tolophono office to j oloctod to tho board of directors woro tako effect Oct. 1C. M E- Scott, Horton Mungor and Wm. m v ti'ii.. r.n..m.. ! Hawloy. It Is probablo that tho board its guest and principal speaker the fllafrtnf crnvnrnnr nf T?ntnrv Pnill of Dubuao. Iowa. He spoko on tho sma11 BCOro wl,on tho locals fac0 Slmw Wna t-'OI1V0rted ln Illlno,s' forty work of Rotary and paid high com pliments to tho local club an Its sing ing and tho genoral spirit of co-op-oration which ho found here. W. L. Park was also a guest at tho dlnnel and mado a short address tolling ot tho progress mado by North Platte and of its future. Dr. Conlin of Omaha and W. W. Burr ot Lincoln woro also guests. Tho Danceland En tertainers we're present and gavo a number of selections. Two of tho mombors of this orgagnizatlon aro sons ot Rotarlan Ed DIckoy. tho Contral City boys. Gothenburg yearB ago at a United Presbyterian I loft Mason City with tho Bhort ond rovlval. Eight wooks ago ho rcnew- of a 20 to 0 gamo which gives It a cd his covenant with his God and sot clear Hold to tho pennant so far. , his heart right once moro. Ho was South Omaha High has only played a kind and loving husband, a con an alumni game when It was do- sldcrato father and a good provider foatod 19 to 0, so there ls no ddpo on for tho family. Those who mourn camo tho last of tho week. Sho accom panied hor father homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Vosoipka loft tho last of tho wook for Bridgeport, to visit with relatives for a fow days. ' Harry I. Block loft 'Sundfiy for Columbus whoro ho will accompany Mrs. Block and children homo. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McIIatton ot Chappoll woro business visitors in tho city yestorday. will moot on noxt Friday ovonlng for tho annual oloctlon of offlcors. -:o:- Bcobo tho candidato for U. S. Sonata will speak at tho Court hoitso yar4 Monday October 9 at 8 p. m. Bo sura to hoar him. F. L. Moonoy loft tho last of tho wook for Now York and othor oastorn points. Ho will nttond tho sessions ot tho American Bankers Association while ln Now York. Its strength yet. :o:- LUTIIERANS HOLD ANNUAL CON GREGATIONAL MEETING AND SUPPER Tho mombors of tho Lutheran his death aro his wife, Mrs. John Shaw; his son, Asa Shaw ot Chaplin, Iowa; his daughter, Mrs. H. S. Reasonor of Joos, Colorado, a dau ghter by a former mnrrlago, Mrs. John L. Smith of Madison, South Dakota, six grand children and throo great-grand children. Ho also loaves During this month tho peoplo of North Platto aro going to havo tho church hollf fTrinlr nnrmnl rnnprnim. tinimi montm. nn nnor J .,ft!a Mother, Frank Shaw of DesMoinca ..... --o -i v j vw Church basement lt nvnnfn.. Rnnil0Wa and a Blstor. Mrs L' C' YoUnS opportunity of being host to two largo ,waa 6ervcd by tho La(llca Aid to 170 ;of Hurbank, California. conventions. Tho district Teachers guests. After supper a business! :o: convention opens October 11 and tho meoUng waB hoId at whlch tlmo r.0 'All Aboard" tho musical comedy State Federation of Woman's clubs ' tH of thn vftrfn,IB ,.WM, nrpnn I Given undor tho auBpIcca ot tho meets hero October 24. All tho hotels ; Izatlona woro glvcni A ,ntorost North Platto Woman's club drew a and rcspcctablo rooming houses in tho ; lng (ajk was gIyon b noy w K , good houso Friday ovening and was city could not supply accomodations ' KahB. Svn0flInft, mlBfllnn ' nT' ih' to havo been produced with a Jor tho peoplo who aro expected at NobraBka Snyod At thIa tlmo n i smoothness which ls not usually eunor ot uitu KuiuunuHn u"u Bunnol was appointed Elder, Chas. citizens are asked to opeMholr homos iLork and nurbort to tho delegates. Tho Chamber of poInted Doacong tQ fQr R Commerce of Ice Is tho clearing houso of thrco for such information and it those closod wU who can arrango to tako ono or moro ; t ot the doloates for sleeping will leti '' the secretary of tho Chamber ot Com- M, 3 Edna NoIlson ot Lexington morco know, it will bo an accomo-, BI)oni aunHny io city visiting at Tho Alpha Dolphlan Society will datlon to ovoryono concorned and tuo NoBlcy homo. ,ncot this ovonlng in tho Franklin characteristic of such productions. Tho proceeds will bo used to defray tho oxponsos of tho stato convontlon of tho Woman's clubs which ls to bo hold hcrro this mouth and any balanco remaining will bo put Into 'tho per manent homo fund of tho club. :o: too guests will bo well taken caro ot Mrs. Georgo Zentmoyor nnd children :o: ot Las Vegas, Novada aro visitinp Clinton's for Eyo Glasses. at tho John Strahorn homo. building Tho subject is tho Second Lesson for tho flrst month with MrB. Harold Blalock as leader. The HOBART M. CABLE SMALL GRAND FIVE FF.ET IN LENGTH IT is no reflection upon the upright piano to prefer the grand. The larger sounding board area permits greater tone volume, moreover, unlimited vibrating space, gives a frcq and un restricted "grand" quality to the tone. The colorful tone of the Hobart M. Cable upright rises to supreme heights of musical richness in the small grand. In all but size, it is a concert grand, while the simple beauty of case design, in art mahogany, makes com pelling appeal to the cultivated taste. Occupies same space. Costs same as good upright. DIXON MUSIC SHOP THE ONE PRICE HOUSE 1