The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 29, 1922, Image 2

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By Opie Read
Illustrated by
R H. Livingstone
Copyright, Ttai DtU SjadlciU, Ine.
OIArTRIl I-Tlie time In tlio Into "COs
or early '70s nnd the ncno a nteambuat
on the Mississippi river. All the Hypos
of tlio period are present unil the lloat
lnK palace In dlHtlnRUlslicd by merriment,
dancing nnd gallantry. There are the
customary drinking und gambling also.
Vtritn Drace, a younB northern man, Is
on his way south on a mission of revenue.
IIo meetn an eccentric chnracter In tlio
pernon or one uiocrty mioiiie, wno is
constantly tempting tlio goddess of
chance. They form a singular compact j
CHAPTER ll.-Drucc gets hlu Jfilnj off i
lils mission by entering Into deck sports
In which ho exhibits an unusual athlella
prowess. Liberty Shottlo Is ugatn un
lucky at cards and attempts a financial .
negotiation with Draco. The latter, see
Ing nn opportunity to use Bhottle, con
lidiH to him that his mission Is to find
a. certain ox-guerrilla, Btepho la Vltte,
who liail murdered Draco'B father. It Is
lilo determination announced to his new
chum, to hang La Vltto as high as
Human. Drace has become enamored
of u mysterious beauty aboard the boat
CHAPTER HI, Continued.
"Oil, you'll find drama enough here
that hnsn't been rehenrsed," said
Shottlo iih they turned townrd the old
St, Chnrles.
"They appear to have set the stage
for us." Draco answered him, wonder
ing If ever ngnln lie should find the
girl with the torch of roses!
In connecting roorao and amidst the
luxury of old French furnishings they
were quartered.
Leaving Draco writing n letter, Shot.
Uo went out, but ho soon returned with
more of light than usually beamed
from the sad stretch of his counte
nance. I
"Well, sir," he cried with astonish
ing enthusiasm, "1 want to tell you
that life Is not composed entirely of
Ingratitude. Last year when I wbh
down hero 1 saw an old fellow about
to get Into trouble with a Mexican
roustabout on the levee, I wasn't In
any particular hurry, so I stopped,
took up a piece of scantling und
knocked the Mexican down, It was no
particular trouble on my part, but the
old man took It as a favor and urged
me to eat dinner with him, which I
did, being broke at the time. Now
what does he do? T met him out there,
nnd ho gives me two tickets for tho
French ball at the St. Louis tonight."
"All right 5 we'll take It lit"
"1 should say we will I Why, there'll
likely to be a half dozen duels nr
ranged for. Wo enn see tllem burst
ing Into bloom, Hut you'll have to
liven up, you know. You are Just a
trifle stern, It strikes me. There Is
too much of of your mission showing
In your face. I dfin't know of any
thing better calculated to correct It
than nn hour at the roulette wheel.
Suppose we go over and give It ,a
. "Hope springs Infernal In tho human
breast," Draco paraphrased the poet.
"Just as well curb yourself, old fel
low. I'm not going Jo feed your pas
sion." A tap at the door and Colonol Josh
announced himself from the outside.
Invited to enter, he came In with n
sweeping bow, his beard and mustache
wnxed, his hair darkened with dye, sought out Drace, whom he found pac
glvlng to It a tinge of blue. He bore, j ng up nnd down Impatiently.
and with ceremonious hesitancy, nn .
Invitation from Miss Lucy. She was
at the delightful old home of a rela
tive where choice guests would as
semble that evening to henr Prof. L.
Bannock Pettlgrew read a paper on
the origin and character of tho an
cient Scythians.
"1m very sorry, Colonel," Drace
cheerfully lied, "but we have another
' Tho Colonel gleefully replied that
ho was put Into n position of deep re
gret. He knew that Captain Draco,
would so much enjoy the professor;
hla paper would not tako up more than
three hours of tho evening. He would
Impart to Mlus Lucy that Captain
Drace found It Impossible to come. The
Captain assured him that such was
tho true situation and brightening, the
Colouel gladdened himself out of the
The ballroom which Drace entered
that night was as fantastic as a gyp
ny'e vision. It seemed that all civiliza
tion had lifted the lids of Its worm
eaten chests to array In whlmslc re
minder of Its former self. There was
evident poverty mnklng Itself neat In
old linen, nnd war victims proud In
threadbare coats. In rags there Is his
tory, but no ancestry attached to cloth
fresh from the mill, No uii' lendly
eye was supposed to look t i this
gathering, iio' antagonistic politics per
mitted to view It. Tho walls were
draped In the colore of France, and
enshrined In a corner was a Confed
erate banner, Its' staff splintered, Its
folds darkened with sacred blood.
As Shottlo no longer held the hope
of raising a speculative tablo-stnke, he
bent himself to tlio less Interesting life
ef tho dance. But not without mis
hap I Tho floor was smooth with wax
from the, cndu o. mnrrlPCT-aHar gji-
I dies; and Liberty's feet, more accus
tomed to the rough matting, and
1 ragged enrpets of the gambling-room,
1 flow from under him. Catching right
' and left In his fall, ho came. down with
a bit of lace In one hnnd and a comb
In the other, while women shrieked
i at the devastations he had wrought,
grouping about the soverest sufferer
to screen her Into a retiring-room.
"That's what comes to a horse that
' wanders from his stable-lot out on tho
frozen pond," said Shuttle as Drace
; camp up to laugh at him.
"You've made a rip In the skirt of
the ball sure enough," Drace replied,
taking htm by the arm. And then
suddenly he halted, for ho caught
sight of a girl coming townrd him. A
moment before, there had been nu
merous young women In the room, but
now there was only one the barbaric
rose maid, the girl who had touched !
h's heart with a torch.
With her walked a tall, handsome 1
and well-dressed young mnn. Her hand
rested upon his arm, and she seemed I
to listen with pleasure to his evident- :
ly nrdent wooing. She looked at
Drace, one glance, and then turned
her eyes back to her cavalier and
pnssed on. And a flame of Jealousy '
was added to the turmoil that already
held possession of him.
"Who Is she, Shottle?" demanded
"I don't know, but I'll find out.
Lord, but she Is n fctchcr."
He moved off, dodging the dancers
hce and there, while Drace sat alone
In a window, waiting. '
The orchestra struck up the supper
march, and Shottle, stnlklng his prey,
snwHlie lady who had so excited
Draco's Interest seated with her cava
lier In -an alcove nnd supping daintily.
Possessing Himself ef a Plate and a
Goodly Portion of Chicken, Shottle
Returned and Brazenly Seated Him
Self Near Them.
Possessing hlmsolf of, a plate and a
goodly portion of chicken, Shottle re
turned and brazenly seated himself
near them, listening with till his cars.
"Nndlne," the cavnller was saying,
"you wrong mo In thinking I peek to
Influence you through my friendship
with your fntlicr. It Is true he owes
me much ; and It Is true thnt If I were
to become n member of his family I
would forget that. But I want to make
you care for me for myself. If "
"Hush, Mr. Boyce," said the girl.
"There are people near this in no
place to discuss such things."
' Tho young man lowered his voice,
nnd Shottlo could hear no more. He
calmly finished his chicken nnd then
''Well?" demanded Drace,
"His nnme," nnnounced Shottle. "Is
Boyce. Frederick Boyce, probably,
or maybe John. It would be John, Td
"Hang his name!" exclaimed Drace.
"Did you find out hers?"
"Nndlne," replied Shottlo with a
triumphant air.
"Nndlne." repented Drace, and ca
ressed tho name with his Hps. "Btot
what's her last name?"
"Brown probably, or maybe Jones.
Or It might even be'Smlth."
Draco scowled his wrath nt such
flippancy. "Look here. Lib," he said.
"I'll give you twenty-fivo dollars to
tlnd out her full numo und where sho
lives. I'll' give you a hundred If you'll
find somebody who'll Introduce mo to
"It's u bet," said Shottlo. "But I
must warn you you'ro late. Boyce
wants her to marry him, and ho'a got
a hold on her father. Hut sho stood
him off."
"Il'm sho stood him oft? My offer
stands, Lib. Sho couldn't possibly
throw herself away ou a low-looking
fellow like thnt."
Shottlw asked for the twenty-flvo In
advance, was denied nnd took himself
off, grumbling. IIo found Boyco and
tho girl called Nadlne Just leaving tho
little ulcove, and stopped them, bow
ing low. "Sir," he said, addressing
Boyco, "I have been directed to In
form this lndy that sho has been
awarded a prize as tho best waltzer
In tho room. If you will ho so good
as to glvo mo her name nnd address
In order thnt It may bo delivered to
Boyco regarded Shottlo suspiciously.
"Well 1" ho exclaimed. "I didn't know
they did thnt sort ot thing here. What
Is the, prlaa and who. la slvlns ill"
f j m ?
"Tho prize." replied Shottle blnhdly, Journey on foot. May, I have the pfeas
"Is a turkey. It Is given by the tire of walking with you?"
by a lending butcher of tho town.". , This suggestion, however, Boyce de-
Koyce laughed, and the girl added cllned. And although Draco Insisted
her silver merriment. "I'm sure I'm , as far as the bounds of courtesy would
llnttercd," she said. "The name Is
Nadlne la Vltte, and the address"
She broke off, and flushed n little.
S'hottle's Jaw had dropped; then he.
gulped with an extraordinary contor-;
tlon of his face In the endeavor to
mask his astonishment. "And the ad
dress?" he pursued. i
The girl and Boyce exchnnged a
troubled look. "I think," Interposed
Boyco, "It would be better to take the
the fowl home tonight. Perhaps you
would be good enough to deliver It to
our carriage. It Is ordered for one i
o'clock--Nuniler 207." Bowing with
pelican grace, Shottle departed, but
he delayed some ten minutes In dnrlc
thought before he sought Drace again.
For Shottle wanted the hundred dol
lars, and If he were to tell Drace that
her name was La Vltte! Could It bo
possible that she was Stepho's daugh
ter? He presented himself before Draco
at length. "Mnster," he announced,
"her nnme Is Nndlne Brown nnd her
nddress Is Carriage Number 2$7."
"Carriage Number Two But that
Is no address. And "
"Listen, Mnster," went on Shottle
hurriedly. "I hnvc a scheme a magni
ficent scheme. Not only shnll you be i
Introduced to this lndy, but you sjinll
be presented to her In the role of a
protector and rescuer."
"How In the world will you manage
"Very simple. . At ten minutes past !
one, you nro to be standing on Blnnk
street Just beyond the lamp at the
corner of X street. Carriage 207 will
drive past. From out the shadow of
a garden wall two men will spring out j
nnd stop the carriage attempt to rob
this Boyce fellow and that girl. You ,
will rush up with n cane a cane, Vlr-!
gll, no pistol and drive off the rob- j
bers 1 You are a hero the lady thnnks j
you. Tableau I"
"But but " j
"Leave It all to me but give mo
that twenty-llvo dollars. I know fel
lows who'd hold up tho devil himself
for five."
At ten minutes pnst one o'clock Vir
gil Drace was standing In the shadow
of a tree near the street-crossing de-
I elded upon, cursing himself for n halr
' brained fool and Shottle for nn nddle
I patcd. rogue. A rattle of wheels came
' to his ears, and a cnb approached him.
As It came under the lamp at the
! corner Virgil was sure he recognized '
the flamingo neck of Liberty Shottle
rising from the turned-up collar of tho
cabby on the box.
"Good Lord!" gasped Drnce. "He's
done It. Pray heaven Boyce curries '
no pistol." . ,
The ,cnb passed him. And .then from
the shndow of a wall a hurftlred yards
or so distant two dark figures darted
out. There came n hoarse command,
a stifled scream, a cry for help. Drace
ran forward and found Boyce, Nndlne
nnd the supposed cabmnn standing
with uplifted hands beside the vehicle
while a masked desperado, threatened
them with a pistol and a second robber
demanded their valuables.
Now Drace played his part right
gallantly, rushing upon the robbers
with uplifted cane. The fellow with
the pistol fired oncc then u blow on
tho wrist from Drake's stick sent tho
weapon flying. The pnln of tho blow
enraged the fellow, however, and as
Draco made at tho second robber, the
first one struck him heavily, momen
tarily dazing hlni. The two supposed
robbers now took to their heels, pur
sued hnlf-heartedly by Cabman Shottlo
and energetically by Boyce, who had
been robbed In good earnest.. And
to complete the melee, the poor cab
horse, frightened by the pistol-shot,
gnlloped off with the ramshnckle ve
hicle lurching behind It.
Nndlne turned to Drnce, her face
lighted with gratitude. She held forth
her hand. With a grace that would
not hnvc mocked a Highlander who,
schooled in France, had followed home
tho Queen of Scots, he bent over It
and" reverently touched It with his
Hps. Wild was her nature, this half
barbaric maid, nnd she snatched her
hand away, but repenting instantly,
smiled and spoke.
"I thank you much. You are bravo,
You are like one on the stnge, the
Her words came freely, and with
Just enough of accent to convince that
they were sweeter than If there were
none. Drace asked her Jf she remem
bered him, nnd her blnck velvet eyes
flashed dark In astonishment.
"How could I when never have I
seen you? You must mistake me.
"I saw you on tho boat, nt tho ball
at tho St. Louis," Drace said. "But
come to think ot It, I know that It
would bo vanity on my part to believe
that you have seen me."
"No, It would not bo vanity," pleas
antly sho contradicted him, shaking
her head, hor cloud of hair. "The
bravo do not be vain, but I did not see
you. I am so sorry. You sorry, too,
Sho laughed, and Drace thought that
never till that moment had he heard
music In Its sweetest purity. Then
Boyco nnd Shottlo returned, panting
Shottle to disappear again In pursuit
of his vunlshed vehicle.
"Sir, I thank you most heartily for
your assistance," said Boyce, grasping
Drace s hand. "My namo Is Boyce '
Rupert Boyce. May I "
"MlneBlr, Is Virgil Draco," respond
ed that young man. "I nm only too
glnd to havo been of help. I'm afraid,
however, you'll have to finish your
permit, both Hoyce nnd the girl evad-,
ed consent. And they left him stand-!
Ing thunderstruck on the street corner ,
for fhe girl hnd said, giving him her
hand again In parting: "I thank you
once more for your help, Mr. Drace. '
I hope I may see you again some time.
My name Is Nadlue la Vltte, and I am
often In New Orleans."
Drace passed an uneasy night, his
mind torn by his suspicion thut Nndlne
la Vltte was the daughter of old Ste- sons Interested In said Estate tako
pho. And when Liberty came to his notice that the Administrator has filed
room next morning, eager for praise ; a final account and report of his ad
nnd reward, the truth came out. Nn- ministration and a petition for final
dine was Indeed the daughter of old 8ettlemont and discharge ns such Ad
Stepbo ; Liberty had overheard enough n,inlstrator and for declaration of
while disguised as the cabman to con- i,rs,lln n,i .ii.trihutlnn of nroceeds
firm that. But where she lived In New
Orleans, Liberty had failed to learn;
he had planned to drive them home,
but the runaway of the cab horse had
sent that plan agley.
Now more than ever was Drace re- -solved
to find where the girl lived, to It
find old Stepho, to What would he j
do when he found them? He was bent ;
on revenge upon his father's murder-1
crs 0,1 sol
ers, on solving the secret of that
burled money; yet he was In love with !cohl cnty, Nebraska,
that arch-scoundrel's daughter. Or The State of Nebraska: To all por
was he? He must find her, mnke sure, sons Interested In said Estate tako
And he said as much to Shottle. ! notice that a petition nas been filed
"There are some things that can't for the probating of sold estate and
be done by mere determination," said ,
Shottle. his mind on filling a flush.
"No, but Judgment ought to be the ,
master and director of determination. ,
I tell you what we'll do. This after-
noon we'll take the French quarter
by streets nnd knock at every door."
That afternoon they set out on their
quest, yut the scheme of knocking nt
every door soon seemed foolish nnd
Impertinent. They decided to halt on
ly In front of habitations that seemed
to Invite Inquiry, consult their In
stinct.;' but ns repeated failure blunts
Instinct dull,' hope became a critic,
without creative adventure, nnd ad
vised a return to the hotel. Then they
thought that night would be a fitter .. , , , , , . .
time. They might catch sight of the ! aU f " B havn cl,a ms an domand,8
girl or Boyce at the theater. ; against tho estate of tho said Rose M.
They went to one. nnd from a stage, Knox' ceased, that tho 17th day ot
box gazed through rented glasses at January, 1923, has bpen sot and ap
evcry face. Not there. They went out. pointed as tho day for tho reception,
walked a short distance, talking not of ! examination, adjustment and allow-
disappointment ut of hope, and
lunurit mi." .i in...... ..uu utuuj
lighted street. Suddenly there broke
the noise of a rising tumult, yells nnd ,
Some One Gave Him an Old Carbine
and Another Gave Drace a Cavalry
gunshots. And over walls and from
dark recesses camo pouring excited
men. Drnco nnd Shottle found thetn-j
solves In the midst of a mob, surging
towhrd nnother mob rushing Into an
opeu spnee whore torches discovered
a bund or executioners hanging some
poor wretch to the limb of n tree,
Where there were no houses, the gar
den walls were too high to offer a
means of escape, nnd as they could not
fight their way back, Drace and Shot
tie were swept onward. Torches
flared, and all sorts of weapons were
revealed In the pitiful yellow light
old muskets, swords, pistols with
brass barrels from ancient Spanish
armories, clubs and pikes that might
havo served Cromwell. Some of the
men looked respectable, others des
perato; they wero of many nationali
ties, all anger-smitten and excited.
"What's it all about?" Draco in
quired of a baro-headed old man who
panted bcsldo him.
"The carpet-bag devils. They hang
a citizen,"
(To Bo CoHtluHod.)
Cast Iron la worth moat
and Brass,
Also Copper
from 7 to 10c. a
I am paying
Ejro Ear Noso and Throat
Glasses fitted accurately
OTcr Dixon's Store
Halllgan, Boatty & Halllgan. Atty.
Estate No. 1854 of Mary Facka, de
ceased In the County Court of Lincoln
bounty, Nebraska.
j Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por-
which have- boen sot for hearing be
foro said court on October 3d, 1922, at
! 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear
and contest tho same.
Dated September 9th, 1922.
Seal County Judge.
stato No mi of A t odlcott
. . . , . . . T.
appointment of Christian Sodlcott as
Administrator of said estate, which
has been set for hearing herein on
October 10th, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated September 16th, 1922.
-n, n n wnnrmnnqT
County Judge.
Win. E. Shuman, Atty.
In the County Court of
County, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Rose M.
Knox, Deceased.
WnMnn la llnrnVil- frlvnn in nn v nml
innco of lawful claims and demands of
im ijursuua, UBUU1ML 8U1U C3UUC UI1U
that tho county Court of Lincoln
Ctmnty Ncbraska, at sal(1 tlrae
nniAlvn n-rntriftin ftrftiiaf nml n11w
all such claims against said estate,
as provided by law, nt tho County
Oourt Room in the Courthouse, in the
City of North Platto, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, and all person's so interested
in said estate, will appear at said
timo and place and duly presont their
said claims and demands in tho manner
I required by law. or show cause for
i v . . I . ...
not so doing, and in case any or said
claims or demands shall not bo pre
sented on or prior to tho said 17th of
, January, 1923, tho same shall be for-
levor barred.
signed this notice and affixed the
seal of said Court this 18th day of
September, 1922.
(SEAL) County Judge
In the District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
( Mearl E. Jacox, Plaintiff,
Jones, wifo ot Joseph T. Jones, de
ceased, her first, real, and truo.namo
unknown, Cora Truo, True, her
husband, his first, real and truo name
unknown, Ed Miller, Miller, his
wifo, hor first, real and truonamo
unknown, "Will Jpnee, Jontyj,
his wifo, her first, real and true namo
unknown, Ward Jones, Jones, his
wife, hor first, real and truo namo un
known, 'Walter Jones, Jones, his
, lf h f,rBt ,jer rcal and trUQ
unknown, Joseph Jones, Jones,
his wifo, her first, real and true namo
unknown, Frank Joncr, Jjones,
his wife, hor first, real and true name
unknown. Flora Stewart, Ste
wart, her husband, his first, real and
trua namo unknown, their respective
heirs, dovlsoes, legatees, and person
al roproscntatlves, all other persons
Interested In tho estate of Joseph T.
Jones, docoasod, and all othor "-"-sons
claiming any Interest of any kind in
tho following described' premises,
to-wit: Tho Southwest Quarter
(SW) ot Section Nino (9), Town
ship Elovon (11), Rongo Twenty-Six
(26), Lincoln County, Nebraska, their
real names unknown, Defendants.
Tho abovo named defendants will
tako notlco that on tho 12th day of
Soptombor, 1922, Moarl E. Jacox, tho
plaintiff, filed his petition In tho
District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobraska, against tho above defend
ants, tho object and prayer of which
Is to quiet tltlo in tho plaintiff to
tho following described premises to
wit: Tho Southwest Quarter (SW)
of Section Nino (9), Township Eleren
(11), Rango Twonty-Slx (2G), Lincoln
County, Nebraska. Tho (plaintiff
prays that tho defendant bo required
to set out their claims and that In the
! ovont they fall to do so that thoy bo
1 forover Iwrred therefrom and that tho
plaintiff be declared owner of Bald
; premises. You nro required to nnswor
tsald petition on or before tho 30th
I day of Octobor 1922.
Dated this 14th day of September,
Mearl E. Jacox, Plaintiff.
By D. E. Harper, His Att'y. ,
J. S. TWINEM, H. D. .
Medlcino and Surgery
Hospital Facilities
Office Phone 183 Residence 283
Choice A No. 1 corn fed steer stoak)
Wo also serve a
from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. for 35c
dr. M. B. STATES
RoomB 6. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bide.
Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phone 1242
Office Phono 241 Res. Phone 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Physlclnn nnd Surgeon
DIagnoss and Treament
Over Union State Bank
Office Phono 296W Houso Phone 2U6R
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offlco 130 Residence 115
Practlco limited to Eye, Ear, Noso and
Offices over McDonald Bank
Phono 356
Farm and Live Stock
Telophone or wire for dites at my
W. T. ritlTCHAHD
Graduato Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex
asslstant .doputy State Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vine Street.
Phones. Hospital 633 Residence 63S
Physician, Obstetrician, .Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
Phones. Office 642 Residence 676
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phone 83 Residence 38
Practlco Limited to Disease ot
Women and Surgery
.Over Rexall Drug Storo
Phones: Office 127. Residence 666
Offlco 340 House 488
Osteopath Physician
Over the Oasis North Platte
Makes or Repairs anything made of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platte, N6b.
Over HiTDChfeld's
Offioe Phono 333 Res. Phoae 1020
Licensed Embalraors
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black 5SS
X-Raj Diagnosis Oxygoa and
Gas Anesthesia for ExtraeOoas.
Ovor Union State Bank
Phono 294J.