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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE ' SEMI-WEEKLY .TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Pabllshcr Entered at the North P.latto, Nobrasko , Poatoftlco tu Second Clasa Mattor. I One SUIlSnilPTION I'ltlCKt -Year, in advanco $1.60 TUESDAY, SKITKM1IEH SOth, 1022 KU1TOJUAL Christ said: "Go yo therefore andi toach nil nations, baptising thorn in tho name of the Fatlior, and of tho Son, and or the Holy Ohost." Mat thow 28:19. Lincoln said: VI must stand by any body that stands right; stand with him whllo ho is right and part with him whon ho is wrong," DON'T MAKE FUN OF THE NEW me a nP THE "ioVNb FELLER TOPA-HE MlfiHT GROW UP AND SHOW V3U IT'S A 6000 ONE1. IlEAYEIt CULTURE A MEANS OK I VVll AND FOREST PRODUCTION Want Ads FOR SALE StovoB. Phone 1117J. room suite. Although tho practicability Of boavor fanning has not boon' fillly demonstrated, the United States Do partmant of Agriculture belleyoB that f rnifllnc boavors for 'tholr fur may develop, under propor.FOR SALE Living control moMuroa, Into a profitable j. Phono 039W. branch of fur farming. With a small beginning tho onturprlo scorns to promise an advance to good returns and oVon great possibilities, A fortllo field for boav- culturo tnnv ho found iln connection wiui Mayor Booker of Gothenburg re turned to his home yostorday nftor transacting business in thV-oity. :o: NOTIC1E STOCK SHIPMENTS The following carloal shipments o livestock wore made from tho North Olatlr, ilntlnn nf tlm Union Pacific dUF ' A IUVVU ovhvm - --- A call 1ms coma to this office for g the w&ejt ondlng eserday clothes for a boy of fifteen nnd a girl 0maha , of six In order that they may attend y school this fall. Anyone having Roy Crawford, 1 car wttlo to So. clothing that can be spared, ploaso Omaha. call tho offico of the County super FOR RENT Furnished Locust St. room. 209 intondent, G02W. -:o:- Tottonhof Hroi. Omaha , 1 car hogs to So. FOR SALE Thorobred White Leg horn coekrols. Dan Kunkol. . REWARD Ton dollars will be paid to a.iy ,,rre i. ,-OK SALE M.J.aUc rnE, o per- who m jmijiiiH i" mi, .v- .,. . r.n i. 071 l.riflintr to the arrest of tho parvus .nnlfnra nf luirnofl or CUt-OVOr UlllD- " iun.uu at uuuu. u.m yuuMu - vwli-i wi. -' FOR SALE Radiant Hard Cool humor, No. 7. 714 W. 6UV-Phone 498W. - Turn to nnothor pago nnd read tho letter by Mrs. Axtoll on What Is tho matter with North Platte as a placo In which to raiHo boys. It was tho only editorial rccolvod and Bhows tho mothors of boys in North Platte to bo pretty well satisfied with conditions horc. Now' for tho gins. We will offer a prizo of throe dollars to tho North Platto mothor ot a girl who will wrlto tho best editorial about tho advantages ot North Platto as a iplaco In which to rnlso a girl. Con test closes Wednesday, October 4th. WATCH YOUR SALE DATE orlands. Many of those areas, cleared by ax or Ilro and later covered with n second' growth ot aspen, willow, nnil nln ohorrv. aro for the tlmo con sidered almost worthless. Over WANTED Competent girl or woman jnuch of the northern border of tho for gcnornl housework. Apply at United Statos and still larger areas C20 W. Fourth. Mrs. Geo. 13. Dent. dt'.it.royinK fril,t ,inrt yard. Fred Marti. flowers in ny Frank Fncka. 1 car cattle to South Omaha. J. A. Jackson, I car cattle to So. Omaha. 1 Stensvad, 1 car chickens to San Francisco. Wednesday, Sopt. 27th.-Publlc Sale of Canada whore such land is found of farm stock nnd machinory at Bird wood Station, II. S. Raskins', ownor. Chns. Olson, Auctioneer. : :o: DISTRICT TEACHERS' ASSOCIA v TION INSTEAD OF COUNTY INSTITUTE .... , ..! WANTED Experienced farm hand It is gcnorany unsuuuu i nanum- - turo ami would not pay taxos until Y . month through the winter again covered by valuable forest " 2S- Sutherland, Nobr. tlmbor, but would supply Ideal food ivamted-To contract with nartlps nw.l If afnnlfflfl W Nil ... .... i. ...... Annit l . . 1 . . 1 who win husk u,uuu uusuuis UUIII. fnr hoavors. and If stocked with them could bo mado to yield an ln como whllo tho process of reforest atlon is going on. Tho animals should not bo intro- iiox 254. Sutherland, Neb. FOR RENT Nino room house all modern. Inquire A. O. Kocken, The editor rcgrgota to see John Null remove from this city. John has done a gronl deal for tho boys hero. Ills bicycle- racos , novor aroused much enthusiasm nmong tho auto mobile people but tho youngsters who pedaled wcro his friends. Ho was good hearted, coBldorato, of good hnblts and kind to lils mothor with whom ho lived and who is now probably looking forward to a trip to California to visit him. Such follows arc rather rare thoso days and when they move away they leave a hoo , which Is often not filled very woll. Atr. Campboll of Med ford, Ore- . gori' "was hero Saturday trying to , buy a carload or whltq-faccd cattle of tho hlghoBt breeding for Importa tion to his farms on tho c6nst. Ho ' was unfortunate In not being able to locato most of tho lnrgor breeders Of this part of tho country. Local persons Intorcsted in tho cnttlo In dustry took him out to seo somo of tho breeders but they could, not sup ply him with tho number he required although ho said tho quality wan Just what ho wanted. Ho left' for Cam bridge to Intorvlow tho Mousol Bros. That Is cortalnly a good argumont In favor of pure-bred cnttlo raising. Iten with rat pocket-books don't, travol from Oregon to Nortli Plattd to buv scrub cattlo. It Is too bad at my farm. North Platto. rVintiitr Cfittnr-ltitmiflrktit Allnnn ft. Cochran lias announced thcro will bo ducod uncontrolled' into plncos whero L.O W. Sixth Stxoot. no County toachors' instituto hero their activities mny menace irriga- FQR SALE200 ,m KanrC(1 wheat, $1 thin vimr hut. Mint th niontlnc ot tho tion or power ditches, important r, at a - - -- , . itL LllJ .J. UlUhhf w. v. Fourth District of tho Stato Teach- road or rauroau grniies, or itSiiuii- . i.ii. ii 1 lt 1 nn1 dlatrlnla A Bllitalllft fnOll SU11- UrH iVHUUIIUlUIl Will UIKU 11H IJllHiU. . . Sho Bays ovory teachor in tho county ply and permanent water should bo FOR SALE Three boars, thorough- Will bo required to attend. A splcn-t assured. . bred Poland,-Chlnas. 7 montns old. did program has boon proparcd for '' ' weigh 250 pounUs. $iu eacn it taiten tho session which extends from Oc- Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Rathman tc- quiciC( Mac Weslphall, phono 785F21. tobor 11 to 14 ' turned tho last of tho week .from - FOUNDTwo hogs. 7 miles north- JVefe Voa, " llS'THE. DAYS OF BUFFALO BILL" SUN THEATRE, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 29 and 30. hTh T r in linn 1 r li li n - When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace' Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar man wont on to St. Paul, Mlrin. whoro ho will attend a twj-wock's Bosslon of tho buyers tor tho J. C. Penny stores cast or town on the Henry Ruhga rarm. Owner Inquire or D. Kelso. Describe same and pay damages. Everything reasonable. Station. first class ami prlcea Opposite Union Pacific FOR SALE Native red cqdar 'and used lumber nt old stock yards, Mnrfh Plnttn. Rfo ("Snnn Hrook or' Mr. Koestor! tho stato Game War- Harold R. Burke. First National Bank don passed through the cjty Satur- of North Platte. day with a car of pheasants which ho will distribute over the north- FOR SALE Onions. $1.50 per. bu. western part or tho stato. " Will keep through, winter. Also Miss Bornodotta Connor or Omaha cabbnge, 8 miles west ot town, mile will arrive tho latter part or tho 1 north or Lincoln highway. mile week and will spend a row days vis- from Platto Valley school house. K. itlng at the .1. F. Schwalgor home. Nabeta & Ogata. A. T. Brown left yesterday for Kearney whoro ho will transact business for a few days. :o: UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE... , NOTICE TO WATER CON- ;' SUMERS DISTRICT B. LOST Ten pound pail Butternut Coffee betweon West End Grocery, ;East on 5th to Locust, to North I Platto Floral Co. Finder plcaso re turn to N. P. Floral and receive re i ward. Westbound No. 1 4:45 p. n No. 3 1:45 a. m. No. 7 '. l..4:25 p. m Nn ' 11 '; 9.-IU 11 m Lincoln county could not have filled n0 13 a thlB man's bill for If It had thcro 1 n0, 15 :.l Xl2:v40 a. -:o: m. West of Locust Street, between tho . P. & B. & M. Rlght-ot-Avays. , tuo funeral or tho late Orville There aro about one hundred nnd Snortsmau was hold Sunday attor ney water consumers in District B noon f rom the Methodist church, who havo not yet paid tholr water I'rjurial was mado 4n tho local ceme bllls. These bills woro delinquent tory. Sopt. 20th and water Is Doing snut ou V FRIEND IN A Travelers Life, Accident or Health Policy taken out through this agency assures you a friend whose business it is io provide financial assistance in time of trouble. FRIEND NEED The Condolence We Send You Will Pay the Doctor, the Grocer and the Landlord C F T C7 2W1 13 I P B Vkmmm IT! 1I Bam a THE TRAVELERS MAN B. & L. Building. Phone 63 would be other western btiyCrs who would havo hoard or us and who would havo mado similar trips bore to buy or our Burplus. :o: Alw Leo loft yofltordny for Lincoln whore ho will visit for a few days. "AH Aboard"! Tickets on sale at tho Roxitll Drug Storo. Russoll nnd Lestor Lnngford will leave this evening Tor California whoro thoy will attend Lolnnd-Stan-rord University. L. Llpshltz and son loft this morn ing for Columbus and othor points in tho castorn pnrt or tho stato whoro ho will colobrato tho Jewish holidays. ;o; ANNOUNCEMENT We bollovo second hand Ford Cars will become aenrco on account short ago or now cars. Wo havo Bovoral bargains in touring, coupob and so dans. Boo us quick. Ilondy-Oglor Auto Co, No. 17 i 0:25 o. a. ,A inccordlng, to ordinance II you aro m m. No.- 19 .9:l6 No. 53 8:50 a. in. notlco ot this In Nb. 25 , L 7: 00. p. in. ono of thoso and find tho water shut oft don't complain. We havo had tho papors tor Fnstbound Horshoy S. Welch, Wator Commissioner DEMONSTRATION ii:oo No. ...a. 12:20 No.;. 4 No. 8 No. 10 m. m .12:05 p. m. i-V-r2:25 p. in No. 12 11:30 p. ia No. 14 . 0:55 p. in. No. 1G 8:55 a. m No. 18 1:15 p. m No. 20 7:20 p. m No. 54 10:10 p. m. No. 20 5:40 a. m. L, & S. Groceteria VAUDEVILLE SOS- NOTICE Hunting or trespassing on my place Is absolutoly prohibited. C. II. Watts. AT THE KEITH THEATRE Wednesday Only. Act Quickly Do tho right thing at tho right tlmo. Art quickly in tlmo of danger. In tlmo of ltldnoy dangor, Doan'a Kidney Pills nro most offoctlvo. Plenty ot North Platto ovldonco of tholr worth. Mrs. M. E. Wood, 208 E. 8th St, North Platto sayB: "I always havo a word of praiso for Doan's Kldnoy Pills, Thoy havo dono mo a groat deal ot good. I had a vory sovoro attack of kldnoy complaint and sut forcd terribly for awhlo. My back hurt mo bo I couldn't got around nt all. A nolghbor told mo how Doan's Kldnoy Pills had curod hor and I took throo boxes. It waa not long boforo thoy r'ollovod mo, I cannot uralso Doan'B Kidney Pills too high ly after what thoy havo dono for mo." C0o,.at all doalorB. Foator-Mllburn 11 rt 20'Bfl Hi 31 fi ' 1 I -OF THE Natural Flavor, b and Purity -OF Lookout' Flour FllEDDIE lVAIiKEE A Soiik and Danco Comedlon Direct from Broadway. Just Finished Wltll tho I31g AlUSicai vomuuy, mown, uvoim , Pull of Pop and auro to rioaso. HOLE KOMEDY TRIO A Man and Two Woll Dressed Dlonds in Classy Harmony Singing and Comedy. This Act will bo a Favorite with tho Audionco. , KEXG AND HACKLEY mr Tvrn finllnfl "Tim nniifilnrr Demons." ThOY not OUly Danco as Demons, but thoy Sing Equally as. woll. Watch Their Feot Move. ABDIZ ritWCESS l'ARLEE TIUO An Arabian Novolty. Princess Parloo has an Act in a Class by it self and could bo classed as a Headllnor on any Bill. This Act should uo been to uo Appreciaieu. ALSO A GOOD FIVE REEL FEATURE PICTURE WILL BE SHOWN. AT THE- North Platte Light & Power Office OCTOBER 2 & 3 1 MONDAY AND TUESDAY I m 1 . i. .1 .i in -1 - , 4 Everybody Invited Qo. Mfrs., Buffalo, N, Y.