The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1922, Image 7

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Survive and Give Fair Re
turn on Soils Too Thin for
Other Crops.
Care Must Be Exercised In Applying
Material, as Crop Is Subject
to Lodging In Seasons of
Abundant Rainfall.
Since buckwheat Is considered n
"poor land'' crop, It will survive and
often she n fair return on laud too
poor for corn, oats nnd clover, many
farmers have discovered.
Buckwheat requires considerable ni
trogen for its maximum growth. Even
though Its period of growth comes at
the season when the soil Is furnishing
uvnllable nitrogen most rapidly, still
on very poor soils n light application
Buckwheat Is an Excellent Crop for
Poor, Thin Lands, Climatic Condi
tlons Being Favorable.
of farm manure or a little nitrogenous
fertilizer Is desirable. Care Is neces
sary in supplying nitrogenous mate'
rial to buckwheat, however, as the
crop is subject to lodging, particularly
In seasons of abundant rainfall.
Phosphoric Acid Needed.
Like the true cereals, buckwheat re
sponds to a liberal application of phos
phoric acid. This Is particularly true
In New York, since the soils of the
buckwheat section are unlvcrsully de
ficient In phosphorus. It also seems
to respond to potash. This Is to be ex
pected, since the poorest soils have
been drained of their available potash.
While the total supply of potash Is
adequate, soils seeded to buckwheat
are often those which have not been
well treated In the past, and. as n re
sult not only has the organic matter
been depleted, but at the same time
the rate at which the potash becomes
available has been much retarded.
Lime Is not needed, since buckwheat Is
tolerant of soil acidity.
To Fertilize This Season.
Taking all of these factors Into con
sideration as well as fertilizer costs,
the prime essential In the fertilization
of buckwheat this season Is an appli
cation of 200 to 400 pounds to the
acre of acid phosphate, the soils work
ers at the New York State College of
Agriculture say. On very thin soils,
where manure Is not available, In ad-,
dltlon to the acid prosphate 50 to 100
pounds of nitrate of soda or sulphate
of ammonia, and 25 to 50 pounds of
muriate of potash may be used. ,
Horse With Chronic Habit of Nosing
Out Feed Under His Feet Is
Decided Nuisance.
A neighbor once owned a horse with
a chronic habit of nosing most of the
hay out of the manger and under his
feet as soon as It had been thrown
down. An animal with this trnlt Is
both a nuisance and useless expense.
,lfalfa, clover and some other hays
are not so easily removed, but wild hay
can be easily tossed' out. "
This farmer resorted to a simple
means to stop this unnoyance. A green
log about four Inches In diameter wfls
cut short enough to drop 4nt0 t,ie
munger without touching either of the
'eed boxes.
This was supported, when outside,
by two ropes, each tied through the
halter-rope holes and around one end
of the log. After the manger has
been filled the log Is thrown Into It,
onto the hay. There Is plenty of room
for the horse to eat, yet there Is no
possibility of the feed being thrown
out. The device cured the animal
mentioned of his bad habit In about
four weeks.
Crowns of Plant Are Likely to Be
Injured If Hog or Other Stock Is
Turned in Too Soon.
After the alfalfa crop has been cut
or hay, hogs or other stock should
not bo, turned In too soon. The
crowns of the plant are likely to be
Injured If the stock Is given n chance
to eat: the young tender shoots too
closely. Often this close feeding per
manently Injures, or even kills, the
plants. Let It have a good start If you
Intend pasturing. It Is better prac
tice, however, to provide other crops
for pasturage and use the alfalfa for
Many Methods Used to Carry on
Better-Sires Movement.
Steuben County, Indiana, Organized
by Sections by County Agent
Posters Showing Value of Im
proved Sires Were Used.
(Prepared by the United States Department
of Agriculture)
A variety of methods arc being em
ployed to carry on the bettor-sires
campaign which the United States De
partment of Agriculture has been vig
orously promoting In all parts of tho
country. In Steuben county, Indiana,
n livestock survey was taken as tho
first step In this campaign. Under
tho leadership of T. A. Parker, the
county agent, tho county was partially
organized by sections nnd returns
were secured from COO farms, repre
senting one-half of the total number
In the area. As the reports were made
from farms In all parts of the county,
the percentages may be taken us un
The dgurcs show that of the bulls
kept 27 per cent were purebreds, 83
per cent grades, and 40 per cent
scrubs; of the boars kept 20 per cent
were purebreds, 30 per cent grades,
and 44 per cent scrubs; of the rnms
42 per cent were purebreds, 30 per
cent grades, and 22 per cent scrubs.
Twenty-three per cent of the poultry
wns of pure breeding, the remainder
being mixed stock. With these figures
at hand, the general livestock associa
tion of tho county began a purebred
sires cnmpalgn, using posters and lit
erature supplied by the United States
Department of Agriculture, and hold
ing local meetings at which talks,
showing the value of purebred sires,
were given.
Quickest and Most Effective Way of
Getting Rid of Ticks Is Sys
tematic Treatment.
(Prepared by the United Statea Department
of Agriculture.)
"llow long Jo we have to dip?"
Judging from numerous reports re
ceived by the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture the question of
length of dipping Interests the major
ity of live stock owners In areas quar
antined because of cSttle ticks. Tho
department's answer Is "one or sev
eral years, depending on how you dip."
Naturally cattle owners wish to com
plete tick eradication In the shortest
possible time and at least c6st and In
convenience. The experience of the department In
eradicating ticks from half a million
square miles shows conclusively that
regular systematic dipping of all cattle
every 14 days la the quickest means.
Damage Done by Ticks on Young
Failure of even a few cattle owners to
dip all their cattle may undo the ef
forts of their neighbors who bring all
the cattle to the vats on schedule. The
bureau of animal Industry, United
States Department; of Agriculture, will
supply on request full Information for
completing tick eradication In the
shortest time one season when direc
tions nrc faithfully followed.
Effective Methods Being Developed by
Farmers on Milk River Recla
mation Project.
More effective methods of handling
gumbo soils are being developed by
some of the farmers on the Milk River
reclamation project In Montana, saya
the United States Department of Ag
riculture. One conclusion Is that In
Irrigating this kind of noil the water
should be applied frequently and in
small quantities. Much trouble In get
ting crops started may be overcome by
adopting n regular habit of fall plow
ing. The seeding of such soils to ei
ther yellow or white sweet clover in
some cuses Is proving a means of sup
plying humus and for getting grain oi
alfalfn started later.
Detailed Summary of Demonstrations
In Home Management and Ar
rangement Is Given.
Extension agents working with farm
women In 1021 gave 11,000 demonstra
tions In home management and ar
rangement. Results from these dem
onstrations reported to the United
States Department of Agriculture In
cluded 12,500 homes built or remod
eled, according to demonstration sug
gestions, 7,000 kitchens rearranged
(15,000 homes screened, and 5,000 wnt
systems, 4,000 septic tankB. and "
lighting systems Install''
Notable Progress Is Reported In Move
ment to Replace Scrub Bulls
With Purebreds.
(Prepared by the United Statea Department
of Agriculture.)
There Is every renfion to believe that
the replacement of scrub nnd grade
sires by purebreds Is on the Increase
Reports received by the United State
Department of Agriculture from coun
ty agents In various parts of tho coun-"
try show thnt the "Better Sires Bet
ter Stock" movement Is having a
noticeable effect. A recent statement
by M. G. Lewis, county agent of
Rockbridge county, Vn., Is typical of a
large number.
"The purebred bull movement"
Bays Mr. Lewis, "Is progressing rap
Idly. Since January 1, 10 farmers hnvo
disposed of grade or scrub bulls and
are using registered bulls Instead. On
the other hand, there arc no less than
50 men in tho county who still persist
In holding out against the progress
nnd development of the llvo stock In
terests of tho county by keeping Infe
rior grade or scrub bulls. I have n
list of 50 owners of such hulls. Somo
Df these men have grades that nre
fairly good Individuals, while others
have scrubs that are the worst kind
of a disgrace to the community nnd
to tho county.
"The cost of n good registered bull
Is so small now thnt It la a mystery
why any farmer will keep anything
Better Dairying Result Vvnere Sires
Like Tins Are Used.
else. Many records have been kept
during the last few years to prove
out the actual value of a purebred
bull in dollars and cents."
Some of these 'actual figures were
obtained recently by the Department
of Agriculture through nn Inquiry
sent out to more than 500 farmers
throughout the United States. These
men gave it as their opinion thnt In
all kinds of farm stock purebreds have
an earning power more than 40 per
cent better than common stock. It is
noteworthy that in tho case of dairy
cattle, whose productive power can bo
easily measured, purebreds were con
sidered to be 47.8 per cent better than
common cows. The lowest percentage
given for any kind of stock wns 30.8
per cent.
Spraying Furnishes Means of Reliev
ing Cow For the Time and Saves
Temper of Milker.
Tho Irritation of cows caused by
flies not only lcs3ens the milk pro
duced, but, due to the restlessness of
the cows, Is a frequent cause of In
efficient milking.
The fly spray furnishes a means of
relieving tho cow for n tlmo nt least
and of saving the temper of the milk
ers. The following fly repcllant mix
ture Is recommended:
Four nnd one-half quarts of coal tai
dip, 4 quarts of fish oil, 3 quarts of
whale oil, l1 quarts of oil of tar and
ounce of oil of pennyroyal. Dis
solve 3 pounds of luundry soap in
water, add the Ingredients of the spray
and bring the whole up to 30 gallons
with lukewarm water.
This quantity will spray 40 cows
twice a day for 10 days. The spruy
should be upplled In the morning after
milking and In the afternoon when the
cows are In the barn for silage or
green feed.
Dairy Cow Is More Dependable Than
Beef Steer Because Her Prod
ucts Are Steady.
Tho dairy cow Is a more depend
able source of prollt than tho beef
Bteer, because her products are but
slightly nffected by market fluctua
tions nnd because she Is n continu
ous source of revenue, for the cream
or milk checks come In at frequent In
tervals. Then, too, there Is an In
creasing demand for dairy products
and for grade and purebred dairy
Most Profitable Cow.
One good cow Is more profitable than
several poor ones.
Sterilize Milk Utensils.
For the proper sterilization of dnlry
ntnslls an abundance of steam or hot
water Is needed. Immerse them In
boiling water for two minutes, or put
thorn In a tight closet and thoroughly
sterilize with steam for thirty min
utes. Way to Improve Dairy.
Replacing the low-producing cows
with better ones and later with pure
breds Is only one of the ways In which
a dairy improvement association helps
a community.
Zoo Bear Gets Loose,
Crowd Fleos in Panic
Poughkccpsle. Billy, n black
boar, who has been In tho zoo
here for only a few months, es
caped from his cage nnd started
In the general direction of his
former hoie In the Michigan
woods. Children nt play In tho
park saw Billy und scattered,
screaming, In nil directions.
Their yells attracted John
Schnumberger, the keeper,' and
employees of the board of pub
lic works.
Billy finally wns lassoed and
returned to his quarters.
Billy had mado his escnpo
once before, but when his keeper
went to look for him Billy had
been so taken up with watching
n cage full of brightly colored
pheasants that ho had goue no '
Detective, Fired Because of Pris
oner's Escape, Pays Own
Expenses in Chase.
Pittsburgh. Patrick E. Moran, dis
charged detective of tills city, handed
back to cheated justice a prize that
had been sought In the crime centers
of Philadelphia, New York City, and
Paris, Franco, when, In Wllkes-Barre,
Pa., ho caused tho arrest of Itocc
Deplppo, alleged master crlnilnnl,
whose escape caused Moran's dis
missal from tho Pittsburgh force threo
years ago after sensational charges of
graft had been made against him.
When Deplppo escaped, Moran took
up tho chase on his own Initiative,
paid all his own expenses In tracing
the man from city to city, nnd, when
ho had cornered his prize, stepped
aside to enable WIlkes-Barro officers
to make the arrest and claim the re
ward. Moran wanted only to prove
that he had been falsely branded
'when he wns accused of permitting
Deplppo tQ escnpe.
Deplppo faces In Pittsburgh Indict
ment on a total of 38 counts for burg
lary and other charges. Moran's orig
inal warrant wns served on Deplppo
In Cherbourg, France. After being re
turned to Pittsburgh, nnd released on
ball, Deplppo escaped, due, It was
said, to Moran's connivance. Deplppo
now nsserts that he had accomplices,
but they were not connected with the
police department, nnd he absolves
Moran from any assistance In his es
Moran took up the chnso after hit
dismissal, and during Us many turns
Caught Deplppo In Wllkes-Barre.
he traveled through most of the East
ern states, nnd parts of France and
England, He caught Deplppo In
Wllkes-Barre Just as tho famotiH crim
inal was making ready for another
dash to Europe.
Schooner's Crew Fights Four Hours
as Monster Tears Planking
of Vessel, '
Boston, Mass. A four-hour battle
With a 850-pound swordftsh off tho
Georges bank was described by the
crew of the fishing schooner N.voda,
which arrived with the fish and a holo
in her planking as exhibits in support
of tho tale.
Capt. Charles Nelsen, said the mon
ster tore a three-Inch gash In the
schooner's planking a foot above the
water line.
Lightning Sealed Youth's Mouth.
Portland, Me. When lightning
struck a building In which ho was sit
ting, Thomas O. Crocker, wns unable
to open his mouth, his Jaws having be
come rigid. Companions had a hard
tlmo to force open his Jnws. The boy
was well, with the exception of a
headache, when a physician arrived.
Ills companions' quick action saved
Crocker from serious Illness or death,
the doctor snld.
rmiHTirimiHi i I I iiirnTTTimTiTiMnmTtngi I I I 11 I ,. i rrrrnnn.
The Perfect
Made of purest materials
In. modern, sanitary, sun-lit factories
No expense spared to make it
wholesome and full of flavor
Wax-vvrapped and scaled to keep
it good:
WRIGLEY'S is bound to be the
best that can be made!
It's good
arid good for you
aiding digestion
m whitening teeth
clearing breath
Soothing to over
wrought nerves and a
general pick-me-up.
Must Be Well Dressed.
"She wants u now gown."
"What for?"
"She's going to sing ovor tho radio
next week und she couldn't think of
lppcarlng -for all those people In a
gown 8ho hns already worn twice."
Detroit Free Press.
Peculiar1 "Freak" of Nature.
By n curious "freak" of nature, In
sects which are most beautiful when
fully developed, nro ofton tho most
repulsive In tho grub stage.
Just mix Al&bastine with
water cold or hot and
apply to any interior sur
face. The sure result is
beautifully tinted walls in
exactly the color you wish.
AJabastine conies in all
standard colors and these
intermix to form count
less others so that your
decorating taste may be
accurately followed.
tfflL afla
Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper
There's a man in this town who sells KEY OVERALLS.
Ask him to show you salt. Extra quality. Better workmanship. Cotts
ln telling you
'Chew it after
every meaP
Reoord Grain Elevator.
Tho largest grain elevator In the.
world was built at Minneapolis Junc
tion, Minn., In 18SG. The building In
miO feet long, 02 feet wide nnd 17(1
feet high, with a storing capacity fot
2,000,000 bushels of grain.
Marriage in Haste.
"What do you think Is tho cnuso of
so muny unhappy marriages?"
"Too many peoplo nro married be
fore they get sense enough to stnjr
Blnglc." Miami lierald.
None gtnume without
tho CroMi and Circl
printmd in red.
to wear worn, uuy them. II they
full sadsfaction, take them back and
money back or a new pair Freal
To" till fa, DO, Miktn.Kliui tltj. B.