The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1922, Image 5

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I .1 m. I t -A
': YOUR ' :
Sevunty-fivc years apo a
woman of tho inldulo west
wrote to lior cousin in Now
"What do you know about
this new device for making
Are? It consists of small splin
ters of wood with tips of some
substance that bur3ts Into
llamp when rubbed on a rough
surface. If you can send ine
some I shall bo grateful."
A simple request for match
es! Now consider tho conven
iences of today. You turn on
the gas and it Is automatically
ignited; you press a button
and the house is Hooded with
lit;ht; you turn a faucet and
receive pure, cool water; you
lift the telephone receiver and
talk to points thousands of
milos distant, and by -walking
out in front of your house you
may bo transported from tho
city into tho peaco and quiet
of tho country.
All those things aro at the
command of tho ordinary per
son, with an ordinary income,
living fh an ordinary way. Vet
some of us aro trying to find
out what alls the world!
North Platte Light &
Power Co,
'quit and editors do not like that, .
Now if wo wrlto what without
doubt your readers ekpoct will bo
wrltton, it will bo something llko
this in brief ?
Inforce tho liquor, cigarette, cur
fow, and slot machlno laws and or-,
illnrmrpn. SnnnVvlcn tlin ilnnnno
At a called meeting of the Exccu- Consor tjl0 ,cturo flhoW8 nd flnd
tive Committee of the Local Insur- moro Wftys to mlmMn tho boy8.
anco Board Saturday evening, which Thoro Is noth 80 orIgInnl , im
meet In C. V Temple's office, theins t0 curlnl, oUr VM from flhcpr ,
work of tho North Plntto Fire De- i
I nnolttmni nt 41. T T T n . 9 . I
u.u nouses nre mat Yct they aro all obviously truoly
afternoon was discussed and from ,i,i
' a
Miss Evelyn I old
To The Editor?
tovery standpoint their work was mar-
But in view of tho fact that thoro
ivojous. With quite a strong north- e i, ., m ,.-
, cast wind, they only lost three hous- of our ..bcst cltZ0n8," who aro will- .
f os and at one time during the fire. lng t0 ,080 n f0Cl, mlsB a fnvorIto ,
, It looked Impossible to save a single form of nmusomont 0r a joy ride, not
, house in tho block Just vsouth of tho to montlon tUo 80rloug pog8U)lllty of '
ice houses that burnecr and tho whole losing a coveted place In society, or .
, west end of tow:; was threatened It n chance to make a dollar, In order
i wub oniy uirougn nerole work by the that
I uoys that saved this property
i mi dVPi iii
terday from Scottdbluff aftor s.imiJ-
lng Sunday with friends.'
Miss Margnrot "Mcttln left Thurs-
1)11. 0. 11. CJtESSLEH
Office over the McDonald
State BanH.i
the laws and tintlnanccs wo
hum mnv 1m niilmlil ft nnnma n vn
tif- i . - w " ' "
e nu noi loany believe that the j,car useless thing to talk about It.
citizens really appreclato to tho ox- There Is nothing today so cheap
tent that they ought to, tho work n nn.i m,iv wimn fnit to
done by this , volunteer organization, purpose, Is it SOMETIMES expon
And when we say volunteer, we slvo.
j moan It in the full senso of tho word. But let us make a fow suggestions,
In many places whero they have so that however are not our deepest
called volunteer flro departments, tho conclusions in rogard to the possi
j men are paid a certain amount for hilltles along theso lines.
each fire that they go to. but hero For Instance Let tho North Plntto
J they aro not paid anything for thoir boys have' some sleep. Tho Lord
jsorvlces, not oven for tho clothes knows, even if they or wo do not,
i -U they spoil while at fires, and that they need it.
many times it is necessary for tliem This does not demand funds and
, to go In their best suits of clothes, wo can all assist. Lot thorn havo
for they do not havo time to go and ono night at home at least in which
change the old ones. Wo must real- to quiet thoso frazzled nerves so cs
ilzo that wo have never had what pecially sad in youth, and so ron-
, could bo called a conflagration here, spiciously prominent today.
and this Is not chance, for wo havo. Legitimate- sports Indeed, espec
had many fires that could havo ially out of doors, hut why MUST
swelled into conflagrations if prompt we let tho pendulum swing so ex
ilic start. It Is the service that tho tremcly in reverse to our past mis
and efficient work not done at takes and neglects Its to rob tho
Boys give us, that saves us from tho boys of all initiative, or any chance
fate that many towns suffer. to "find themselves."
Novor let a timo that wo can help Why load them eternally with an
tho Fire Department or encourago irksome and conscious sensation o.f
them go by without due response, everlasting supervision. Why this
They" arc undertaking to put on a determination on tho part of n nil,
Stcto. Convention of all ,tho Firemen who are making no conspfcTous sue
in the State hero In January, so let cess of maintaining a well ordered
all help the Boys put it across. nnrt sano community, to fit our boys
N. P. Fire Prevention & Insurance as mero pegs Into round or squnro
! Board.
By C. F.
Toniple, President.
r .
Editor North
Platte, Nebr.,
Sept. 22, 1022.
Platte Tribune:
Mrs'. Daisy Huntington of Maxwell
shopped in (he city Saturday.
Clinton's for Hyo Glasses.
Fred Evans of: (I-Ior3hoy was a bual,
ness visitor in tho city Friday.
W. S. Rouse of Cozad transacted
business in the city yesterday.
Plnnn tnnlnir. TTnlliw lUuntn. TTnnui.
as to now to maite .Norm l'latie a
S. C. Brogan of Keystone was a;bcttor p,aco to ralg(J b ,8 weH ((?.
business visitor in tho city Friday. scrveij
Mrs. Hunt visited her daughter y0 tako it in all kindness and has
Mrs. Nisley of O'Fallons last week, iton to mako an eleventh hour at-
Russoll Bakor of Dickens was a tempt at writing an article.
business visitor in tho city yesterday. ! And when wo sit down and begin I lja
to chow our pencil and try to think, 1
holes as tho fancy strikes us?
Wo would suggest clean and varied
entertainment for boys, easily reach
'ed, and grouped if possible so far as
tho community is concerned on nob
more than two days a we'clc. But
Wo feel the rebuko given tho North tlont hord tho boys or (lrlvo Ul0-m
iPlatto mothers for not taking the op- thci.e T1)0 worst thlng WQ lmvo to
poriunuy 10 express uioir opinions ; combat tot1ny j8 tho "hord" instinct.
We do not seem to realize' that the
Mrs, Glen Smith and Miss. Gert
rude Arnold returned the last of tho
week from Chicago whoro they havo
been visiting for some time.
Mrs. Gcorgo Gibbs relumed Sat
urday ovcnlng from York whore alio
day for Steeling where sho will visit attended tho convontlon for tho
friends for several days. Auxiliary to tho American Legion.
Miss Nova Troxlorfls qijoying a Mr. and Mrs, E. Cohngcn and cliifd
weeks' vncAt)fon fr&in tlfo Bratt, ren roturncd to their horns in Rnw
G ood m nn, Buckloy office, Hs, Wyoming aftor spondh'g a
Mrs C. B. SoiiBor returned Sunday week at tho T. M. Cohagon home
from Clarks, Nebr., aftor visiting her Mrs. Mary Muugcr of Los Augolos,
son Earl tor sovoral days. . California arrived yesterday to spend
Mrs. Henry Adams of Pleasant two weeks with her son, L. I. Muii
11111 undorwent an operation at ono Igor of this city. Sho Is on a trip
of tho local hospitals last wook eastward,
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lawhead re- Mrs. Frank Baldwin returned' to
turned Sunday from Kearney nftcr , her homo in Calloway this morning1
visiting friends for a tow days. aftor visiting rolntlvcs for aovoral
Mrs. Harry Brodbcck and daughter ,,,ny.s- Sho wns accompanied homo
, roturncd Inst ovonlng from Omaha 1)y ,,or fnthor R J- Dicncr
whero they visited for the past week. Mrs, A. A. 'Mann of GnNnubun:
Mr. and Mrs. John White of Yodor, "''I'lwont an ororatlon for appondi
Wyo. arrived yesterday and will c'll& nt of tho cn
, spend a week hero visiting rolativos. i 1:,8t wcokl nr' Jo1 Audorson, also
Walter Splinter, an employee for!r Orenburg asslstcl wU the , np
tho P. F. E. had an ankle badly ' 01 nUo"' '
bruised Saturday while loading lco. '
1 C. W. McGrow of Lincoln Is visit-;
Tho following quotations wore thorns with friends In tho city. Mr., This Is notlco to nil huntors that
oponlng markets at South Omnha thlujMcGrow wns a . formor resident otiyou'aro absolutely forbidden to' hunt
morning and were received hero by this city. on lands ownod and oporatcd by mo,
telegraph at 10 a. m. Loltoy Strong, a switchman for tho north of tho North Platto river, un-
Cattle railroad sufforod sovero bruises Sat- dor tho ponaltlcs of trespass pro-
Beef steers steady to strong. ?11.10 unlay whon stopping from tho car, vidod by law.
Bobby Goclct, son of Robert
Walton Goelet, of New York, is
first heir to the famous Goclct
fortune, which is estimated at
? 100.000,000, making him the
wealthiest baby in the world.
stock gon-
paid for full load. A few head at ! ho missed tho stop nnd fell.
$11.50. Other clnsscs of
crally steady.
Packing grades- steady to 10 cents
lower. Bulk $8.25 to $8.75. Butcher!
hogs mostly 10 to 15 cents higher.
Bulk 200 to 300 pound butchers $9.25
to $10.15, top $10.20.
Henry Hansen.
Clinton's for Eye Service.
,a light dawns upon us that perhaps
t xi .Lj. , ,i. , . i 11 IS "ol Iac,t OI mioni, timo or con
was a North Plaltrf visitor last wcok. . , . ., '
corn that Hias Icept them from writ-
'A11 Aboard"! Tickets on sale at'ingi
tho Rcxall Drug Store. People do not liko to write trite
Mrs.'Vlnnlo Tatum spent last week I and uninteresting things, neither do
visiting Mrs. H. P. Wing- at Pleasant , Gioy liko to write unpleasant truths!
"goose-step" started entiroly inno
cently by uplift organizations may
end, and logivly so in a "lock-stop."
For siroly we havo arrived at an
ago when a boy who hns nothing in
moral anatomy to stand out
agnln'st the crowd, and finally against
the "gang" Is lost.
Porhnps evon those few pacific
suggestions may not meet with fnvor.
We hope howovor they will ho kind
ly rocoivod.
Mary Axtcll.
Wo wish to thank the Flro Depart
ment, tho many men nnd womon, wo
don't know who thoy all wore, for j
their splendid ami efflclont efforts in I
preserving our homo during tho fire
of Saturday, Septombor 23.
Words can senrcoly oxpross our
gratitude ' to tho pcoplo of. North
Dr. and Mrs. V. Lucas
Miss Etta Cohagon of St. Louie Is
visiting at the T. M. Cohagan home, i
,"A11 Aboard"! Tickets on snlo at;
tho Retail Drug Store.
I ' i
' Mrs. Clara Nowton has rosumdtl
her duties at the Barkalow Bros.
Nows stand nftor a weeks absence.
Sale of Furniture
405 W. 4th St. Mrs. It. L. Grnvos.
9 O B 8
Friday, Sept. 28-29
Tickets on suit at Rcxall Drug Store now.
Sent reservations at box ollice Wednesday at 10 a, m.
So whore can we fit in, in regard to KvncH Binekor nnd. Harold Lang-,
Miss Vera Gough spent the week- tn,s trucli' serious problem. And J ford roturncd Sunday from
ond in Central City visiting
Mrs. iEmina Throp from Portland,
Indiana is visiting at tho Mary Baker j
nomo mis wook.
Mrs. Bishops of Jackson, Michigan
is visiting at tho home of her brother
T. M. Coiiagen'
A. C. Tilley returned yesterday I
from Ogallala after transacting busi-'
ncss for a fow days.
Mrs, Payton Dillon spent last I
week in Lexington visiting her sister i
Mrs. E. S. banning. ,'
J. G, Heeler left yesterday for ,
Gandy whero he will transact busl-'
ness for a fow days.
Mrs. Dalo Holland of Sterling Is j
visiting at the homo of her sister
Mrs. Georgo Trexler. I
Lee Nowton returned yesterday
from a several weeks' tour with tho
Dancoland entertainers.
Attorney and Mrs. M. E. Crosby j
and sor.s of North Platto nnd Mr. j
and IWrs. Berkley of Davenport,
Nebr., wero guests at tho Crosby
homo in Sutherland last week.
with 1 Personally when we begin on theso nftor attending a reunion of tho 89th
.subjects, wo really flnd no plnce to division.
Omaha KV s- Vi Jn WHYDoJFr)I3HtMT1 i?n IAS . UtiZZslS i
I M '' Mil
When in Omaha
Hotel Conant
Hotel Sanford
Hotel Henshaw ;
Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing
is back of these hotels. Guests may
stop at any ono of them with tho as
surance of receiving honest value and
courteous treatment.
Desolation Follows That
Dreadful Cry of "FIRE"
Last year, in the United States, fire destroyed
$325,000,000 worth of property.
This appalling loss means an average of 900.000
for every day in the year.
Are you protected? Are you doing your part to-'
ward protecting your home?
How about your fire insurance? Have your poli
cies been adjusted in accordance with enhanced proper
ty values? If fire destroyed your store, or your home,
tonight, would your loss be fully covered?
Not what your property cost, but what it
can be replaced for, should determine the a
mounl of your insurance:
Ail Kinds of Insurance
ICast Basemen! B. & L. Bldg. Phone 63
Maurice licreiov
A Tip to Our Merchants
Tell It With Pictures
We leave it to any woman liv
ing in this town if she doesn't
read the grocery advertisement
that is illustrated first and the
one that is unillustrated second
if at all. . - jjtH.
It's because of that trait of hu
man nature, the love for pic
tures, that this paper procured
the exclusive right to the local
advertising illustrations of the
Publishers Autocaster Service.
VSiryfSp advertising illustrations of the VLiffffl
itrW Publishers Autocaster Service. 1 vlTV '
. A"pi6mre fr every iine and
fW Jor every 8ea80n of the yearI J" xnI
W I Clarion Fox 1 0 T iW '