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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1922)
THE NORTH PUATTE r SEMI-WEEKLY -TRIBUNE a 4) LOCATj AND PERSONAL ,lf Tho Eyb'Qlasa men, CHntoa & Son. j Ivan Ilart ot I'axton was a busl nees visftbr hi tho city Saturday. Mrs. .Taylor of Grand Island is vis iting this yook at tho Leon homo. Roal Estate; Mortgagcn bought and Bold, T. a Patterson. , O. L. Basklns left yesterday for Arthur whoro ho will attend court. "All Aboard"! Tickets on salo at tho Rexall Drug Storo. Miss Gladys Stcgall has resigned her position at tho Dr. bent office. Victor, Ylctorolas, Hollcy Musio ', House. : ii. hj. uroBuy leu yesicruay lor CBiappcll where ho will transact business. J. J. Halllgau loft yesterday for Chappoll whoro ho will transact business. ' Dr. G. C. WIdncy of Lexington was a business visitor 'In tho city last week.. Clinton's for Spectacles. Mrs. Jack Kolso and daughter left Saturday for Keystone to visit with relatives. Miss Florence Coroy of Topeka, Kansas is visiting with' frlonds; In; the city. Goorgo Frater left Saturday for Omaha to transact business for a low days. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Coopor aro tho guests at tho Curtis Ilinman homo thin week. Clarcnco Doozo of Tryon was In tho city las week to rccolvo modi-, cal attention, , . Coma in and boo our now lino of fancy hair pins and barrettos. BEEF AND COAL Jersey Progressive says government owned rail roads would bust the trusts. PfcDKKAL All) ItOAPS INCREASED SIX HUNDRED MILES, IN JULY ' 1'IIOMPT ACTION AGAINST HOOi CHOLERA SAVES HEAVY LOSSES LOCAL Nourly COO miles nearer tho goal 1 - . . . . 4 , ofn completed system or nignwayp for tho Unltel States Is the report of, 'tho Bureau of Public Roads ot tho United States Department of Agricul-'f turo for tho month of July. Tho final goal, tho construction of a system ot approximately 180,000 miles of Fed-cral-ald highway consisting of a net work of trunk lino and secondary "roads reaching into practically every county Is still a long way off, but. wo aro 5,392 miles nearer than at the beginning of tho year according to tho bureau. Completed Federal-aid roads now total 18,209 miles with 14,912 miles i undor construction and approximate ly CO per cent complete. Including projects not yet undor construction Fcdoral-ald roads in all stages now total 40,338 miles. . Thero is no indication of any slack , enlng of tho greatly increased rate of progress which began with tho 'season of 1921 as tho States con- Mrmn in tinur lii nlnns for now nro- Gcorgc L, Record, progressive aud plnco thom un(Jer con. by U. S. Senator J. S. Prclinghuy- 'function as rapidly ns possible. sen ot W. J., is auvocating I'cucrni iwoariy iwoivo anu oiiu-iiuil iuuuuh ownership of railroads as a way to l,0iar8 Was obligated to now pro curb vicious methods of the beef I . . . .n . ,,v m1 ,n thn JULIO Ilk J It It U 4 A i u p week ending August 5 reports wcro and coal trusts. C. S. Clinton & Son. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold DanlolB loft yestorday for Sidney whoro thoy will vlBlt for ft wool:, MIbb Francos Dolph returned yos torday from Paxton niter spondin Sunday with frlonds. Mrs. Howard Rasor ot Loxlngton visited with frlonds In tho city for a fo,w days last weok. W. II. McDonald loft Sunday for Omaha whoro ho will attend the Ne braska Bankers Association. Miss Marjory Arnold returned -Sunday from Chicago whoro sho has been visiting for scmo timo. Mr. and Mrs. R, 11. Johnson of Gothenburg spent Sunday In tho city at tho A. T. Johnson homo. A. N. Tracowoll of Valentino, Nobr. came Friday to visit Ills slstor Miss Goraldino Tracowcll this weok. Miss Edith Ilowlnnd of Topolm, Kansas is visiting at tho Jiomo of her Blstor Mrs, William Stack. II. Gotly loft yoatorday for Denver uftor visiting at tho homo of his son' II. N. Gotty for tho past month. Mis Anno O'llaro lian roumed hdr duties at tho Frater DruK ytoro af ter an absence ot sovoral woaks. Mrs,. J. A. Ilalston and daughter Virginia spent tho week ond -"in BroadWator visiting with rolativos. Mrs, T. Pushnmn and children ro turncd to their homo in Arnold Sun day after visiting rolativos for a fow days. Mrs. Omar Huff and daughter loft Friday for Grand Island to visit ut tho Jack Horrlgan homo for a fow days. Agnos Portorflohl loft lasjt vook for Horshoy whoro she will spond tho winter with hor aunt Mrs. E. W. Ware. W. E. Shuman will lcavt mursday for San Diego whoro ho ,wlll spend throo wooks with his father Georgo Shuman. I recolvod of tho lotting of 08 now pro jects nnd announcements of G7 to bo lot. At tho present timo tho forco of tho bureau is taxed to tho limit with tho examination of now plans and nrolocls. inspection of ronu undor a i ,. ,r i .... costruction nnd tho plr-!iig of the Senior Class Has IVntcrinolon Feed. Fo( hlBUway system which is Thirty members from tho Senior jbcIng ROtton ,nto flnal Bhnpe llliHb uujuyuu u waiorinoiOH icou Friday evening in tho hills south of tho city. -:o:- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Watch for tho first hog to show signs of cholera, advises tho United tales Department of Agriculture. If tho herd is treated1 immediately It is gonorally posslblo to savo tho herd with but fow losses. If tho disease however, is allowed to reach all tho animals before tho serum preventive treatment is applied heavy losses may bo expected. Antlhogcholera serum Is u preventive and not a euro for" hog cholera, tho department points out. Whenever a hog dies of an un known causo tho owner should watch his herd closely for at least a week, and If any more hogs In tho herd be gin to sho'V signs of sickness a vet erinarian should be called Immedi ately, for tho chances are that hog cholera has reached tho herd and prompt action in applying the ser um treatment is the onfy thlhjj thnt will savo tho well animals. A high temperature, ranging from 105 to 108 degrees F., In a hog thnt stag gers when It walks, Is a pretty good Indication of hog cholera. Such hogs should bo segregated and not al lowed to mingle with other hogs or to wander about, for they will spread the dlseaso whorover they go, some times in places where It Js Impossibly to dlBinfect. Hogs that die on tho farm should bo buried, or, preferably, burned, in ordor to provent birds, In sects, and animals that visit the car cass from spreading the disease. Usually tho disease is most preva lent during tho fall months and loss es aro Invariably licavy in herds whore owners neglect to Immunize their hogs boforo the diseaBo reach es thom, or fall to call a veterinarian immediately on Its first appearance. , AM) PERSONAL. Mrs. Gporge Granger returned in) hor homo in GothcnbiiV'g after visit ing hor sister Mrs. J. Brestel. - Mrs. W. A. Getty returned to her homo In Denver yesterday after vis iting at tho homo of her dauphtor Mrs. Fred O'Mara. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cotterell ac companied by Mrs. Mary Cotterell and daughter Bcssio spent Sunday In Cozad with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Robinson of Portland, Oregon leave today for Lincoln. Thoy will also visit their old homo in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs.- W. Tuclo- visited , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dillon of Flats for several days tlio later part of . last week. Frank Barr Twho spent ; tho summer at tho Dillon home re turned with Mr. and Mrs. Tucker. J. V. Romlgh reports tho following sales of Dodgo Brothers cars in the past week: Lloyd Flte, sedan; W. H. ' Blount, business coupe; Chas. Roch, roadster; 'John Jobman, touring and C C. Lyon, touring. . ANNOUNCEMENT.. .. We believe second. hand FWdlGarH will become scarce on account short age of now cars. W?e have- soverol bargains in touring, coupes and se dans. Sco us qujek. , . t Hondy ' Oit't-r Att'o :o:- NOTICE OF PETITION Estnto No. 1912 of John Leo Mofan, deceased in tho County Court ot Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested in said Estate take notice that a petition has been filed for tho appolnthiont of Druslo L. Mor an as Administratrix of Said estate, which has been sot for hearing here In on Oct. 17, 1922, at 10 o'clooic a. m. Dated Sept. 22, 1922. Wm. H. C. Woodhurs't, County Judge. :o: STUDENTS ATTENTION! Wo havo an auto-polnt pencil with black silk cord. Just what you need for school at a spec! i prlco ot 85c. C. S. Clinton & Son. 00 PEACHES iiool Notice Is heroby given that the I Entertain In Honor of Friends. Mayor and City Council of tho city of t Louise Spurrier assisted by Doro- North piauc, Nebr., will receive bids ' thy Lo Droyt entertained 40 of their for furnishing all material and con-j frlonds nt a party Saturday orilng structing 1445 feet of ten Inch sewer at tno Spurrier homo. 13 ovenmg i complete w 1th ono manhole, according was spent in playing games after to plans and' specifications adopted! which a delicious supper was served. ' and on file with tfie city clerk of snld I city. ; Bids must bo on filo with tho City ! -:o:- FOR SALE Winter apples at GOc per bushel. Pick thom yourself. Also fresh cider. Como on Sunday. Georgo Stowart, 0 miles northwest of North Platte on tho old Dllllon Ranch. Prominent. Marries. TVrlimiln nf TUIuu Rim Mnvnliln HI1 bo. interested In hearing of hor mar- Vm 0ro blro 'ght O'clf0f R riago to A. N. Scales of Iowa -Clty' October s 19 2, Thoy must be on 1110 IirUpUBUl III W1U" BIIUUIIIIXIHUUO uu must bo accompanied ,by a certified Mr. and Mrs. .Tcsso Throp of Port land, Indiana (aro visiting this week I at tho Mary Baker homo.. Tho marriogo took place last weok in Omaha. Mrs. Scales was tho head nui'Bo in tho Momorinl hospital. North Plalto Doctor Mnrrics. Tho many frlonds of Dr. E. C. Lynch will bo Intoreatort m his mar- chbek payablo to tho CUy Treasure! for an amount canal, to threo per cont of tho bid mado. Estimated' con of tho bowcV is $1490.00. Tho mnyor and Council reserve tho rlngo to MIbb Winnona Inglo of , right to reject any or ill bids. By Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho wedding was , order- of tho City Council of North .porformtMl a wook ago at Grand j Platto, Nobr., Sept. 19th, 1922; Island, Nebraska. Mrs. Lynch Is a, II EVANS, rogiBtored nurso nt Valentino, Dr. Mayor. Lynch roebntly enmo to this city! 9. E. ELDER, from Chicago. ;Clork. . (Soal.) ' :o. NOTICE , I have openod a grocory on East . Gth and Cottonwood; and am) now jToady to sorvo you and your patron ago will bo appreciated. Phono 334' W. I dollvor. j Nowsomo's Cash Grocory. :o: Mrs. Maudo Ilybergor spont a fow days in Gaiidy last weok visiting 'frlonds. Mrs. Hybergor was former ly a teacher In tho Gandy schools. ift V L. & S. Groceteria. There will be 100 baskets of Peaches sold -from the Cohagen Storage on the corner oi B and Chestnut streets, Wednesday, Sept. 27 100 Bo. Baskets Peaches a Bushel All Good. None Delivered. Fiil Come First Served. Tomorrow After 9:00 O'clock. WEATHER CONDITIONS The tomporaturo Saturday nvorag ed 91, turning slightly cooior in tho ovonlng. Sunday wns also a nico day but wan not aa warm as Saturday. Monday avoraged tho same as Sun day. It will bo fair tonight and Wed nesday, not much chnngo in tom poraturo. Tho hlghost yesterday was 78 nnd a year ago 75. Judge W.H.Westover Candldato for Associate Justice Of Supreme Court From Sixth Supremo Court Judicial District Non-Pollticnl Ballot "A 3mt Judge" Cattle 640 Cattle AT AUCTIO'N North Platte Union Stock Yards MONDAY, OCT. 2nd. Sell in car lots. Most of these cattle sell freight paid to river on Union Pacific. Feed and transit on any branch of main line. This billing is good for 12 months. In this sale we have several carloads of Wyoming Hereford calves, steers and heifers. Just as they run. Stock and feeding stears of all weights and ages. Stock cows and feeding cows. One load of Black Angus cows. They are extra good. Come and see ns any time, we always have caltle to sell. Let us sell your cattle for you next Monday. We can get you the reeil money for them here. Right here in your home town North Platte. RAUCH LIVE STOCK CO. C, RAUCH. T. OGDEN. B, LEECH. 150 head of Native Grade Hereford Stock Cows for sale that are young and the real kind. Finest Wool Blankets A beautiful line ofv handsome colorings to choose from, in these heavy, warm, wool blankets. These are the Marshall Field line of blankets and. have been hand led in North Plattee lor years. ALL ARE EXTRA LARGE SIZE: MELBOURNE All wool blankets, size 0 70 by 80, price per pair $10.50 WEAftWELL Comfort blankets, wool finish, size 66 by 80, price each $4.60 WEARWELL Cotton blankets, heavy weight, size 70 by 80, price per pair $3.00 Also a big line ol nice new Comforts and Quilts, at priccb to suit you, From $3.00 to JH.75 each. . ' I W. R. MALONEY CO