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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1922)
THE NORTH P.LATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE E oo voo memo tH suit? a.0 ! voo THE I PEA ! ALWAYS SAVfNG HOME HOWLS mere's one FROM OA4B OFOUd TEX A? subscribers FORGOT I YOU WOMe ARE FORGET THINGS. I GUESS SHEET flOJE Ok, Ho Otaur NeTcr Fergrti Any- TELLING THE MSN W.NOW VMM AT I'M THEY FORGET TWNMXTy , 5oe, see VJKAT THE BABY If 00IN6 AND OOAl'T LET TUEgEl I'M 9ftCKIAtt THAT LET! KR' 'o"B I ( POR6ET, 00 I ?. mow ABOUT I I T Horn VMML, RIGHT N YOUR HAT BANOn YOUv OlO YOU S6W THOSE J V FORGOT I YOU WOMEN ARE A Terry Gilkison AUTOCAITIR HM SPEGIALLY WRITTEN FOR RURAL READERS INFORMATION ABOUT AGBICUL. TUIUL SUBJECTS FROM RELIABLE SOURCES All early crops of tho Fcdorul ex periment station at Fairbanks, Alas ka, matured last year, notwithstand ing a frost-freo period of only 95 days, according to reports to tho United States Department of Agri culture. A barley hybrid, produced by the station, matured In' 80 days from seed. Seed of this hybrid will bo distributed to farmers in Alaska as rapidly as it can bo produced and it is expected to replace all old er barleys. It has stiff straw, a , long, beardless head, and hull-less grain, yields well, does not lodge roadlly, and seems well adapted to northern latitudes. After 15 years of inbreeding and cross-breeding experiments with guinea pigs, in which more than 34,000 animals wore used, the United States Department of Agriculture la continuing tho Investigations with poultry and swine, maKlng use of ninny facts developed in the tests with the smaller animals. Six pens of "White Leghorns have been set aside for tho purpose, and it is planned to breed continuously within each pen, using ono male bird each year. A similar test will bo carried on with flvo pairs of Poland Chinas and four pairs of Tamworth hogs. This experiment will make possible a later comparison of crossing with in a breed and between two breeds with inbreeding. Tho plan for eradicating tubercu loses in cattle from entlro areas, such as counties, Is daily growing in pop ularity according to reports coming to tho United StatC3 Department of Agriculture. Tho idea has taken hold in Michigan and is spreading rapid ly. Already five counties have been freed of the plague, and reports from tho Inspector in charge for tho Government show that tho boards of supervisors havo appropriated money and made provision for cooperating with Stato and Federal forces. When ono country joins the ranks for eradication its ' action stimulates others to follow. Tho prospect for ultimately ridding tlio country of tho disease nevor looked so promising as at present, say those in chargo. Ono of tho ways In which tho Uni ted States Department of Agricul ture gives a dollnrs-and-conts re turn to tho public Is exemplified by a recont problem presented to tho Weathor Bureau. This bureau Is fre quently called upon to glvo Informa tion on cllmato in various localities, especially when a porson is" consid ering establishing a homo or an in dustry In an unfamiliar region. A director of motion-picture ac tivities recently considered building a studio in a northern city in tho East. Ho wanted to know whether ho could bo suro of good light thoro 50 per tent of tho tlmo. Tho weath or man supplied convincing figures as to tho amount of light to bo ex ported during tho daylight hours during dlfforent months of tho year. "9 When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first class and prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. Tho cloao season on wood ducks, which has been in effect since 1918 under the provisions of tho mlgrn I tory bird treaty act, will contlnuo during the hunting season this fall, according to the .Bureau of Biological Survey of tho United States Depart ment of Agriculture. These birds I may not bo killed ' any whero in he ; United States. Tho wood duck, or summer duck as it is commonly known In many localities, is one of I tho most beautiful of native game b)lrds, and b)r cod's practically (throughout tho United States. Form I erly It was threatened with extlnc- : tion, but under tho protection afford ed by tho migratory bird treaty act during tho past fow years its num bers aro now beginning to show an increase. Elder ducks and swans are nlso protected throughout tho year. An unusual feature of tho clothing I work in Kansas, carried on by ex I tension workers during tho past . year, as reported to the United States j Department of Agriculture, was tho j sending of sets of clothing kits to j tho girls' clubs in tho various conn I tics. Each kit contained a sample patch, a sample darn, an Iron holder, two aprons, a sewing bag, a laundry bag, a night-gown, an underskirt, a prin cess slip, a combination suit, n smock, a dresser scarf, a child's dress, rompers, charts showing ap propriate school dresses, and hooks of samples illustrating appropriate materials to select for the different articles. The kits wore sent to tho county extension agents, who in turn woro responsible for getting them to tho clubs. Except for four clubs In three counties which re ceived no kits, every club in tho Sta'to had an opportunity to examlno these articles, to obtain patterns for ,tho garments that appealed to them, and to gain better ideas on appro priate clothing for homo and school uso. A record height for the "Washlng 1 ton district was reached recently by tho balloon sont up by tho Weathor Bureau of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture In connection with its observations of upper air conditions. The balloon was seen to burst nt 22,590 meters, a height of about 13. miles, after being watched 123 minutes. Tho aerolopical service of the PUBLICSALE! I will sell nt public auction at my farm, six and ono-half miles west of North Platto nt tho Birdwood Station, on Wednesday, September 27th Commencing at 1:30, east time, tho following property: 8 Head of Horses and Mules Team of bay mares, weight 2700; team bay and sorrol, weight 2800; black horse, woight 1100; brown mare, woight 1100; childs pony; bay mare colt; three maro mules coming 4 yoars old. 35 Head of Cattle Registered Shorthorn bull, registered Shorthorn cow, puro bred heifer. Soven milk cows, somo will bo fresh soon. Balnnco stock cattle. 35 Head of Hogs Twenty-two puro bred Duroo Jerseys. Balanco Hampshire's. Machinery, Etc. International hay press, Champion hay stacker, swoop, two Doer Ing hay rakes, two Deorlng mowers, two "Wobor wngons, ono nearly now; two beet boxes, hay rack, beet cultivator, nearly now; old boot cultivator, ono disc, riding plow, riding corn cultivator, tongueloss walking cultivator, corn riding lister, threo section harrow, land smoother, slnglo buggy, corn two-row cultivator, breaking plow, grind stono, threo Hots nnd a half of doublo harness, two sots nearly now, fifty pound vice, post drill, sot of dies, heating stove, oil hoatlng stove, cream separator, flvo hundred rods barb wire, two hundred poBts, about forty tons' of pralrlo hay and Bomo ruffago hay can bo fod on ground if desired. TERMS C months tlmo on bnnkablo pnpors, at 10 por cent Interest. All sums undor $20 cash. No proporty'removod until settled for. H. S. HASKINS, Owner. EARL BROWNFIELD, Cleric CHARLES OLSON, Auctioneer. Weathor Bureau releases n balloon filled with hydrogen gas twlco daily, at 8 a. m. and at 3 p. m., from tho roof o tho "Weather Bureau Building, Iprovldod there is no rain. Tho ob ject Is to get tho direction and voloc lty of wind movements nt various clovations as far as tho balloon can bo observed. Theso balloons aro small, about 2V6 foot In dlnnietor when Inflated, and mndo of tho finest quality uncolored rubber. Tho watching is dono through a theodo lite, and tho timo Is kept ,by a clock which soundB an alarm every minute. Tho distance tho balloon travels Is calculated from known computations of how high a balloon of given weight will rlso per minute. The information obtained is use ful to those Interested In flying, nnd when recorded on charts showing conditions at various elofatlons for each of tho 15 stations of tho Weath er Bureau scattered over tho United States which make those particular observations it is nn nid in tho daily task of weather forecasting. An un usual point in connection with this rocord height reached on August 17 was tho fact that, although tho gen eral drift of winds in tho Washing ton district Is from west to east, tho prevailing winds on thl3 day were from tile east nnd northeast. Ebchlblts of Improved, If vo stock and , poultry at county and, State fairs this year promise to bo unusually In teresting! accordjnp to information 1 received by the United States De partment of Agriculture from man sources. In prnctically all parts of the country excellent live-stock ex hibits nro to be attractive features of fairs. The attention which breed ers nnd farmers have been giving to good live stock, combined with good feed nnd care, havo resulted In some exceptionally well-bred and woll fltted nnlmals. In encouraging farmers to tako ad vantage of tho opportunities which fairs "and livo-stock exhibits givo for observing improved live stock and poultry tho Department of . Agricul- ( turo places omphasls on the follow ing points: Livo-stock dlsplnys af ford an opportunity to study breeds and types nnd to boo a large number of good nnlmals. In tho qaso of meat animals tho size, conformation, and 1 uniformity are worthy of special study In vlow of Increasing tendency to ralso purebred nnd high grndo stock ns market animals ns well ns for breeding, FarmcrB attending livo-stock dis plays 6btaln useful information by meeting othors who aro interested In superior breeding ntd feeding meth ods. Besides tho ideas oXGnangcd and information gnincd, new enthus iasm for tho work is a common re sult. Animals and poultry may bo purchased nt 'most fairs, though ns a rulo It is moro satisfactory for a farmer to purchase animals nt tho homo of tho breeder than to buy fitted animals ut fairs. Animals that have been propnrcd for exhibition usually nro priced higher than unfit ted ones of similar quality and 1 breeding, :o:- i - Bdolor. Crosby & Basklns, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1902 of Martha Kocstor, decoasod In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss: Creditors of said cstato mill tako notice that tho tlmo limited for presentation and filing of claims against said Estate is January 10, 1923, and for sottlo meat of said Estato is Soptember 7, 1923; thnt I will sit at tho county court room in said County orr October 10th, 1922, nt 10 o'clock a. m. and on Jan. uny 10th, y923 at 10 o'clock a. m., to recolvo, examine, hear, allow, or ndjus' nil claims and objections duly filed. Dated September' 7th, 1922. ' ( WM. II. C. WOODIIURST, Seal County Judge "FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulh at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Stroot Jn-.- W-.t. ut lJ I" I Irtij) "i Wed 7 i "' n it I WK IV I 1JWT FmJi n m mm 1 :JSSklA ; Imperial Potentate CAJrgp. inmfe frCnndless. Imoerial Po tentate of the Ancient Arabic Or der, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, was greeted by fifty thousand no bles frou all parts of the U. S. when he appeared at the annual conclave at Atlantic City. NOTICE TO HUNTERS. I will allow no hunting on my place, known as the McCnbo ranch, as I havo leased all tho lakes. Viola tors will bo prosecuted. Sam Facklor K.J "V Today's News Too Printed Word, Hence News -Photos and Cartoons The cameras of the Publish ers .Autocaster Service circle tho world. This paper only has the right to print Auto caster pictures in this terri tory. The biggest dailies in the country can rdn no more striking photos than are now available to the readers of this paper, through our ability to make cuts in our own plant. You'll always like the Auto caster cartoons and comics. Col W.nJirpLp-riiild D..b"p. Wo U"ii'u" lOTsetse,.. muMmi ra , mm i GKOUNI) GRAIN NEEDED AS PART RATION FOR LAYING HENS A mash composed of ground gratim or their byproducts nnd somo form of animal protein is an essential part of a ration for both growing clilck ons and laying lions. Tho reason is that blrdB putting on growth, or pro ducing oggs can not assintllnto enough nutriment from wholo or cracked grains to supply tho maxi mum need. When tho grain is ground, Bays tho United States De partment of Agriculture, llttlo work la required of tho gizzard, and nnch moro of tho feed can bo used In m-icing llosh or oggs. Tho scratch grain part of tho n tlon, howovor, is needed to give tho gizzard somolhlng to do in order to keep tho birds In hoalth, Fo lay ing lions tho scratch grnln. frown in tho litter provides nn Incontlvo to noedod oxcrclso. It was onco thought that tho mash should bo fod wot to produco tho best results, hut experiments havo proved that ) aylte of )thV Blightly bettor palrtablllt "f tho wot food, tlio cinvonri ol feeding it dry overbalances any slight gain In production. Feeding It dry Is uow tho usual method. Digestibility ia not Increased by wotting. Tho principal objection to tho wot mash Is (hat it requires too much la bor. It must bo moistened, thou car ried to the hens onco a day, and tho troughs must bo elennod aftor each feeding. Cloanllness is absolutely essential, becauao IndlgoBtion and diarrhea will rosult from foodlug in dirty troughs. On tho othor liand, tho dry ninsh hoppor may bo filled onco n week or oven loss frequently, and needs no further attention. Hons do not ovoreat of dry mash an thoy Hometlmes do of wot feed, -:o: MvcH examined, Glasses fitted. Snt ' m i inn. sun. Clinton & Son Big for1 JPekaise '" Mte TTW.I, ... ' 1L?T? I fii I III MM BBABKS :J immjkmiJh4 ''iMfiin.ii tf...i, fSSM mmJU ... 0