The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 26, 1922, Image 2

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By Opie Read
Illuttrated by
R. H. Livingstono
Coprriffht. Ih Bell BxndleaU, Inc.
C3tArri5n I-Tlie time Is tlio,Jato 'CO
or early '7(m and the nceno a slcambont
on Uio Mlwnlsnlppl river. All the type
of Oie period nro preHcnt and the
ne palace Ih (llBtitiKiilHlieil by merriment,
danclnR nnd Kiilluntry. Thcro aro the
customary drinking and Kiunbllntt also.
Vlrpll Drace, a young northern man, In
on tils way pouth on a mliwlon of revenue.
H rncctn an eccentric churat'ter In the
person or one Liberty Hliottlr, who Is
constantly tempting Uio noilileRa of
chonco. They form a (lingular compact.
Drncc sat tunning over the strange
criturc who had Just left him, hut
booh Ids mind flowed down another
cluumel, fttr different from u whim or
nn amusement his mission, in the
South, secret, grim and desperate, nut
life on n river steamboat In that day
lert little time forGtfqodlng for, a fAv
moments after Shottle left' to risk his
liberty and Drnce's hundred, n roust
about thrust his head In at the door
and announced thnt down on the deck
there was to be a throwing and tying
match. The big flreman of the Lconn
wni nbout to encounter Vlckshurg .Too
for the championship of tho River.
In nn Instant Diuco was on his feet,
ull his Instincts keen und ready to
jump, He wus something of a boxer
and wrestler, but he hnd not been
taught In this pccullur art of tying un
adversary once one has thrown him.
And there was that In his mind which
made the acquisition of this knowledge
seem to him deslrablu Indeed.
As he Joined u group of men mak
ing their way below, he overheard tho
Colonel, Miss Lucy's admirer, explain
ing the gentle pastime. "Tying a man
once you have thrown him," the Colo
nel, was saying, "Is the climax of
prowess. I saw Cal Blodgett throw
und tic Nick I'uvln at a barbecue at
Mount Klon cumpgrouud, and I have
cause to remember It, for tho young
lady I went with deserted me for Uio
herd, sir actually stuck flowers Into
his linlr. Here we arc."
Two enormous fellows were Strug'
gllng, while nearby lay a convenient
rope. FInnlly Vlcksburg Joe tied the
flreman, nnd he lay helpless, unable
to get up.
"I will give you live dollars If you
can throw me and tic me that way,"
called Druce to the victor when the
excitement had a little subsided.
Joe looked at Druce -a moment. Tho
young man looked powerful enough to
be dangerous, but five dollars wnB
Ave dollars. He smiled, bowed,
spread out the wrinkled rug und took
Druce by the hand to lead him forth.
To the astonishment of nil, Draco
threw Muster Joe; hut ho could not
tic the champion.
"..Show me how It's done," said Vir
gil, "and I'll give you the money."
.For a long time, and until tho Colo
nel nnd Shuttle were worn out with
waiting, the two struggled; and so npt
was the student that ho succeeded fin
ally In turning the muster over and'
tying him, nut It seemed thnt the
burly chumplon Wus too willing, and
Druce Insisted tin unother full. And j
now, though the strugglo was genuine
on Joe's part, Drace ttcd him.. Still i
more, another five promised, nnd Vlr-'
gll wns willing to quit.
"Finest sport I ever hud I" he said
V . i i .1 1. '
un lie Minim uwnj 10 mu 111411:1 mi-it
again to avoid the questions nnd fe
licitations showered upon him. . . .
ri.nim . 1 tn r hiitathf nnf I , i.tnof t
coniesseu, upou ma serious purposes
which hnd brought him to the South,
but, upon thnt gjrl of the red roses
when Shottle appeared again, Liberty
stood in his presence, not with a droop
hut straight In tho manly resolution
to discharge the duties nn udverso fate
bad thrust upon him. In tho belief
thnt It would make him look moro like
a slave, ho now wore his coat turned
wrong side out.
"Master, I saluto you," ho remarked.
"All right," said Druce. "nut turn
your cout. I want my slave, tho grind
er of my mill, to appear respectably
clad. You may sit down."
"I thank you, sir."
"You didn't last long."
"No, mnster. Tho tangled-haired
hag kicked mo sldewlse, like a Cow.
In only two pots I Ilut what can you
expect of a man thut hns an ace-full
beutcn? now long can u man prcsorve
his freedom at that rate? And a fel
low with a spindle chin and a nose
no bigger than the average wart beat
me with four Jacks. Crushed mbl And
he would have crushed Julius Caesar
Just tho same. Well, after all, free
dom has many responsibilities. As a
slave I'll cultivate what virtues I can
got hold of, nnd look toward old age
nnd a cabin on the hillside. And now,
as It Is natural for every man to hide
his degradation, will you permit me to
call you Virgil in tho presenco of oth
er people?"
"I thourht you didn't bellove In the
natural tiling t But nil right; I grant
your request. And now I suppose I'd
bettor irlvp you some pokt-chnnso.
It Isn't welt for even n slave to be
broke." i
The slnve's fnro brightened with
hope. "You couldn't make It its much'
. n. . .IntLiMfl nnillfl ..fill V I
ns five dollars, could you?
"No, thirty cents." '
Shottle took the money nnd sat'
drooping. Drare gave him n cigar, and
they smoked for n time In silence. At
Inst Shottle looked toward Druce, his
face guiltless of tho whlmslrul humor
that had hitherto possessed It. 1
"Master," he said, "I don't want to
be Inquisitive, nnd If I'm prying Info ;
what's none of my business, I won't
mind your saying so. Hut I want to
be n faithful slave, and I can serve
you best If I know what what are my
master's purposes In life. For exam
ple, wns there nnj speclnl reason for
your learning to throw nnd tie tlmt
way? Is there anybody In particular
I could help you to put the rope on?"
Drace made no answer for a mo
ment, but bent a searching fcyo upon
his new servitor. Somehow the mnn's
soul seemed to shine transparent In
his face; and through It Draco saw
sincerity; moreover the longing of
youth for comradeship wus strong
within hlH lonely soul and won him
from reticence.
"Liberty," he snld, "did you ever
hear of a man mimed Stepho lu Vltte?"
Liberty nodded. "Yes, I've heard of
him ; they say he's nn outlaw, n smug
gler." "And worse," said Druce. "He's the
mail who Liberty, give me your
word, your oath, that you'll keep this
n sacred secret!"
Liberty gave his word and his outh
with 11 certain quaint dignity, and
Drace went on :
"Liberty, before the war my father,
Alfred Drace, was mnnnger of a line
of steamboats on the Ohio. In l'ls em
ploy wns the creole Stepho la Vltte.
After a time It came to my father's
knowledge thnt Stepho wns not only
dishonest In ordinary (ienllngs but hnd
kbcen guilty of piracy along tho Gulf 1
coast. And so my father dismissed
Stepho from a position which the Cre
ole's dishonesty hnd made lucrative
nnd valuable to him.
"Just after that," Draco went on, j
"the war broke out. La Vltte became
a guerrilla one of the men of Quan
trell's stump,, who kept out of the urroy
but who gathered In bands und lived 1
by rapine nlong the border. I wus only
a little boy, Liberty, when La Vitto'a
band of guerrillas crossed the Ohio
near Cincinnati and raided the little j
town where we lived. But the horror j
of thut night still burns llko a flame 1
In my brain, Liberty."
Drace stopped, drew from a brenst 1
pocket n card and handed It to Shot-1
tie. On It wns written ln bold bluck
i . nri. . 1 tfiii. ...111. it.- '
cnuniciero ; "oicjmo in vine, wim uiu
compliments of Alfred Drnce's son
Shottle read the curd, then looked
Inquiringly at Drace:
"Liberty," tho young mnn explained,
"those guerrillas under Lu Vltte
burned our little town and killed near
ly every grown mun In It. For word
wns -brought of their coming, und the
men nearly ull of them married men
or old who hnd not gone to the vnr
Bclzcd weapons and went out to de
fend their houses.
"They were massacred ulinost to n
man. . . . And It wus not plunder
alone that led them to choose our lit
tle town for outrage, Liberty, but a
passion for revenge. For next morn
ing my father was found hanging to
And on His Breast Was Pinned 1
Card That Read: "Alfred Drace,
With the Compliments of Stepho La
a tree. And on his breast .was pinned
a card thnt read: 'Alfred Drace, with
tho compliments of Stepho la Vltte."
Liberty looked ngnln at tho curd he
held In his hand, then handed it back
to Drace. "I" reckon I understand now,
master," he said. "You aro huntln'
this Stepho to"
"To hung him as high as Hainan
and to pin that card on his breast,"
declared Draco passionately. "While
my mother lived, Liberty, I could do
nothing. You know how women are
ln such matters. But she died this
spring, Liberty, after long years of
grieving for tho man that d d out
law foully murdered.. Now L am. tree
to strike for my honor and my father's
memory to carry Justice to that mur-j
derer." ;
With un awkward gesture Liberty i
stretched forth a hand, caught Drace's i
nnd wrung It warmly. "You're like
ke 1Ian.letr he exclaimed. "I'll do
..... . . T L .
my best to help you. Hamlet. Let me
ho your Horatio as well as your slave."
Druce returned the fervent hand
clasp. "My Horatio 1" he agreed. And
then, solemn ngnln, he added : "It's a
worthy cause, Liberty. It's not ulone
my private vengeance, but the wrongs
of n whole community thnt tho ordi
nary machinery of Justice can never
right. Why, Liberty, downs of men
were murdered y inose uriuuteu
fiends; little children were trodden
under' the hoofs of their horses, and
women Near our house, Liberty, an
old couple live In poverty. At the
time of Stepho's raid their son and
his young wife lived next door to
them; they were well-to-do nnd pros
perous. The day of the raid tho son
had received ten thousand dollars from
the sale of some lnnds. When rumor
of the raiders came, ho hurriedly hid
the money somewhere In the neighbor
hood, scribbled on u piece of pnper the
location of that treasure and gnvo It
to his wife beforo he went out with the
other men to fight. Next momjng he
had been shot; and the young wife
hnd been carried off by those devils
her child with her, after tho Indian
custom, to keep her from suicide. No
one knows what became of her. Nor
has that money ever been found. Liber
ty, If I could find Stepho, .get him in
my power, I believe I could nt least
learn what became of that poor young
woman possibly find thnUpnpcr nrt
learn where to find the liWicy those
poor people so sorely neca5; tier once,
some years ago, a mysterious fellow
was caught digging about their yard.
. . . But I've tnlked enough, Liberty.
Action 1 Do you know any more nbout
Ln Vltte?"
"Not much," replied Liberty. "I be
llevo he Is often scon up the River,
nnd sometimes down on the const. He
has his friends, nnd nearly everybody
else Is nfrald of him. So you we
must keep dnrk till we get our chance.
And you mustn't show your feelings
In your face. Remember,
master, 1
you're Just a young man out to see the
world. H'm here comes Colonel
Josh. Suppose we tulk to him. Ho
was a mule-buyer In the wur and may
know something about, Stepho.'
The door wus durkened. In came 1
Joshua Mortimer, the man whom Miss
Lucy hud plied with questions con
cerning Drace. He hud dodged In for
a smoke, he said, when Shottle had
Introduced him to his master, and it
was evident tlmt It was his aim to Im-
tirnttfl Hrnrt with lila iTilllfnrv lmnrlnir.
tie bad ot been actually In the army. !
hut ul ucquire,i the title of colonel j
from i,ls adventurous work of buying ,
im,ie.s for the Confederate government, t
The Colonel "took It" that Draco was !
from the North.
"Yes. but some of my people were
from the South."
"Ah ! I congratulate you, sir. I have
a mutch, thank you."
Drace had offered him a light. He
filled his pipe with tobacco crumbs dug
out of his breeches pocket, nnd, long
legs crossed, sat buck to enjoy him
self. "Well, sir, Mr. Druce, the wur has
been ended some years ; and If we for
get nn evil as easily us a virtue, sir, It
will soon he only n dim memory. I
had enough of It."
"But you were not renlly In the
urmy, Colonel Josh," the slave spoke
T,ho Colonel pulled ut his pipe,
stretched his neck und nppenrcd to
flah for something down ln his collar.
"Liberty, my duty was scouting nnd
the Incidental picking up of mules, as
the recortls of the War Department
will be pleased to exhibit, sir."
After a few minutes' more conversa
tion the Colonel rose. "I will now go
buck to the ballroom," ho declared
himself. "Liberty, I came nboard to
night with your third cousin. Miss
Lucy Sunders."
"That so? Come down, Mnrso Drace,
and I'll Introduce you to her."
"I think, sir, that she hils retired,"
tho Colonel was quick to Interpose,
realizing thut he hud thoughtlessly sug
gested nn Invasion of his own terri
tory, "Not whllo there Is a fiddle going,"
said Shottle. "Come on."
Into Virgil's heart flow tho hope that
tho slave's cousin might bo tho bar
baric girl with tho roses; there could
bo no mistaking her, after meeting her,
for ln that brief gaze ho had carried
away a master's palatine of her,
eascled ln his mind. So ho was quick
to hasten below wltli Shottle, the Colo
nel panting behind them.
Miss Lucy had Just left off dancing.
No, sho was not tho thrilling barbar
ian, but Drace swallowed his disap
pointment dry, like a swamp man tak
ing quinine. Shottle might havo re
flected that never before had his kins
womuu been so glad to see him. On
his arm she hung as sho cooed, but
her eyes wero on Drace, and he lis
tened, not to her words, but to the
music of her accent, soft as tho notes
of a dove. Like a frost-bitten Shang
hai, tho Colonel stood first on one foot
und then on tho other. Draco politely
asked Miss Lucy to danco with him,
and the Colonel dropped onto a chair.
Shottle snt bestdo him.
"Sho takes to him like a duck to
water," said tho slave, looking after
hla mastor and his third cousin.
Tho Colonel sighed. "Liberty Shot
tie," he said, "I am going to tell yon
"Out with It"
"It Is not a matter to bo spoken of
so llKhtlyL8lr'
"All right; go nlieud."
"Liberty Shottle, It Is this: I am
deeply In love with your cousin, and
before 'the dawn of another day, I shall
pop the question to her."
"Pop the deuce! Lend me ten dol
lars." "You shock me, sir."
"Tell you what . I'll do," persisted
Shottle. "Let me have ten, and I'll
make her n speech Ih your favor that
will kink her hair."
"Shottle I"
"And I enn do It. They've got my
speech on the Perlclenn Age hung up
right now at the university. The gov
ernor of North Carolina said to the
governor of South Carolina, Just after
making his historic remark about Us 1
' "Ulllll
,tn 11 r i i r ;ii "i
'She Takes to Him Like a Duck to
Water," Said the Slave, Looking
After Mia Master and His Third
, , . , , . 1
being n long time between drinks, that 1
It wus the most powerful speech he
ever heard."
The Colonel scowled, and swore his
refusal to enter Into any financial
transaction Involving his heart; and
Shottle, realizing that his efforts were
vain, sunk down Into melancholy si
lence. Miss Lucy, meanwhile, was in
troducing Drace to some of her friends,
nnf tl I'mtlltr lirriMi.iti Itltf tn man nnrt
to Indies well advanced ulong the puth.
Drace soon realized thut this society
was far from the curicuture that Shot-
tie and Colonel Josh might reflect ; for
tho most oiirt It wus comnosed of
ladles of exquisite refinement, und men
fjtrong in the dignity of medicine or
'the luw.
"You have not chosen un opportune
time to visit New Orleans," un old
Judge remurked to Druce. "We ure
forced to live under the lnfumy of a
carpetbag government, sir. Polltlcul
scoundfels, jvhp ln the . North could
never- uttaln to even the meanest of
fice, come down here where we are
disfranchised and elect themselves leg
islators, governor's representatives of
parishes tluft thoy huve never seen.
Heuvy taxes ure levied, and they
pocket tht money. The governor was
npt elected, but named by a gnng of
freebooters. The real citizens of the
stnte havo no vote. Their former
slaves nnd the crooks who now mun
nge them control tho bullot-box. This
Is the true state of uffnlrs. Wult till
you see New Orleans, sir."
This talk was too serious for Miss
Lucy. She plucked Drace away to
walk with her, and she. hung laughing
on his arm as everywhere his eyes
seurched for the girl with the roses in
vain I And presently ho excused him
self and went disconsolately to bed.
Next day the Lconn reached New
Orleans. To Drace his first look into
the countcnanco of tho famous old city
was n disappointment; It hud not the
quick throb; Its pulse was slow and
rhythmic, The levee wus too broad
and diffuse to appear active. The
buildings looked mean nnd low. Ro
mance nnd history had painted for him
a picture too lively to color, nut soon
tho charm of this half-luzy delta life
begun to revenl Itself to him. The
town was ruled like u true French city,
it sang. Paris mlnuetted In the terror
of tho Revolution, und her youngest
daughter In America, singed with
powder, and with bloodstains on her
dainty feet, danced to the music of
her own Improvised guyety. Drace saw
the carpetbag governor driving through
tho street, surrounded by an escort of
black and mulatto cavnlry. From a
balcony cumo n gunshot, and an enor
mous negro ln white gloves, sitting
beside his political muster, tumbled
out upon tho ground but the carriage
did not halt In Its speed, and the hoofs
of tho cnvnlry beut upon the murdered
wretch. In n doorway an old man sat
fiddling for his grandchildren to dance
on the flagstones.
(To Bo Continued.)
Cast Iron la worth moat
and Brass.
Also Copper
front 7 to 10c a
I am paying
mv 1
Eyo Ear Nose and Throat
Classes fitted accurately
Over Dixon's Store
Halllgau, Boatty & Ilalllgan. Atty.
Estate No. 1854 of Mary Facka, de
ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all por
sons Interested In said Estate tako
notlco that tho Administrator has filed
a final account and report of his ad-
ministration nnd a petition for final
settlement and dlschargo bb such Ad
ministrator and for declaration of
heirship and distribution of proceeds
which havo boon set for hearing be
foro said court on October 3d, 1922, at
10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear 1
ahd contest tho same.
Dated September 9th, 1922.
Seal County Judge
Estate No. 1911 of August Sodlcott,
deceased In the County Court of Lin-
The State of Nebraska: To all per
sons Interested In said Estate tako
notlco that a petition tins been filed
for tho probating of sold ..state and
appointment of Christian Sodlcott as
Administrator of said estate, which
has been set for hearing heroin on
October 10th, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated September 16th, 1922.
Sonl County Judge.
Wm. E. Shuman, Atty.
wuiiuiu ww-m-i una.
In the County Court of
County, Nebraska.
In tho Matter of the Estate of Rose M
. '
Knox, Deceased
Notlco Is hereby given to any and
all persons having claims and demands
against the estate of the said Roso M.
Knox, deceased, that tho 17th day of
January, 1923, has been set and ap
pointed as tho day for tho reception,
examination, adjustment and allow
ance of lawful claims and demands of
if,11 P"sons' against satd estate and
that tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska, will at said tlmo
rocclvo, examine, adjust and allow
all such claims against said estate,
as. provided by law, at tho County
Court Room In tho Courthouse, ln tho
City of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska, and all persons so Interested
in said estate, will appear at said
tlmo and place and duly present their
said claims and demands in tho manner
requlrod by law, or show cause for
not so doing, and in case any of said
claims or demands shall not he pre
sented on or prior to tho said 17th of
January, 1923, the same shall bo for
evor barred.
signed this notlco and affixed the
seal of said Court this 18th day of
Septombor, 1922. ,
(SEAL) County Judgo
In tho District Court of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
Mearl E. Jacox. Plaintiff,
vs. i
Jones, wifo of Joseph T. Jones, de
ceased, her first, real, and true name
unknown, Cora True, True, her
husband, his first, real and true namo
unknown, Ed Mlllor, Miller, his
wife, her first, real and true namo
unknown, Will Jjonen, Jontap,
his wife, her first, roal and true namo
unknown, Ward Jones, Jones, his
wifo, her first, real and truo namo un
known, Waltor Jones, Jones, his
wlfo, hor first, her real and truo namo
unknown, Joseph Jones, Jones,
his wlfo, hor first, real and truo namo
unknown, Frank Jonco,, Jiones,
his wlfo, hor first, roal and truo namo
unknown. Flora Stewart, Ste
wart, her husband, his first, real ana"
true namo unknown, their respective
heirs, dovisoos, legatees, and person
al representatives, all other persons
Interested In the estato of Joseph T.
Jones, deceased, and all other n-sons
claiming any lntorcst of any klM ln
tho following described1 promises,
to-wit: Tho Southwast Quarter
(SW) of Section Nino (9), Town
ship Elevon (11), Rango Twenty-Six
(26), Lincoln County, Nobraska, their
real names unknown, Defendants.
Tho aboTO namod defendants will
tako notice that on tho 12th day of
September, 1922, Mearl E. Jacox, tho
plaintiff, filed his petition lh tho
District Court of Lincoln County,
Nobraska, against tho nbovo defend
ants, tho object and prayer of which
Is to aulet titlo in tho plaintiff to
tho following described premlsos to
wit: Tho Southwest quarter (SW)
-lot Section Nino (9), Township Eloren
(11), Rango Twenty-SU (26), Lincoln
County, Nebraska. Tho (plaintiff
prays hat tho defendant bo required
to set out their claims and that ln tho
event they fall to do so that thoy bc
' forovor barred therefrom and that tho
I plaintiff bo declared owner of said
) premises. You are required to answer
said petition on or before tho 30th
t day of Octobor 1022.
t n.itod this 14th dnv of September,
Mearl E. Jacox, Plaintiff.
By D. E. Harper, Ills Att'y.
Medicine and Surgory
Hospital Facilities
Offico Phone 183 Realdonco 283
(Chotco A No. 1 corn fed steer steak)
Wo also servo a
from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. for 35o
Rooms 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Offico Phono 70 Res. Phone 1242
Offico Phone 241 Res. Phone 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building-
Physician and Surgeon
Dlagnoss and Troamont
Over Union Stato Bank
Office Phono 29GW House Phone 296R
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130 Residence 115
Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose sad
Offices over McDonald Bank
Phono 35C
Farm and Llvo Stock
Telophono or wire for dates at my
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex
assistant deputy Stato Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vino Street.
Phones. Hospital 633 Residence 633
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
Phones. Offico 642 Residence 676
john s. snais, m. d.
Special Attontlon Glvon to
McDonald Bank Building
Offico Phone 83 Residence 3S
Practlco Limited to Disease of
Women and Surgery
Ovor Roxall Drug Store
Phones: Office 127 Residence 656
Offico 340 House 483
Osteopath Physician
Over the Oaala North Platte
Mokes or Repairs anything made of
fin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locuat Und'or Genoral Hospital
For dates and torma call at
First National Bank
North Platte, Neb.
Ovor Hlrschfeld'a
Offico Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020
Licensed Emb aimers
Undertakers nnd Funeral Directors
Day Phone 41 Night Phone Black 5dS
X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen and
Gas Anesthesia for Extractions.
Over Union State Bank
Phone 296.