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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1922)
inni-xiJteehln (Tribune TUESDAY and FltlDAX TIIIRTY-BIGHTH YEAR NORTH PIATTE, NEBRASKA, SEPTEMBER 26(1922. No. 75 Che JJorth FIRE DESTROYS OLD ICE HOUSES - THREATENS CITY Alarm .Brings Entire Fire Fifchtin& Force of The City To J Scene - West Part Of City Threat- ; ened With Disaster That Turkish Tobacco A firo which broke out shortly after two o'clock Saturday afternoon com pletely destroyed the old lco-houses located, in the west yards o tho Union Pacific railroad and burned two houses In addition to partially burning ci third and setting a number of others on fire. Tho loss Is variously ostlmatod at from $15,000 to $00,000. The loss Is practically covered by insurance. Tho alarm brought a prompt response from tho volunteer department anil lines wero laid but tho llro had made such headway that nothing couid bo dono toward saving tho ice-houses nnd the attention of tho department was turned to saviug the nearby dwellings. The fire was discovered ' at about tho same time by several airties. L. C. Sturgis, turned in tho LINCOLN COUNTY TO HAVE NA TIONAL SPEAKER AT NORTH PLATTE A. C. Townley, prcsldont of tho 1 Non-Partisan League of tho Unl&d will bo in North Platto alarm when tho blaze was no larger i gajcg man a uusuei uasitet. it was m tno Wc(lncg(lnv and wlll speak from tho cupola on top of tho building at the court hQUB0 bnnd stflnd at g m oast end. A northeast wind quickly Tmvnlov , MmnnrUne Bomo nf fanned it down the full length of the- tho candl(lates rom cach tIckot ln. cupola anu ueror? tno department . U t t H , k f noto - - 11 1 1 i A A and presents tho Non-Partl3an League side of tho Issues of tho day In a forceful manner. -:o:- oould respond tho whole top of tho building was a seething furnace. Pieces of the roof were taken by the wind and scattered for blocks away. Fires broke out III tho 900 block on west fifth, the 1000 block on west fourth and the 1100 block on west third. At one time every house be tween theso limits and tho railroad , MrB. Lorotta Brownfleld city 1.1- , was in danger. Then the wind bo- brarian of North Platte, has tendered j gan to shift to tho east and It was hor resignation to tho Library, Board I not long until the smoko was blow-' and It has been accepted to tako ef- POPULAR CITY LIBRARIAN HAS TENDERED RESIGNATION TO BOARD -for . rax Jt WmA'1 '.. I SHORT STORiES OF PEOPLE AND THINGS , ITEMS OF INTEREST AIIOUT RE ' CENT HAPPENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho Jocal high school boys wilt ; Journoy to Cozad Friday for tho first .foot ball gamo of tho season. A ; numbor of high school studonta will accompany thorn. Tho firo department was called out yostcrday afternoon to 30C EaBt 4th 1 street whore a fonco was burning. Tho firo was caused from a pllo ot burning rubbish. Not much damage was dono. Win. Lako ot tho south .part ot Uio county was taken into County court yesterday by Shorlff Salisbury and pload guilty to having liquor in hla possosslon and was fined $100 and costs. Tho chargo of diving it' away was dtsmissscd. ' 1'otor Condos was fined $5 and costs i yestorday in county court for assault ing Francis Mcnglu, a small boy of this city. The boy did something whilo Condos waB making his rounds of tho city and Condos attempted to I punish him. NORTH PLATTE RUSINESS MAN MARRIES AND LEA YES FOR COAST ing almost parallel with the tracks and tho most of the houses were saved. A small house Just across the street was not occupied and was burned to tho ground. Tho house occupied by Tom Golden and owned feet on October 1. Sho will attend the Missouri Valley conference at St. Joe next month and that will complete her work as president of tho Nebraska Library Association. Mrs. Brownficld has been librarian by B. It. Goodman was gutted while hero during tho past six years and tho Harry Westphal property facing has seen wonderful growth in the on Sixth street wns practically de- size and usefulness of the institution. stroyed. on firo at different times but were Platto and has .Jaken spoclal Interest f8'011 John Null, the bicycle man, jns married in SIdnoy Sunday and left with his bride the samo evening for San Francisco. Ho has a position vlth a western branch of tho Indian Motorcycle Co. but his territory or location has not yet been definitely determined. He sold his business last week to Molvin Simpson of iPoach, Colorado, who Is expected to ACTIVITIES OF THE II ! SCOUT TROOPS TO HOLD FIRST JOINT MEETING OF ORGANIZATIONS i ! Scout J called a Tuesday SCHOOL YEAR Exccuttvo Stephens Joint scout meeting (tonight) at 7:30 at. WHAT IS BEING DONE BY THE DIFFERENT LODGES AND SOCIETIES Tho Tribune invites contributions to 'i i ti.ic iinnnrtmntir Trnm nil nrirnni.jirinnH .... . ......... .,....!.. hi. lnat nlrll in tlll tinai,. : uui,u "i several otner nouses were ano was oorn anu raised in isortu - ,! nnticonof XT.. 11 'n.nct fnfmtVPI V ' M I QJT i -.i Word was rocolvod hero this morn- ilng of tho death of I. P. Gago ot Fro jmont, Nobr. Mr. Gago has been grand a!J , socrctary of tho I. O. O. F. for over for j thirty yearB. Ho was woll known tho iloro having visltod hero many tlmca t land ho took part ln tho laying of tho Franklin auditorium. Tr..' is fi.-si of a series of ccout meetings courthouso corner stono last Juno. , which aT. plannod for tho last Tuos-!n0 ftmoral arrangements havo been pended upon and sure failed Just whon wantedi enough it saved by heroic work of firemen and in the citizens. Some sheds and chicken here. bouses wero burned in different parts of the blocks adjoining. The Western Union and Union Pacific telegraph lines were completely destroyed and Tho Bignell school district had until repaired the dispatcher used a bought half of one of the.ico houses line out of tho west yards. The pow- and Intended to build a schobl houso er cable for the P. F. E. new ice wlth the lumber. Six or more loads houses was put out of commission. iind been hauled away and prepara Thls was Union Pacific property al- tlons wore being made for carrying though the North Platte Light & 0ff the . rest ot the building. The Power Co. had lines strung on the amount invested was covered by in polcs. A considerable loss was suf- surance. ' forwl through careless handling of household goods when volunteer' A"01- laying all the hose on the helpers carried household goods out ftro trucks tho 'department turned of threatened houses. The heat was its attention lo collecting some old so intense that tho rails on adjoin- "so which had not been used for a ing tracks wero warped as much as lon time. It was found that much two feet out of place. This was tho of this old hose was leaky and other biggest firo North Platto has suffered wise defective That gave rise to since tho groat fire of 1883 when fifty ( tho roport that the firo equipment or more dwolllncs were destroyed bvlwas out of order. Tho hpso which development of the library I Jennie Armstrong, a graduate of tne ' meotlngs and special program of Sidney high scUpol and a business " " , , .i t. ..-i aro consldcrod as nows and no chargo woman there for several years. s made. Wo tako advertising notices is aierIIy ;bunch which a rcf lar rates-nnd thcy aro prIntc1 ATTENDS "ALL ABOARD" dsowlwro. REHEARSALS IT doy oveL'ing of oarh month. Jol lowing tho Joint meeting the scout masters will hold tholr regular monthly mooting. . r;; : VILL CAIL ABOARD AT mado at this tlmo. TO GET TO "ALL "ABOARD EASTERN STAR cr " Thoro wlll bo a regular mooting of That is tho statemenUof ono of Jho tho Signet chapter No. 55 ot O. E. S. leaders in tho production of thOiinu- Thursday, Soptembcr 28. steal comedy "All Aboard" which will bo staged at tho Koith on Thursday KNIGHTS OF GILUMBUS and Friday ovenings of this week. a special meeting is called for this j The membors of tho cast havo to ovonlng (Tuesday for tho purposo Tho Unitod States Civil Service I Commission ulnounces an open com .pettylvo examination for, clqrkrcar?', PICNIC'frior, iwat "office service, to till oxlst j Ing and. futuro vacancies,' to bo hold ,nt tho North Platto post offlco on ' j Saturday, October 7 commencing nfc Tho commlttoo ln chargo of tho Lu- g a. m. Both men and womon who thoran picnic nnnounces that It will , moot tho requirement, may ontor this bo hold at Kopt's grovo on ThurB-! examination. Secure application day, September 2S. Tho announce-: blanks and desired informatiin ot ment says furtlicr: "With your child- tho socretary at tho post offlco. ron and friends, bo at tho church basement at 4:20 p. m. Convoyonct ( iruo Firomon'a carnival was a big for all will bo thoro. Plenty of eats. success from an attendance stand- laugh at tho humor of tho situations and various hits. Tho general com ment is that the music is tho pret tiest and most catqhy over presented. In addition to the groups which con sist of tourists, yachting girls, sail ,of election of officers and other im ' portant business. ANNUAL MEETING Tho country club will hold Us an nual meeting Motday ovc&i&g. A or men, bashful bumble-bee, overalls, ! banquet will bo serve.! at tho Elks cabin boys, sea nymphs, water witch- club. es, What win your answer uac anu Will hollor all aboard at tho grounds in timo to got to "All Aboard.". :o: Miss Gladys Stcgall has taken a position at tho Dr. Lano dontnl office. L. Cecil a switchman, was injured whllo setting out a car. Tho engino loft tho track nnd ho was thrown against tho car, badly bruising his limbs. point as woll as flnanclnlly Tho Lloyd was crowded all ot Friday eve ning with morrlmakorB. nnd tho pro coeds woro about a thousand dollars. This sum added to tho amount intho Fircmon'a treasury makes a tuhd which is Just nbout half what will bo neoded to caro for tho state con vention held horo ln January. -:o:- a prairie fire from tho west. broke was reserve stuff which was not expected to be needed again. Thoro wero soventeon ice houses when Postmaster Sturgis bought them last spring from the P. F. E. Five of them had been entirely re moved; six partially torn down and removed and six wero still Intact. Ho figured that over a million board truck which got stuck out, feet of good lumber was destroyed. near tho firo was the old truck and Theso ico houses wero said to havo not tho now ono as has been report-' cost ln tho neighborhood ot $10,000 ed. Tho new truck was purchased j each when built. Thoy were sold for because tho old ono could not bo do-, a very small sum. During "the firo Superintendent Welch turned on tho Kclloy well in the south part of tho city and was pumping water at tho rato of 2,300 gallons a minute. Tho pressure was maintained at about 100 pounds to tho equaro Inch. Tho Sweetheart in ovory port." thero will YEOMEN SOCIAL lift ontfArol onnnlnK Ina nmnnw w iiiiii Tho Yeomen wlll hold aro tho favorite, Royor Hastings and .Thursday evening at tho K. C. Hall., the over-popular Robb twins. The; Mr. TIley plans a big campaign so, tickets aro now being sold by the (lon't fall to bo thoro. ladles of the club and at the Roxall , MnTT,nniQT Mrs. Cranes Bible Class will bo en tertained Thursday afternoon at tho home of Mrs. G. W. Monks, 914 West 3rd. i of Friday. A largo attendance is do j sired for final arrangement for Ar a social mistlco Day Party will bo made. Willis Bowman was arraigned In pollco court yestorday and fined I $104.80 for tho Illegal possosslon ot liquor. Store. Reservations may bo mado at the theatre box offlco after ten a. m. Wednesday. This Is tho first good show ot the season and 13 for a good cause. :o: ROTARIANS ARE EYENING GUESTS OF JACK MORROW FLATS PEOPLE Ashes or. Neglect Which Suppose it had betsn the old Lloyd Opera House or the Besack Livery Barn Saturday! Where would Dewey Street have been today, in spite of our able, good and loyal fire department? Ashes or INSURANCE? We have the remedy and it is not ashes. THE H. 8c S. AGENCY INSURORS PHONE 612, Thirty or more Rotarions and tholr ladles Journeyed out to tho Pleasant VIow school houso on Jack Morrow Flats last evening nml woro tho guests of tho club at a meeting which was full ot good feeling and hospital ity. Music was furnished by tho teachers and pupils ot tho school and John Dionor presided. Short talks j COUNTRY CLUB PRESBYTERIAN Ladles Aid will meet ln tho church parlors at 3 o'clock. Thoso on tho entertaining commlttoo aro Mrs. Clara Newton, Mrs. Strahorn nnd Mrs. Swenson. CHRISTIAN. Aid socioty will moot Thursday aftornoon at 2:30 ln tho church baso mont A big attondanco Is desired as thero is important business to bring before tho aid. woro mado by sovoral Rotarians after which an inspection ot tho building was mado by tho visitors. Whllo this was bolng dono tho ladles of tho Community Club set tables and later invited tho guests to partako of a chicken suppor with all tho trim mings. Tho singing by tho club nnd guests was tho featuro ot tho ovenlng. Tho Rotarions loft at a lato hour promising to go back at somo futuro timo to again onjoy tho hospitable invitation ot tho club. :oi A voto for John A Smith, by peti tion Sixth Congressional District, is u voto for light wines and beors, and bonded liquors tor medicinal pur poses, Advertisement. Ladles day will bo Friday at tho Country Club. Thoso who will enter tain will bo Mrs. Robert Dickey, Mrs. W. J. O'Connor, Mrs. O. It, Moroy, Mrs. Fred Waltcmath, Mrs. Sam Souder and Mrs. Allison Wilcox. LUTHERAN. The Woman's Missionary pocioty will meet Friday at 3 p. m., with Mrs. Henry llretornltz, 420 S. Pino. Mom bors and friends re urged to bo presont. Thoro will bo Installation ,sorvIcos at this meeting. WAR MOTHERS On account of tho Woman's Club play tho American War Mothors will hold Its regular mooting at tho homo of Mrs. J. Roddy Wodnesday instead ANOTHER CARLOAD of Dodge Bros. Cars fyore Improvements More Refinements More Car for Less Money SEE THESE NEWEST MODELS TODAY J. V. ROMIGH, DEALER Prices at North Platto are: Touring $1020; Road ster $980; Business Coupe $1130; Business Se dan $1360; DeLuxe Sedan $1625. P. S. Brand now Ford Touring for sale at a bargain and immediate delivery.