The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1922, Image 8

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Semi-HBccklu Sribune.
WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher.
The following Is
We aro looking for a largo dumand
a list of the j for to buy atld rent North Platto, pro-
icnterod at tho North Platto, Nebraska arftclos donated by tho merchants of 1 perty within tho next sixty days, "and
Postofflce ax Second Class Matter
One Year, in advanco ...11.60
I "
II dill ttUS 3
North Platto to tho auction which will ! aB wo have sold all of our most 'dV
be held by tho firomon at tho car-jslrablo Iioubob listed wrth ub in tho ,
nival, Friday evonlng. J. 0. Penny! last forty days. We aro doslrious of F0U SALE Tomatoes for canning,
FJIIDAY, SEl'TEMJIER 22nd, 1022.
Phone 787F2U. Roam Bros. SALE 5. piece wicker set. Also I
Mheol. 309 East 4th.
Co., bolt; Ideal Bakory, cake! lilrsch- getting a larger listing or good homes
fold'a, pair ladlos shoos ; Rush Mer- to soil at prices that will move them,
cantlle Co., three pounds coffee; , If you wish to sell or rent your prop
Johnson Department Store, dross 1 erty sco us as wo havo customers for
shirt; Star Clothing Co.. suit caso; tho purchaao of good property and ,. 0,tir, ni 4..t...."
. ' ...... .... ,. .... .tit. . 1' WAV fcJ.VJLJl UUUKU tWMWUK
XJiWUl HU1U 1UU JiUlU Jim- J UI (JUll uiui;uii liaaunuil lllirruiu, iraauuuiu luitium. PllOtlO 811W
servo fhoo from all evil: Ho shall Echolborry's, $5 in merchandise; ( Wo have threo good bargains on our i
preserve thy soul" PBalms 121:7, IjWhelanB. box clgarB; Palace Hotel, list at the present tlmo of small )stL-Pair of shell rim glasses . Re-
toakwood tray, threo sowing baskets; Ihousos in tho west end that, arc In- turn to gtono-a pharmacy. Reward.
Webster said Liberty and un- urunswicic, oox cigars; Trout uigar creasing in vaiuo every nay, mat can
'Phono 12S.
Clinton's 'for Spectaclos. . , .
lot 1502 West Front.
Ion, now and forovor, ono and In. Storo, fancy ten lb. box candy; Met- bo bought nt a price tnat will makc FOR SALE Soft Coal Stoves,
separable." ropolltan, box jcandy ;Martl Moat the purchaspr a fine homo and nl'6o Phono 1147J.
Market, slab bacon; Austin's, station- profit. Also' have purchasers , for
Tho editor had tho pleasure of ory( N0rth Side Hardware tricycle; I good building lots. . ' .
talcing luncheon with tho III-Y boyB smith's Market, ham; Plzer's Store, , Wo .nlpo. write Insurance.
last Wodnosday noon, tuo menu blanket; Wostonfold Grocery, ham; .
had been prepared by a group of crow & Crow Market, ham; North,
ladlos who aro interested in tho sido Food Storo, 100 lbs. chicken'
success of tho movement and It wa8'fccli; Escholman Feed Storo, 100 lbs.
fine. Thoro wero about eighty at roWed oats; North Platte Mercantile
tho tables and they did JUBtlco to Co., case canned goods; M. J. Ryan,
the food which was Borvcd. Dalo tubo and blowout patch; J. V.
House and
FOR SALE Toam and Harness. C02
So. Pino.
FOR RENT Furnished
light housekeeping.
Phono lG9 W.
C. P. Holmes of Sutherland visited WANTED Exnerlenced farm hand
Stroup was chairman and called on Romlgh, power tiro pump; L. B. Dick, ;Uh friends in' the city last week. by tho month, through the winter.
Mcssors Novllle, Roottgcr, Koch, C00 lbs. coal; George Frator, safety i , ,ox 2B4 Sutherland, Nobr.
rattorson, and othors for Bhort talks, razor; John B. Edwards, (lannol .. , 7 ii faunf aj ,n
The IdoalB of thlB group aro high and ahlrt; Roxall Drug Co., toilet Bat; uolllonuurS . with tho homo folks. fOR SALE Approrimatcly 400 ft.
worthy of tho best support. Tho Harry Samuelson, men's swoator; , M,ss Nclllo Cano ot Sutherland i inch black pipo. Ncv condition.
ni-Y Is ono of tho organizations or North Platto Light & Powor Co., 1 v,8ltcd wUh friends In tho city Wed- Artificial Ice and Cold Storago Co.
which tho citizens should bo proud, vacuum sweoper; Clinton & Son, table nca(lnv' . . ' t, 1 : ,7, TT
. ,nmp. PInk narn0SB shop, pair' , Miss May , Anderson left Tuesday INTED -To con , , p P
uhu u o uuw uUIPhuu.. i u. 8J)romlors; w n Mnlonoy Co.( carv. for Denver to visit with rolatlvea for ' "' "
Oox 254. Sutherland, Neb.
management was tho employment of , t stcbbluB Moat Market, a few davs.
' i.L v- J Connor, ten tickets; Jay y8 tod with friends In thn eitv Wrt. modern. Inquire A. O. Ka
.... ,i ioi!u wna iriuuua iu uiu cuy wco. .
'T " "o'" Smith, box candy; Buck's Bootorio, J noflday 220 W. Sixth Street.
It Is composed of boys and girls, ?4 crod,t on s, Boghtol-Mars, 1 . '
young people and older onoB. It la mlos Bult. -tV1lcox Denartmont qtorn- ' ' 1188 a111110 Amoroso or iiersney for SALE 200 bu. Kanred wheat, $1
unucr mo uirccuon or u. jj. unino, nuto giOVos; Oasis, box candy; Dorry
auenueu uio uouniy lair weanes- nt my farm. A. S. Gregg, M. R. A.
tyjVvM t ..North Platto.
Dr. Atacombor of Stapleton was a
who for a tlmo was a cornet soloist berry & Forbes, dressor lamp; C. M.
with tho Chamber of Commorco bana
nr n.,v. rr attthnrynnil ,mTI(1 "1 , "Tl ..u" :Z"ZVS SSTS FOR SALE Threo boars, thorough.
gave universal satisfaction and maao Spanish hair, comb; Stone Drug Co. !day. J 2T MTh if Uon
rnn.l 4n nvorv wnw On Thnrnrtnv ' -u . .. I ' .S. .. ... Wele" 250 pounds. ?30 each if taken
nir rttTr-hftv hnmi .B,v nr nr c, o ' " V UU' XV) . left Wednesday for qwlcki Mac westphall. phone 785F21
tho Hcrshcy band twenty or more nour; S. & R. Service Station, two Denver whonTho wili transact busl- -
men.. in, natty now uniforms gave two tubes; Leo Vulcanizing Shop, blowrincss for several days', '
FOUNDTwo hogs. 7 miles norths
east of town on 'tho Henry Ruhgn
Btand with sweet music during the Specialty Shop, house apron ;,. Strt, iesday QvenVg f on Denver wherJ : ..6wnOT inquire of p., Kelso.
afternoon and ovonlng. Fred Has- Vulcanizing Shop, inner tube.: Dorry- it, . Describo siime nrfd" pay damages.
muBsen Is U19 leader and tho music borry & Forbed Ihiplomont Co., trans-' ,inv :
rendered by tho W Svfts" a trlbuto : mission grease; BlockfB, corset- Gen-' ' ' 1 '"' FOR RENT 7 room furnished house,
to his ability aB a director as Woft as . oral Tiro Co. two tubes: Brodbeck ' M'- Dean P,chaon leaves, in a Modorn with garago. Will- ron.t
tllo ability of the lridlvld'iial' nloihbors. ' Mout Market,' ton lbs. lard;' Platto ' day for Dallas- Toxas- En whole liouso taralahed or -dowh states
Llncbln county" IVmorti' fortunate Valley Mill, two Backs nour; Artificial !routo 8,10 wU1 aDnd a.w(5lc visiting j with garago. unfurnished. Inquire 221
than' many counties In having- bo Ico Co. 1,000 lbs. best conl; Waltb- Airs- v'arenco uay at.anrovcport, La. Vi",Bu- , ,.
many good bands artdHt is becoming 1 ntu Lumber Co,' 1,000 lbs. Hanna Mrs.' C. J. Cornwoll and- Children
in the management oMhevcounty fair .coal; Porter Pop Co., box cigars; i Frank and Gladys loft yesterday for
LOST Blaok portfolio on Locust St,
ConUilus ortltr bobks and papors of
ho vnlue to anyone but owner. Please -.
return to H. H. BtiUgatt, Tlmmorman , Monday, Sept. 25th.Cattlo Sale at
tllotol, North Plfttto and g8t paid for gtbek yarda by RauHh Live Stock co.
your trouble. ,'
' jo: Saturday, Sept. 23d. Hog Sale at
Hershoy by George Brownflold, I. D.
, Brownflold. auctioneer.
Wcdnolday;-Sept. 27th. Public Salo
of farm stock and machinery at Bird
wood Station, H. S. Hasklns, owner.
Chas. Olson, Auctioneer.
Eye Ear Nose and Throat
Glasses fitted accurately
Ofcr Dixon's Storo
(Choice A No. 1 corn fed steer steak)
Wo also BerT'a
from 11 ? m. to 2' p'. m. for 35c
FOR SAIiE 'Native red' endar laid
used lumber at old stook yards,
See Gone Crook or
Irst NatlonafBank 1
that it recognizes tho ability ot those . HtonHvau poultry Co., dozen fries; 1 qrana iBland to visit with .relatlxes North Platto.
bands. -it . . .Davis Auto Ctf.j two Innor tubers !rr days , ,i iHaro'ld'Tt. B'urfce, F
- . , ...Jo;.J .'. . . iC.bates' 1:000 "'s-.coal: McKaln Mark- ' Mr8. Mary Grimes loft yesterday .??. North Platte.
MM AIj I'I HNOft AI, ' Ct. Slab" bacon? NnrMi Plnffn TJoi,n-a . . ... . . . : ' ' : : : ; 1
1 ' - - ' . - - r w - t -w , v , . v v ivui i) inninnnnniin m n rt i rv 1 1 tfini
Clinton's for Eye Service..
ton loaves bread
Earl Brownflold ot Horhoy was a Miss Frances Watson spent Sunday
business visitor in tho city Tuesday. In Gothenburg at the homo ot her
Miss Anna O'Hitro returned Tuoa- pnronts Mr. And Mrs. T. P, Watson.
day evening from her European trip,
BOIl.1 SATE Housnhnlil.irnntlH of 9
with relatives for soveral weeks. , T(jom h0UBOt ,405 eat 4th BedJ r
MIbb Ardia Sillason left yesterday : room, living- room and kitchen furnT ! Cliarte'r No. 3496
Brig. Gen. C. E. Sawyer, pcrsnni
physician to President and Miv
Hardipg, and Dr. Charles 'hvo.
ptpnu'nent Surgeon of Mmm-bta, j
jShp'tographcd ds they left the While
House after ministering to' Mrs.
;riliiig during her serious illness, j
When in Doubt-
On a financial matter you con-:
suit your banker or broker, if
It is a legal question or contract,
your attorney. In either In
stance you sellect men whoso
experience Is broad, judgement
sound and in whom you repose
ovory confidence.
In consideration or your in
surance affairs why not . use
similar judgment? I have made
a careful study of the lines of
Insurance which I carry. I
have had fifteen years exper
ience, and feel quite confident
to adviso you on any insurant (
matter. I am just as glad to
adviso you with reference to
policy you already have, aa I
am with reference to new &
. istiiiance. .
Insurance Specialist,
B, & L. Bldg.
for Jior homo In KoyBtono after visit
ing soveral days in tho city with Miss
Evelyn Boldt.
iture. Adjustable dreusmaKcrs forrri.
Wardrobe trunk. Piano.
MVo Yl... lir.l.l . LIU
Mr. and WrB. Aaron Kalri of Wal- e uy Mm. Goorgo Weinberger re-. Mrs. E. H. YateB and sister Virglo 2 ii0UB0S( 3 room house furnished
loco' wero business visltori) In the city iturnod tho first of tho wcok from j Young loft yesterday for Chappoll I an(i 5 room house modorn except heat.
Tuesday. " r pdlntB In Colorado. 'where they will visit with relativos Lontal lncomo $55.00 ner month. In
Reserve District No. 10.
Report of-.Condition of the
First National Bank,
at North! lMntti 'u the Stale oi Nebraska, at the Close of Business on
Seiifember 15, 1922. ' ' ' '
J. C. Moore left Tuesday for Lew- R. L. Lowls rpturned to Maxwell , or n- iw aaye.
ollon whoro ho will transact bufllnoBs yesterday after a threo months trln , -:o:-
for n few days. : spent In Canyon City, Colo and other
i$vand Mrs. C. F. Koch arrived fColorado 'points. Ho also spent
Wednesday from Kansas City. ,Rov ,80mo t,mo In Now Mexico. Tho trip
Kocli haH taken tho pastorato of tho wnB maUo y auto
olulro at 221 So. Walnut after 6 p. m.
T.nnti"s nnd discounts, includinj: rediscounts, aocept-
Wlntor apples at 75c per bushel.
Pick them yourself. Also fresh rider.
I Come ou Sunday. Goorgo Stewart, 6
f. mtlpji nnrthwnnt nf North Plnttn nn
Uttthcran church. Robert Johnson of JbopUn, Mo., !tho old Dllllon Ranch.
Mr. and MrB. Moso McFarland re-1 who 1b oinployod nt tho Dixon store, I
turnod Wednesday from Bedford, ' ns also becomo violinist for tho
Iowa after visiting relatives Tor bov- American Legion OrchcBtra. Mr.
oral days. , Johnson is a tenor soloist and Blnga
Our diamond stock Is comploto and luany ot tho dancc Bon88' much to
our prlcoB reasonable. Call In nnd in tno dollsht of tho dancora and on'
apoct our beautiful lino ot diamond "loo''cora-
$ 741,506.54
mountings. Dixon tho Jowolor.
Maybe you did not know that Dodgo
Brothers opon car and tho now Coupu Lovouing and will play for a danco
sell for less monoy than any other
cars except Ford and Chovrolet. Whv
not buy known dopondnblllty when
you can buy It choapor.
J. V Romish Dcalor.
Gates Suporjazz orchoBtra of Don
vor will bo In North Platto Monday
at Dancoland tho samo oVoning..
Many people aro looking forward to
their arrival bb thoy aro consldoroa
ono of tho best orchestras on tho
Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
warn m m
Free Air
from the Saturday Evening Post Story by
Author of "MAIN STREET"
A Myron M. Stearns Production
Also Larry Semon in "Golf,"
At The Keith, Saturday and Sunday
The Past to Live Down and Future to Win!
v.n..i.a o n a fninipTi hlllft of oxnliance
FOR SALF-Onions. SlAO per bu. wTOdtTt thta bik ...
Will keep through winter. Also overdrafts, unsecured
pabbage. 8 mlle3 wost of town, mile s Q0Ycrnment securities owned: Vv '
north ot Lincoln highway. mile Deposited to secure circulation . (U. S. bonds par value $100,000.00
from Platto Valley school house. K. I All other United States Govemraentsecuritles (includ-
Nabota & Ogata. lng premiums, if any) 9,050.00
Total 103,050.00
HHNHKHHMHflHNMHIKi ' nti, lmmk Htnoks. securities, etc.: 98,959.40
1L tee Mi J?WTiMiirA nnrt fixtures. S5.419.92 61.202.56
Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank ? 51,048.70
Cash In vault and amount duo from national banks 191,670.18 ,
Amount due from Stato banks, bankers, and trust com
panies In tho United States (other than included in
Items S, 9. and 10) .2,983.76
Chocks on other banks In tho same city or town as re
porting bank ) other than Item 12)... 7,923.52
Redemption fund witn u. s. Treasurer anu uue irom u.
S. Treasurer 5,000.00
had never been much,
and the town'B "best"
p 0 o p 1 o didn't think
much ot Joo. But he'd
fought for an education
and had como back
home to make good.
Tho rost ot his big,
bravo, blood-tingling
story will fill your
heart completely.
1" KIMt.1jn JIHBtP1
cAdolph Zukor
pros e n t s
The CaoqoEs
t dF Canaan
Directed by Roy V. Neill Scenario by Frank Tuttle
Adapted from the
Total 1,269,907.43
Capital stock paid In ? 100.000.0
Surplus fund 75,000.00
Undivided profits 17,700.93
Less current expense, lntorest, and taxes paid 10,049.38 7,651.55
Circulating notes outstanding , 100,000.00
Amount duo to Stato banks, bankers, and trust companies in the .
United States and foreign countries (other than in-.'
eluded in Items 21 or 22) $ 72,122.17 ,
Cortifled checks outstanding 200.00
Cashier's checks outstanding 3,985.43
Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject
to ItescrTC (deposits payable within 30 days) :
Individual deposits subject to check 1. 465,656.90
Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days- (other
than for monoy borrowed) 70,932.48
Stato, county, or other municipal doposlts secured by
plodgo ot assets of this bank or surety bond" 18,051.98
Time deposits subject to Rescne fpayablo after 30
days, or subject to 30 days or moro notice, and pos
tal savings):
Certificates of deposits (other than for money bor-
rowed 1 265,000.00
Other time doposlts , 88,071.23
Postal savings doposlts 1,191.24
United States doposlts (other than postal savings), in
cluding "War Loan deposit account and deposits of
United States Disbursing officers 1,544.44
Letters ot Credit and TraYolora Checks sold, for cash
and outstanding , S00.0D 087,255.87
Total 1,269,907.42
Stato of Nebraska, County ot Lincoln, ss:
I, F. L. Moonoy, Cashlor ot tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that
tho abovo statemont Is truo to tho best of my knowledge and belief.
F. I MOONEY, Cashier.
Correct Attest: E. F. SEEBERGER-,
JOHN J. HALLIGAN, Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of Sept. 1922.
B. R. Goodman, Notary Public.