The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1922, Image 4

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GA&'ftfAN - (
To obtain foil economy front
tho uso of gas, keop idhroful
watch of your bob flame, The
correct llamp Is blue. If tho
flamo Is whlto or yollow( tho
mixture of gas and nlr entering
tho burner Is Imperfect. This
can bo remedied by adjusting
the air shutter on tho mixing
tubo, or, In extrcmo cases, by
xljustlng tho nlzo of tho gns
A yellow llamo Is wasteful.
Futhormorc, It deposits soot at
fho 'bottom .of pots and. 'pans.
If you have a coll-typo water
hoator, see that tho colls arc
kept froo from soot by brush
ing thorn at frequent Intervals,
rho soot acts as an Insulator,
and considerably moro gas Is
roqulrcd to got hot water than
when tho colls aro clonn,
Of courso, with dirty, greasy
burners you can not oxpoct to
btaln maximum rcmiltB from
our gas Borvlco. It Is just as
lecossary to clean gao humors
is It Is to cloan windows,
North Platte Light &
- Power Co.
Clinton's for Eyo Olassos.
Mrs, .'. Prlco of Hdrshey shopped
"All Aboard", tho musical comedy In tho city Wodnosday.
Eyes examined, Glasses fitted Sat
lsfnctlon, sure Clinton & Son
which Is to be pub on horo nexi.
Thursday and Friday under tho aus
pices of tho Woman's club, Is getting
Into hucIi shape that those in charge
can get a good idoa of its prospects.
Tho cast is doing well. Tho man
agor sayw
A musical comedy, to be a genuine
hit, must possess an interesting plot,
and a tunaful musical scoro. With.
out these, a show cannot bo a real shopped in tho city Wednesday
success. "All Aboard" which 1b
from tho pen of tho Into Junlo Mc
Crceo, who wrote moro than a hun
dred professional
proved to bo ono
Uroa'dway hits over produced. Too
much cannot bo said of tho protty fancy hair pins and barrettcs.
musical acore, for not ulnco tho good C. S. Clinton & Son.
old days of tho "Merry Widow" has (. A. Farroll of Maywood was n
anything boon written which would btmtncsB visitor in tho city Wcdnos
comparo with the "All Aboard" day.
score. Tho same charm which onco j. f. Woodman of Oandy waB a
held you In tho dreamy waltz strains business visitor in tho city Wcdncn
of tho famous Merry Widow WaU, day.
Always cool at Danceland, ovory
Saturday nlta
' Mrs. J. A. Hlto of Wellfleet shop
ped In tho city Wednesday.
Mrs. C.'V. WoodB of Sutherland
Hhopped In tho city Wednesday.
C. It. Hudson of Curtis was a bust
nosB visitor In tho city Thursday.
Mrs. Chas. Thomas of Dickens
Miss Ruth Hubbard will assist In
Dr. Kcrr'B office for a few days.
Mra TTnrrv T.nurnll lino tnlrnn n nnaL
stago buccosscb . Vmoi-
of tho largest t,on wlth 1,10 Aust,n Jewelry Store.
Conlo In and seo our now lino of
, i'V:?. "V"u!voro alt warm days with a gradual
unyaoi mmaio um wnicit is
at Ui6 Suit dh Sopt, 29 and
to be
matinee , and night, tho produce nnd fl
says; "Months wore Bpont In oxten.
sve roBcarch In securing accurate '
aain anu equipment ior eacn or tne,,
eighteen chapters. "Ad is true .of1 ah
great porlods of history, historians
Piano tuning, Holley Music House. ,
Our quick service on broken lenses
will pleaso you. Wo grind them In our'
own shop and can replace most any
Ions within an hour or two. Dixon Op
tical Co.
dlffor widely In"' Iholr accounts of
famouB events and it was difficult in
preparing tho script for production
to know exactly which accounts to
choose. Robort Dillon, who wrote
tho ntory and continuity from his
tory, porsucd every text book on Notlce ls horoby glvcn tlmt the
history in tho library and with the Mayor and clty Councll of th0 city of
assistance of professional research , North pitto. vhr. will rw-nivn bids
T-I- '
for furnishing all material and con
structing 1445 feet of ten inch sower
complete with one manhole, according
to plans and specifications adopted
workers succeeded in getting in his
Hcrlpt tho real events as they actually
Throughout tho greatest attention
was paid to historical accuracy in
order that tho chapter play might,
prove a real help to teachers ana
students as well as serving as an ex-
will bo fdund in. "My Dream Has
Come True" and "tho Bashful Rum-
! bio, Deo." Tho "All Aboard" scoro
' contains individual hits, and It would
I bo hnrd Indeed to limit thom to ono
or two numborB. Somo of thoso
j taking loading parts aro Mr. John
i RItner who will portray, Billy Brady,
j.a Collogo oy horo, Donald Rub
i soil will bo scon as Johnny Grady,
Billy's pal, and tho part of Alexander
and on file with the city clerk of snirl
Bids must be on filo with the City
Clerk on or before eight o'clock P.
E. S. Piper of Wallaco was a
business visitor in the city Wednes
day. Mrs. Shield. of Gibbon, Nobr., 1b
visiting her daughter 'Mrs. Glon
MrB. Georgo McGlnloy of Keystone
was a business visitor In tho city
Mrs. Fredricks of Gibbon, Nobr. is
ccptlonally Interesting and thrilling m October 3, 1922. They must be on
for ad'ilts.
Offlco ovor tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
C. Phomo will bo taken by Ralph visiting with hor daughter Mrs. L. J.
Shawgo. Dorothy Brady and Beat- Johnson.
rlco Sloano, two collogo girls, will bo Mrs. Minor Hull loft yesterday for
played by Miss Margurlto Campbon Omaha whoro sho will visit for sov
nnd Miss Mary Ellsworth. Others oral dayB.
taking parts aro Mrs. Tlley who will, . Dr. Newman of Wallaco transacted
bo scon as MrB. Sloano, mother ot: profoSalonal business In tld ciuy
Beatrlco nnd P. G. Buchanan, Capt- yqqtorday.
am jiutt, oi mo s, a. xaoriua.
Catholic Girls to bo Entertained.
Tho members of tho Catholic
Girls club will bo entertained Mon
day evening by Miss Edna Sullivan.
'- Mrs, D. P. Wilcox of Cozard spent
Thursday in tho city visiting Mr. and
Mrn. Roy Cottoroll.
Make Dnncelnnd your amusement
'hall. Under management of American"
In tho stock Judging contest at Legion Orchestra,
tho. county fair yoslrday tho Daisy) M. J. Forbes roturucd Inst oven.
McPhonion club, Clydo Shanor, lead- j ing from Denver nftor transacting
or, won first place; tho Blgnoll Pol- business for several days.
and-Clilna club, R. R. Morris, second; i
Wilson Pockot Duroc club, II. C.
Hartinan, third and tho Goldonrod
HumpBhlro club, Scott Shaner, fourth
I Tho individual prizes wont as foil- JOBonii rsoinn returned yesterday
own: Vlrgoan Dccts, first, Morroll rrom rK wllcro ho .attended tho
Shnnor, second and Paul IIou80,4gPPr!cn11 LBlo convention.
f$" "-Misses Francis nnd Dora Dolph
:a: returned from Donver last ovcnlng
ICntcrtnin in Honor of Mrs. Conlln.
Mrs. Horton Munger assisted by
Mrs. C. R. Morey entertained Wed
nesday afternoon at tho Munger
homo at Bridgo in honor of Mrs.
Frank Conlln of Omaha, who Is a
guest at tho homo of her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dixon.
tho proposal In the specifications and
must be accompanied by a certified
chock payable to the Ctty Treasurei
for on amount equal to three per
cent of the bid made. Estimated coat
of tho sower is 11490.00.
The mayor and Council reserve tho
right to reject any or all bids. By
order of tho City Council of North
Platte, Nebr., Sept. 19th, 1922.
Clerk. (Seal.)
The Famous
For Saturday
Mens HeaVy Union Suits
Heavy grey ribbed, all
sizes 36 to 46 (T 4 ff
S1.50 value....51.UU
Mens Flannel Shirts t
Tan and grey, sizes 11
32.25 value. ,,.$1,65
Mens Heavy Cotton Sweat
ers, grey only, sizes 36
S2.50 value... Ol.O"
Childrens Fast Color Hose
Black only, sizes 6 lo'j
10,35c value, pair., .,(3
Mens White Handkerch'fs
Large size, soft finish, p
10c value J)C
Front and Dewey Corner Store
' Miss Suo Murchlo left tho first of
tho week for Iowa City where sho
will make her future homo.
Mra. Hattlo Hirstcd of Horahoy
Hhoppod In tho city Wednesday.
Always wolcomo at Dancoland ovory
Saturday nlto.
. W. Hornor of, Wallaco transacted
buslnosB in tho city Tuesday,
MIbb Ruth Davidson has talcon a third.
poBltlon In Dr. Lano'B Dental olTlco. ;
Arthur Mahan Ih oiijoylng a two j Ono of tlo ovents -which North imQr visiting with friends for several
woolen vacation from tho Roxall Drug i Piatto oan look forward to with ox (mv8,
Btoro. I peculation, Is tho locturo by Dd W. A. Tho body of Orvillo" Sportsman
Poto McKlnW of Staploton was u ,MoiiJ'or ot tho University of ICanflaH. : tinivod this morning from Denver
buslnoHH visitor In tho city Wodnoa-1 nr MG001' miH 11 department all of. No funoral arrangements have been
dny, IiIh own and lookn after tho good of inado.
Miss Mabol Krabb of Paxton iu : tUQo f0"01' M ) ' Mrs. Augubt Victor loft this morn.
visiting with fronds In tho city this 1 Z " m ,ng for AxtolI Nobr- aftcr vlsltInB
week. Imllvlduals and commUnltiOB .in other v.1(u,Mr daughter Mrs; E. 'Cedar-
places and tolling about them. In such ;,, fn Hnvorn1 l1n,.a
Mm. Jnlill OMTnriL nt Wnllnrn u-n I , ..... nurB l0 SOVOral daj'S.
" """ ll yyuf iiuu itu UUHliy UI311I1KU1HU 110
I ..... I . . . . ... .. . '
Entei-tniiis nt Surprise Party.
Mrs. C. J. Cornwoll entertained
'forty guests at her homo Monday
ovcnlng at a surprUo .party In honor
of Mrs. A. D. Cornwoll. Tho occas
ion was hor 24th birthday. Tho
evening was spent In playing cards
after which a delicious two courso
luncheon was served.
Mrs. P. C. Phillips loft yesterday
for Illff, Colo., whoro eho was called j
by tho Illness of her son who j was
seriously hurt in an auto accident !
Wednesday evening. t i
Non-Cancellablo Accident and
Health Insurance.
Doublo Indemnity Provisions.
Speciflo Dismemberment
Disability Income Clause.
Monthly Llfo Incomo
Puro and Installment Incomo
Endowment Provisions.
Premium Waiver Clause.
Post Mortem Dividends.
Full Participation in all.
Automatlo Non-forfoituro
Insurance that Insures Protection that Protects
Fidelity Reserve Company
Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets,
North Platte, Neb.
n business vtnltor in tho city Wed
nonday. . ,
Moot your trlonds at Dancoland,
ovory Saturday nlto.
. Mrs. John Stackhouao of Dlqkons
was a business visitor In tho city
worthy from tho worthiest). Ho will
uddrosB tho district toachorH conven
tion which Is to bo hold horo on Fri
day October 13 nnd tho session will
bo -open to ovoiwonu.
Dodgo Brothers
cars uro roo1
fllzed family cars of 114 lml. wlflfiM.
U. A. Johnson of Gothenburg baao. It ,a oaulppod wlth 32x, uoh.
arrived yesterday to transact buat. LJdd conl tlrcB nll ftroimdi Conilira
ncBs for a fow days. Iwltu otllor Bninllor carfl for whIt;h
13l McOlothlon ot Sutherland was a
city visitor Wodnosday. Ho also in
tended tho county fair.
'"MrB. Q. Finn returned Tuesday
ovcnlng from Denver after visiting;
with rolatlvcH for a few days. j
Mr. and Mra, Arthur Malum lcavo !
Sunday for points In Colorado whoro j
they will visit for two wooks. 1
MIbb Ilolon ICroohlor has takon a '
position with tho Simon Bros. Tln
ahop. Sho began work Wodnosday. !
Dr. Mario Amos loaves tomorrow !
for Savannah, 111. to visit for a fow
days, Sho will bo homo October 1.
Mrs. Adult Giuu roturnod, Tuesday
ovonlng from Norfolk, Nobr. whoro
Bho has boon vlBltlng hor sou Roland.
J. M. draWo of Fort Luptou, Colo
rado 1b visiting with rolatlvos in tho
city. Mr, arable was a former rosl
dont horo. i K HWlS? ? f
' MIbb Molon Jotor loft yoBtorday tor
I'hlladolphla. MIbb Jotor will bo
ono of tho Instructors at Bryn Mawr
Collogo this year. Dryn Mawr is
ono of tho leading woman's collogob
,ot. tho country.
hll'hcr price is askod.
J. V Romlgh-
L. & S. Groceteria.
At Danceland, Monday, September 25
ftolo ot Furnlturo
OF 1I0U8K.
m W. 4th St. Mrs. R, L. OravoB.
Choice lot ot young Red Poll bulla
at farmors prlcoa at
South Dowoy Stroot
Starts Friday and Saturday,
September 29 and 30
The Greatest Chapter Play of
American History
"In The Days of
Buffalo Bill"
With North Platte's Own Hero,
Played by Duke R, Lee.
Watch For It!
Wait For It!
Emi your
whdfe home
without ypgoi m
pipes or If pffil I
pHIS new type heating system can
be easily installed in any home new or
old in a few hours' time. No fuss or muss,
because no pipes to run and no tearing up of
walls and floors. Only one hole to cut, for
ONE REGISTER heats the whole house.
Then just leave the doors between con
necting rooms open. The warm, moist, steri
lized air, flowing, from the single discharge reg
ister, will circulate through the entire house,
while cooled air is drawn back into the heater
through the intake registers.
-ie furnace that breathes;
In it you get not only the one scientifically correct pipeless system, but an unusu
ally heavy, high-grade heater with many exclusive features. All-Cast-iron Construction; Ball
Bearing Grate; Swinging Vapor Tank ; FIVE-YEAR GUARANTEED FIRE POT.
Come in and let us show you all the important
advantages of this heating system. We knew what it will
do for you because we know what it hai- done for others.
Our guarantee io addsd to tho makers'.