The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 22, 1922, Image 1

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No. 74
The mothers of the Hi-Y boys aro
to meet this afternoon to organizes
as sponsors of tho noon lunches
which the boys have each week.
The Buffalo Bill gun club will hold
a. trophy Bhoot Sunday Sept 24th at
2 p. m. This cup Is open competi
tion to all shooters and goes to the
high gun on 75 targets;
The flro department was called out
early Wednesday morning when a
Are was discovered in tho basomonr
of the Sun Theatre. Tho flro is or
unknown origin. No damage was
Tho delegates to tho American Le
gion state convention at York 'last
week were R. L. Cochran, A. C. Til
ley, Jos. F. Nolan and H. R. Bradley.
They report about 600 delegates and
a good convention.
One of the features of this years
fair which received general commen
dation wa.s tho fireworks. The dis
play shown Wednesday evening was
repeated on Thursday evening and
was very gratifying to tho fair man
agement as well as highly enjoyed
by the patrons of tho evening enter
tainments. Last week when Mr. and Mrs. N. B.
Spurrier wero' Just three miles from
town the car in which - they were
riding turned turtl'p .in the itytck.
One of tho surprising things Is that
both Mr. and Mrs. Spurrier had. drlv
en to California and back to Iowa
and did not meet with any accidents.
No one. was hurt!
Chas. Shaffer, is to be taken into
court today on the charge of being
in possession of a still and of 600
gallons of maslu There is consider,
able interest in the case with talk
about' town that Tie is only the agent
for someone else "who is at present
unknown. It Is said ho will plead
not, guilty and bq bo.und over to the
. district, c,ourt."
The city schools closed1 at noon on
Selling for Cash and our rent be-
jng cheap,
That's why our values can't be beat )
Specials For Saturday and Monday
Argo Corn Starch
Per package .... 7c
Mixed Cookies
Per pound 18c
Real quality
Quantities Limited, None Sold to Dealers
Every Day is Bargain Day
Fancy Creamery Bulter per pound 40c
Shredded Wheat, 2 packages for 25c
Gallon Blackberries 98c
2 pound can of Libby Roast Beef 45c
Guaranteed Coffee per pound 30c
Flour, guaranteed, 48 pounds $1.60
DeForest Cash Grocery
Fastest Growing Store in North Platte
1 001 N. Locust St. Phone 2 1 2
Tho Volunteer Firemen will bo out
in full forco this evening at 7:30 when
they will parade tho prlncipnl streets
hoaded by tho band. Tho department,
will bo in full regalia with all tho flro
fighting apparatus in lino. Following
tho parado they will open tho carnival
at tho Lloyd with tho auction of gifts
from tho North Platto merchants.
Then tho ovoning will bo given to
merriment and the other interesting
jfeaturos of tho carnival. Tickets aro
one dollar and aro on salo at Buick
garago, Ford garage, S. & It. Sorvico
Station, J. S. D. service station, and
of any fireman.
Wednesday and tho pupils wero ad
mitted freo that afternoon. Somo
of tho country schools closod but in
vother districts tho directors refused
to allow tho schools to close and on at
I least ono schoof, tho teacher was tho
I only ono who camo to schoof1 that
j day, all tho children being at tho
! fair.
Tho Nebraska Lincoln Highway As-
soclation has been recently organized
Iwlth tho appointment of tho follow
ing temporary officers: Georgo Walz,
'Fremont, president; D. J. Traill,
Grand Island, secretary. The com
,mittee. on constitution and by-laws
J consists of the following gentlemen:
: Jesso Whltmoro of Valley, E. F. See
I borger ol North Platto and I. A. Den
inison of Kearney.
Tho Alumni Association of the Unl
, versity of Nebraska is attempting to
I got an accurate directory of ovjry
former student of tho University. A
list of those who registered from
, rJorth Platte, has been rocelved hero
j and tho addresses to most of tho
names has been secured. Tho follow
! Ing addresses are not known by tho
j local committee and it will be appre
ciated If anyone knowing any of the
(addresses will forward them to B. E.
1 Carr, North Platte. Julia M. Mungor,
Marguerite Gladys. Axtoll, and William.
; Harry Cass.
; :o:
Dr. and Mrs Frank Baldwin of
Calloway are visiting1 this week with
relatives in tho city.
I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyman or
jMedford, Oregon spent several days
: at the Caldwell and W. T. Wilcox
1 homes this week enrouto to Des
Moines, Iowa whore thoy will attend
the National Encampment. Mr.
I Lyman is a delogato.
Sugar, 13 lbs. for $1
Pure, fine granulated
Star Naptha
Washing Powder 23c
Large Size
Members of National Board Of Directors of Brotherhood
Of American Yeoman Are Guests Of City
And Inspect Home Sites.
Tho delegation from tho Board of
.ltrnntnra of H, Vi,.,, n.l.,n,1
.....,v. ... ciimmian oi mo program committee,'- umuw ami ib recovery
Omaha Tuesday morning and woro;lin,i olso Ravo n Ioadlng numboP on,la doubtful. Ho was taken to a
met by a committee of North Platte 'the program. Hospital at Fort Morgan.
business mon and, escorted to tho, .0.
Union Pacific depot where they ; Tho Chamber of Commerce officials ; TWO HALL GAMES TO HE PLAYED
boarded tho private car of Suporln-c "oro than pleased with tho flno 1 ON LOCAL DIAMOND
tondent Anderson which was attached t B,,rlt ahowu by ovoryono In conncc- NEXT SUNDAY
v - "V W MIU lilt It Ul UUijUli
through to North "Platto. arriving
AAUi U ill UiU iUlU ULlUlltUUll. 1 IIU Ul U
treated- to a dinner on tho Superin
tendent's car, which received tholr
highest commendation. At the depot
to meet them were a delegation com
posed of members of tho various,
clubs, Including tho Chamber of Com-'
merce. At 6:30 tho Rotary club was
host to tho entire committee and
Superintendent Anderson. Tho fea
ture of this dinner was an addross by
John J. Halligan on his Impressions
of Germany. Following tho dinner
the guests wore taken to tho K. fo.
hall whore initiation ceremonies woro
put on by tho local lodge. At 8:45
the doors were opened and many citi
zens enjoyed with the Yeomen, a pro-'
gram presided over by Mrs. W. J.
Tiley. Every number was good and
was enthusiastically applauded by'
the crowded house. Tho guests were
callod upon for brief addresses and
responded with short talks which
irirn wnll r.nn,m,1 j At.''lOniO WlllCh OVOnlllJlllv will
prograin those who cared to stayed
anu uanceu.
un mo rouowing morning three au -
Igation and local committeemen drovol:"g ade?ato transportation facilities
td tho various sites near' here and 'in-
spectcd them. Tho
foaturo was an address by Bob Sim-4vit! ila own. dining room, kitchen, jltlaltUos of character that will insuro
mons of Scottsbluff, republican can- earden and yard, Each hohio will tllolr right use.
thesJClwanic club 'where the imam 1 00 ,n charge jaf foster parents earn J Mr. 'Parmer Bald keon rivalry had,
The afternoon was taken up in furth
er Inspection of sites and at 7 o'clock
the business session of tho day took
place. It wps a banquet at the Union I snould "avo. Each cottago will bojcd In Practically every otato in tho onu thjng or nnothor. Tho car
Pacinc hotil given by tho Chamber a well-regulated, inodcBt homo -every-j ,mIon- location, ho doclarod, nival company which contracted;"'to
of Pnllnwlnp- tlm ,llnnor'ono will aharo Hi will probably bo determined in the nnmn wnnt wnal and oven tho merry.
which was quite elaborate and served
in four courses, addresses woro mado
by former Governor Neville, Mayor E.
H. Evans, C. L. Vromnn of Kansas
City, A. N. Farmor of Grand Rapids,
Michigan and Jas, T. Koofe county
attornoy of Lincoln county. Tho vls
itorsdoparted on tho night or early
morning trains, oxprosslng thom
Belvos as highly pleased at tho hospi
tality shown by tho people of North
Ono of tho guests who was appre
ciated but who rondered himsolf
rather Inconspicuous was Roy Morrill,
Nebraska manager for tho Yeomen
loilgo. Ho was an Interested mombor
of tho party who helped to mako the
vjslt a success.
Tho program at tho K C. Uall Tues
day evening was above the ordinary
ln showing thot ability of our people.
It consisted of fancy dancing, piano
cornet, and vocal solos, selections by
tho North Platto Ladlos Band, road
ings and short talks. Mrs. Tlloy was
On account of
our store will be
I Saturday, September 23d,
until 5 p. m.
n'..,..., . ... ...
tlon with tho visit of tho Yeomen
Not one person was!
j lv 1 lV,U WUU 1
railed to do -tils best. This spirit of!
co-operation was what made tho j
whole visit buoIi a RiiPoaa ,wi .ne.i '
the guests to comment favorably on
tho result. It is tho spirit which
North Platto Is wont to show whon
the occasion presents.
The address by Mr. Farmor, secre
tary of tho commlttco, at tho dinner
given Wednesday evening by tho
Chamber of Commerce was scholarly
and full of ideals in education. Mr.
Farmer is an educator of national
reputation, who gave up a city sup
erintendency at tho opening of tho
war to go with tho food administra
tion and since tho war has been doing
child wolfaro work in ono capacity or
11 -rT. ..
anothor. His address
and enlightening, dealing as it did
with the fundamentals of child edu
cation. Concerning
1 sot 'nIi outlay of $10,000,000 ho said
.wWCU uram 10 socurc a;'" --o
.jslto for this homo which will .boi0 not necessarily to do right. Char-
beautiful hv nnui-n I.. rnntflr fn'morn than Intellect. It in.
iu uuuurc
, flltO for fllla lmmn -...1. iii
1 . - . nu win ,oo
iboautlful by nature, healthful. w
tear here and in- fr , " '"vuy cenier. a lake
drive included ajpr-flver would ai to its attractive-
vdliev from ti., 11088 and affod opportunity for .water
"uar a railway center. A lake
sports, The land must bo pfoduc-fcllvo forco Knowlodgo and skill
tlvo so that food supplies may bo!may bo UBod ta wrone doIn' ln Dolf
grown. , From 500 to 2,500 ncrot, Booking, in preying upon ono's follow
will be required. The children will mcn and ,n tor an,tl-social ways.
bp housed in cottages built to ac-c 18 dangerous, tSeroforq, to equip
commodate twelve or flftoon. Each j.luman. bolngs with tho Instruments
cottairn will 1m n i.. ..Inf nnwnr wltliniit ilnvnlnntnir in them
."ij ouiuuiuu ior inou ittness tp
care for children and provide tho
attention and affection each child
fill!.. nn1..1.. ,. . ...
tho family group. The hlghost possl -
bio fitness of each child will bo de
veloped by training ln health habits
Instruction ln personal hygiene, ana
correction of physical defects. There
will bo a program of work In. the
homo, garden and fields and a care
fully planned all-year program ot
games and pastimes.
Every child will havo an oppor.
tunlty to develop all his mental
powers. Tho school will bo supplied
with all modern equipment, manned
by able teachers and with a courso
of Btudy and method of instruction
that will vltallzo tho subjects taught.
Individual traits and aptitudes, as
well as weakness and defects, will bo
studied. Opportunity will bo nfford
ed each child to Bpeciallzo when
special ability is shown, Tho school
will bo fitted to tho needs ot tho
children rathor than tho children ad
Justed to an arbitrary school systom.
Every effort will bo mado to discover
tho strongest and xaowi useful traits
and aptitudes of each child and ho
Orvlllo Sportsman, ago oightoon
years, was Instantly killed Wodncs
uy evening wncn uio car which ho
was driviwr turned turtle Ho In
eomnnnv uriti, nui, wi.i. w w.i
" ! aivii, II VtOU tu(k UU '
nosday ror Fort Morgan. The!
accident occurcd near lllfT, Colorado,'
when Sportsman driving nt a high 1
rate of speed attomptod to round a,
rune, running tho car into somo softi
,dltt whore tho road had Just becu'
graded caused tho car to hit tho
'bank and turned, turtle, killing
Sportsman Instantly. WolBh
t.. ...-. ' ,. ,
I '
Tho Amcrlcim Legion team will
piay a uouwo-hcador with tho Kan-
iui.nuuuna noro uoginning
at 1:30 Sundfty nftornoon. This Is
tl10 Panio of tho season. Tho
All-Stara postlvoly guaranteo to have
with thom tho groat colored pltchor
Smoko Donaldson. Tho samo team
will play a singlo gamo on Monday.
Tho visitors aro colored and it is
claimed thoy aro tho best colored
club In tho country.
will bo ohnbled to bocomo proflclont most as mnny Individual birds as
in tho vocation for which ho is bostUaunl. Tho Exporlmontal StaUon
fitted. Each ono will lmvo a chance fnUod to mako auy dIaplay ,n th,g
to tost himself In various occupations department where formerly It has
and his special abilities will bo do- boon tho lcadlng ontrantt Judgta.
tormlned by psychological and othor o tho dlBpiaya waB Dr0Brcsa yes.
sc,cnuuc tC8ts' anoso aotorminoa,
,rawyB u cuurBU 01
' 111 Mm vnonflnti fnv trlilMi Vio In hunt
In tho vocation for which ho is bost,The comploto list will appear in early
adapted. In enso of special ability, , ,lUmbora of the Trlbuno.
provision will bo mado for technical
or professional training in collego or T, , . f , , , . , ,. d
Character is tho determining fac-
nr In nnrEnnnlllv Tn Irnnw rlrrlit
Volvos tho training- and education
Hm AmnHAnn nwl irllT
" "
sncu tra,n,nB oducatiou may become
ta destructive rathor than a constru-
t w Inn H il h n llnlrn 1.
uilovu "" diuiuo iu mo
' Yeomen's homo established within
' t,ielr bordorB. Sites havo boon offer-
! noxt f6w months.
Dodge Brothers Never Do Things
by Halves
And They Usually Do the Right
Thing First
Dodge Brothers were the first automobile
makers to build an all steel open body, without
any wood,
Dodge Brother wero the first to finish an en
tiro automobile body in baked enamel, (tho only
lasting finish), thoy did this in 1914 and remain
alone in this field today excepting! only one
cheap car which has attempted to imitate this
lustrous enamel.
Dodge Brothers were tho first makers to put
quality materials in a medium priced car, all
parts that bar any strain in tho car being built
of chrome-vanadium steel, (not just ono main
leaf in tho front springs).
Dodge Brothers wore tho first to build an all
metal (no wood) closed car the result being
Dodgo Brothers Business Coupo for which more
than 10,000 people are now awaiting delivery.
Baked enamel finish of courso, which is impos
sible to attain in any body factory Job, because
thoy all havo wooden frames yes every ono of
them, and a little strip aluminum cannot hide it.
Dodge Brothers wero tho first to announce and
build an all metal sedan, dedicated to business
use. It is cheaper in prlco, yet sturdier than any
wood and motal body, it is lighter in weight, yet
stronger, and it is also baked enamol cloar to
tho roof.
. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
mimvJ iivirarrArTv i ni'fl r,
Tho Lincoln County Fair which
oponod hero Tuesday aftornooh and
closes this nftornoon has shown that
Lincoln county has raised first prlzo
CrOPS tlllS JOBf ill SpltO Of UlO UnfaV-
orablo weather conditions Tho
agricultural hall was crowdod with
individual and collective precinct
, vi,ijiHh c
i and tantofiillv nL, fuu
Uvorn 3,10 w ?r Exhibits
, . y "orstioy, boilers,
muu, iwuvgu, usgooa. rayno.
iiuna iiuseuaio anu uottonwood
products in addition to mako Individ
ual displays .and oxhlbits. Tho an
nouncement of awards had not boon
mado last night. Tho display- o
hogs was largo and attracted tho
attontion of most of tho fair visitors-
j ll WIS fiald to bo tho largest display
over shown hero at n countv fair.
Tho flno draft horses from tho Btablea
ol' tho D. A. Hill ranch woro much
admired. Tho noultrv nxhthltn worn
ln... 1 At'.
.terdny and only a partlal uat of tno
pHzo winners had been announced
"Farmer's Falr in that tho active
. , j .
. . ..
rcni larmors. -Jim wiison neaaea
,tho offlcora wltb aam Soudor aa soc.
. 1 . .
roiary anu a, 'jng imo oi luiercsieu.
ot"ftnd onlerp-rlilnff fftrmcrs as assist-
u:Ub. It was moro nearly what a
Couivty Falr ahould bo than any wo
llllV0 had ao WIth eomo chanKoa
and Jmpr9omonta which could', be
Tworked out, it would bo .'one, ofV.tho
fajr9 jn tho state.) ' ...
' ' "
Thd amusomont features of' tho
fair woro not' as ambltlouB as' thoy
i,.,.. inmn i-ooo .'.' ihnv niinm.
ed to ploaso tho crowds which filla
tho grand stand each day. Somo or
the wild west features woro above
. . . . 1 V I 1. M..MII4
oriunary ana snowou hik nut""
roping and riding. Tho racos "Woro
not Up to tho usual grade on account
go-round failed to appear