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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1922)
a: XKaaM.. frVSK.. iS'fcmrjJJUH'mu uiiuuiw, " v WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. : Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco a8 Second Class Matter. SUBSCRII'TIOK I'UICEj Year, In advance $1.60 One TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER Mil, 1022. EDITORIAL David said "Commit thy way unto tho Lord; trust also In him and lie shall bring It to pass." Psalms a?: 5. Cardinal MorckA said -within us all Is somothlng than personal interest, than porsonal ' kinships, than parly feeling and I this profound will within us Is pat- rlotlsm." , j Ono resident of Lincoln county is credited with having remarked to a I follow citizen that the commissioners have spent twenty thousand dollars on the now court nouso nnu now uiuy want nnothor twenty thousand dollars to completo lt. graft about It 1HUIU uiuoi. uu his further ox- was prosslon. has boon date. Tho facts are that $110,000 paid to tho contractor to ho rnnnonso to our offer of a priao to tho mother who would write tho best article on "How to mako North Platte a better placo to ralso boys", there is nothing which can bo done. That means tlcat North Platte Is aB good a placo tq raise boys as lt could bo. That's fine. If there Is nothing that can bo done wo aro glad tho mothers know it and aro so satisfied. Tho con tst closes Saturday. Tho Firemen's Carnival which Is to bo hold horo. not Tursday evening la attracting more attention than It did. Tho showing mado by North Wittto in tho matter of flro losses j during llio past year Is so creditable that tho citizens are' giving tho 'fire men tho benefit of ' being responsi ble for' tho g6od work' Tickets for tlie carnival aro brio' dollar each and maybo socltrod from' any0 'member or tho department. 1 ' Tho second boy hils como to Jur office and gono. Tho ' bbys do not scorns to want to loarn a trade bo thoy can mako monoy latter. -Tiro main Jdoa with thorn Booms to bo tb-gct all tho monoy. thoy can now s6 thoy can havo moro swoot and gabd things to cat. This office cannot wasto tlmo on such a boy. Wc will tako a good fqllow who Is going to school nnd If ho -wjll givo ua his tlmo and attention and If ho has ability wo can teach hlm tho printing trade. When wo j need help and ho loams to do tho, work Wo will pay him full wngos, iwhlch aro pre'tty good. Any such boy should see tho editor and stnrt In now In qui; nowa columns wo print a heading' on titled "Son ot North Plntto Blacksmith Is Now a College Presid ent'' Tho North Platto blacksmith memtlbnod Is our rospoctod townsman, j nut thoy aro about to tho end of Fred Elliott, Tho son Is Just Install, j thojr funds. Not a cent has boen 6d a president of one of tho- largo wasted hut they did not go. far en onston universities with avondorful 0Ugh. Tho problom now Is to comploto oquiiMnont and a groat record for past the building hnd get tno valuable achievement. While tho phrnso la rocords of tho county Into tho flro striking yot it tho truth wero known 1 proof vaults whoro thoy will bo safo it Ib probable that tho father could j That Is tho Job which Is taxing all have boon a college presldout Instead tho powers of tho commissioners to of a blacksmith lt ho hnd started that I docompllsh. way. Ho was a good blacksmith and tho son is a good college president, Wo wondor how much dltferonco thoro is aftor all. Ono of tho gratifying signs of the times is tho groat advance in tho membership of tho Woman's club. The oftlcors speak of a process by which those who In formor years Joined tho club in order to bo doing Bomcthlng or for social purposes, have dropped out and tho roal, pro gressive womon of tho city havo takon tholr places. With a member ohlp of 250 or moro nnd pushing ot a practical program of social bottor. mcnt thoro 1b no reason why tho Woman's club ehould not oxerclao as great an Influonco on tho community us tho Chamber ot Commerce or any of tho othor clubs which aro trying to help North Tlatto. Tho Trlbuno editor would urge an early rosponso to tho Buggostlon of our city librarian that wo glvo avail able chlldrons books to tho library rather than glvo thorn storage Bpaco in our homos after thoy havo Borvod tholr purpose Tho only way to got this dono is to do It. If anyone thinks thoro la nd ncod for theso books ho or sho has but to sit a whllo by tho librarian's doslc aftor school somo OYoning and watch tho boys and glrla como and go as they bring back tho books thoy. havo road and coloct sew ones to read. What looks of pleasure as thoy turn in a book thoy have enjoyed and what anticipations as they read oyer tho Sltlc and sc,ct book which they! expect to Ilka. It Is an opportunity to do something for childhood and wc should rlso to tho occasion. Tho Tribune wants a correspondent j ovory coinniunlty In Lincoln county Wo havo an offer to make to rolla- l bio men or women who will sond us the items from their community, i Just wrlto us and ask for particulars ' as to what you should do. Lincoln county needs a school nurse. Tho work done laBt year by tho Red Cross was but a beginning and should bo followed up by ab vigorous a campaign as possible. 1 The long-awaited roport of tho sur "Down ' vey of Lincoln county schools by the deeper I School nurso last year, vlias", not reached us yet. It will be doubly welcome If It comos before It Is so i old It Is, more or loss out of date, The Red Cross Is not In financial shapo to omploy a nurso and tho counly commlBslon0rs havo not 8'con f wny c,car to stand tho oxpenBO Nq othor 2atlfm unloB8 lt Is c,uba Qf th(J county could ralso the required amount ot money. Someone may havo a plan .... . . WII,C" Jms "0l yut ouen "uou"i:uu' it womu lnucou no a uiessing 11 uje nurse could bo secured. Tho H. & S. reception held Satur. i day evening1 is but another mile 1 stone In tho upward progress of ttais!wosn 25" pounds. $30 each If taken city. While other business men aro j quick,- Mac Westphall, phone 785F21. retrenching and Idling away their I tlmo and' opportunity, this firm is branching out. Their old quarters In tho Brodbeck building wero better than most similar concerns possess. Thoy might hayo' Btayod thoro until prosperity drovo thorn to action. But that Is not tholr way of doing busi ness. They took the stop, leased downstairs quarters, furnished them magnificently and sot to work to make their first year in tho now lo cation tho biggest buslnoss year or their career And watch thorn do it. i rllncy hav0 Bot lno paco f or au North Platte business during this summer depression and thoy deservo leader ship. ' ' ' u ThOBe who havo Investigated t,ho matter !aro approving tho judgement of 1 tho County commissioners In tho .matter of tho construction of the now ciounty court house as far , as it has gono. Thero aro at least throe, qual ltl6s which were doclded upon and thoy aro the throo ofi which almost ovory citizen of Lincoln .county would npprdve; Tho court houso must bo fireproof? It must bo large enough to sorvo a growing county for many years and It must bo handsome o nbugh ta represent tho real Ideals of tho pooplo ot tho county. The walls aro up and tho boauty of tho bulld- Ing as far as lt has boon built Is gen erally acknowledged. Nothing but fire proof material has boon' used so far. Tho measurements of tho bu,lldlng show that It ta as big as any ot the nowor county court houses In tho stato, and some of them aro getting protty crowded oven now. So far as they havo gone, ovory ono of tho maior reoulromonts has iboch mot. When in Doubt- On a financial matter you con sult your banker or broker, it lt Is a logal question or contract, your attorney, In olthor in stance you selloct men whoso oxporieuce is broad, judgement Bound nnd in whom you roposo ovory contldonco. In consideration of your ln Burnuco affairs why not uso similar Judgment? I havo mado a caroful Btudy ot tho linos ot insurance which I carry. I havo had fiftocn yoars exper ience, and fool qulto confidont to advlso you on any Inouranco mattor. I urn Just as glad to advlso you with reforouco to policy you alroady havo, as I to advlso you with rotoronco to anco, v C. F. TEMPLE, Insurnnco Specialist, 1). & L. Bid?. THE NORTH PLATTE SEM1-WWI5KI.Y TRIBUNE Want Ads FOR SALE Tomatoes for canning. Phone 787F21(. Ream Bros. for SALE Dodgo touring car. Phono 811W. FOR SALE Soft Coal Stoves. Phono 1147J. FOR SALE OR TRADEHouso lot. 1502 West Front- and FOR SALE Canary Third. Birds. 409 W. F0R SALEOno lnrge Cheap. 214 E. 3rd sL llufck .car. FOR SALE Team and Harness. 603 So. Pino. FOR RENT Ono sleeping room. 409 W. Third. FOR SALE Annrnrlmntnlv 4BA ft 114 inch black -pipe. New condition. Artiflclal Ice and Cold Storago Co. nn nuv-n ti . 1 uuuae an muuuiu. impure a. u. ivocK:n, 220 W. Sixth Street. FOR ' SALE Threo boars, thorough- orou i'.oianu-uninns. 7 montns old. FOUNDTWo hogs. 7 miles north east of town on tho Henrv Ruhm farm 0wner lnqulro of D KolfJO Describe same and pay damages. FOR SALE Native rei cqdar 'and used lumber at' old stock yards, North Platto. Seo Gono Crook or I Harold R. Burke, First National Bank of North Platte. FOR SALE Household goods room 'house1.- 405 Vrost 4th. of 9 Bed-, , -x . v,,. ,. room, llvinir rnrtm nmi lfltniion fnrn. A.H.mtni.irt' iirmvM' tn, Wrtr,ii,ft t,.i,. nfv. UV4 ' FOrt SALE-By owner leaving tqyn, 2 houses, 3 room houso furnished and 5 room houso modern except heat. Rental income $55.00 per. month. In quire at 221 So. Walnut aftor 6 p. m. LOST Two rings. One rjd and ono Whffo 6ot in Women's rost room at North Platto Depot, Tuesday between one and two o'clock p. m. Finder leave tamo at this offlco and receive generous reward. :o: . LOCAL AND PERSONAL Clinton's for Eyo Glassos. Roal Estato Mortgages bought and sold. T. O. Patterson. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert E. Powell Sunday.' Always cool at Danoeland, every Saturday jalta . Mrs. E. S. Saltsider of Dickons shoppod In tho city yesterday . Crow & Crow still pay the highest prices for eggs. Wilber Swanson who is attending tho University at Lincoln has pledg ed for tho Sigma Phi Epsilon frater nity. Mtas Wllda WJoodhouso who has boon visiting hor auntMrs. R. L. Graves, has returned to hor home in Omaha. -:o:- NO HUNTING This is notice to all hunters that you aro absolutely forbidden to hunt on lnnds owned and oporatod by mo, north of tho North Platto rlvor, under tho penalties of trespass pro. vlded by law. Honry Hanson. :o: : XEOMAN RECEPTION AT K. HALL C. Tho Yooman will glvo a reception to tho Slto Committee tor tho Yoo nidh Orphans' Homo on Tuesday evening at 8:45. Everybody inter ested Is cordially invited to attend. Every Yooman should bo present promptly at 7:45 and all applica tions not yot inltlatod como before 8:00. This will bo a big social mooting. Corrospondont. ' NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Water ront in District B is now duo and payable at the Water Offlco ana will bocomo dolinQucnt aftor Sopt. i'Otb. All services where tho water ent is not paid by Sopt. 20 In Dis trict B will bo shut oft in accordan&j with tho Water Ordinance This gives about throo wooks for payment ot wator bills and glvos railroad men two pay days boforo Sopt. 20. Please seo your water bills aro paid boforo Sopt. 20th and do not ask for or expect an extension of tlmo. t Dlstlrct 11 comprises all that part ot tho city west of Locust street and botweon tho Union Pacific right ox way and tho Burlington rlgEt of way. HERSHEY B. WELCH Water Commissioner. WEATHER CONDITIONS, SatflrW was cloudy for this Yioln-Uor0, looked much like" raln.f Yesterday Judgo Woodhurst unit- Sunday, wan ar.muwhat warmer, oloud'ied In mnrlngo 'Layton Loughroy of Ing up In the evening and ending lnj'tfansas City and Miss Nellie Ef. Olds a good rain. Tho precipitation was .81. Tho hlghost temperature yester - day was 09 and tho lowest last night was 40. Forecast says' It will he 'warm er tonight and Wednosday. :o: North Plntto Is a cream center for this part of the stale. During tho pasture season it Is said to ship out' more cream than any other city on tho Union Pacific railroad and that ,.. ..i.mi .. . . . in uuuuiun 10 supplying tue local demands for milk and - cream and that of two creameries for butter and Ice cream. At present the sup- ply of cream has fallen off possibly 40 per cent below the mid-summer totals. As tho supply falls off the price goes up. The falling off is seasonal and expected but came a little earlier this year than usual. At ono tlmo tho price was as Ibw as 21c bUt now U ,s up arouml 30 ccnts wIth prospocts of going still higher. Tho cream check has beon the salvation nf ,o,. .ll.. n ... ... " 1J"iU" i;uuaijr1n said estate, will appear at said "u uo 1 imr oruu caiue oecomo,umo and nlaco and duly present tholr moro common tho amount of dairy- ing done here will increase. :o; IjOTIOE TO HUNTERS. i will allow nThunting on, my . . . as I have leased all the lakes. Viola tors will bo prosecuted. Sam Fackler LOCAL A i" PERSONAL Victor,' VIctorolas, Holley Music House, Miss Bessie Show spent Sunday with her parents in Hershey. Freo dancing from 8:45 to 9:30, at . . ' rt . . uanceinnu every aaturaay nue. Kv" examined. Glasses fitted. Sat- isrnct!m. sure. l8fact!m. pure. Clinton & Son ' Jqu will bo surprised at the quality of juries Suits yoil can buy from $25 jto f40 at wilcox Department Store, ' , . . , oiuuu nuuuu lias icuuivu mu duties at the Malonoy store after a two weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs,. Ray Cummings and c.hljdrcn . left Sunday morning for thpr, neWj-hojijo in Council. Bluffs. Dr. J. H. Kerr is visiting his bro th Dr. T. J. Kerr enroute from Den vorto Jiis home in Arkon, Ohio. f Cpmo )n and seo our now line of fanpy hair pins and barrettes. C Sn; Clinton & Son. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pease of Faxton transacted business In the city for a few days last week. New records twice a month on the Edison and Columbia Machines. Dixon 'Misjc Shop. Joe Nolan loft Sunday for York to 'attend the American Legion con vention. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Buckley are expected home the last of this week from a trip to Estes Park. I Miss Evangalino Herrod arrived ' home Thursday from her European I trip. ! Clarence Garman has been rein stated on the railroad after being out of service for the past two months. Harry Bandarct and, family of Paxton visited with friends in the city last week. M. J. Posson of Paxton visited with friends- in the city for a few days last week. , Bevorje Wurtelo left this morning for Omaha where she will attend Brownoll hall this fall. Dr. Marie Ames leaves Saturday for Savanah, 111., whoro sho will visit relatives for several weeks. Mrs. Otto Weber returned from Topoka, Kansas, where, she attended tho Kansas Stato Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baldwin ot Callaway aro visiting with friends in tho city for a few days. Miss Scott of Sidney spent tho weok end In tho city visiting at the W. J. Braham homo. John Hahlor of Omaha spent Sun day in North Platto visiting his par onts. Miss Ardls Sllllson returned to Koy stono yesterday after spending four days horo visiting Miss Evelyn Boldt. Mrs. Geo. Finn loft Saturday for Denver whoro sho will spend a wook visiting friends. Judgo Towoll and Court Reporter Frank Smith of Sidney accompanied by Goo. GlbbB loft yestorday fo7 Tryon whoro&Jstrlct court Is In session. Sale of Furniture ENTIRE FURNISHINGS OF HOUSE. 405 W'. 4th St. Mrs. R. L. Gravos. 1 James Cox Is enjoying hla two j weeks vacation from .the Maloney jot Gothenburg, i :o: Win. E. Shuman, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of County, Nebraska. Lincoln County, Nebraska. In the Matter of tho Estate of Rose M. Knox, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given to any and a11 I)orsnB having claims and demands nimlnnt Mm nutntn nt Mm nnlil Tlnsn M. Kno' deceased, that tho 17th day ot 3anuv 1923- )las bcon set and 1,01,ue" us 1,10 ?ay Ior U1 recei"on- examination, adjustment ana allow- anco of lawful cla,ms a"d dcmamls an persons, against sam estate nna that the County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, will at said time receive, examine, adjust and allow all such claims against said estate, as provided by law, nt the County Court Room In the Courthouse. In the city of North Platte. Lincoln County. Nebraska, and all persons so Interested . .. .. ..I said claims and demands In the manner ; required by law. or show cause for 1 not so dninc, and in case any of said (claims or demands shall not be pre1-! scnted on or Prior to the 8al(l i?th of I fmiHnrv 1095 flirt pimn oli o 1 1 trr- over barred. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have signed this' notice and affixed the seal of said Court this 18th day of September, 1922. WM H. C. WOODHURST i (SEAL) County Judge ;",,,v'v"w"w,Vm, V III i ft 1 We want you to visit our shop. when you examine our Hate, Coats, :Suits and -Dresses, you will observe that the styles are of the best, vqry attrac tive and snappy workmanship is most reliable and the range of chqice is agreeably large Lower prices for high quality garments. We have a large line of Hats for the children as well as for the ladies. Just received a shipment of gloves, the newest ideas in Fabric and Kid Gauntlets. Blousest Sweaters, Sport Coats and many other novel ties that will interest you. Come in and get acquainted. BEGHTOL-MARS. Cattle at North Platte, Nebr., Monday, Sept. 25 We always have cattle here to suit everybody, heavy weight feeders, handy weights and. light weights, yearling steers, heifers, calves, stock Cows and feeding cows. You can always get vhat you want. The highest bidder goes home with the Cattle. Most of them will sell freight paid to the river. Another Real Auction Next Auction Monday, September 26th, Do not be afraid to have your cattle here on that day for we can sell them where they will net you more dollars. Rauch Live Stock Co, C. liAUCII. T. OGDEN. 150 head of extra good breeding cows for sale, better string of grade ITerofords in this section. Can Sell Calves for October Delivery LIVE STOCK MARKETS Tae following quotations wero Uio ! opening markets at South Omaha this : morning nn& wore received here by tolegraph at 10 a. in. Cattle Hoof steers mostly steady. Corn , fed strong, $10.75 paid. Tho stock j veals and bulls generally steady. , Stockers and feedors slqw ,to lower. Hogs j Medium and light butchers 5 to 10 ! contsjowcr, mostly $9.00 to $9.25, top $9.30. Packing grades 19 to 15 cents 1 iower $7,40 to $7.90. , ;o: Albrocht Furs at wllcox Department I Store. . v" . :o: vou naturally think of the Dodco when anyone asks which ;car is tho most dependable and longest lived. Let your m t car be a Dodgo and got this super-service, at a. lpwer price . tWan nny comparable car.-T. V. j Romlgh, Dealer. -:o:- STUDENTS ATTENTION I Wo have an auto-polnt pencil with " i-uv.. . black silk cord. Just what you need tnr athnn nf n onnMni oc C. S. Clinton & Son. FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street Not Something ior Nothing, hut the Most for the Least Auction B. LEECH. No ft y ft ft ft :.t H ft ft ft :.t ft ft ft ft it . ft. ft ft p ft ft ft :t ft ft ft ft ft ft ft 8 $ it ft ft ft ft i.t ft ft it ft J.t It 11 i.t i.i ft i