THE NORTH PLATTE SBMIEEKLY TRIBUNE l)ANCKrANI)sTO FUIINISH ENTEH TA1N3IEKT roil COUJtTl' miMv TOUT. Editor and rYbllsher. i Dancoland has announood tho Entered at tho North Platto, Nebraska following program for next waok ,as ' roatofflce aa Socoud Class Manor. Us, part In ontortalnlng during tho " ..Y. county fair wook: Tuosdny, Soptom- Want Ads A. In on lots lit right loontton. or 805W ffftor G P. M. Phono 31, ! LOST Odd-shaped sl!VbV?band. watch ' . 1 1 l . t i .. . . .j , rlff . School. Tout. Howard. Return to Harrison Fbur&ys, Commencing Saturday A.T THE KEITH One Yoar, In advanco .U.GO' bor 19, lOo danco, ladloa froo; Wed. FlUPAy, SEl'TEMllKIt J6tli, 1022 KDITOIUAL Chrit said "Go yo thereroro teach all nations, baptising thorn In tho namo of tho Father and of tho Son and of tho Holy Ghost." Horbort Sponccr said "Liberty Is not tho right of ono but of all." I FOR SAL&-S,ovcs. Phone 1147W. ' K Bt L nesday, Soptombcr 20, Strikers' I Afs'rEo-conipdtont girl for gcndral 'Benoflt Ball; Thursday, Soplembor, housework. Mrs. J. S. Slmmsv ' Soptombor 22, Flremans Carnival dance; Saturday, Soptombor 23, 10c and dance, ladles free. Dancoland will bo redecorated for tho big week, tho ladlos cloak room having been taste fully furnished. Tho American Le gion slx-plcco orchestra will furnish music for all "of tho occasions. FOR RENT 7 room furnished house. ! 5C2 pt'ttl 5th. Phone tWJT W i 'FOR SALE Tomatoes for canning. I Phono 787F2I(. Ream Bros. 'FOR SALE OR TRADE. 1 lot. 1502 West Front. -Houso and FOR RENT Part of furnished or unfurnished houso. Also furnished sloeplng rooms. (Good location. Phono C95W. FOR SALE By owner ldavlng town, 2 houses, 3 room house furnished and 5 room house modern bxcopt heat. Rontal Incomo $55.00 per month. In quire at 221 So. Walnut after G p. m. -:o: FOR SALE Canary I Third. Birds. 409 W. Tho Lincoln County Fair and Fall Festival opens next Tuesday. This Is of interest to the pcoplo of Lin coln county and to the citizens of North Platto diroctly. Delegations will bo present from tho moro enter prising communities of tho county and they will bo In a sonso guests or GOG Locust St. North Platto. While tho fair is be ing run largely by tho farmers and In tho Intorost of tho farmers, thcro Is no point at which tho interest of tho farmers doos no concorn tho people of tho towns. North Platto' people should put aside their ordinary labors and meet their friends at tho fair as oftdn during tho four days as posslblo. Pcoplo from out ot North Platto should consider. thlB nu their fair and strlvo to make it the best ono over held In tho county. It is not North Platto's fair but Lin coln County's fair and as such Bhould recolvo tho united support ot tho whole pcoplo. LOCAL AND PERSONAL There has boon somo complaint this weok and last about young boys being in tho pool halls of this city. Somo of tho school kids who earnod money during tho summer, think they must spend it at onco and so arc playing pool and similar games. Tho pcoplo of North Platte llconse ppol.halls as-a sort of club for the men. of this cominunlty men who are only employed a, part ot tho dajj and, do not have homos of their own in .which to Bpond their lojsuro hours. Thq .pool hall owners know tho. law and. Jf they are wlao they wjll takoi extra pains to soo that minors are i kept out. Tho ago Is olghtoen. Any father or mother can take up tho matter with tho authorities ana have action brought that will Btop the trouble. Pool halls aro licensed by. tho city council and licenses aro only given to men who aro thought to bo responsible. It it Is round the,tiO. mon nro not able to control the. situation, tho licenses can bo withdrawn as was done in pno In stance within the past year. If u is. just carelessness on tho part ot thp men in charge ot tho pool halls It ,can be corrected by a llttlo moro Vlllgonco. Thoro Is said to bo a need for tho pool hall horo until something hotter Is provided, but North Platto pooplo will never toler ate tho open pool hall for youn hoys. ; :o: ;Kennoth Wholan loft Wednesday for Lincoln where ho will attend school this fall. Meet us tomorrow evening be tween 7:30 and 10:30 P. M. Just ono half block north ot tho post office and look us over. Tho public is in. vltcd. Tho II. & S. Agoncy. Clinton's for Eyo Glasses, i'lano tuning, Holloy Music House. Meet your friends at Dancoland, ovory Saturday nlto. Sco Whlttakor for smart $5.00 hats. Under Gen'l Hospital. Roal Estate Mortgages bought and sold, T. O. Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wyman loft yestorday morning for nastlngs whoro thoy will spend several days. Harry Ham returned yosterday from a month spent In Now Orleans and other southorn points. Mr. and Mrs. James G,-Carson re turned this morning from Denver whoro thoy spent a week visiting relatives and friends. Aro your glasses crookod? If so atop Into Dixon's Optical Storo and allow them to adjust trom without charge. Tho vory latest styles and colors In Millinery and vory reasonably prlcdd Also a big assortment ot hats for tho children.. Beghtol -Mara. , Mr. and Mrs. John LeMastor aro moving from their homo on West 6th St. to the LpMastors rooms at ,21,5 East 6th. , Lester Langford returned this morning from Lincoln whoro; lo spont tho past week visiting friends and atondlng tho State Fair. Mr. and Mrs. MIko McFaddon and children of Paxton arrived yestor day ana 'aro visiting at tho John Herrod home. A Uconso was issued Wednesday to Cazia L, Nation 22 of Ilorshoy and Miss Margaret Edget also ot Horshey. Thoy wore married hy Judgo Woodhurst. Mrs, Goo. Glbbs and daughter Susan will leave to-morrow for York Nebr., whoro thoy will visit relatives. Thoy will also spend a few days in Omaha. Ira Baro spent several days in Mason City, Iowa, and Omaha return ing horo Wednsoday. Ho was a delegate to tho District Rotary officer's contorenco which mot at Mason City, Monday. i FOR SALEOno largo 1 Cheap. 214 E. 3rd st. LOST Two rings. One red and ono whlto ect In women's rest room at North Platto Depot, Tuesday between ono and two o'clock p. m. Finder Bulck ,-car. lcavo tamo at this office and receive gonorous reward. FOR SALE Brass l)cd, cheap, -G08 W. Socond. Phono 12G0J. FOR SALE Toam and Harno3S. So. Pino. FOR RENT Ono sleeping room, 409 W. Third. G02 FOR SALE Approrlmatcly 400 ft. lYt Inch black pipe. Now condition. 1 Artificial Ice and Cold Storago Co. , FOR SALE Pure bred whlto Leghorn CockerclB. $1.00 each. Inquire 31.5 West 3d, St. Phono 171J. TO TRADE Have surhurban property In Holyoke, Colo., 3 blocks to High School, 2 acres, 7 room houso, 26x3G, full basement, city water and lights, 16x20 garage. 10x12 chicken, houso, 10x12 cavp, all .now, will -trade for' North Platto property or will consider ranch of or sections north ot town. L. II. Hoffman, :o: NO HUNTING Is there a tense. clramaT of untainted love? Ask "Pearest" Ask the "little Lord." Ask "Grandfather Earl." T PICKFORD ? LITTLE LORMI FAUNTLEROM from rRANCES HODGSON DUf2NETT3 famous story SCCNAICroNADD MCOONVILLC pucnOGRADuc'OJAnLisriosuro DltCnONOYTAL-!CO, GREEN'S: "JACK DOJttoD all FOR RENT Nino room houso ".imodorn. Inquire A. O. Kockon, 320 W. Sixth Street. FOR SALE Now Blrdsoll Alfalfa , Seod Huller. Wrlto II. A3. Knapp, 0&essa, Nebr. This 1b notice to all huntors,that you aro absolutely forbidden to hunt on lands owned and operated by mo, ' north 'of tho North Platto river, I under the penalties of trespass pro. ! vlded by law. 1 , Henry Hanson. I :o: Wo wish to announce that wo have ' natnlil lain rA n (f Mmmnil lint flAnnvt ment and will at all times have a nlco variety to select from. Arvllla Whlt- Onco moro. Miss Pickford proves herself thogreatest , of ' all stars, big, enough to play the JMother's heart and tiny enough I tho child in a dual jrole CQingarablc,, FJOIi SALE Exceptional flno truck ' body for back ot a Ford roadster. Four slightly used U. S. tiros. Platte . tnkor' 606 LocU8t St. Auto Trim .U2 FOR SALE English Call Ducks, ?3 ;ia pair. Guaranteed to call. Will Spurrier, ono mile north Nicholas school houso. ' FOR .bred SALE Three boars, thorough- Poland-Chinas. 7 months old! weigh 250 pounds. $30 each- if taken qUIck, Mac Wostphall, phono 785F2i. FOR SALE 1920 Ford Couno In cood condition, fully oqulppod; will trado i 4t .'1FX&u IS i in i tn i at id ii I1 L. & S SPECIAL MATINEES SATURDAY 10 and 30c EVENING 25, 35 AND 55c, INCLUDING TAX SPECIAL MUSIC. Groceteria. :o:- STUDENTS ATTENTION 1 Wo have an auto-point poncll with black silk cord. Juat what you need tor BChool at a spoclal price of 85o. C. S. Clinton & Son. ' An Opportunity Extraordinary THE J. C. P ENNEY CO. 371 BUSY STORES 371 BUSY STORES DOUCKT MUSIC STUDIO. Teacher of Violin and Cornet. Phono 1G7W. 41G Vino Street. If MORE WORK FOR COMPOUND INTEREST Soptombor 15th, will seo another load of work turned over to 'com pound Intorost." It will bo coupon dipping day tor Third Llborty Loan Bonds and many ot our depositors will at onco add the Intorost to their savings account , Why not start your savings account thlsl month with your intorost coupons or n, cash doposlt? Your account is cordially luvltcd, The Platte Valley State Bank Has made arrangements with a manufacturer ot Ladies' Fur Coats and Fur Scarfs to submit sample ol their coats and scarfs to us so that we are able to show you an enor jjj mous line of styles and materials used in the manufacture of these coats and scarfs.Jty ifi examining these sample coats and trying them on you will be able to tell exactly how jf your coat will look when you get it. These samples will he here 1 ; ffi SATURDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY,. WEDNESDAY We can not sell these sample, but will take your order for any coat or scarf you se lect. Terms will be one-third down and balance when coat is delivered, which, if you desire, can be in a very few days. Come In, Examine These Coats, Try Them 0n 1, ' " i r - V. . . and Then Make Your Selection. They are absolutely new coats and you can depend upon the styles, workmanship and the Price, that will Simply Astonish you. Don't let this Rare Opportunity slip by you. See our east window for display of these coats. 6 V Plan to Attend Our Fair, September 19 to 22. We will look for you there. 6 371 BUSY STORES 371 BUSY P'OTnDPCJ incorporated taivuisijj 371 DEPARTMENT STORES czzazzsa w.w.yy.'.w.TOi 3