The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 15, 1922, Image 7

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Copy ror This Department Supplied by
Carl M. Lange of Nebraska Is That
State's Most Decorated World
War Veteran.
Four medals on his breast nnd the
French cord 6n his nrm make Carl M.
Lnnge of Hart
lngton, Neb., that
state's most dec
orated World war
veteran. Com
p a r a 1 1 vely few
men who fought
for or wltt
France have had
the coveted Me-
dallle MUltalru
bestowed on
them.. This dec
oration goes only
to enlisted men
and to commanders-in-chief of armies
in the field. No ofllccr In between Is
eligible to receive the medal. Yet
Lange was nwnrded two. One Marshal
Petnln pinned on his O. D. Several
months after the armistice Lange
opened a registered package with n
French stnmp on it and found another
Medallle Mllltalre.
The highest honor Nebraska could
give one of Its World war heroes went
to Lange also. Ho was chosen by the
state commander of the American Le
gion to ofllclnlly represent Nebraska
at the burlp.1 In Arlington cemetery of
the "Unknown Soldier." The Distin
guished Service cross, bestowed person
ally by General Pershing, the Croix de
Guerre with palms and the knowledge
that he carried Merle Hay from the
trenches ure other things that remind
Lnnge of his war service. Hay was
the first Iowa boy killed In the war
and one of the first three American
boys to die In action.
Charles E. Boehler, Veteran Musician,
Selected to Direct National Con
vention Feature.
Judging u baby show Is an easy task
compared to the role assigned to
Charles E. Boeh
ler, who will con
duct a prize con
test among the
100 bands and
drum corps ex
pected at tlie
American Legion
national conven
tion in New Or
leans next Octo
ber. Prizes for the
band contest will
be: First, $1,000;
second, $fi00, and third, $250. The
bands will be Judged on the following
basis: Playing, 75 points; appearance,
10 points; marching, 10 points; num
ber of instruments, 5 points.
The winner of the drum corps con
test will receive $250, with a prize of
$100 for second place. Playing will
count for 50 points; appearance, 20
points; marching, 20 points; number
of instruments, 10 points.
Mr. Iloehler Is a former president
of the New Orleans brnnch of the
Amerlcnn Federation of Musicians. He
served as a band leader In the Spanish-American
nnd World wars nnd on
the Mexican border. During the
World war he was senior band mas
ter of the Thirty-first division.
The Private's Dilemma.
I'd like to be a corprll and with the cor
prlla stand,
A chevron on my coat sleeve and a war
rant in my hand,
But when I think It over all my hope to
Kloom descends,
I'd llko to be a corprll but I'd rather
have my friends.
The prlvato marches dumbly this way,
that way, what's the odds?
While the corprll Joins the shouting- when
the order's "Right by squads 1"
But when the drill Is over then the cor-
pril's glory ends,
Oh, I'd like to be a corprll but I'd rather
have my friends.
The extra pay comes handy and the chev
ron makes one proud,
But It's tough to be a noncom when your
heart Is with the crowd,
To persecute your buddies with commands
the captain sends,
Tes, I'd like to be a corprll but I'd rather
have my frlendsl
Oleason Pease, In American Legion
I Whaddya Mean, Hard Luck?
The colonel had heard of two recent
disasters In the family of his colored
orderly and was surprised to find him
apparently nB cheerful as ever when
ho returned to duty after a brief fur
lough home.
0 "Well, Sam," said the colonel sym-
pathetically, "I hear you have had
some hard luck."
A "What, me, suh? Nossuh, Ah aln'
had no hahd luck."
"Why, wasn't that your brother who
was killed In a railroad wreck recent
ly and wnsn't that your wife that was
hurt in an automobllo accident?"
"Oh, yaesuh, yassuh -but dat's delr
hahd luck not mine." American Le
glon Weekly.
James Q. Scrugham, Nevada Execu.
wviiMiiiuco mcmuor, uandi'
dato for High Office.
The next governor of Nevndu may
bo Jnmo3 (3. Scrugham, member of the
national execU'
tlvo committee ol
the American L.
glon from Hint
state, who has
tendered his res
ignation from that
position to Han
ford MacNlder,
national common
Mr. Scrugham,
who has for some
time been state
cnclneer of Neva
da and Nevada's
National Boulder canyon project, has
been 'made n nominee for governor of
tne state, under tho national const!
ffttlft. n 41 . . . . ,
.uvtun i m American region, cnnui
dates for pahl, electlvo public office
cannot bo officers of the Legion.
Mr. Scrugham was formerlv nntlnn.
al vlco commander of tho Legion. He
was commander of the service men's
organization in Nevada from May,
1010, until August, 1020. He was
chairman of a special commltteo that
drew up tho Legion four-fold plan for
aujuscea compensation, which was la
teivembodled In tho Fordnoy bill.
He was born In Lexington, fey., Jan
uary 10, 1880. Ho was graduated from
the State university of Kentucky In
1000 und received a degree In mechani
cal engineering In 1000. Mr. Scrug
ham was professor of mechanical en
gineering from 1003 to 1014 nnd dean
slnco 1014 of the engineering college
or me university of Nevnda. Ho was
made state engineer In 1017.
He was commissioned a major of
artillery in December, 1017, and as
signed as production engineer In tho
ordnance department nt Washington.
He served on various special assign
ments connected with artillery produc
tion until after the signing of tho
Graves of 218 Americans, Enemies of
England, Decorated at Princeton
for First Time.
A half century after the origination
of a memorial, or decoration day, on
which tribute Is paid to those who
have died In the nation's wars, the
grnves of 218 Americans who fought
In the War of 1812 were decorated for
the first time last Memorial day.
At Princeton, England, there are the
graves of 218 AmeHcuns who died
while held prisoners of war In Dart
moor prison. The parish church In
the little village of Princeton was buljt
by the labor of tbese and a number of
French prisoners. n
For many years the sod which cov
ered the remains of these sons of
America was unmarked. Finally one
of the governors of the prison had a
cairn and a monument erected to mark
the resting plnce of England's worthy
enemies. Their graves, however, had
never been decorated In the manner In
which the graves of other American
heroes are decorated until the London
post of the American Legion plnced a
large wreath over their resting place
on last Memorial day.
On thq snme day that the graves of
To Memory of 1812 Warriors,
tho heroes, of 1812 were decorated the
Legion's London post held dedication
ceremonies at Brookwood cemetery, 30
miles outside of London, where 450
American dead of the World wur He
Carrying On With
American Legion
'" .........,.,..,.
After spending two years In collect
ing funds for a clubhouse the Ameri
can, Legion post nt Mangum, Okla., de
cided the kiddles of the town needed
a playground more than the former
service men did a clubhouse. The
post acquired an eight-year lease to a
tract of land and will Improre It and
provide tho children with equipment.
The American Legion Auxiliary na
tional headquarters In Indianapolis
Is trying to locate the greatest war
mother In America that Is, the mother
who had the largest number of sons
In service. One Indiana community
has a mother who had seven sons In
the World war; others had as many
bb five but the auxiliary wants to
know definitely where In America Is
the woman who has the honor of
having more than seven sons In serv
Just W
a Littijw n
They were sitting alone In the
moonlight. "Maud," whispered Ern
est, "you know I love you. Will you
be mine?" "Alas, Ernest, I fear It
cannot be." "Ah," gasped Ernest,
plnclng his hand on his breast,
"broken nt lnstl" "What?" screamed
tho girl, throwing hr arms about his
neck, and her breath coming !n great
panting sobs, "I did not mean It
Ernest. Oh, speak; tell mo what is
broken, It Is your heart?" No, my
darling, only my collar stud, I felt It
A Painful Contrast.
"I got even with an old school
teacher who used to thrash mo when
I was a boy," remarked Mr. Wad
lelgh. "How did you do it?"
"I gave him n lift In my Hmouslno.
Tho opportunity to cnlculate my in-
come and contrast It with his 'salary
probably spoiled his day."
Highly Educational.
"Do you believe the movies are In
structive?" "Certainly. Elderly lntlles in little
country towns who hnvo never been
out of the counties where they were
born can tell you all nbout the under
world of Paris."
Worse Than "Dry."
Meenlster I henr they've gono dry
In the village where your brother Ilyes.
Sandy Dry I Man, they've gono
pnrched. I've Just had a letter frae
Tarn, un' would you believe It, the
postage stamp was stuck wP a pin I"
London Tlt-Blts.
The Salesman: Something new In
shirts? This pattern Is the last cry
In gentlemen's wear.
The Customer: Last cry, Is It? I
thought so. It reminded me of a
death wall.
True. i
I'll tell you this !j
That a sight worth while.
Is a traffic cop
With a genial smile.
. The Proper Kind.
Sympathetic Lady This man,
warden, tells me he Is Interested in
books. I believe I'll bring him some
on my next visit.
Warden Pocketbooks are tho only
books that interest him, madam.
Arthur Most people are not what
they used to be.
John How's that?
Arthur Children. -Nebraska Awg
wan. And Such Prices!
"It's tho woman who pays."
"Yes, but she does it with her hus
band's money." '
TK t-lteral.
"Well, did you hire a Hat from that
"I did not. I remnrked thnt I want
ed one big enough to turn around in,
and hanged If he didn't ask me to
stnnd up while he took my exact
Rural Roles. '
"Are " you serving your country or
working for re-election?" nsked the
meddlesome person.
"Both," said tho statesman. "As
regards the first, I court the fullest
publicity. As for the other, tho less
said about It tho better."
Couldn't Find It.
"Whero have you been?"
"Over Europe; and say."
"This realignment of nations has
wiped out Graustark."
Playing Safe.
Apprentice What Is in this bottlo
with no label?
Chemist That's "'lint you use when
you can't read tho prescription,
Stockholm Knsper.
Color Needful.
"Why do they use such bright colors
in bathing suits?"
"Sometimes a bathing suit fits so
very close," replied Miss Cayenne,
"that colors are necessary to call at
tention to tho fact that it is being
No Cause for Alarm.
The Mistress Really, Justine, you
are wearing very pretty silk stockings.
- Tho Maid Don't be uneasy, mad
amo; I got theso at my last situation.
London Opinion.
Indi"gestion and
Victims of stomach trouble, indiges
tion, dyspepsia nnd their allied com
plaints find Tnnlnc an over-ready
source of relief nnd comfort. Thou
sands of people ffnve rcfound tho Joys
bf health by Its use after everything
else they tried had fnllcd.
"Tanlnc helped mo wonderfully,"
snld Mrs. W. II. Hocker, 84 Hose Ave.,
Clifton Forge, Vn. "For over n year
I suffered tortures from Indigestion,
nnd hnd to Uvo on the simplest foods.
I becniuo almost n nervous wreck.
Tnnlac restored mo to the best of
Tnnlnc helps tho stomach digest
tho food properly nnd eliminate waste.
Soon tho whole system Is built up. tho
blood Is purified nnd the entire body
takes on new tone, vitality and en
ergy, det a bottlo today nnd stnrt on
tho road to health. For snlo by nil
good druggists. Advertisement.
No Escape From It
"Don't you think fatalism la Billy?"
sho asked. "I can't believe thero Is
anything in the theory that whnt is to
be. will be."
"There may be something In It," ho
replied. "I know whenover I tnke ono
.of the girls from tho office to lunch
somebody who knows my wife will bo
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With tho antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
cum Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented, economical face, skin, baby
and dusting powder nnd perfume..
Renders other perfumes superfluous.
One of tho Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap,
Ointment, Talcum). Advertisement.
Another Defeat.
"Mrs. Wopplng and I hnvo Just con
cluded a lengthy argument nbout the
way we nrc going to vote," snld Mr.
"How 'did you decide?" nsked Mrs.
"Tho result reminded me of tho
time I argued with Mrs. Wopplng
against buying a motorcar."
"Wo bought the car." Exchange.
The war had made table linen very
valuable. Tho use of Bed Cross Ball
Blue will add to Its wearing qualities.
Use tt and nee. All grocers. Advertisement.-
Arkansan Could Easily Afford to Treat
Such Amateur Shooting With
the Contempt Deserved.
"What's that?" cried a tourist to
tvhom a resident of Straddle IMdge,
Ark., was showing tho scenery of tho
"Aw Just Tug Bald or his brother-In-lnw
taking n shot nt me from over
across tho holler," was tho noncha
lant reply. "Them fellers have been
cutting thnt caper off and on for six
weeks or such n matter."
"Great grief I What do you do
about It?"
"Nuth'l'g in pertlcklcr. They're tho
poorest shots on tho BIdgo nnd never
come nlgher to me thnn ten feet or so.
It sorter amuses me to see grown men
doing such childish tricks and never
'compllshlug anything nt it." Kansas
City Star.
Curing Wasp Stings.
Tho best remedies for wasp sting
are ammonia or washing soda, which
neutralize tho acid that causes tho
swelling .and pain. Wasps do not
lenve their sting in the wound, but
bees do. If you nro stung by a beo,
extract the sting with n line needle,
nnd then apply one of the remedies.
Buy real estate. Where one mnn
has lost, ten men hnve won.
Msda by
Write for 32-
Pnge Booklet,
"Mothers of
tho World
I Pat. Process
f YT 1 & Lloyd
irtjumriuuucis jr yrs. eg.
Baltf Carrlaaet OFumitiorjT w.TCcTi
Use This Coupon J'v.Jt'XtZi "i
The Lloyd Mfg. Jn?,,t'"tl'tbn u
Corap.ny Wo,M'
UtnemlnM idr .
With. T Strc
mi jr air.... . chu
A 20 per cent reduction In quarry-
men's wuges is getting down to rock
Soino of Europe's financiers have
tho sounding brass, but not the tink
ling symbol.
"Can a man lovo two women nt the
eamo time?" asks a writer. Not it
they find it out.
The vamp Is a myth. Sho Is what
an old maid thinks u woman has to bo
to attract a man.
By the time lead is easily turned In
to gold, radium monoy may bo "burn
ing" our pockets.
Fruit enke comes but onco a year;
and so people live to be eighty and
nlimty years of ago.
r JLiova
Makes Old Waists Like New
Putnam Fadeless Dyes dyes or tints as you wish
Various Spots May Have Particular
Application, But There Is Variety
for Every Visitor.
Tho fairy tnlo of Paris belongs to
all of ua, In whatever terms It may
bo told. For some It Is Mario An
tolnetto nnd tho Petit Trlnnon; and,
curiously, by comparison with a rather
worthless queen, the great war pales.
For some It Is Napoleon In his cocked
hnt and white breeches, nnd his great
tomb, ono of tho fingertips of Paris.
For still more It is tho Hols and tho
clegnnco nnd luxury nnd bcnutlful
women; nnd for tho rest, there Is al
ways tho particular application the
liouso whero Balzac had his printing
press, or perhaps only n grent stono
wall, symbol of tho centurlcs,v over
which a fruit tree blooms, symbol of
centuries continually renewed, writes
Muriel Ilurrls In tho North American
Only now and again do wo realize
that Ilomnn and Frank nnd Gaul;
Catholic and Huguenot; artist, priest
and warrior; saint, mnrtyr, philoso
pher, mldlnettc, havo really our ener
gies lu their grip.
j .
Wins Trade Through Music
A music dealer on East Forty-second
street, Now York city, has a novel
schemo of attracting attention to his
phonograph nnd record display, re
ports the New York Sun. In tho front
window ho placed a phonograph, with
tho horn flush against tho window.
In n coal chuto cover on tho side
wnlk ho bored sevcrnl holes anil con
cealed another machine bencnth tho
walk. Itccords aro played on tho ma
chine underneath tho sidewalk. Pass
ersby are mystified by tho sounds com
ing from beneath their feet. Natural
ly they turn to tho phonograph storo
for a solution.
Nothing Serious.
"What's tho row in tho grill?"
'Combnt botween a loungo lizard
nnd a cako eater. I hear."
is not there, ,
after all
VERY often the hill we seem
to be climbing is .nade out of
the common mistakes of diet
which starve tissues and nerves
and slow down energies.
How smooth and level the path
seemed to be when wc were
Simple, natural food may level
that hill to a smooth path again.
Why not try it?
Pastas Csraat Ceespaay, I no., Dsttls Creek,
Western Canada
Land of Prosperity
offers to home seekers opportunities that can
not be secured elsewhere. The thousands of
fanners from the United States who have
accented Canada a generous offer to settle oa
FREE homesteads or buy farm land In her
provinces have been well repaid by bountiful
crops. There is still available on easy term
FirtDiLand at SIS ( $30 an Asra
land similar to that which through many
years tins yielded from 20 to 45 bushels
of wheat to the acre oalt. barley and
flax also In great abundance, while raising
horses, cattle, sheep and hogs la equally
profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raited crops in a single seaaoa
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
With such success comes prosperity. Inde
pendence, good homes and all the comforts sad
convenience which make life worth living.
Farm Cardans. Poultry, Dairying;
are sources of Income second only to grain
growing ana stocx raising. Attractive
climate, good nelshbors. churches and,
schools, good markets, railroad facilities,
rural telephone, etc
For certificate entitling yon to re
duced railway rate, illustrated litera
ture, mips, deicrtption or fsrm oppor
tunnies In Manitoba, Saskatchewan,
Aioena ana anusn wommnts, etc..
BOO Ptsrs Trust Building
Omaha, Nab.
AttfMrfm , , H InnMnOM
Rooms $1.60 to 13.00
CqftUrta Optn Hay and Ht&ht
To rotore arny of
fadxl hulr to oris
lrt color, dou't dm
a djo U danrw
on Get bullied
Q-Bo nlr Color Htorr8f as wtor
ipiy II uo wici rttiuu. m iui Rooa uruniaut
ordlrtcifrom rOttKM
i-lllll, UWUO, HBM. I MM.
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 30-1022.
Any Youngster Will Understand That
Poor Boy Was Deeply Appreol.
atlva of Tommy's Gift.
For some tlmo Mrs. Caraway had
been cndcnvorlng to Instill Into thts
henrt of her youngest, Tommy, aged
ten, the sentiment of generosity, which
it scorned to her, was not naturally
present In this relation she hnd been
especially careful to commend to
Tommy's consideration tho son of at
poor family In the neighborhood.
One day Tommy enmo homo radiant.)
"Well," ho said to his mother, "ij
gave that poor hoy halt of tho box of,'
candy you bought for mo."
Tho mother nlso beamed. "You nra
n dear little man," she said. "Was
the poor boy grateful?"
"Yes, ma'am," snld Tommy; "ha
was grateful, nil right. lie cams
round to the school yard and lot mo
lick him whero everybody was looking
on." Harper's Magazine. '
' His Handicaps.
"Well, no ; I reckon not," replied Gap
Johnson of Ilumpus Illdgc, to tho ap
peal of the nblo editor of the Turn
Hnvlllo Torch of Liberty. "I'm taking
a paper now that ono of my kin over
in Oklnhomy sends me, and It's duru
nigh working me to death. Whnt withi
being puny now nnd ng'ln, getting!
down In tho hack every onco In a
while, nnd having more or less work)
to do, I knfn't keep ketched up with)
my rending no way I can fix It. Aa
'tis, I Just sorter pile up tho papers1
as they come, nnd read from tho bot-t
torn of the stnek as 1 get time. But at
that, I'm Just to tho middle of last
March, and tho outlook lmln't special
ly promising for my over arriving up
oven." Kansas City Stur.
Knlckcr "They Bay tho Big Dipper
Is breaking apart." Bockcr Is that In
verted bowl wo call tho sky going
f J
Maybe that hill
Begin today with a dish of
Grape-Nuts with cijcam or milk
and fresh or preserved fruifc
added if you like.
Keep on with this crisp, deli
cious, strengthening food in place
of heavy, ill-assorted, starchy
breakfasts and lunches and see
if the old-time zest and speed on
the old-time level path doesn't
come back again
"There's a Reason"