The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 15, 1922, Image 4

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F 'lilt"
tlflmtf I
Think Of gas at $6.00, 7.00,
'48.00, and $9.00 a thousand cubic
foot! That's what tho house,
wives residing In many Amer
ican cities had to pay a little
over fifty years ago. And in
stead of complaining at tho
bIzo of their gas bills, they wore
glad to get gas scrvlco so cheap.
Hero arc tho "cheap" rules
charged In those days:
phis $5.G0; SL Louts
Nashville, $4.50; Mobile,
Atlanta, $5.50; Savannah, $0.00;
Norfolk, ?G.00; VlckBburg, $6.00!
Now Orleans, $4.00; Charleston,
$J7.00; (Montgomery, $8.00;
,Mncon, $8.00; Galveston, $8.00;
KSan Francisco, $6,00; and Snc
ramcto $9.00.
Compare thoso rates tho
avorago of which is $C20 por
thousand cubic feet with thoso
charged today, kcoplng In mind
tho fact that fifty years ago
thoro was only one uso for gas
flighting whorcas Uoday Uiero
aro moro than n thousand scp.
nrato uses for It, and your
opinion of your gas bill mill bo
greatly modjlflcd
North Platte Light &
Power Co.
ACTIVITIES OF THE , P'! conditions
v utxiWiiiD Tuesday and' Wednesday were I
Tho Tribune Invites contributions to
this department from all organizations
in tho city. Advance notices of
meetings and special program of
attractions ohould be given. Thcso
aro considered as news and no charge
Is made. Wo take advertising notices
nt regular rates, and they are printed
A danco will ho given this evening
at tho Country Club.
11:00 Tho Little Seed nnd the'
Groat Tree.
8:00 Tho Blosslng of. Work.
' The Women's Christian Tejipof.
ane I'Mon rot at tho home of Mrs
Anna Howard, 520 S Pino, Officers
lor tho coming year aro as follows:
Mrs. una Howard, President; Mr;
Bi'llo Mori .b, Vice-President; Mm 1.
L. Stebblns, Secretary; Mis. Mlunle
PerklnsTreasurcr; Mrs. Mary Kose,
Corresponding Secretary; Superin
tendents nre, Americanization: Mrs.
'P. 13. Payne; Evangelastic, Mrs.
Alice Murphy; Mothers Meetings,
Mrs. Mablo Howard; Publicity, Mrs.
Mlnnio Perkins; Antlnarcotlcs, Mrs.
jBollo Morris; Prison Itoform, Mrs.
A. P. Kelly; Parlamentary Usago,
Mrs. Ella Hartman; Temperance and
Missions, Mrs. A. P. Shonk; Scien
tific Tomporanco , Mrs. M. Rose;
Social Wolfaro and Flower Misslon
I ary, Mrs. J. II. VanClcavo; Sabbath
Observanco, Mrs. D. Mccomber; Sun-
day School Temperance, Mrs. H. B.
Tuesday and' Wednesday were both
nice days for North Platte, averaging
about 87 degrees. Thursday was a
Lllttlo warmer, the therometcr regis.
tcrlng 90. Tho forecast for North
Platte and vicinity Is: Pair tonight
and Saturday. Cooler tonight with
probably light' frost.
c. a. r.
Tho Children of tho American
Revolution will moot Saturday arter.
noon, Sopt. 16th nt 4 p. m. with Mn.
Keith Neville.
8:00 Holy Communion
lljOO Morning Prayer and Sermon
7:30 Evening Prayer nnd Ser
Society will meet Tuesday at tho
Franklin Auditorium in roomm 215.
Mrs. Frank Barber will bo tho lcadar.
This is Important meeting and all
membors nre urged to bo prosenL
Eyes examined, Glasses flttod. Sat
isfaction, sure. Clinton & Son
W. Kolly of Lincoln spent tills
week visiting at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. O. Conncally.
Now dresses in silks and wools,' nr.
riving dally. Also coats and suits.
Wo wnnt an opportunity to show them
to you. BoghtolMars.
The Eyo-Glnss men, Clinton & Son. MIso'Kona Dolnh arrived homo thia
Always wolcomo at Dnncoland ovory! morning from Pnxton to spend thp!
Saturday nito. 1 ) week ond visiting her parents, Mr. 1
Mrs. J, W. Daniels of Stnploton was un(1 Mrs- a0' Dolph.
a business visitor In tho city Saturday. ' Tuesday Judgo Woodhurst united
Pat Marran of Tryon was a buslne3B
Office over tho McDonald
State Bank.
Mrs. John States leaves to-morrow
for Denver whero she will spend a
row days visiting friends.
Mrs. Leo Anderson and daughter
left to-day for tholr homo In Hol
dredge after spending three weoks
hero visiting Miss Noll Cooney ana
Mrs. Keith Moorehouso.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Itussell arrived
yestordny from Kenesaw to visit tho
former's aunt, Mrs. J. W. Rosen
crantz. Mr. Russell Is on a years
furlough from Egypt whero ho is a
Word wa sreceived hero yesterday
of tho marrlago of Joo Pizor of
Grand Island. Tho marrlago took
placo in Denver.
There will bo a special meeting ol
North Platte Camp No. 672, M. W.
A. on Monday Sept. 18th at 8 p. m.
at K. C. hall. Important business
matters will be brought to this meet
ing and it is necessary for every
member to bo present. Visiting
members will bo wolcomo.
T. M. Cohagen, clerk.
A girl was born Thursday to Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Bryant.
Tho Travel and Study Club en
tertained at an Indoor picnic Tues
day for Mrs. Cummlngs who will
leave shortly for Council Bluffs to
make hor future home.
Dr. S. E. Hupfcr, accompanied by
her sister in law, Mrs. Molllo Tucker
from Honolulu loft tho first of the
week for Crawford, Nobr. They will
spend a fcW days 1n Omaha hofore
roturnlng hero.
:o: .
Water rent In District B is now duo
and payable at tho Water Office ana
will becomo delinquent after Sept.
20th. All services whoro tho water
rent is not paid by Sopt. 20 In Dis
trict B will bo shut off In accordance
with tho Water Ordinance. This
Mr. Pizer is well ! slves about threo weeks for payment
known hero having visited his undo ! ot wator blllB and Clvc3 railroad men
Julius Pizor many times. ' !two pay days bofro Sept. 20. Please
Minn Nnll fw win ,,. c.. '. Beo yur wat JUls aro paid before
r r - -- .7 ll't lfU UUU
day for Overton where she will
spond a few days visiting her par-
II i J
d C
We have a variety of high grade coal
for furnace, Heating Stove and Range
Best quality and preparation.
The Artificial Ice &
Cold Storage Co.
900 East Front St.
Phone 40
onts before going
she will enter
.College. . '
to Omaha whero
Boylejs Business
(Sept. 20th nnd do not ask for or
expect an extension ot time,
j Dlstlrct B comprises all that part
! of tho city west of Locust street and
.between tho Union Pacific right ot
way nnd tho Burlington right of way.
Water Commissioner.
100 Pounds Cabbage - $1.25
1 Bushel Spuds, 60 lbs. - .60
24 Pound Sack Flour - .70
822 North Locust Phone 203
I have been at tho state fair with j
Lincoln county's. exhibit and haven't
been ablo to seo you and talk over
tho Sellers precinct exhibit at our'
visitor In tho city Friday.
Froo dancing from 8:4C to 9:30 ,;""" 'uhiuksw,
Dancoland evory Saturday nlto. j rs. Leonard Dick lert Thursday
Mrs. J. F. Downs of Horsuoy hvhs n 1 morn,8 fr Toledo, Ohio whero she
lms'lnoss visitor in tho city Friday. W,U Bpon(1 two wcckfl visiting roln-
, tlvos
Miss Bovorlo Wurtolo has taken a
position at tho Holloy Music Store": i MlBS Pluronco Atwood Is expected
MIss Mabel Churohhlll spent Sunday) at couuty, ,nent'8 today to
in Central City visiting with friends. I cT0"for 'Wdlng the visit of Dr.
, , , , lllodgor to tho county noxt month.
A ten pound bnby boy was born
to Mr. and Mrs. John Lincoln Wed.1 Mm LalhrP loft '"torday
nosday. morning for her homo In Chicago
'after spending a month hero visiting
miss jjixio uou came yostoruay , il0r sister, Mrs. W. J. Stuart. Sho
from Omaha, She -will conch thq play! vH1 VSlt Monds In Kearney onrouto.
for the Womnns club.
w.u,. wHuumm, lur iittinuiuicoUar ,lnd cff 8otB( ,c0 vogta m(
whero ho will resume his duties ut coUnra WQ ftro placlng our ontIre 8loclC(
Mdland, Oollegci ' f 1n ... .,, ,.nlr ,. Ar,H,in
county fair. I win bo unablo now
Frod M. Breach, 34 ot Great Divide, to moot you before next week, but i'
Colo, to Frances S. Griffith, 31 ot nm depending upon you to bring In
your exhibits. Now don't "say what , 31
you have Is not good enough. Bring JJ5
tho best you have anyvay. Please (J-fj
uoiri nogiect tnc small articles or j
garden products. Tho tlmo Is 'short
get busy folks, bring In your pro
Uucts. It will make you feel better
yOursolf nnd make everybody who'
attonds tho fair feol better. I. will
bo at tho fair grounds Monday after
noon nnd all day Tuosday to receive
whatever you may bring. Try aim
bring your Btuff Monday afternoon.
tOf course wo haven't much left out
i tidro itat our, .reputation, but let's
In order to reduce pur stock of Incoj mako a strong fight to maintain
Mrs. E. O. Park arrived tho first ot
tl)o wook from Carroll Iowa to visit
Wlilifnlfnr MR Trfiiiot R
INirs. Ksiln PiorHiin or MnntMn. Rnlir.
her daughter, Mrs. M. L. Holloy. Hpont SftVor((l (lnys ,u North plntte
mrs. win siuari jou wounosuay ror visiting Miss Bessie Show. Mrs. Poaches all In fine shnpo,
ivoamoy wnoro suo wm spenu n rowiorson left Inst Ovonlng for Horshoy
days visiting Mrs. Claronco-tfollofson.! whoro sho will visit before returnlnc
Just received a car of Utah Elberta ,
Mr. and Mrs, Stovo Colo and Mrs. W
D. Jonos roturnod Wednesday from
Throo Mile Lalco hero thoy spent four
dnys on a fishing trip.
Mrs. Ceo. McKay returned Wednes
day from Toronto, Canada whoro sho
vaa called by tho Illness of hor
Mrs. Stovo Baldwin returucd tho
first of tho week from Calloway whero
sho spent several wooks visiting
How many do you want
Phono 441,
Season Opens Saturday, Sept. 16
Be prepared to get them. Be among the early ones to get "into the game". It's
the most popular of all fall pastimes. Nothing more thrilling. Nothing like the charm
of the autum in the marshes or on the "Old Platte."
To get the most out of this wonderful sport, you need the right equipment.
Winchester Guns and Winchester Shells is' a combination that gets the game.
relatives'. Mrs. Frank s Baldwin nnd
son Harold roturnod homo with hor.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Moso McFarland
and daughter Mablo will loavo this
week for Bedford, Iowa, whoro thoy
they will spond sovoral wooks vIbIU
Ing relatives.
Rev. II, E. Hess, who la attending
tho annual conferonco of tho Ne
braska Mothodlsts at Omaha, return,
cd to North Platto for Sunday ser
vices and wont back to Omaha Mon
day. Ho and Mrs, Hess oxpect to bo
homo today.
I will allow no hunting on my
placo, known as tho McCabo ranch,
as I havo leased all tho lakes. Viola,
tors will bo prosecuted,
Sam Facklor
Turn Passers-by Intp Purchasers
' An electric sign will do it! It's the most econ
omical wny to advertise your name and your
business. ,
Wo, will gladly submit sign designs suitable for
your store front. An elecric sign Js an Invest
ment, not an expense.
. Keep tho trade at homo. Don't lot prospect ivo
buyers pass your store and go elsewhero to irado.
An oloctrio sign attracts popolo and that ineans
greater profits.
North Platte Light & Power Co.
Vlncl'ester Leader and Repeater Shells.
Loaded with smokeless powder. New
primer with the "fishtail flash." "Prestic
Wadding" Water proofed tubes. Famous
for their hard-hitting, evenly distributed
shot patterns.
Winchester Shotguns with their perfectbalance, smooth working neverfailing act
Ion are the choice seasoned sportsmen everywhere.
W. R. Maloney
1 JEtL Us'
L. & S.