THE NORTH PLATTE SEMl-WEEIfluY TRIBUNE E3E ii iimi LINCOLN COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY X , I? ;t h - ,. . t NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA ANNUAL EXPOSITION BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER 10- EPTEM 1922 .'4 . FIRST DAY IS ENTRY DAY Largest Agricultural and Live Stock Exhibit in Western Nebraska with All Thrilling Frontier Features OUR AIM: "A Greater County" Lincoln County's "Progressive" Fair 4 DAYS OF EDUCATION AND RECREATION OUR MOTTO: . "Service to the Greatest Number" This year we have something interesting, for all. It is your future welfare to observe the pro gress made from year to year, The County Fair is the blackboard on which is pictured: The result of progress. Improvement in all county activities. Initiative which spells success. The application of better methods and closer study. The-1922 "Progressive" County Fair will ex emplify its name. We can assure the patrons the finest musical and amusement program ever offered. Lincoln County exhibits this year will be head liners. Many improvements have been added for the comfort of our patrons. Arrange to attend your own County Fair; you will find diversion, relaxa tion and education. It is your opportunity to hear the greatest fes tival ever assembled in Lincoln County. Lincoln County's greatest outdoor exposition each year excels the last. The only institution in our great county where the year's progress is spread upon the blackboard for your inspection, approval and education. As our state progresses, so does the "County Fair." The progress of one means the progress of the other. Patronizing the County Fair demonstrates that you are alert and desire to keep in touch with the activities of our great county. Progressiveness exemplifies both. A modern exposition of our commercial and agricultural industries, including the prize winning state exhibit from the county. Mammoth Educational Department Farm and Garden Products -. Baby Health Department Junior Pig Club Exhibits ( Chickens and Turkeys : k Horses ond Cattle Hogs and Sheep J. C. WILSON, President The Man Who is Making a Real Fair for Lincoln County One Admission Charge, SO Cents . At Gate Admits to Two s Big Shows. FREE CAMPING GROUNDS. S. M. SOUDER, Secretary. WARREN D00LITTLE, Ass't. Sec. Our exhibits ore a graphic means of gaining ' information regording our advancement; the best educational "Short Course" of the year Our amusement program is the best that time, effort ond money could assemble for pleasure. Mayor Evans has given us the key to the City and the only people that we will put in jail will be the police. Therefore come ond enjoy yourself day and night. v Free campingf'grounds. The verybest of eats right on the grounds. The bestlof Wild West stunts There has never been a better card of horse racing in Lincoln County. A Great Big Free Day for the Children on Wednesday. September 20, and on that evening we will have the finest display of fireworks ever fired in this county. Something Father, Mother ond Children olike can enjoy. The night fireworks will be the best port of the program. After we have prepared these fine races, this great agricultural exhibit, and this great style show of fine purebred stock, wo wont you to come. Take a few days off during fair time. You cer tainly owe it to yourself, and take a hike for the big fair, educational, elevating exhibitions, furi ously funny features, intensely interesting and entertaining for you and your friends. This is your fair we want you there. A big show which illustrates the old cow days and which cannot be staged in a more realistic' man ner in any other place. Cowboys Bucking Contest. Trick and Fancy Roping Fancy and Trick Riding if . , V Roman Standing Race Saddle Horse Race Wild Horse Race Pony Race Steer Bulldogging, Steer Roping and; Wild Steer Riding. $2500.00 in daily and final prize monies for these contests will attract the boys from near and far. '-"i.W I- 3 E3EE mJUm E3E