The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 15, 1922, Image 2
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE B. ig URe illiffinNacleodR Copyright by William, MacLeod CHAPTER XX, Continued. "IJndKiiy hnd no huslness hero In New Yoik. lie wi s dltiK"ldng Ih-e's the knowledge of the re peace qf mind. I wanted to get rid nr(I w" ch '"If U'U " '"' v of him and send him homo." j H I)0,Hl trt st'1' ''J" ",n,f ' i , , , , , ' enred to do so. The right to vote the "So ypu paid a crook w-oundrel who hated him to. murder IiIh reputation." "That's not what I call It," defended the clubman. "It doesn't matter what you call It. The fact stands." v "I told him explicitly again and iignln that there was to he no vlo lence. I Intended only to show him lip. I had a right to do it." Whltford got up arid walked up and down the room, lie felt like laying hands on this well-dressed scamp and throwing him out of tic ofllce. lie tust cd something of his daughter's sense of degradation at ever having heen connected with n man of so llttlo character. The experience was n hit tcrly humiliating one to him. For Bee was, in his opinion, the cleanest, truest little thoroughbred under heav en. The only questionable1 thing ho had ever known her to do was to en gage herself to thjs man. Colin came to n halt In front of the other. "We've got to protect you, no mat- tcr how little you deserve If. I can't "Of Course, I'm Not Good Enough. I , Know That. No Man' Good Enough for a Good Woman." , i have UeeV niinie drugged Into all the , papers of the country. Th case , agnlnst DUrand will June to bo j dropped. lies lost his power tnyhow and ho 11 never get ft back." i "Then It doesn't matter much whottv crJ.,e- t.rlcfl .r I10'" . . That phase of the subject Whltford j t did not pursue. lie began to feel la 1 his vest pocket for something. "Of course you understand that i we're through with you, Bromfleld. , Neither Beatrice nor I care to have ; anything more to do with you." "I don't see why," protested Brom Held: "As a man of the world" "If you don't see the reason I'm not able to explain It to you," Whit ford's lingers found what thoy wero looking for. He fished a ring from his IKM'kpt Ullll llllt It nil tlin llnatr I "Beotrrco asked me to give you this." I "I don't think that's fair. If sho wants to throw me over she ought to tell me her reasons herself." "She's telling them through me. I don't want to be more explicit unless you force me." "Of course I'm not good enough. I know that. No man's good enough for n good woman. - But I'm as good as other fellows. Wo don't claim to be angels, New York doesn't sprout wings." "I'm not going to argue this with you. And I'm not going to tell you What I think of you beyond saying that we'ro through with you. Tho les said about it the better. Man, don't you see I don't want to have any more talk about It? Tho engage ment wus a mistake In the first place. Beo never loved you. Even if you'd been what we thought you, it wouldn't have. done. She's lucky to have found out In time." "Is this a business rupture, too, Mr. Whltford T "Just us you say about that, Brom field. As an Investor in tho Bird Cage vni.Vo Entitled to tho same considers... tlon that any otner stocunoiucr is. Since you're the secqnd largest owner you've a right to recognition on the hoard of directors. Tm not mixing my private affairs with business." Bromfleld rose, pulled on tho glove he had removed, sodded good-bye without offering to shake hands, and sauntered out of the office. There waj) a inny nn hie fi" tfa pMnng mna- HP - lown bund Wk m IS 'fig utJUJ." amei WSJ II IHustrattoitf bu a 1 Rain did not like. It occurred to Whltford that Clarendon, now stripped of self- proxies of the small stockholders of the IH id Cage company had heen made out In his name at the request of the president of the corporation. The case against Durnnd was pigeon holed by the district attorney with out much regret. All through the un derworld where his Influence had been strong, It wns known that Jerry hnd begged off. He was discredited among his following and was politically a dowH'ond-outer. Hut he knew too much to permit him to he dragged Into court safely. With his hack to the wall he might tell of . many shady transactions Implicating prominent people. There were strong Influences which did not want him pressed too hard. The charge remained on the docket, but it was set back from term to term and never brought to trial. Colin Whltford found his attention pretty fully absorbed by his own af fairs. Dromflcld had opened a fight against him for control of the Dlrd Cage company. The mine had been developed by the Coloradoan from un i unlikely prospect into a well-paying concern. It was the big business venture of his life and he took a strong 1 personal Interest In running It. Now, 1 because of Bromfleld's Intention to use for his own advantage the proxies mude out In his name, he was likely to lose control, With Uromlleld In , churge the property might be wrecked before he could be ousted. "Dad's worrying," Beatrice told Lindsay. "lie's afraid he'll lose con trol of the mine. There's a light on UgUlllBL Jlllll. "Whut for? I thought yore father was a mighty competent operator. Don't the stockholders know when they're well off?" She looked at him enigmatically. "Homo one he trusted has turned out a traitor. That happens occasional- 1 ly In business, you know." i It wus from Colin himself that Clay learned the name of the traitor. "It's that fellow Bromfleld," he ex 1 lalncd. "He's the secretary and sec ond largest stockholder In the Vcom pnny. The annual election Is to be to morrow nfternoon. He's got mo where the wool's short. I wns fool enough to ask thu smaller stockholders to make out their proxies In his name. At that time he was hand In glove with us. Now I'm up against It. He's going to nntno the board of directors and have himself mado president." Clnv ventured on thin ice. The name , f Hromild had not heen mentioned ,a llin ,,eforo , tmj ,ast twenty-four U)UrH ,,T L,ltllor 1Jeatrk.u or her futher, "Surel Bromfleld wouldn't want to tiToml you." "That's exactly what ho would want to do." "flllt-r-" "He's got his reasons." "When is the election?" "At threo o'clock." "Where?" "At the company ofllccs." "Perhaps If I talked with Brom field" Whltford laughed shortly. "I'd talk an arm off him If It would do any good. But It won't. He's out for rovenge." Clay's eyes alighted swiftly on tho nlilnr tiiiill Tlmv nalrnil m-nvnln a nimo tlon und found un answer that sot his heart singing. Beatrlco had brok en her engagement with Bromfleld. It' was a little after eleven o'clock next morning when tho cattleman walked Into an apartment house for bachelors, took the elevator, and rang the bell at Bromfleld's door. Clarendon, fresh from the hands of hla valet, said he was glad to see Lindsay, hut did not look It. no of few! his guest a choice of liquors an- selected for himself a dry martini. Cigars and cigarettes were within reach on a tabouret. Clay discovered that one dlfllculty he had expected to meet did not com plicate the problem. Tho valet had left to select the goods for some custom-made shirts, Bromfleld explained apologetically, apropos of the lack of sorvlco. He would not return till late In tho afternoon. "I've como to see about that Bird Cage business, Mr. Uromlleld," his Vis Uor explained. "I'vo been laMln it over in my mind, and I thought Td UtIntnl!P0IZl,0n UP t0 y0U the WUy 11 ooks to me. Bromfleld's eyebrows lifted. His face asked with' supercilious polite ness what tho devil business It was of Lindsay's. "Mr. Whltford lias put in twenty years of his lifo building up tho Bird Cage Into a good property. It's a ono-man mlno. He mado it out of a nolo in tho ground, dovolopcd It, ex panded it, gave It a. market value He's. nlwnys protected 't1lp,Rtin,kholilor and ployed the gume square with them., Don't It look like lie ought to stay In control of It?" "Hid he send you here to tell me that?" "No, he didn't. Hut he's gcttln' along In years, IJromfleld. It don't look hardly right to me for you to step In and throw him out. What do you think nhout It, yourself?" The rlulHiiun flushed with anger. "I think that it's d d Impertinent of you "I Think It's D d Impertinent of You to Come Here Meddling In My Business." J to come here meddling In my business, j I might have expected It. You've al ! ways been an Impertinent meddler." j "Mebbeso," agreed Clay serenely, showing no surprise at this explosion. , "Bur I'm here. And I put a question. I Shall I nsk It again?" ' "No need. I'm going to take whut i the law allows me what I and my friends have bought and paid for In the open market. The more It hurts Whltford the better I'll he pleased," answered Bromfleld, his manner of cynical Indifference swept away by gathering rage. The Interference of this "bounder" tilled him with a pas sion of Impotent hate. "Is that quite correct? Did you buy control In the market? In point of fact, aren't you holdln' a bunch of proxies becuusc Whltford wrote and usked the stockholders to sign them for you to vote? What you In tend doing Is a moral fraud, no mat ter whut Its legal aspect Is. You'd be swindling the very stockholders you claim to represent, as well as abusing tho confidence of Whltford." "What you think Isn't of the least Importance to me, Mr. Llndsoy. If you're hero merely to offer me your ndvlee, I suppose I shall now have regretfully to say good-duy." The New Yorker rose, a thin Up smile scarcely veiling his anger at this In truder who had brought his hopes to nothing. "I reckon I'll not hurry off, Mr. Bromfleld," Clay replied easily. "You might think I was mad at you. I'll' stick around awhile and talk this "over." "Unfortunately I have an engage ment," retorted the other Icily. "When?" "I really think, Mr. Lindsay, that Is my business." "I'm makln' It mine," said day curtly. Bromfleld stared. "I beg your par don?" "I said It was mine too. You see I bought a coupla shares of Bird Cage stock yesterday. I'd hato to sco Whlt ford ousted from control. I've got confidence In him." "It's your privilege to vote that stock this afternoon. At least it would bo If it had been transferred to you on the books. I'll voto my stock according to my own views." "I wonder," murmured Clay aloud. "What's that?" snapped Bromfleld. "I was JUBt flgurln' on what would happen if you got sick and couldn't at tend that annual meottng this after noon," drawled tho westerner. "I reckon mebbo some of the stockhold ers you've got lined up would break away and Join Whltford." Tho Now Yorker felt a vague alarm. What Idea did this fellow have In tho back of his head. Did ho Intend to do bodily violence to him? Without any delny Bromfleld reached for the telephone. Tho largo brown hand of the west -ner closed over his. Tm talkln' to you, Mr. Bromfleld. It's not polite for you to start 'phon ing, not oven to the police, whilst we're still engaged In conversation." "Don't you try to Interfere with me," said tho man who paid tho telephone hill. "I'll not submit to such an in dignity." "I'm not tho only one that Inter feres. You fixed up qulto nn entertain mont for mo the othor night, didn't you? Wouldn't you klnda call that lutcrferln' somo? I sure ought to comb yoro hair for it." Bromfleld mado a hasty decision to get out Ho started for tho door. Clay traveled in that direction too. They arrived simultaneously. Claren don backed away. Tho Arlzonan locked tho door and pocketed tho key. nis host grew weakly violent Prom Whltford ho had heard a story about two men in a locked room that did not renssuro him now. Ono of the men had been this cattleman. Tho other .well, ha had suffered,, "Let rne. otiTf I'll' not stand" this 1 You can't bully me I" he cried shrilly. "Don't pull yore plckct-pln, Brom fleld," ndvlscd Lindsay. "I've elected myself boss of the rodeo. What I say goes. You'll save yoreso'f a heap qf worry If you make up yore mind to that right away." "What do you want? What 'arc you trying to do? I'm not a barroom brawler like Durum). I don't Intend to fight with you." "You've ce'tolnly relieved my mind," murmured Clay 'lazily. "What' yore own notion of what I ought to do to you, Bromfleld? You Invited me out ns a friend and led me Into a trap aft er you had fixed 4 It up. Wouldn't n first-class thrushln' with n hawsswhlp be about right?" Bromfleld turned pale. "I've got a wenk heart," he faltered. "I'll say you have," agreed. Clay. ''It's pumpln' water In place of blood right now, I'll bet. Did you ever have n real honest-to-G d llckln when you was a boy?" The New Yorker knew he was help less before this clear-eyed, supple ath lete who walked like a god froia Olympus. One can't lap up half a dozen highballs a day for nn Inde terminate number of years without get ting flabby, nor can he spend himself In feeble dissipations nnd have re serves of strength to call upon when needed. The tongue went dry In his mouth. Ho began to swallow his Ad am's apple. j "Let's look at this thing from all sides," went on Clay cheerfully. "If we decide by a majority of the voting I stock and I in curryln' enough prox ies so that I've got control that you'd ought to have a -whalln', why, o' course, there's nothln' to It but get to business nnd make a thorough Job." ' "Maybe I didn't do right about Mad dock's." , "No mebbe about that. You acted like a yellow hound." "I'm sorry. I apologize." "I don't reckon I can use apologies. I might make a bargain with you." "I'll be glad to make any reasonable bargain." "How'd this do? I'll vote my stock and proxies In the Bromfleld Punish ment company, Limited, against the whnlln', und you vote yore stock nnd proxies In the Bird Cage company to return the present bourd and direc torate." "That's coercion." "Well, so It Is." "The law" "Did you go hire a lawyer for an opinion bcfinre you paid Durnnd to do me up?" "You've got no right to hold me a prisoner here to help Whltford." "All right, I won't. I'll llnlsh toy business with you nod when I'm through, you can go to the annual mectln' If you feel up to trnvelln' that fur." TO BE CONTINUED Beoler, Crosby & Basklns, Atty. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1902 of Martha Koester deceased In the'County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, bs : Creditors of said estate twill toko notlco that tho timo limited for presentation and filing qf claims against said Estatu is January 10, 1923, and for sottlo mont of said Estato is September 7, 1923; that I will sit .at tho county court room in said County on October 10th, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Jun uay 10th, y923 at ,10 o'clock a. $., to receive, examina, hear, allow, or adjust all cMms and objections duly filed. Dated Soptomber 7th, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, Seal County Judge, i Halllgan, Boatty & Halllgan. Atty. 1 NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato No. 1854 of Mary Facka, de ceased In the County Court of Lincoln j County, Nebraska. I Tho Stato of Nobraska, to all per I Rons interested in said Estato take notlco that tho Administrator has filed u final account and roport of his ad ministration and a petition for final settlement and discharge as such Ad ministrator and for declaration of heirship and distribution of proceeds which havo boon sot for hearing bc foro sold court on October 3d, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated Soptomber 9th, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, Seal County Judge. Geo. N. Gibbs, Attorney. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato of Bridget Jonos, docoasod, in .tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. The Stato of Nobraska: to all per sons intorsted in Bald estate take notlco that Owen Jones did on the 19th day of August 1922 file a pet ition in said action sotting forth that Nicholas McCabo, executor of said estato did on the 8th day of August, 1922 dlo. and said potltion prays for tho appointent of Owen Jonos, and that letters of administration with will annexed bo granted to him, which has bocn sot for hearing horeln on tiro 22nd day of September, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. m. Datod this 25th day of August, 1922. T. 8. BLANKENBURG Acting County Judge. William E. Shumah, Attornoy NOTICE OF HEARING In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Fred erick Wcrnoke, Deceased. To tho Heirs and All Persons In terested in Bald Estate. You aro hereby notified that on August 23, 1922, Frieda Schorz as ex ecutrix of said estate, nica in said Court her final account and appli cation for tho assignment of tho title to the real estate belonging to said estate, consisting of tho Southwest Quarter (SW'i) of Section Ten (10) in Township Thirteen (13) North of Range Thlrty-ono (31) West (W) 6 p. m. Lincoln County, Nebraska, nnd for tho distribution of the personal property belonging to said estate, and that said final account nnd application will be heard before this Court In tho County Courtroom In tho Courthouse j in the city of North Platte, County of Llncoln.State of Nebraska on tho 18th day of September, 1922 nfc 10 o'clock a. m. and you aro hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show causo, If any there bo why said final account should not be allowed, tho title to said real estate assigned and tho personal property of said ostate distributed as provided by law and by the terms of tho Last Will and Testament of the said Fredorlck Wornecke, deccasod. T. S. BLANKENBURG, (SEAL) Acting County Judge DR. HAROLD H. WALKER Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thront Offices over McDonald Bank Phono 35G Try a "TIMMERMAN SPECIAL" (.Cholco A No. 1 corn fod steer steak) Wo also Bervo a "MERCHANT'S LUNCH" from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. for '35c TIMMERMAN CAFE , I. D. BROWNFIELD, Farm and Live Stock AUCTIONEER. Telophone or wire for dates at my Expense. HERSHEY, NEBRASKA. FOR SALE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewoy Street WANTED SCRAP IROjf Cast iron Is worth most. Also Copper and Brass. HIDES I am paying from 7 to 10c a pound now. L. LIPSHITZ When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing ia back of these hotels. Guests may oiup hi any one oi tnem with the as surance of receiving; honest value and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY Evr Hear of th CLEVELAND CLAN? Thoy'ro tho thrifty ridors of Clovoland Lightweights. Initia tion fee Is only $185 the full purchase price of tho lo.vcst priced real motorcyclo on t a market The Clovoland Light weight The benefits aro many, healthful, outdoor rldos in itho fresh country and many other pleasures. The du)es -c re cxtrnordnarlly 'small ono gallon of gasoline each 75 miles ono sot of tires each 1,000 Lot us toll you more. Drop in whothor you aro ready to buy or not JohnlNull, North PUtte When in North Platte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first class and prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. Bit, E. C. LYNCH Eye Ear Noso and Throat Glasses fitted accurately Over Dixon's Storo NORTH PLATTE J. S. TWINEH. H. D. (Homeopath) Mcdldno and Surgery Hospital Facilities NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Offico Phone 183 Residence 283 W. T. riUTCHABD Gradnato Veterinarian 'Ex-Government Votorinnrlan and ex- assistant deputy State Veterinarian. Hospital 315 South Vine Street Phones. Hospital 633 Residence 63S DR. BEDFIELD ' Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-Eay Calls promptly answered Night or Day Phones. Office 642 Residence 676 JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Sargery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence 38 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practice Limited to Disease of Women and Surgery Over Rcxall Drug Store Phones: Office 127 'Residence 6S6 Offico 340 Heuse 483 DR. W. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over the Oasis North Platte WM. WALDORF Tinner Makes or Repairs anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital ED KEERIG Auctioneer For dates and tonus call at First National Bank North Platto, Nob. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over Hirschfeld'a Office Phono 333 Res. Phoae 1020 DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor Rooms 5. G, 7 Building & Loan BIdg. Office Phone 70 Res. Phone 1242 Office Phone 241 Res. Phone 217 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Phystefaa North Platto, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus BuOding. OTIS R. TLATT, M. D. Physldaa and Sargeea X-Bay Diagnose aad Treameat Orer Union State Bask Office Phone 290W House iPBbne 2D6R GEO. B. DENT FayaMait aad Sargoan Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstetrics Office: Bmlldlng & Loan Building Phones: Offieo 130 Residence 115 DB. L. A. SNAVBLY Dentist X-Kay Diagnosis Oxygea aad Gas Anesthesia for Extraelfeas. Over Union Slate Bank Phono 296. DEBBYBEBBY & FORBES Licensed Embalners Undertakers aad Funeral Directors Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 5in