The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 12, 1922, Image 5

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nHliRT tTORIPQ fit i th EIcctrIc L1elit -Qo., the Union 'ber Horary selections!
unuiii UIUIIILU Ul
There are reports of hog cholera
In ;tho valley west of here and around
Nichols and Horshey. The loss has
riot been great yet - and prompt
measures are being taken to stop
the ravages of the disease. ivi nvncnvAT
laciflc and the I f.h. at various Hofr.eshinents will bq- served at a -frtr F ii ' '
"ttQ iK.uu'tt responsioio placo stanu ,pn.,tno grounds with coucoj., v..oaw.
with tho P.'F. B, with headquarters Xreo at uupppr tlmo. Pooplo from , Roftl Estate Mortgages bought and
at Council Bluffs. Ho 'has -leased athft towns will do well to drlvo o.utraoldT. C. ; Patterson. ;
house there for' the coming year and'11!, see the tremendious advance,.. Wed Trdvers It Oshkosh ' visitea
the family will join him' soon. Mr; maL( by tho co-operatlvo movomont. w 1th friends Mn the city 'Friday.' Junior Choir Social
'Cuirthilngs is a man who held a high whlcl1 hns bpn,on at Dignoll .for, E( E, Athkinson of Biady spent a Thd Junior choir of St. Patrick's
standard in his every day life and in ahn08t tw. Wars now. People U, tow davn !n tho dtv lnt week tnm. church will clvo a social In tho school
I his business rind was respected as a ,n& ,u other rural communities will j actltig business", -. hH on Friday,, Soptomber 15th in Sutherland spcritSnridfly 'In t'tiS'eUy'
utuen and a good workman. Thd', cnW meeting, the men ana woman , . mm Marsuorlto rottonholt ro- 11,0 n'tornoon and evening. The visiting with friend's; :li-.- .
P. F. E. promoted him from the 01 th,a ontorprising community, .All , , . nu willing workers aro H. Peterann. a. i..on t
J .. . -Mi . " ' mi il IU OUb III UUJ I1UIU VIUUtia 1 " v uoouai junu(,wt a tuii, auuw -v ntf
Vtttlli f 1 . At ill li n t'A 0 m Ail ! v . . . . 1
"uu x janu jod 10 a larger ono in wu uiuu.
local and :eehsowal
Itaymdnd Tott'Jnh'off HeaN'
for Lincoln lwheri he aWIIU. resume
his. studios at Jhp University this Call.
Roland Locke, Jleft , Sunday for
Lincoln where he will attend Uni
versity this fa,lyt f,
Mr. and Mrs. -George White ot
recognition of his ability and other
good qualities. North Platte loses
while Council Bluffs galnB.
W. J. Hendy and family returned
Saturday afternoon from a month's
, trip in the west. They wont through S"1"" nlto-
lYollowstono Park and visited many Albert Shonk left tho last or the
j points of interest, coming back by a woek 'or TPOka Kansas whoro he
! A I rf 1 a i . . urtll nftntltl eMinrtl litn fnll
I '"utium ruuiu iimu mo ono taKon . ..- ov..
; on tho westward trip. Yesterday Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Farrell ot
" visiting with frlendB for BoVoral days. "orncr' w 'e, M. fachott, K. for Chicago whore he will- visit .for
Tdiui xfi nnnoAviT ' " i us Mnrv Tomnln lof Rnildnv fnr . . - vw w. a iew weena.
jjvwuj JL-EijioviAAJJ l r Dillon. Mi ltebhaiiRon 1 M!lfn ti
Lincoln where sho will resumo her ' " ! r. Cundall of Gothenburg Spont
Victor. Vlctorolas, Hollcy MusloStudles at the University. Miles, J, McNeil, L. McMurtry, N. gunany jn Q city visiting with
House. Carnoy and F. Simon. Tho propeccts 1 MnAl ,
. . . . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dlckoy returned Will go into tho Rectorv fund. friends.
viajs cooi ni uanceiand, every . Saturday from CaBpor, Wyo. where, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Robinson ot
The funeral services for tho late
Mary Kuhnhausor who died Sunday
evening in "the county hospital at
Hershoy will be 'held this afternoon
at 3 o'clock from thn Mni nnsv
Chapel. Burial will be mado In thoimrn,ns Mr Hendy took somo black Wal,aco shopped In the city Satur.;wheM thoy wiu fttlcnd tho Hastings I During tho evening tho degrco work coin Journal, says that paper la beat-
local cemetery. ,J
thoy visited their sons Robert and Rebeknhs celebrate "1st Anlvcrsnry. Beatrlco arrived. Wodnoaday belnj
Edmund for several days. Tho members ot tho local Rebekah called "hero by tho death ot Mrs. O.
Mlssos Frances Edwards, Florlno lo1& nni1 t,iclr fumlllos colebrated K Robinson.
Stebblns and Luolla Adamson Jott tho 71st anlvcrsary of tho lodgo Frl- . :o:
yesterday morning for Hastings UH ovenrag at 1110 1. o. o. b, hall. J. C. Scaerost, puuiisuor 01 uio uin-
I paint ,and outlined tho routo on tho day.
SldO Of his Car Which Was built UkO Mrn. .Tnnnln WnVpmnn nt Amlmnl.
( u imuBo on a jb'orci cnasis. Tho Nobr., Is visiting friends In tho city
jdata shows that he travoled 1,635 this week.
1 miles on tho round trip. Ho says ho
Coilego this year.
The total enrollment in the city
schools up'to datl isf901. Of this
number there aro! 270 in the Senior
High, 48G In Junior High, 400 in the
Washington school, 284 lnvthe Jeffor. quarts ot oil. On two oooulpw Ifl , SUo took up her duties in the JnZ JTII
oui otuuui, to m mo iiincoin scnooi , ea uung irom ino eaves or uie car,
and 36 in tho Baker school.
)iV8 put on and ono candldato taken In .lng all records In circulation; having
tho lodgo after "which a musical pro, passed tho forty, thousand mark, Just
ggnm was rencdore'd. Ms. Allco Coy ! to introduce It to still more now read
of Scotia, Nob. Prc3. of tho assembly , ors, it will bo mailed, both dally 'and
MIsr Altn. AfiinRlniror rofnrnoil
I used 109 gallons of gas and sir Saturday from her European trip.
Estate No. 1902 ot Martha Kocstcr, wna proaont nnd gavo a very interest- Sunday, from now to January lat, for
deceased In tho County Court ot Lin- inc tnji. on nt . 1n,.. o,,-' nnyv si nn- nr MHiimut tim Smwlav fnr
, was presented with a beaut'ful sllvor 75c. This will carry you through tho
lor high yesterday.
On Sept. 4th, thirty regular freight
crews were working east out ot
North Platte and twenty-six west.
Traffic is increasing day by day
Blnco that and the peak has not yet
Tho State ot Nobraska, ss: Creditors frujt (llah Tho mi,nfrf'imnlini. tw ninntlon. the nasahur of
Ot Said estate lW'411 takO nOtlCO that nrannf from Tlrmlv nml Mn-.n A tl. Jnirr 1..r n.l Dntflnmnnl nf
Tho Fire Department is putting on Chan. Freiberg was arrested Fri- tho time limited for presentation and tho clo80 of Ul0 ovoning n aolicIous othcr of tho Breato8t questions ot tho
j a Fall festival to raise funds with day for fast and reckless driving near ; ming ot claims against said Estate supper was served to 100 guests. The day. No family can attord to be with
I which to entertain the state conven- the city limits and was taken Into 8 January 10, 1023, and tor settle. local RobokaU lodgo rnnks sccond jn I out n daily and The Journal from your
tion at North Platte next fall. Tho County Court -where ho pleaded mont of said Estate Is September 7, tho S(ato Jn incml)0rB,l!p ,mvlng m j Btato CRpUal( Blves you Ul0 mo9t for
( advance salo of tickets has not been guilty and was fined ?50 and costs. 1923; that I will sit at tho county court momh0P8 whllo Frcmont wlJlch ranU8your monoy. No other Morning sells
large enough yet to pay tho oxpenso Tho EuroDean tourist nartv from room In said County on October 10th, ,.rat ln tho sntfl hn. mnmhnrflln n.u thn 1nw nr,r0 of ss a whole -. -nr.
been reached according to the opinof the festival and unless tho pat- Lincoln county will return within 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. and on Jan- 324,
10ns or railroad men.
Wm. Slrams, living fifteen miles
south of the city was arrested yes
terday and in county court pleadea
guilty to using language to a young'
lady of that vicinity which offended
her. He was fined ?5.00 and costs
which amounted to $15.20.
ronago is bettor tho firemen will find un .v rm,,. .. i imv 10th. v923 at 10 o'clock a. m., to
themselves with a deficit Instead of the party under .the direction of Mr. receive, examine, hoar, allow, or adjus' Lestor Langford 'is ln Lincoln this
a surplus. In another column is and Mrs. w. P. Killen ot Wallace. ! a" cla'ms nnd objections duly filed. weck attending tho Stato fair,
printed tho report of tho Stato Flro , ,, 11 Dated September 7th, 1922.
Mnr-hi i .? A nwrrago license was granted on ' ivnnnmmaT. Tho bans of marriage wore pro-
You can hnvo either tho Mornlc.
Evening Journal at that price.
the different cities of tho state. It
shows that North Plato Is a long
Saturday by Judgo Woodhurst to
Frederic William Ross of San Fran-,
County Judge. 1 clalmcd for tho second tlmo Sunday I
at tno uatnoue cnurcu or tno marrl-
County Commissioners Springer,
Coker and Cohagen were guests of
tho Rotary club yesterday and each
spoke of the new court house and
tho conditions under which it is be
ing financed. Members of tho club
also spoke on the question but no
action was taken.
A quartet of young fellow which
has pleased North Platte people a
number of times in tho past, sang a
few selections for the Rotary club
at its noon lunch yesterday. The
quartet is composed of Messers Lake,
Elliott, Badgett and McGovern. The
boys were heartily applauded by the
Richard Pouder, the negro who'
robbed the R. C. Langford home 1
some time ago was sentenced by'
Judgo Tewell to servo from one to I
five years in the penitentiary, was
removed there yesterday. That
leaves, but four prisoners ' at ,tne 1
county jail, the fewest for a long
time. " ,
W. It. Maloney and Ira Bare are l
attending a meeting of the Tri-state
council of Rotary clubs at Mason I
City, Iowa, yesterday and today,!
Thoy left Saturday evening. The"
meeting is for presidents and secre-!
taries of Rotary clubs of Iowa, South J
Dakota and Nebraska. Enroute '
home they will stop In Omaha on '
business matters.
'ways ahead in the matter of losses ci8C0' CaI' nnd M,SB DulCl Frater f IN THB DISTRICT COURT OF THE ago of J. S. Boylo and Esther Guffoy
j and part at least of this advantage Is thl8 clty' ' .UNITED STATES FOR THE DIST- of Sutherland.
'duo to tho excellent flro department GcorGe H- Kellogg, county agent, JtlCT OF NEBRASKA. NORTH .
located here. Shall wo allow tha wm return irom tno state tair xnurs- i-juattw mvi.oiuw.
Teacher ot Violin and Cornet.
Phono 107W.
416 Vino Street.
department to suffer for want ot MrB- Kellogg and the children i
financial support when -they havo nre wlth hlm at Blalr whoro toe7Lnkrnnt
renuerou sucn goon service to us in v... j v.. .. - .
the past? Kellogg's father.
In the mattor of Ray-C.'Norrlu.
j Case No. 83 in Bankruptcy "volun
tary petition.
Big preparations aro being mado For older people wo aro able to
by the Blgnell community club for make lenses that can bo used for!
tho second annual Fall Festival both long distance and reading vision, ' ' September A. "oj
" " , " , . 1111 "l uuu lvna' " u"a"K1"b .Kiaa-,i922 on filing and reading the petition
of tho above naed Bankrupt for his
J day will begin at. 11 a. m. when the os, or looking over reading glasses
products will be opened. At 2 p. this wonderful lens. The Dixon bptl- 0nign tl nJtbn 12th dliv of
m..the sports and games will tako cal Co.
(place, giving way at four o'clock to
j tho parade which will bo better than
last year. At eight o'clock tho pro
, gram in the big tent will open. It
will Include a home talent play, an
address by Mr. Boomer of the Unl
, verslty Extension service and a num.
' Farm and Live Stock
Telephone or wlro for dates at my
Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
C. M. Newton is preparing to move
his store from the present location
to tho McDonald building across' tho
street. It is the room to merly
occupied by the Crystal theatre. He
will spend a largo part of tho; month
of September and Octobr getting the
building ln shape and completing tho
moving as his present lease does
not oxpiro until November 1st.
Where ripples
of delight
Check the
trembling tears
Dr. and Mrs. Cressler and daughter
returned from an auto trip througn
parts of Iowa, Minnesota and Illin
ois last week. They wore gone about
three weeks. Dr. endorses the state
ment reported in these columns a
short tlmo ago about tho rdad signs
in Minnesota. Ho says a driver can
not get lost if ho knows where ho
wants to go and will follow directions
They visited Madison, Milwaukee,
Chicago and Omaha on their trip.
F. F, Dowllng, deputy stato flro
inspector, was ln tho city last week
and covered the business part of the
city. He saya North Platto should
havo a building ordinance which
would compel modern construction
of electric lighting, plumbing and
building construction and without
such an ordinanco tho builder la at
tho mercy of the contractor. Such
an ordinanco was Introduced several
months ago, ln the city council "but
was not passed.
Ray Cummlngs, an electrician of
this city who has been employed here
Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Jfosc'anil
Offices over McDonald Rank
Phono 5C
U -mi
U M fl'
- m tu
famous story
jj October, A. D, 1922, bo and tho same
Is hereby fixed as the date on or before
vf which all creditors, ot nnd all other
" persons in said estate and In the mat-1
j the said bankrupt, shall, if thoy desiro I
''to oppose tho same, file in my Bald
i office at North Platte, Nebraska, ln
i said district Uielr appearanco ln wrlt j
, Ing opposition to tho granting the said i
Idlschargo and also within ten day
thereafter, filo In my said offlcal
specifications of the grounds of 'said
opposition. i
WITNESS my hand hproto, at my,
office, in North Platto, Nobraska, tho '
i day nnd dntel herein first nhovo writ-'
I ton.
i Rofereo in Bankruptcy,
i :o:
Water rent ln District B is now duo
and payable at the Water Office ana
will become delinquent, aftor Sept.
20 th. All services where Jthe water
rent. Is not paid by Sept. 20 in Dls-
i trict B will bo shut oft In accordance
jwith tho Water Ordinance. ThTs
, gives about three weeks for payment
j of water bills and gives railroad men
two pay dayB before Sept. 20, Pleaso
see your water bills aro paid beforo
Sept 20th and do not bbIc for or
expect an extension of time.
DIstlrct B comprlsea all that part,i
; of tho city west of Locust Btreot and
botween tho Union Pacific right oi
way and tho Burlington rlgh"t of way. 1
Water Commissioner.
The torching ap
peal and quntnt,
fine humor of tho
tender story; the
wonderful art of
the never-to-be-'
forgotten dual por
trayal; the exquisite
beauty of the entire
production all of
these have capt
ured the hearts of
evsryone who has
seen this photo
play o f rarest
Special Garden Court
1 50c Tube of Mag-Lap
The Original Milk'of Magnesia Tooth Paste
One 50c Tube of Colonial Club
Known as the Finest Shaving Cream on the Market
With Every Purchase of a Garden Court
Toilet Article (Except Talcum)
Above offer with 2 cans Garden Court Talcum.
2 p. m. and 4 p. m. Special Music Evening3.
Embroidered Taiileurs
Doft hand embi'odiery features, many of the
smartest suits for fall and winter. Many of
those we show aro extremely limited models.
The prices range from
$25 to $65
The less-expensive suits Illustrated aro splendid
examples of the fino tailoring, fine cloths and
fine values awaiting your Inspection'
Hand ombroidcrod
faney silk 1 nig.
$40.00 .
Wilcox Department Store
Hand ombroldorod Vvl
our ijltU boavorotto fur
collar, silk lined.