The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 12, 1922, Image 4

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u'DIt, 0. II. CHESSLEll
"'Office over tho McDonald
kiT" . "- sinto Bank.
Clinton's for Eyo.Sor.vico,
Piano tuning, Holier-. Music Houso,
. Froo dancing from 8:45 to 9:20 at
Dancolhnd evory Saturday nltc.
Francis Conneally vlBlted with
.friends In Wallace last week.
Moot your frlonds at Dancoland,
evory Saturday nlto.
W. J. Kahoo and son of Tryon vis
ited with friends In tho city Friday.
Arthur O'Meara of Lexington was
a business visitor In tho city last
Chas. F. Spencer spent sovoral
days last wook In Lexington trans,
acting buslnoss.
C. E. Strahlo and family of Goth
enburg visited with frlonds In tho
.city for a few days last week.
Mrs. H. E, Utterback and daugh
ters' of' Staplcton vlBlted with friends
In tho city for a few days last week
Kenneth Wholan loft last evening
. for Lincoln whero life will attend tho
University this fall.
Mrs. Mary Ann Madsen of Maxwell
loft yesterday for BruBh, Colo., whoro
oho will visit her daughter.
Chas. Hlrsch left this morning for
Lincoln whero ho will resume Mb
Btudlcs at tho University.
B. Reynolds of Kearney Is vlBltlng
this week with his brother B. M.
. Hoyonlds.
Walter Itoynolds loft this morning
for Lincoln whero ho will attend tho j
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moorhouso aro
expected homo tho last of tho week
from points In Colorado.
Claronco Nelson and Lovl Jordan
of Gothenburg visited with frlonds In
tho 'city for sovoral dayn last week. Friday, September 8 In tho evening, section IV. Taxes aro hereby lev
airs. Jack Dlnnol and children loft' Tho supper will consist of 'rled chick-; f0a on all of tho property within the
this morning for Grant -whoro theyJon sandwiches, pickles and colToo, ( 1JmUg of Btlhl i-Ity at tho rate of 1-40
will visit relatives for a'few days! Adults thirty-five cents $lnd children mmB on tho dollar of assescd valua-
! 1 1 twonty-flvo cents. tlon thereof, for tho purposo of pay-
O. 8. Clinton returned Sunday ov on. .o.
lng from a several weeks visit with) claronco Mathcrs o Tryon wa8 a.Dollnr Brldg0 Bon(a hcrotoforc lsgue(,
relatives in uaiuuuu, uiuuium. ,
,Mr. ana Mrs. onas. iwuiu ' , 13. l. Stophens loft Saturday for 1 gectfon v. Taxes aro hereby lev
Wallaco visited with friends in tho Abj,vHo, North Carolina whero ho led on all of tho property within
city Sunday. n,i , wtll attond tho National Council of ' tho limits of said city at the rato
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson spent tho Boy ScoutB of Amorica. , of 2-10 mills on the dollar of tho
Sunday in Ootlionburg;Hrjw 7' Whitney and children Boosed valuation thereof, for tho
son . home. accompanied by Mrs. E. E. Whitney , Purpose of paying tho Interest on
Earl Stobblns of Gothonburg-Bpont .visited Boveral days at tho A. W.'tho Twenty-two thousand Dollar Fire
tho cltv visiting with Tirnwn i,nmn in Vnrf nilfis J Station Bonds herctororo issued by
trlonda. t -
lako Dancolana your amusement
nail, unuorjniunHBuiiiuiiu
Legion Orchestra.
Mrs. Stovo Baldwin left Saturday.
.for Callaway to witn 03
for a week. ,
" MIbb Coclla Horrod rqtUrnod tho
t . . ... , ,1
last of tho week from hor Europoan
tr'p '. . ,
MIsb Annai O'Haro ' and Evanga -
Mno Ilerrod aio oxpectod homo tho
last of tho week from thotr Europ -
ejin trip.
' . , . , ,..w,
Miss Irene Schott returned Thursday
from Denver and other westen,
points whoro sho spent tho past three
Have you Been tho ornamental blnli
displayed at Dixon'a ( Btore. Parrots
and blue jnya enameled In tholr gay
E. H. Jowott, local express agont
has been transferred to Alliance Mr.
BonnUon of Alllanco will tako up tho
Urban Simona mul Gerald McGInloy
left Saturday for South Bend. Iudj
whero thoy will attend school at Notro
Damo this fall,
Mrs, John Mason returned homo
... tho last of tho week from HcrBhoy
after visiting for somo timo n,t tho
Chas, and Henry Mason homes,
Misses Holon Smith and Eva Hoag
land loft VThursday ' for Linocln
whoro thoy will rcoumo tholr Btudloa
at tho UnlvorBlty. Thoy will visit
Miss Helen Slobort at Grand Island
enrouto to Lincoln.
H. J. Rathman loft for Donvor
last Thursday evening to spend somo
tlrao recuperating. Ho goes upon tho
advlco ot hla physician who nays ho
must got away front business for a
few wooks. Orvll Johnson la look
ing aftor tho business whllo ho is
, Cast Iron is worth most. Mso Copper
rfnd Brass.
I am paying from 7 to 10c a pound
t now.
(Too late fort Friday.),
v. ' t
1 w
Miss Mario SildgenBon
Island is vlsftCng at, tho
Tabko homo.
of Grandf
f Clarenco Harding of San. Diego, :
California visited, J2arl Dlenor last)
we ok.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lloyd moved to 1
tholr now homo In North Platto last
weok. " ' j
' ' I
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker1 spent
tho week end at tho Jos. Gambia
homo last week.
Mrs. Fay Lloyd and Mrs. Herman
Tabko entertained tho Ladles club
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sodcrman and
family attended tho Sunday school
convention at Brady last week.
LaVon and Byron King of Suther
land visited last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Shaw whilo enrouto to Kearney
to visit their grandparents.
Mrs. John Bogard and Bon Howard
of Sutherland spent Saturday and
Sunday with tho former's parents,;
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Owens and
Gcorgo Owons and daughters left
last weok hy auto for Lincoln to
attend tho stato fair and visit with
' Mr. and Mrs. Huston Lloyd or j on a11 proporty within the llmlt3 ot
North Platto, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. sa,1 c,ty ttt tho rnte ot 3-10 mll,a on
Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kelso 'tllG llollar of tho assessed valuation
and Mr. and Mrs. Fay Lloyd 8pent!for tho PUrposo of paving the interest
Ri.nilav wirti Mr. ami Mrn. Jean 1 Principle on tho Twenty-two
Howard and Ernest Dlener aro
expected homo from Chula Vista,
California tho firsts ot tho month.
They woro called thorC" soino timo
ago by tho death of tholr mother, 1
Mrs. Goorgo Dlenor.
Tho Ladies club will servo suppor
ousinoHB visitor in tno cuy xnursuay
Texas, whero thoy will join- Mr.
Whitney who is stationed there
A. ,
I.HLULU Ui XOU1 VJ L 111(11 J .I.V4-4 W
County Nebraska. 1
Tho State of Nebraska, to all per-'
BOllH interested In said Estate take
notice that tho Administrator has filed'
in final account nnd report ot hlB ad-
; ministration and a pt-Mtion for final
1 sottloment mid discharge ns aufch Ad-
mlnlstrator nnd for declaration of
heirship and distribution of proceeds
iwh(ch haVQ boon fiot f ,
, fopo Bn,(l CQUrt on .
10 , . . .
and contest tho samo. ,1
Dated Soptcmber 9th, 1922.
, Seal County Judge.
" ' 1
Wednesday Only.
WARDA r , .
In a Monologue callcd'the Female Polltican a travoraty on when
women rulo. '
Tho Pcorloss South'eran Singers In twolvo minutes of fun and har
mony. Good clean entertainment that soldom can be duplicated,
A Singing Talking Dancing Acrobatic, and contortion' novelty. A
snappy act that will plcaso all. , '' , ' tr ': X- '
Consisting ot two 111011 and a lady doing singing, Russian Dancing
and Instrumental. Special Btross of tho Russlun Dancing which is put
on to a perfection and all will enjoy it.
Also a good fivo rool feature picture will bo shown.
1 v
Tho following carloal shipmcnta ,bt
livestock wpro mado .from . U10 North
. iim 1 m if - u' irmii i r-ii in inn iiiri n i
Platto station of tho Union Paclf jc dur-J
lng tho week, ending csorday
Omaha t.
A. J. Tracy, 1 ca cattle to South
Omaha. 1, .. ,
Kauch Livestock Co., 2 cars cattlo
to South Omaha,
H. M, Voss, 3 cars cattle to South
Miss Violet Downs of HorBhey Is
visiting In the city this week.
Doing tho general lovy of taxes on
tho property of tho City of North
Platte, Nebraska, for revenue pur
poses, during tho fiscal year, com
mencing the second Monday of AugttBt
Bo It ordained by tho Mayor and
Council of the City ot North Platto,
Soclon I. Taxes are hereby levied
on all of tho property within the 11m-
its of tho City of North Platte, Lin
coln County, Nebraska at the rato of
ono mill on the dollar of ' csscssed
valuation thereof for the purpose of
paving interest and prlnclplo on tho
Ono Hundred Thousand Dollar Water
Bonds heretofore Issued by said city.
Section II. Taxes aro hereby levied
thousand dollar Sewer Bonds hereto
fore issued by said city.
Section III. Taxes aro hereby lev
ied on all of tho property within the
limits of tho said city at the rate of
1-10 mills on the dollar of assessed
valuation thoreof, for tho purpose of
j paying the Interest on Tjwelve Thous
and Dollar Bridge Bonds heretofore
jSSU0(j w said city
by said city.
!sald city.
Section VI. Taxes aro hereby lev-
Inil nn fill nP flirt nvnnnrtv witmih
tho limits of said city at tho
)f wo mlUa on tUo (loUar oE nsscss
sod valuation tliorcof. for tho nur-
' ,
ot pay,g tho interest on the
Twolvo Thousand Dollar Park Bonds
horetoforo Issued by said city.
Section VII. Taxes aro hereby,
" ' 1
L. & S. Groceteria.
lovlcd oh' all of the property within
tVo limit of thtf said city at., the
o o. .tn r
tho asBeflsd Valuation' thoreof, -for
th(J purpoae of paylng the totemt onltho llmiu,..of ho said the .rate
M10 Rlftron Thnllonml Tlnllnp Pavlnir
uomiB neroiorora issueu wy buiu cuy
Section VIII. Taxes 'aro hereby
lovlcd On"' nil of tho properry within
tho limits1 'bt said city at tho rato of
5-10 mill "oh- the dollar of the as
sessed valuation thereof, for the iiur
poso of paying tho Interest1 on tho
Fifty Tfhpusand Dollar Waterworks
Extension Bond heretofore Issued by
said city. ,
Section IX. Taxes aro hereby lev
cd on all of tho, proporty within tho
limits of tho said city at tho rate
of one mill on the dollar of -the
assessed valuation thereof, for tho
purpose of paying the Interest on tho
Ono Hundred Thousand Dollar Water
Improvement Bonds heretofore Issu
ed by said city.
.Section X. Taxes aro hereby lov
lcd on all property within the limits
of the said city at the rate of 13-20
mill on tho dollar of tho assessed
valuation thereof, for tho purposo of
paying tho interest on the Sixty-fivo
Thousand Dollar Sewer Extension
Bond herctofpro issued by said city.
Section XI. Taxes arc hereby lev
ied on nil the property within the
limits of tho said city at tho rnto
of 1 1-10 mills on tho dollar of tho
assessed valuation tnercof, for tho
purposo of paying tho Interest on
the Ono Hundred Ten Thousand Dol
lar Intersection Paving Bond hereto
fore Issued by tho said city. f
Section XII. Taxes aro -hereby
levied on all of tho property Within
tho limits of the said city at tho rate
of 2 mills on the dollar of the as-,
sessed valuation thoreof, for general
revenue' purposo of said city for
tho fiscal year, beginning the second
Monday ot August, 1922.
Section XJII. Tfcuces are lierehy
levied on all of the property within
the limits of tho said city at tho
rato of 2 mills on the dollar of
tho osscss8d valuation thereof, for
the street fund for tho purposo of
maintenance of streets and alleys of
said city for said fiscal year.
Section- XIV taxes are hereby
lovled on all of the property within
tho limits of the said city at tho rate
1 of 1 mill on tho dollar of tho .as
sessed valuation thoreof for the po
lice fund for the piirposo of main
taining tho polUco'forco of said city.
Section XV. Taxes , are hereby
levied on all of the property -within
tho limits of said city at the' rato of
17.-20 mills on tho dollar of tho as
sessed valuation thereof, for the
payment ot tho lighting of the
streets and alleys of -said city, for
SfiP.tlons XVT. Tnvno nro lin-nViv
iciku uu uii. ui ' uiu property vjuun
tho limits oftho said city at tho
! rato of 1 mill on tho dollar of the
aggoggcd "
, - . ,
'Looks like a Phonograph Works like a Furnace'
Here it is at last! The final solution of the heating problem for small homes-Avith
or without basements. Not a stove, but a pipeless furnace no bigger than, a stove.
Installed in ono of tho living rooms, it will heat three to six connecting rooms, and heat
tli em better than the ordinary stovo heats one. ' ' '
Words can't picture it. Pictures can't describe it. Como see it. You'll bo surprised
and delighted. No iron parts to "black." No nickel parts to polish. Tho beautiful
grained mahogany finish is a vitreous enamel hard and smooth as glass- You can
rub it and dust it with a cloth, just as you do your furn'turo.
Como in soon.. ."Yo shnll bo nblo to get only u limited number of Hentrolns this Yonr, so
it will pny you to plnco your order early.
cemetery fund, td ' ba expended 'In
cemetery for said fiscal yean
cnniinn rYViii: . TV!?. ,nro hereby
. -
of tho, property within
levied on all
of fi-10 mills on thil, flOllar Of the
i . . . . a . m
I Ann ft,cirA vn 1 1 iV inn Mioronf fnr
nubllo library fund to bo expended
In the maintenance of tho freo. public,, of 1-10 mill on the dollar of .the
library of the city foi tho said fiscal assesseH valuation thereof, to bo ex
voar. - - 1 ponded on tho Jlrcv department maln.
... 11.. 9i 1
Section XaX. Taxes ore hereby tenauce or sam cuy iur buiu
lovlcd on all of tho property, within ;year. -tho
limits of' the said city at. tlp rate j Section XXI. This ordinance shall
of 11-20 mills on tho rollar of .the 1 take effect and bo In force from and?
assessed valuation thereof (o 'bo ex-latter Its passage, approval and pub
pended for the maintenance ot pub-1 Mention according to law.
lie parks in said city for said fiscal ! Passed and approved this 15tlt, day
year, of August, 1922; - . -.t
Section XX. Taxes aro. hereby ; E. H. EVANS, Mayor,
lovlcd on all of tho property within (Attest: O. E. Elder, City Clerk.'
tho limits of sold city at tho rate
As the opening date of the duck shooting season Ifs on Sat Sept. 16th,
tho question arises. ''How are you fixed for hunting parapanalla."
I carry in stock the following lines ot Repeating Shotguns: Rem
ington Auto Loading (Automatic). Remington, Twelve and Twenty
Gauge, Savage, Marlin, Stevens, Winchester, in both Hammer and
Hammerless Models. Latter In Twelve' to Twenty Gauge,'
L. C. Smith Double Guns.
All kinds of Rifles, from boys Air Rifles up to Savage 250-3000.
Loaded Shotgun Shells In Remington-Western and Peters. In 11
the popular Loads, and our own special loading.
' e
The following linos of Hunting Accessories: Mackintosh Wading
Pants, Factory Shipment, First Quality, Sizes 7 to 12. Hunting Coats.
Cru'ser Shirts, ono of the finest hunting garments on tho market.
Shell Vests. Caps, Corduroy Waterproof Canvas. Gun Cases. Game
Carriers. Decoys in Wood, Canvas and Paper. Live Decoy Holders
Camp Axos and Hunting Knives. Compasses. Waterbags. Canteens.
Unbeakablo Thermos Bottles, Duck and Gooso Calls., t . - ,
. ...-,
I Puy, Sell pud Exchange all kinds of Guns. Guns for rent at all
times. If you want of live Goose or Duck Decoys, I can put you
' .',,""'...
- .a. ...1.. e 1 .. i. i i- '
I write. Hunting Licenses at
Como,in and look "us pver.
1 J . C
1st Door North of
fyK K
h r
j tho mBlnteiwnctiwiKupjkeopiotlhfr
Fire Depa menyam cna-,, ,
i firo protection for said flacaoear. .
v Sectlort (XlVIIj ;raxo3 ,ar, -hereby
..levied 'ori'nll ofthe propcf y, Ithin
limits of Baht city at
11... itn rvnifi 11 i
of 4-10 m is on uie uoiiur oi
assessed' valuation ' thoroof, for the
any time.
First National Bank.