The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 08, 1922, Image 2

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mm -j i
Ulustratfottf by
Irwin .Myeiv
Copyright by William MacLeod
If heliouTd. Thnf Information gained,
the mnn no longer Interested hlni. '
Sullenly Jerry left. There wa8 no,
profit In Jeering at Lindsay. Ho wnBj
too entirely master of every situation
that confronted him.
Within tho hour Clay was wakened
from sleep by another guard with word
that ho was wanted at the office of the
warden. Ho found waiting him there 1
Beatrice and her father. Tho girl'
bloomed In that dingy room like a cac
tU8 in the desert. ;
Sho camo toward him with hands ex-
tended, In her eyes gifts of friendship ,
and faith. 1
"Oh, Clay, I" she cried.
"Much obliged, llttlo pardner." Her!
toIcc went to his heart like water to
tho thirsty roots of prickly pears. Ai
warm glow beat through his veins. Tho
doubts that had weighed on him dur-1
lng tho night wcro gone. Beatrices be
lieved In him. All was well with tho
The Gang Politician's Insolent Eyes
Went Up and Down Him. "I Didn't
Come to See You."
Ho shook hands with Whltford.
"Blamed good of you to come, sir."
"Why wouldn't wo como?" domnnded
tho mining man bluntly. "Wo'ro hero
. to do what wo can for you."
Llttlo wells of tears brimmed jovor (
Beatrice's lids. "1'vo been so worried." .
"Dou't you. It'll bo all right",
Strangely enough ho felt now that It
would. Her coming had brought rip
pling sunshine into u drab world. 1
"I won't now. I'm going to got ovl
denco for you. Tell us all about It."
"Why, there Isn't much to tell that
you haven't rend in tho papers prob-i
ably. Ho camo u-shootln' and was hit
"by a chair."
VWas It you that hit him?"
"Wouldn't I bo Justified?" ho asked
"But did you?"
For . n moment ho hesitated, then
made up his mind, swiftly. "Yes," ho
told her gravely.
Sho winced. "You couldn't help It.
How did you come to be thero?"
"I Just dropped In."
"Yes." .
He had burned tho bridges behind
him and was lying glibly. Why bring
Bromfleld Into It? Sho was going to
marry him in a fow days. If her flnncfi
was man enough to como forward and
tell tho truth ho would do so anyhow,
It was up to him. Clay was not going
to betray him to Beatrice.
"Tho paper says there was somo one
with you."
"Sho! Reporters sura enough have
lively Imaginations."
"Johnnie told, mo you had au eugage-i
mcnt with Mr. Bromfleld."
"Did you ever know Johnnie got nny
thing right?"
"And Clarendon Bays ho was with
you nt Maddock's."
Clay had not been prepared for this I
. . '
cumulative evidence Ho guvo a low
laugh of relief. "I'm an awful poor
liar. So Bromfleld suys ho wns with
mo, docs ho?"
IIo Intended to wait for a lead before
showing his hand. "Then you know all
about It?" ho asked carelessly.
Their eyes wcro on each other, keen
end watchful. Sho know ho was con
cealing something of Importance, no
had meant not to tell her that Brom
fleld bad been with him. Why? To
protect tho man to whom she. was en
gaged. Sho Jumped to tho conclusion
that ho was still shielding him.
"Yes, you're & poor liar, Clay," sho
agreed. "You stayed to keep back Col
lins so ns to glvo Clarendon a chance to
tl 1
! "Did I?"
"Can you deny It? Clarendon heard
the shots as he was running down
stairs." "He told you thai, did he?"
"That ought to help a lot. If r can
prove Collins was shootln' at me I can
plead self-defense."
"That's what It was, of course."
"Yes. But Durnnd doesn't mean to
lot It go at that. Ho was here to sec
rao tills mo'nln'.V Clay turned to tho
mining man, his voice low but Incisive.
Ills brnln was working clear and fast.
"Mr. Whltford, I have u hunch he's go
ing to destroy the evidence that's In
my favor. There must bo two bullet
holes In the partition of tho rear room
whero Collins was killed. Sco if you
can't find those bullet holes and the
bullets In tho wall behind."
"I'll do that, Lindsay."
"And hlro me a good lawyer. Send
him to me. I won't uso a smart ono
whose business is to help crooks es
cape. If he doesn't believe In me, I
don't want him. I'll have him get tho
names of all thoso pulled in tho raid
and visit them to seo If ho can't find
somo ono who heard the shots or saw
shooting. Then there's the gun. Some
one's got that gun. It's up to us to
learn who."
. "That's right."
"Tim Muldoon will do anything he
can for mo. There's a girl lives with
his mother. Her name's Annie MU11
knn. She has ways of finding out
things. Better talk It over with her
too. We've got to get busy In a hurry."
"Yes," ngrced Whltford. "We'll do
that, boy."
"Oh, Clay, I'm sure It's going to bo
all right 1" cried Beatrice, In a glow of
enthusiasm. "We'll give all our time..
We'll got ovldenco to show the truth.
And we'll let you know every day
what wo are doing."
"How about my going ball for you?"
i asked her father.
Clay shook his head. "No chance Just
yot. Let's mako our showing nt the
coroner's Inquest. I'll do fine and
dnndy here t(ll then."
He shook hands with them both and
wns taken buck to his cell. But hope
wns In his heart now. Ho knew his
friends would do their best to get the
ovldenco to free him. It would bo a
bnttlo royal between the truth and a
Bromfleld Makes an Offer.
A youth with a face like a fox
sidled up to Durand In the luttel lobby
and whispered In his ear. Jerry nod
ded curtly, and the man slipped away
as furtively as he had come.
Presently tho cx-prlze-fighter got up,
sauntered to tho street und hailed n
taxi. Twenty minutes later ho paid
"You Rotten Traitor! Qet Out of M
Room or I'll Call the Pollcel"
tho driver, turned a corner and passed
Into an apartment houso for bachelors.
Ho took the elevator to tho third floot
ftnd n "n electric bell at a dooi
. 1. I I . I ii. . n r sis..
which carried tho nnmo "Mr. Cluren
don Bromfleld."
From the man who came to tho dooi
Mr. Bromfleld's visitor learned that h
was not well nnd could receive nt
"Just mention the Omnium club,
and say I'm hero on very Importnnl
business," said Jerry with n sour grin,
Tho reference served as a password,
Jerry was admitted to meet a host
qulto unahle to control ins niarm. ax
sight of his visitor Bromfleld Jumped
up angrily. As soon as his man had
gone ho broke out in a subdued
"You rotton traitor t Get out of my
room, or I'll call tho police."
Durand found a comfortable chair,
flrow. a caeo front hjjj. poekct; and ,bq?
lected n cigar. He grinned With ovll i
"You will, eh? Like It 1 you will.!
You're hlilln' from the 6ms this
blessed minute. I've Just found out
myself where you live."
"You took my money and threw mo
down. You hired (t gunman to kill I
me." !
"Now, what would I do that for7 1 1
hadn't n thing in the world against
you, an' I haven't now." !
"That d d ruffian shot nt me. Ho ,
was still shooting when I struck him
with the chnlr," cried Bromfleld, his
voice shaking.
"He didn't know It was you mis
took you fo& Lindsay In tho darkness."
"My G d, I didn't mean to kill him. '
I had to do something," 1
"You did It nil right."
"I told you there wnsn't to be uny ,
violence. It was explicitly stated, j
You promised. And all the time you 1
were planning murder. I'll tell all 1 1
know. By G d, I will." :
"Go ensy, Mr. Bromfleld," snnrled '
Jerry. "If you do, where do yo think ,
you'll get off nt?"
"I'll go to the police and tell them
your hired gunman was shooting nt
"Will you now? An' I'll have plenty
of good witnesses to swear he wasn't."
Durand bared his teeth in-a threat.
"That's not all, either. I'll tie you up
with the rubo from the West and send
you up to Sing Sing ns accessory.
How'd you Hko that?"
"If I tell the truth"
"You'll be convicted of murder In
place of hlra nnd he'll go up as acces-1
sory. I don't caro two straws how It
Is. But you'd bo n d d fool. I'll sny
that for you."
"I'm not going to let nn Innocent
man suffer In ray plnce. It wouldn't
bo playing tho game."
Durand leaned forward und tapped
the table with his finger-tips. Ills voice
rasped like a file. "You can't save
him. He's gotn' to get It right. But
you enn hurt yourself a h 1 of a lot.
Get out of the country and stay out
till it's all over with. That's tho best
tiling you can do. Go to the Hawullan
Islands, mnn. Thnt's a good healthy
cllmato an' the hotel cooking's n lot
better than It Is at Sing Sing."
"I can't do it," moaned the clubman.
"My G d, man, If It ever came out
that I'd paid money to to ruin his
reputation, nnd that I'd run away
when I could huve saved an Innocent
mnn I'd bo done for. I'd be kicked
out of every club I'm In."
"It won't ever como out If you're
not here. But If you force my hnnd
well, that's different." Again Jerry's
grin slit his colorless face. He had
this poor devil where he wanted him,
and ho wns enjoying himself.
"What do you want mo to do, I
then?" cried Bromfleld, tiny bends of
perspiration oh his forehead.
"You'll do as I say beat It outn tho
country till tho thing's over with."
"But Lindsay will talk."
"The boob's padlocked his mouth.
For Homo fool reason he's protectln'
you. Get out, an' you're safe."
Bromfleld sweated blood as he
walked up and down the room looking
fdr a way out of his dilemma. He had
como to the parting of the road again.
If he did this thing he would be a yel
low cur. It wns one thing to destroy
Llndsny's influence with Beatrice by
giving her n false Impression. From
his point of view their friendship wns
pernicious anyhow and ought to bo
wiped out. At most the cattleman
would have gone bnck unhurt to the
Arizona desert ho was always talking
about. Nobody thero would care
about what had happened to htm in
Now York. But to leave him, un Inno
cent man, to go to his death because
ho was too chivalrous to betray his
purtner In un adventure this was
something that even Bromfleld's atro
phied conscience revolted at. Clay
was' standing by him, according to Du
rand's story. Tbe news of It lifted a
weight from his soul. But it left him,
too, under a stronger moral obligation
to step out and face the music.
The clubman made the only decision
he could, and that was to procrasti
nate, to put off making any choice for
tho present.
"I'll think it over. Glvo mo a day
to mako up my mind," ho begged.
Jerry shrugged his heavy shoulders
IIo knew that every hour counted U
his favor, would mako It more difficult
for the tortured man to como forward .
and tell tho truth. "Sure. Look it
over upside and down. Don't hurry.1
But, mnu, what's thero to think about?
I thought you hated this guy wanted,
to get rid of him."
"Not that way. G d, nol Durand, '
I'll glvo you any sum In reason to let!
him go without bringing mo Into lt
You can nrrango lt."t
Jerry slammed down n list heavily j
on tho table. "I can, but I won't. Not I
If you wns to go fifty-fifty with mo to
your last cent. I'm goln'- to get tlila
fellow. Sco? I'm goln' to get hlni
good. He'll bo cruwlln' on his hands
and knees to mo beforo I'm through,
with him."
"What good will that do you? I'm
offering you cold cash Just to let the
truth get out that Collins was trying
to kill him when ho got hit."
"Nothln' doln'. I'vo been layhV foi
this boob. I've got him now. I'm goln'
to turn tho screws on and listen to him
Bromfleld's valet stepped Into the.
room. "Mr. nnd Miss Whltford to so
you, sir."
Annlo MUUknn nodded her wise lit
tie heud. "Jerry's gonna frame htm If
ho can. He's laid tho wires for it
That's a lend pipe."
"Sure," agreed Muldoon. "I'll bet
ho's been busy all night flxln' up his
story. Somo poor divvies he'll bully
rag Into sweorln' lies an' others he'll
busy. Trust Jerry for tho crooked
"We've got to tell the truth," snld
Bcatrlco crisply, pulling on her gloves.
"And we'll do It, too. A pack of lies
can't stand against four of us nil look
ing for the truth."
Muldoon, who was on night duty this
month and therefore hud his days free,
guided Whltford and his daughter to
Maddock's. As they reached the
houso nn express wagon was being
driven uwny. Automatically tho li
cense number registered Itself In Tim's
Tho policeman took n key from his
pocket nnd unlocked the door. The
three went up the stairs to the desert
ed gambling hall and through It to the
rear room.
"From what Lindsay says, the bullet
holes ought to be about ns high ns his
armpits," said Whltford.
" 'Slim' must n been standln' about
hero," guessed Muldoon, lllustrntlng
his theory by taking the position he
meant. "The bullets would hit tho par
tition close to the center, wouldn't
Beatrice had gone straight to the
plank wall. "They're not here," she
told them.
"Must be. According to Lindsay's
story the fellow was aiming straight
at It."
"Well, they're not here. See for your
self." She wns right. There wns no evi
dence whutever thnt nny bullets hnd
passed through the partition. They
covered every Inch of the cross wall In
their search.
"Lindsay must have been mistaken,"
decided Whltford, hiding his keen dis
appointment. "This man Collins
couldn't have been firing In this direc
tion. Of course everything was con
fusion. No doubt they shifted round
In the dark and"
He stopped, struck by nn odd ex
presslon on the face of his dntighter.
She had stooped nnd picked up a small
fragment of shaving from the floor.
Her eyes went from It to a plank In
tho partition and then bnck to the thin
crisp of wood.
"What Is It, honey?" nsked Whlt
ford. The girl turned to Muldoon, alert In
every quivering muscle. "Thnt express
wagon the one leaving the house ns
we drove up did you notice It?"
"Number 714," answered Tim,
"Can you have It stopped and the
man arrested? Don't you see? They've
rebuilt this partition. They were tak
ing away in that wagon the planks
with the bullet holes."
Muldoon wus out of the room nnd
going down the stairs before she hnd
finished speaking. It was u quarter
of an hour later when he returned.
Beatrice and her father were not to be
From back of the partition came nn
eager, vibrant voice. "Is that you, Mr.
Muldoon? Colne here quick. We'vo
found ono of tho bullets m the wall."
The policeman passed out of the
door through which Bromfleld had
made his escape nnd found another
small door opening from the passage.
It took him Into the cubby-hole of a
room In which were the wires and In
struments used to receive news of the
"Whnt about the express wagon?"
usked Whltford.
"We'll get It. Word Is out for those
on duty to keep an eye open for It
Where's the bullet?"
Beatrice pointed It out to him.
There It wns, safely embedded In the
plnster, about fl-e feet from the
"Durand wasn't thorough enough.
He quit too soon," said the officer with
a grlu. "Crooks most always do slip
up somewhere imd, lenve evidence be-
"Beat It," Ordered Gorilla Dave, Hli
Head Thrust Forward In a Threat
"You'se Got No Business Here!"
hind them. Yuh'd think Jerry would
have remembered the bullet ns well
ns the bullet hole."
They found the mark of tho second
bullet, too. It hod struck a telephone
receiver nnd taken a chip out of It.
They measured with a tapc-Uno tin
distance from the floor nnd the side
walls to tho place whero each bullet
struck. Tim dug out the bullet the;
had found.
They were back In the front room
again when n huge figure appeared In
the doorway and stood thero blocking
"Whattu youse doln' hero?" de
manded a husky voice.
Muldoon nodded a greeting. "Lo,
Dave. Just lookln' around to sco tho
Bcene of die scrap. How about yuhf
""Bout It,'" dTuGil-n rjoTOlu TJuvtT, Tils
head thrust forwurd In a threat.
"Youse got no business here."
"Friends av mine." The officer In
dicated the young womnn nnd her fa
ther. "They wunted to see whero 'Slim'
wa's knocked out. So I showed 'em.
No harm done."
Dave moved to one side. "Beat It"
ho ordered ngaln.
In the pocket of Muldoon wns a re
quest of the district attorney for ad
mission to the house for the party, with
an 0. K. by the captain of police In
the precinct, but Tim did not show It.
He preferred to let Dave think that he
had been brenklng the rules of the
force for the sake of a little private
graft. There was no' reason whatever
for warning Durnnd thnt they were
nwnre of the clever trick he had pulled
off In regard to the partition.
Two and Two Make Four.
From Muddock's the Whltfords drove
straight to tho apartment house of
Clarendon Bromfleld. For tho third
time thnt morning the clubman's valet
found himself overborne by tho In
sistence of visitors.
"We're coming in, you know," the
owner of the Bird Cage told him In an
swer to his explanntlon of why his mas
ter could not be seen. "This Is Impor
tant business nnd we've got to see
"Yes, sir, but he said "
"He'll change his mind when he
knows why .we're here." Whltford
pushed In und Bentrlce followed him.
From the adjoining room camo the
sound of voices.
"I thought you told us Mr. Bromfleld
had gone, to sleep nnd the doctor said
he wasn't to be nwnkened," snld Bea
trice with a broad, boyish smile nt the
man's discomfiture..
William E. Shuman, Attornoy
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
In tho Matter of tho Estate of Fred
erick Wornoke, Deceased.
To tho Heirs and All Persons In
terested In said Estate.
You aro hereby notified that on
August 23, 1922, Frieda Schorz as ex
ecutrix of said estate, niea In said
Court her final account and appli
cation for tho assignment of tho title
to the real estate belonging to said
estate, consisting , of the Southwest
Quarter (SW&) of Section Ten (10)
In Township Thirteen" (13) North of
Rango Thirty-one (31) West (W) G
p. m. Lincoln County, Nebraska, and
for the distribution of the personal
property belonging to said estate, and
that said final account and application
will be heard bofoTe this Court In tho
County Courtroom In tho Courthouse
In tho city of North Platte, County of
Lincoln, State of Nebraska on the 18th
day of September, 1922 at 10 o'clock
a, m. and you aro hereby notified to
appear at said time and place and
show cause, If any thero be why said
final account should not bo allowed,
tho title to sold real estate assigned
and tho personal property of Bald
estate distributed as provided by law
and by tho terms of tho Last Will
and Testament of the said Frederick
Wernoclto, deceased.
(SEAL) Acting County Judge
William E. Shuman, Attorney
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska.
In tho mattor of the Estate of Roso
M. Knox, Deceased.
To the Heirs and all persons Interest
ed In said Estate:
Notice Is hereby given that a pet
ition for the appointment of Vlvion M.
Bonham as administratrix of tho es
tato of Roso M. Knox, deceased, has
been fllod In this Court and that the
said petition will bo heard beforo
tho County Court of Lincoln County,
Nobrnska In the Courthouso in tho
City of North Platto In said County
on Soptember 11 at 10 o'clock a. m.
nt which tlmo any person interested,
may appear and Bhow cause, If any
there bo, why the prayer of said pet
ition should not bo granted.
Dated at North Platto, Nobraska,
August 16, 1922.
(SEAL) County Judgo
Goo. N. Gibbs, Attorney,
Estate of Brldgot Jones, deceased,
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, NobraBka,
Tho Stato of Nebraska: to all per
sons Intersted In Bald estate tako
notlco that Owen Jones did on the
19th day of August 1922 file a pet
ition in said action sotting forth that
Nicholas McCabo, executor of said
estate did on tho 8th day of August,
1922 dlo. and said petition prays far
tho appolntont of Owen Jones, and
that letters of administration with
will annexed bo granted to him,
which has been set for hearing horoln
on tho 22nd day of September, 1922
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated this 25th day of August, 1922.
Acting County Judge.
When in North Platte
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
J Everything first class and prices
i reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific
Eye Enr Noso and Throat
Glasses fitted accurately
Over Dixon's Storo
Medicine and Surgery
Hospital Facilities
Office Phono 183 Rosldonco 283
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Governmont Veterinarian and ex
asslstant deputy State Veterinarian.
Hospital 315 South Vine Street
Phones. Hospital G33 Residence 633
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day.
Phones. Offlco 642 Residence 676
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phono 83 Resldenco 38
Practice Limited to Disease of
Women and Surgery
Over Rexall Drug Store
Phones: Offlco 127 Residence 650
Office 340 House 488
Osteopath Physician
Over the Oasis North Platta
Makes or Repairs anything made of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
For dates and forms call at
First National Bank
North Platte, Nob.
Over Hlrschfold's
Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020
Rooms 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Office Phono 70 Rc3. Phono 1242
Office Phone 241 Res. Phone 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platto, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Thyslclan and Surgeon
Dlagnoss and Troament
Over Union Stato Bank
Offlco Phono 296W House Phono 2tl6R
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Office: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offlco 130 Residence 116
X.Ray Diagnosis Oxygon and
Gas AnesUiosla for Extractions,
Over Union State Bank
Phono 296.
Licensed Embalmors
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phone 41 Night Phono Black 5i