NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WEEKLY TRIBUNE wegmsuuammwi ("IIUNGEK BEST SAUCE" OF C0UItSK,4Mrfl. Fox had never honrd this sayhiR, but she knew (thnt something must be done, for Mr. (Fox was so cross nnd found so mucli tfnult with every tueal thnt was served 1jIb poor wife wns nt her wits' end worrying over what she should have tfor dinner each day. "I am tlrod of chicken." growled blr. Fox one day. "It Is chicken, ichlckcn, chicken. Why don't you have Iduck .or turkey once In a while?" "I did cook turkey only last week," fcplled poor Mrs. Fox, "and you said t wns out of season and thnt chlckeu (was the only food (It to cat this time lef year," But though Mr. Fox found fault fcvlth the food, he. never left any of It on his pinto nnd very little on the Ihe Told Mrs. Fox Many Things. tyMo when he finished a meal. He wns er. fat nnd sleek to look nt ns nny fox ,Bnind. Mrs. Fox noticed thnt nnd fibf) thought something must be done, for she was growing thin with bo jmucli worry. While lie found fault and grum bled, Mr. Fox did very llttlo work. A chicken or duck ho brought homo jonco In n while nnd ho took grcnt jpalns that Mrs. Fox should he made Ito fully appreciate that It was his Bwntlng that furnished the dinner and fSnt hers each time. "So ono morning Mrs. Fox put on her (bonnet nnd rnn across the fields to Granny Fox's home nnd told her trou ble "My dear," said Granny Fox, "yoii hrJ young nnd hnvn a great dent to learn, but If you do not do something now you never will. Mr. Fox will pnw worse." ' "But whnt can I do?" sighed poor fill tie Mrs. Fox with tears In her eyes. 'l,ot him go hungry n whllo," re p utl Granny. "Hunger's tho best ea'ico for nny meal." , 1rnnny Fox told Mrs. Fox mnny Ith'ngs, nnd when alio ran home an hor later she woro n smllo that would lnuo worried her husband If he hnd pern It. Hbo cooked hersutf n nlco dinner nm nto It all before Mr. Fox returned. Not n crumb wns lort nnd when ho came In nnd asked crossly why dinner WR8 not ready, she i-epllcd thnt she A LINE 0' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. MY FORTUNE PERHAPS I huvo no funds In sight, But whut Is thut to mo With all tho gold of sunlight, Jul tho sliver of the sen? I'i'rhnps I hold no titles to Rich lands or mansions fine, Bat overhead tho kles of blue With nil their Joys nro mine. And In my henrt I hold n store Of wealth In title clear X coffers running o'er nnd o'er With Love, nnd Hope, nnd Cheer. ( by McCUru Newpper Syndicate.: to he Right hi ai Ihe Right ha KJL CARRYING riOKAGES T I' IS ono of the wholesomo signs i or tho nge," saj'B a member of tho Department of Agriculture, "that pec- pl hen brenKing nwny from tho Idea thM n perfect lady or gentleman nover teaMon n pnekago." It iu really hard to remomber thut BU-ili tn opinion ever was held, and k'ot, may bo sure If you know nnyono Hvto "Stilt clings to the notion that It Ib ttuieuih his dignity to carry n Jbuy.Slo of nny sort that that person Is qulto behind the times nnd has not kejjt pace with tho times. 1'ho only time when It Is bad form to Rrry pnekugea or bundles Is when by doing so you might causo others antoynnco or Inconvenience. A wom an Should, bear In mind that If sho 1b going to bo accompanied by u man, didn't Intend to cook any more nnd that If he wanted food he must get It nnd cook It, too. Mr. Fox dropped his pipe and It fell to tho floor with n smash as he stared open-mouthed nt his wife; his cars, too, stuck up straight; he could hard ly, believe he heard rightly whnt she snld. Mrs. Fox walked out of the house while her husband growled nnd fussed, but she did not return nnd Mr. Fox had to go hungry to bed thnt night, for she nto her supper before she came home. For three, days this went on, nnd on tho fourth Mr. Fox grew very meek nnd brought home n nice pair of chickens. "My dear," ho said, "It would bo n pity to spoil those birds cooking them ns I should, and there Is no ono lri tho world thnt can fry a chicken ns you can." Mrs Fox agreed to do this, hut she mndo her husband wnlt on her, and ! when tho dinner wns rendy he put It on tho tnblo and helped. clear It nway nnd wnshed the dishes. It was not long before Mr. Fox wns bringing home all the food and help ing his wlfo ns a good husbnnd should, nnd, best of nil, he praised nt every meal her wonderful cooking. "Whnt did I toll you?" said Granny Fox when she heard what had hap pened. "Remember what I said, 'hun ger's the best sauce' for any meal, and the royal road to a husband's heart Is tmvcled fastest by serving him n good menl ; but don't let him lose sight of tho fact that you nro u wife as well as a good cook." ' . by JlcClure Nawipaper Syndicate.) ' O Seeing nnd Hearing. The cyo Is u haven at which tho treasure fleets that sail through the ocean of light nro unlondlng, nnd their stores deposited In tho vnults of tho Intellect; but It Is through tho whis pering gallery of the ear thnt man reaches the heart .if his fellow man most quickly and surely. Light nnd knowledge nro for tho eye, love and music for tho ear. Hearing often times seems to mo n nobler sense than sight, with richer benedictions nt tendnnt on It; with tender and holler ofllces nsslgncd to It. v Man's voice, tuned by sympathy, moving to tho modulations of Intelligence nnd love, may perform the sweetest nnd holiest ministry of human life. Do you won der, then, thut with books and with friendly talk I have learned to bear my aflllctloir cheerfully. William Henry MUburu. O Not in the Ledger. Wlgg Burglars broke Into tho book keeper's houso twice. Wagg Thnt sort of double entry was quite out of his line, I suppose. IHilllillUIIUIIl "Wrtats in a Name?" gjy. FACTS about jour namo; it's historp; MARLL meaning; whence it t?os derWed; signifl v cance; your luckj) dap nnd luckp jewel INEZ INEZ tins n saintly origin since It Is derived from tho Grcok word ngnos, meaning "sncred," "pure," nnd comes Into usage through the Latin word for lnmb which Is agnus. The lamb wns tho symbol of the Roman maiden wIioho plnoo of martyrdom named tho Church of Saint Agnese. Pllgrlmnges nrc made there and It Is snld thnt the gcntlo snlnt has appeared to. supplicants, In human guise with n lnmb of purest whiteness by her side. Each yenr, two lambs' are brought to tho popo nnd blessed In tho Church of Saint Agnese; then ; they nro shorn nnd tho wool Is spun I and woven by tho nuns Into palls j presented by tho pop to ench prl- i mate. Agnes or Agnese, Is In popular usago as n proper name In England, ; Franco nnd Germany. Portugal Is Thing Time B V MARl MARSHALL DUFFEE good breeding will demand that ho carry iuty bundles or packages sho may have. Sometimes u married woman on going out with her hus bnnd carries nn unnecessary number of bundles feeling that she may curry theso herself If sho chooses. To In sist on doing this will put her hus bnnd In a bud light, or he will up penr to havo neglected to offer to carry them. Again when you nro going to bo conveyed to your destination in a friend's automobile you should not burden yourself with u lot of unwelldy packages unless you havo been as sured beforehnnd that your friend wishes to do bo. If you have to travel In n crowded car or train It Is Inconsiderate to carry bulky lug gage that will add to tho discom fort of tho other travelers. ( by SIcCluro Ntwipaver Syndicate.) Shirley M&son ft . : 9 W Shirley Mason wa3 born In Brook lyn, N. Y., twenty years ago. She is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emll Fluga?th and a sister of Viola Dana and Edna Flugarth, also screen favor ites. Shirley began her stage career at the age of three. She began her screen career when only thirteen. O I do -not th'mK o. prudent one, Trttv.t slf ho's o.mocn,4 'Would try to ecA can of ppi Tlll he'cl Ta-movod tho CKn.. A Regular Visit. "Wo'ro going to spend tho week-end with tho Greens at their summer cot tage." "That so? Whoso lden Is It, your's or your wlfo's?" "It Is not that kind of n visit nt nil. They've actually written In nnd Invited us.". icim responsible for Inez. Soft ns Agnese is, it did not please tho Portuguese, who changed It first to Incs. lndl eating thq liquid sound of "gn" by tho ceumn. Later it became Inez nnd named the Ill-fated Inez do Castro, whoso doom made It famous above ull Portuguese feminine nnmes. Incs nnd Inez flourished . for cen turies there, beforo they wero brought to England, and without being angli cized woro used as British names un reservedly. Tho dlmluutlvo which the Portuguese hnd evolved. Innslln wns left In Its natlvo land as being too Latin for English ndontlon. Itnlv too, rejected It, preferring Agneso, but niso nuiiing Its own Agneto and Ag nescn. Thomns Hood wrote a charming lyric to "Fnlr Incs": "Oh saw yo not fnlr Ines? Sho's gono Into the West, To dnzzlo when tho sun is down, And rob the world of rest; Sho took our daylight with her, Tho smiles that wo love best, With morning blushes on her cheek, And penrls upon her breast. Chrysolite Is Inez' tnllsmanlc stone; "tho chrysolite of sunrise." wrote Shelley. If worn upon the left arm nnd tet In gold, It will drive nway nil evil and protect !ts wearer from contagion. Thursday la Inez' lucky day and 7 her lucky number. Tho chrysanthemum, signifying choorful- ness, is nor iiower. (Copyright by the Wboeler Syndicate. Inc.) O News of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout ' Nebraska. Dr. I. II. Dillon, Chief of the stnte bureau of health, is proud of tho death rato of 0.01 per thousund population m Nebrnsku us shown by records lu his olllce for the year 1021 Everybody in Thayer county Is busy getting rendy for tho county fair at Destrier the last week In August. Thirty-five children's clubs, represent ing ICO children, will attend. Practically every business establish ment In Falls City was closed for one hour when the funeral of Samuel Wnhl, pioneer local merchant, was held there one day Inst week. Spontaneous combustion destroyed Uie barn on1 the farm of George Coon near Falls City, containing 1,200 bushels of corn, 000 bushels of wheat, nnd n quantity of hay und farm im plements. Mrs. Pnt Covey, of Omnhn, nged 102 years, foil nnd broke her hip while wulklng In her backyard. Sho told friends that this Is tho second time In her llfo sho has been ill or suffered nn Injury. A deer In Riverside park zoo, has presented Omaha with triplets. The "herd" was found hidden In a clump of bushes by John Llddle, keeper of the zoo. Birth of triplets to u deer, is said to bo extraordinary. According to South Omaha stock yard ofllclnls, business nt tho yards Is suffering but llttlo from the rail road strike. Tho largest cattlo run of tho season was brought In Monday and Tucsdny of last week. Homer Cooper of Scottsbluff and Otis Terhune of Goring have been chosen to represent Scottsbluff county boys nt tho state fair because of the general excellence of their school work nnd other enterprises. The rebuilding of tho electric fight plant of tho Cooper company of Hum boldt, which was recently destroyed by lire, has progressed for enough so lhat the city of Humboldt Is now be ing supplied with currentb y the com pany. Out of n total of 8,500 cattlo tested for tuberculosis during July by the state department of ngrlculture and the federal bureau of anlmnl Industry, Douglas county furnished 2,750, in whfch number there wero only 80 reactors. Charles, the nine-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lynch of Tecum ch, endenvored to hnng u drawshaver back on it nail In tho tool house, and fell from a box upon tho tool. An ugly gash was cut In his left forearm, severing n yc'In. Tho largest' single shipment of cattlo over ipado over tho No th Platte val ley branch of tho Union Pacific to South Omaha, went through Gerlng last week. Twenty-seven curs, collect ed at Yoder and Lyman, constituted tho train. The cattle wero In splendid condition. Stella Morris, 17, was injured at the canning factory nt Nebraska City when her clothing caught In the power belting whllo she was attempting to remove n shucking peg which had fallen into tho carrier. She suffered n broken right arm and received other injuries. Whllo digging n well on the out skirts of Nellgh, workmen struck oil which Is believed to bo part of n rich deposit. Dr. Condra, state geologist, of Lincoln, has been asked to make &n Investigation. The Nellgh Chamb er of Commerce Is also 'Investigating tho oil prospects. Announcement from the ofllce of tho registrar nt tho state university pays that students who registered for tho first semester of tho 1022-23 school yenr last May must pay their fees beforo September 7 if they wish to avoid having their schedules of classes cancelled and re-reglsterlng. A memorial stadium Is virtually as sured nt the State University. Two campaigns to raise money havo been plnnncd, ono for October, at which time every student will be nsked to give a uniform sum of $23, nnd lu November the state will bo cunvusscd. Tho explosion of n welding torch nt tho Rock Island roundhouse nt Falrbury Injured D. Duffy, n work man, nnd started a fire that damaged the building to the extent of $1,000. .Successful In winning aemocrntlc mid progressive party nominations for Btuto auditor, Grant L. Shumwny of Scottsbluff learned to Iris surprise that Iris name hud been written in on snough prohibition party ballots to plvo him the nomination of that party also for the Mine post. At n council meeting held by the Omnhn Indian with the agent It wns decided to hoal the nnnunl powwow t Mncy, tho agency of tho Omaha reservation, beginning Suturday, Sep tember 2, nnd lasting until September ). Tho usual dances, pony races and Rift presentations will be observod. Valuations for Antelopo county have been lowered $2,000,000 for 1022 with it tax levy decroused from 0.0 mills to 5 mills. Wendell Myers of Exeter nnd Mnurlco Theobald of Ohlowa, school boys, hnvo been chosen by tho Fill more county superintendent to attend tho boys' enenmpment nt tho state (air, Lincoln. Encel Chambers, Falls City, was badly burned nnd injured when n bomb exploded In nn ulrpluno In which ho was riding 11,000 feet high at nn exhibition at Hickman at tho old set tlors' picnic. Dawson will hold its HTth annual old settlers' picnic August 23 and 24. W. H. Morton of Falrbury has nc ccpted Uie position of superintendent of schools of Beatrice. After u year of negotiation n trans mission linens to be built from Gothen burg to Brady nnd Maxwell. Tho Luthernn church ut Mafcolm, costing $11,000, recently completed, wns dedlcnted lust Sunday. Wallace Erlckson of Omaha, was drowned while bathing nt Carter Lake near that place Sunday. One hundred Fremont business men have signed up n guarantee for another chuutuuqua to bo held during August, 1023. A proposition to cull a special elec tion for voting a water works has been turned down by the town board of Stopleton. The 12-yenr-old son of Bert Trcfren, living near Arciadla, was thrown from his horso find suffered Injuries from which he died. Two county fnlrs will bo held In Dodge county, ono opening August 0 nt Hooper nnd tho other September 13 nt Scrlbner. Olllcers nnd members of tho Stato gunrtl, nearly 1,500 In number, are in khnkl tents nt Plnttsmouth for a two weeks' encampment. Tho village of Big Springs has regis tered $30,000 of funding bonds with tho state nuditor. The bonds wero bought by n Denver ffrm. Three prisoners In the city Jail nt Arlington, all held in connection with a bootlegging case, escaped after saw ing the bars of their cell. Fillmore county hns obtained a home economics demonstrator to work in conjunction with tho county agri cultural ngent, Lee Thompson. Tho stato department of trado and commerce has announced the granting of n chnrter to the Spencer, Neb., Stato bank, capitalized at $25,000. Mrs. Karl Matous of Huvelock Is dead ns n result of an auto accident near Ashland. Two other women In the car with her were badly injured. O'Kane Bros., Gothenburg potato growers, recently shipped fourteen tons of their first crop. Their fields average from 150 to 175 bushels per ncre. The sugar beet crop in Uie North Plntto valley, is estimated by sugar officials to be a record breaker in point of acre production for many years past. The fair board of Red Willow county has decided upon October 3, 4, 5 and 0, ns the dates for holding the fall exhibition of tho ussoclatlon at McCook. The Nebraska farm bureau federa tion will have a tent on the state fair grounds aguin this year for the con. venlence of members who will visit the exposition. Two masked burglars entered the farm home of John Stuhr near York, gagged and bound Raymond, 10-yenr-old son, rifled the house and made awny with $125. When the auto in which he and his bride were riding struck a hog, Albert Lydick of Table Rock suffered In juries thnt caused his death. His bride was badly bruised. A night "air raid" on Norfolk Is ono of the features planned for the inter state nero meet which will be held In thnt city this month under tho aus pices of the American Legion. A herd of hogs lie was driving from ono pen to nnother turned and nttacked L. D. Waldron, fnrmer living near Orchard. He wns thrown to the ground and llgnments In a leg torn before ho could escnpe. B. J. McConnell, post' commander of "Old Abe" post No. G3, at Super ior, has announced that August 24, the second dny of the big pageant, "The Melting Pot," will be reunion day for civil war veterans. Organization of a "Big Four Tennis association" Is being planned, tho counties of Cedar, Knox, Wayne and Pierce to be Included. A tournament will bo held at Randolph on Labor day, In which players from tho four counties will be entered nnd definite steps will then bo 'taken to form a permanent organization. Stromsburg celebrated Its fiftieth nnnlversnry last week with an ap propriate program and n large crowd of Polk county citizens In attendance. The big number on the program was the pageant parade. Tho address of welcome wns delivered by Mrs. Alex Scott nnd a paper rend on tho early history of the county by Liberty Clark of Osceola, who is the oldest resident of the county, he having enmo in 1809. An attempt was mndo to enter tho Douglas store nt Clnrks. City Mar shal Nick Krler discovered them nt the front door nnd cnlled to them. They answered by firing two shots nt the officer, ono of them hitting him in the right leg above tho knee. The second annual reunion of the SOth division, ono of the most cele brated fighting divisions In the Ameri can expedltlonnry forces, will be held In Omaha, September 20 to 22 In clusive. This Is during the Ak-Snr-Ben fall festival, which will afford somo excellent ontcrtnlnment for tho visit ing ex-service men. Scouts of the United States, depart ment of agriculture, seeking to curb the spread of black Mem rust, dis covered 3,733 common bnrberry bushes In Nebraska In July. J. A. Schoonover, postmaster nt Aurora, will draw $200 more than tho regular salary limit this year becauso tho referendum pamphlets will bo mulled from that office. Tho contract for printing them was awarded to an Aurora publishing houso and tho post age alone will cost tho stato $3,300. Tho government allows n percentage to postmasters for tho amount of postage sold. ALMOST WRECKED STATES R. R. MAN Stomach Troublo Had Him Nearly Past Going, Declares Mowrer. "Tanlac has helped mo to gain ten pounds," said J. E. Mowrer, 157 Park St., Akron, O,, well-known railroad man. "My stomach was In such bad fix that for several days nt n time I could hardly retain any food. I had no ap petite nnd often the very sight of food mndo mo sick. I wns Intensely nerv ous, too, could not rest nt night, felt tired nnd worn out nil the time, and lost weight nnd strength until I was almost a wreck. "Tnnlnc has mndo mo feel llko a dif ferent mnn. My nppitlto Is enormous nnd I haven't a sign of Indigestion left I never felt stronger. Tanlao certainly does tho work." Tunlnc Is sold by all good druggists. Advertisement. 4 EVIDENTLY HER UNLUCKY DAY Woman Probably Convinced That at That Moment Her "Jinx" Was Strictly on the Job. I was very busy upstairs with soma necessary writing, nnd, glancing out tho window, beheld Mrs. "Stay-For-cver," a neighbor, coming up the walk. Calling my small daughter, I told her to tell tho visitor I was not at homo. Sho descended the stairs to do my bid ding and I tipped softly to tho top of the stairs to henr tho conversation. "Mother home?" inquired Mrs. Neigh bor. "No, ma'am," said my faithful child. At this unfortunate moment the heavy blue bends I wore nround my neck broke and rattled down in the hall like a heavy hailstorm. My small daughter glanced at the dancing glass particles and, looking up in consterna tion, cried, "O, mother, you broke your pretty blue beads I" Chicago Tribune. The charm of a bathroom Is its spot lessness. By the use of Red Cross Bnll Blue, all cloths and towels retain their whiteness until worn out Advertise ment Two to Consider. "Be mine nnd I shall be the happiest of mortals." "No. I'll remain us I am. I also want to bo happy." Fred Probably Knew. "I notice you don't use a llp-stlck?" "No. Fred said It wns very bad taste." Sure Relief 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 254: and 75$ Packages, Everywhere Tlrntttv in EvervJar Freckles Positively Removed hv Dr. IWrv'fl VrrrVir Olnrrronr Hln complexion. Your druggist or by mall Met tend for face booklet. Dr. C. B. Iirrj Co.. 2975 Mlthlgin Chlean Stop Laxatives Which Only Aggravate Constipation Nujol is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative bo cannot gripe. When you are constipated, aot enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro duced in the bowel to keep the food waste soft and Moving. Doctors prescribe Nujol becauso it acts like this natural lubricant and thus replaces it Try it to- , day. A UIOfflCANT-NOT A LAXATIVE BETTER DEAD Life is a burden when tho body is racked with pain. Everything worries and the victim becomes despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL Th Nadonal Remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re sulting from kidney, liver and uric add troubles. All druggists, three sizes. Look for tho name Gold Medal on every fao& xri accept na'lxniutloa FOR INDIGESTION D