The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 05, 1922, Image 4

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35 SESS&cSS!ffiff
If ? Offlcfc over tho McD'otaalcT
' Stato BaAlc '
i . i . i
arpn'nir oiTinunimo Btreots and spaces opposite alleys in , plodced.
I JlUMl OnlrnDlUO ; Paving District NoJ'iO in Bald ctfyS'octfm3 TlMt'
'.Mnvnf Ami fmTUnr4r alcrrt it Ail ftVftf nnfiT ilffttrirf tel
Jt TheEye.QlaBs' mcnffClInton & Son".
Cy",,,Fox: visited, with relatives in
Arnold last week.
Piano tuning, Holloy Music Housb.
William HoldorncsB transacted bust-,
noss In Paxton Thursaay.
A baby boy was born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. Glon Smith.
A baby boy waB born Saturday to
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Johnson.
Como in and seo our now ear-drops.
0. S. Clinton & Son.
Mrs. Ray Wolborn of Sterling, Colo.
Is visiting relatives in tho city.
Gcorgo Ames of Paxton, wttBn buaU
ncsB visitor In tho city Thursday.
Fred Travor of Paxton was a busi
ness visitor In tho city Thursday.
Rouben Johnson loft yesterday for
Gothenburg to visit for a fow days'
Mrs. G. S. Poteroon loft Friday for
BIUing, Montana whore sho will Join
her hUBband.
Moldla Ellsworth camo yesterday
from Ilorshoy to rcsumo her studios
in Senior High.
Carroll Stovens loaves Thursday for
Lncoln whero ho "villi enter tho Uni
versity this fall.
A 'niece now lino of bobbed hair
combs and barrottos at,
0. S. Clinton & Son.
Theodore Payno loft yestorday for
Lincoln vrhoro ho will rntor tho Uni
versity this fall.
E. M. Dawson and son Ardath loft
Sunday for Dcnvor whero thoy will
visit for a. tow days.
Rov. N. P. Patterson loft Monday for
Chicago, whero ho will spend some
time looking after business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Strahoru return
ed tho last of tho wook from Choroko
park whero thoy spent two weeks.
Novita Coates returned yestorday
from Suthorland whero sho spent tho
wook end visiting with rolatlves.
Mrs. Ray Goodro roiurnod to her
homo in Oshkosh Friday nftor visiting
with rolat'lvos for tho past fow weeks.
Miss Alma Splinter has resigned
hor position with .tho Brooks Studio
ins sho will teach school this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and chlld
Tcn returned'" Friday from Paxton
nftor visiting rolatlvoH for tho past
Mrs. Mabol McDonald Is taking hor
vacation from tho Slngor Sowing
Mnchlno ofMco. Sho will visit friends
relatives In Lincoln.
A fishing 'party consisting of Alvn
Rnuch, Alvln EUet and ilarold Wolso
loft Sunday for tho lakes whoro thoy
will spend n fow days.
Ortho Yatoa returned tho last of
tho wook to his homo in Oorlng aftor
epondlng sovornl days at tho Harry
Dllckohsdorfer homo.
Wo havo just rocolvod a Bhipmorit
of bobbod-halr combs, barrottos and
fancy lialr pins. Como in and soo thorn.
C. S. Clinton & Son.
Mrs. Floyd Mnnn and dnughtoi4
ICathotlno redfrnod, yestorday from
Sldnoy whoro thoy spont two wooks
visiting wRh rolatlvos.
Miss Tholma Arbrustor returned to
hor homo in Lexington yesterday af
ter spending a wock at tho Harry
Bllckonsdorfor homo.
Fred Marti returned Sunday ovon
lng for Sldnoy whoro ho accompanied
his daughtora Marjory and Hazel who
will nttond school thoro this fall.
Grant Barrett, who lives eight miles
north west of Morna. in Dalo Valloy
had a field of Turkey Red wheat
whlcr yielded over forty-flvo bushels
per aero. Tills wheat was on summer !
fallowed ground, and 450 bushels (were
threshed from it. Fourteon bushels
an aero was tho largest yiold of any
of tho other wheat, which was mostly
Kanred that wna threshed by this
oompuany. Much of tho other wheat
went six and soven bushola to tho
acre. Oats averaged about six and
ryo seven bushpls per aero. Custer
County Chief.
ml 1 t t t- I A.
xuo louowmg carumt , h ,)0nd Dn bchalf otlid City
livestock woro mado from tho North . MI ' t& annU J
Platto station of tho Union Pacific dur-! . , . ,..., - ,.,
oinn.iii& luuu iui mu jju-y iuuui ui uum
bonds and intorcst thereon.1
Bo it" ordained by tno'Ma'ybr and
City Council' of tho city of North
Platto, Nebraska.
Section 1 That for Uio purpose of
paying the costs of curbing, guttering
1 car hogs to South aml pavlng tho BtrcQttl cxcluslve of
tho intersections of streets and space
israst, j. car nogs to
ing tho wook ending osorday-r-Omaha
Casper Rauch, l'car cattlo to Goth
enburg. A. J. Tracy, 1 car cattlo to South
R. Nowton,
opposite tho alleys it, Paving District
jNo. 10, in tho City of North Platte,
Nobroska, tho Mayor and Council of
Music said City to ho and tlicy are hereby
'jthero shall bo as-
nst the property
ilch Said property
shall constitute all of tho property
" -t '.111 A V. 1 i T"
uuiuung on me sireoia in sum uisinci.
and other property specially benefit
ted hereby, a special tax as provided
by statute which shall bo collected as
any other taxes of said city and (when
collected shall constitute a special
fund for tho payment of said bonds
and tho interest thereof.
Section 4 That In tho execution of
eald bonds tho Mayor of said! City Is
hereby empowered to sign bonds and
intorest coupons attached in his of
ficial capacity and tho City Clerk
shall attest tho samo under seal of
oilt tho seal and when sd signed and
attested tho samo shall bo and' cfcn-.
stltuto a valid, obligation of said city.
Section 5 This ordinance shall' take
of feet and bo in forco from and after
Its passage, approval and publication
according to law! ' '
'Parsed and approved this 15th day
of August, 1922.' ' ' -.'""
Attest 0. E. Elder,"
City Clork.
Last Saturday Henry Wakcman
camo to the Times, office with two
flno looking water melons which ho
prcsontod to- tho editor. Wo took them,
thanking him vory much for his
thoughtfulnoss and kindness and
promlsedto say somotnlng nico nbout
him in tho paper somo time. But
slnco wo found tho molons to bo
only half rlpo and wo woro not nblo
to cat, them wo'll bo dadburncd If
Wo know whether wo will ovor say
anything good nbout him in tho paper
or not. Next timo you como down,
Honry, bring a rlpo ono or two and
squaro yousolf with tho Times forco.
Paxton Times.
I Mayor and attested by tho Clerk with-
Vlnt.nra1nn. TTnllnv
,!,.,.. , ,. . . . . .. tsaiu uuy una lao coupons aiuicneu to
authorized and directed to execute i , , , , , . j . x,
. . . . .. .. .. .tsaid bondB shall bo s.gncd by the
Jioai JBstato Mortgages bougnt and m"M " IHim Jl' ol
sold, T. a Patterson. North Platto In tho sum of Ninety
Highest cash prices paid for poultry iNIn,0 Thousand ($9M00.00) Dollars,
j , t. tt as herlnafter set forth.
UUU 1IC9U Ufcfjtt ill. I1UIU1UB VylVtllll OIU-
Choice lot of young Red Poll bulU
at farmors prices at
5outh. Dowoy Stroet
1 Section 2 Said bonds shall bo do
slgnatod and known as District Pav
MIssoa Graco and Mabel Brotarnltz i inr, Tinn,in nr ni.trirt vn m oi,nii
Wo havo an nuto-polnt pencil with
black silk cord. JuBt what you neod
for Bchool at a special prico of 8Cc.
0. S. Clinton & Son.
A dinner's a banquet
when flowers ,nro
Thoy nenr a bright ,
sinllo and n wclcom.
lug nlr;
Tho natural docora-!
tlon of flowora and
their friendly fragrance 1
holp to mako an event
out of ovory occasion.
Thoy lond distinction
and camradorlo.
.li VTIVDM rn . t
PLOWEfiS tun DiAwrc
II. Sheridan, who hy tho way has
tho edgo on all the boys on tho range
In this vicinity when it comes to hats,
was at tho J. B. ranch ono day last
wook on his cow pony when tho
quostlon of transporting a hivo of
boos to Greonacros camo up. Sheridan
said if someone would ptacd tho bees
In his lap on tho Baddlo ho would
dollvor tho goods. Fred Toploy of tho
A, E. F. uas present nnl voluntoored
to go over tho top. So Sheridan re
ceived tho bees as poi specifications
said "glddap". and was on his way. Old
cow pony failed to stim his too onco
in tho thvn mllca and Sheridan mado
tho dollvory propor without a miss
ing stlnRor.-Gothonburg Independent.
Clinton's for Eyo Glasses.
Mrs. William Joffors of Omaha was'
In tho city laBt Iwieok visiting friends.
Lopez Real Discoverer.
Francisco Lopez, the discoverer of
gold In Calif ruin, died In poverty,
and tlu! place of his burial Is un
known, Marshall who accidentally
discovered gold In tho mill race at
Sutter's Ford six years nfterward, was
given $51,000 n year by tho stato and
a monument of brass was erected to
his memory. Sutter, who had nothing
to do with the discovery, nnd did not
own tho laud upon which his mill
stood, also was given a pension. Lopez
Immediately reported his discovery to
his employers. Sutter and Marshall
kept tho discovery n secret until they
had taken possession of largo tracts
of land, for which they gave the In
dians utmost nothing. Both- Sutter
and Marshall knew that their cluliua
as first discoverers of gold woro false.
They were adventurers," and were at
San Fcmnndo In 1810 during one of
tho Mexican, revolutions, and had
heard of the gold Holds In the Sun
ircrnnnio district.
returned Sunday evening from Sldnoy
aftor a two wooks visit witn relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Murl Swancutt left
Saturday for Paxton to visit "with
relatives for a fow days.
Mrs. Will Swancutt left Sunday for
Ainsloy and Mason City whoro sho
will visit relatives for a fow weeks.
C. E. Souser of Goring spent tho
wook end In tho city visiting With
Chas. Bacon of Chappoil spont the
wok end In the city visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Norton are visit
ing with rolatlves in1 Grand Island
for a fow clays.
Miss Gladys Dean of Gotlienburg
visited with friends in tho city Friday.
Teacher of Violin, and Cornet.'
Phono 1G7W.
41C Vino Street.
bo issued In denominations of ?1,000.00
each, and be numbered from 1 to 99
inclusive and shall bear interest at
tho rate of Six per cent per annum
payable semi-annually and said bonds
shnll havo interest coupons attached
Said bonds shall ho dated on tho 1st
day of Soptomber, 1922, and tho intor
est on Bald bonds to be paid on tho
1st day of March, 1923, and on the
1st day of September, 1923, and on
tho 1st day of March and on tho first
day of Soptember of each and every
year thereafter until all interest on
bonds Bhall havo been paid and shall
bo payable to bearer ten years from
that date, and shnll bo redeemahlo at
tho option of tho City of North Platto
at any timo aftor Issuance, said bonds,
principle and intorest shall bo payable
at tho offico of tho County Treasurer
of Lincoln County, State of Nebraska
situated in tho city of North Platte,
Nobroska, and for tho payment there
of, both principle nnd interest, the
credit, of tho City of North Platte, Its
property and Its revenues aro hereby
An ordlnnnco providing for and
authorizing tho issunnco of District
Paving Bonds of tho City of North
Platto, Nebraska, said Paving Bonds
to bo known as District Paving Bonds
of District No. 10, ana to bo used for
tho purposo of paying tho costs of
curbing, guttering ana paving tho
streets excluslvo of Intersections of
& S. Groceteria.
We Build Your Auto Top, you will
have a real top and not a
self-styled affair
It will fit like a Samuelson Suit,
( Wear like a Tramp shoe,
' Seal tight as a McGraw radiator,
Neat as a Perry Carson hair cut, and
Dependable as the First National Bank
And That Is Not All
Our Free Service Keeps It Looking That Way
The Platte Auto Trim
Practice limited to Eye, Enr, Nose and
Offices over McDonnld Bnnk
Phono 850
Judge W.H.Westover
Candidate for
Associate Justice Of
Supreme Court
From Sixth Supreme Court
Judicial District
Non-Political Ballot
"A Just Judge"
U Li
i8 E! 1LJ TP I F
140 Head of Registered Duroc
Jersey Hogs for Sale.
Wcdiesday, September 13th, 1922.
at my. farm mile northeast of Farnam, Nebraska,
Spring gilts and boars, bred sows, sows and
litters and summer pigs.
This offering consists of as good blood lines
and quality as money can buy.
This was one of Central Iowa's good herds,
having won many ribbons in several big
G. L. WEIK, Owner.
250 sheets letter paper. 200 ordinary envelopes.
50 large envelopes.
All printed just as you want them.
Protessional Men. Stockmen. Lodge Officers.
Farmers. Contractors. Tradesmen.
The North Platte Tribune.
mm m mi as n5ar to you mm