TTTTC NORTH PTATTE SUlfT-WEEKLY TRTBUNE. WORN OUT AFT FOR REAL ECONOMY COOKED MEAL STATE GHTI1S , Republicans, Democrats and Progressives Make Recom mendations and Do- , claro Principles. SESSIONS ARE HARMONIOUS Progressives Yield to Insurgents at Lincoln, who Elect Their Own Officers and Committees. African i iuok L.yaia je rimciiama Vegctablo Compound Read the Result Cincinnati, Ohio. -"I suffered for a year with nervoua troubles nndirrogular- iucs do i ore l tools Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vogotnblo Com pound. My back pained all the tima and I was unfit for housework. I wad worn out if I cooked a meal, and was un ablo to do my wash ing. My girl frienda and my sister told me if I would tako vourVecrotablo Com pound and Liver Pilla I would bo re lieved. After taking the first bottle I felt better, and neglected it awhile, but found I could not do my work until I was stronger. So I took tho Vegetable Compound again and now I am tho mother of a 19 months old boy. Ho is fat and healthy and I am sure I could never have carried him if it had not been for your Vegetable Compound. I recommend your modicino to all women although I am young to be advising soma ono older. " Mrs. CimiST. Petroff4 818 W. Liberty St., Cincinnati, Ohio. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound contains no harmful drugs and con bo taken in safety by any woman. BOTH SIDES OF A QUESTION Possessions Bound to Bring ResponoU Wllty, but There Is Al6o Ade quate Recompense. Everything tlint you can think of In the wny of desired possessions brings with It an accompanying load of trou ble, care and responsibility. And this Is something of a consola tion for those who must stand outside tho burred gates and look yearningly iti. After all, they can think, It's a lot of trouble to tnke care of so much; per haps It's just as well to be without It. That's where tho trouble part helps them. But on the other hund, It's worth some care to have the real antiques that other people are striving to ilnd. It's worth some responsibility to have such beautiful old silver. The house in perfect order, tho vel vety lawn and the garden that make visitors gasp with pleasure are pretty good payment for all your thought and work uud plunning and curing for them. That beautifully shaped head and graceful coiffure are surely satisfying enough to make up for the pain nnd tho lost time. If people who have things didn't have some trouble with them, then there would bo the greatest amount of discontent among people who haven't. Mere possessing gets to be like a habit ; one forgets all about what it is that she possesses, whether It is valu able or not, and whether or not ono should ho grateful about it. Rut when a little trouble and dlflb culty come along with it, ono realizes that It has cost something and is worth Boinethlng. Kansas City Star. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of OASTOUIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of mi In Use for Over 80 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria He Should Have Known. M. Coue knows suggestion Is a pow erful thing, nnd that to use It Indis criminately Is dangerous. Hero Is an example of the Insidious way In which it can break up friendships: An artist was showing a friend round an amateur art exhibition. Arriving In front of n large, gaudy canvas, the artist waved his hand contemptuously at it and said: "There that's pretty bad, don't you think?" "It Is," agreed his friend, who hoped thus to cover up his Ignorance of art. "Awful 1 Why, It's a crime 1" "Oh, is It I" snarled the artist. "Let mo tell you, my Ignornnt friend, that that's the best picture in the exhibi tion." "Whnt, that?" "Yes; I painted it I" Summer Find You Miserable? la a lame, achy back torturing you? Does the least exertion leave you tired, weak, all worn-out? You should find the cause of your trouble and try to correct it. More than likely it's your kidneys. Miserable backaches with headaches, dizzy spells and annoying urinary disorders arc common signs of kidney weakness. There is danger in delay. Begin using Doan't Kidney Pflj today. Doan's have helped thousands. They should help you. Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Case Mrs. Dave Plrnie, N. St., Broken Bow, Nebr., say a: "My kidneys were disor dered and I had diz zy spells and head iches. I had a heavy feellne across my back. A friend told mo of Doan's Kidney Pills and what tliey would do. I used Doan's and they re llevcd mo so that I havo not been both ered to speak of Rlnt-n." ST? Get Doan's st Any Stoie, 60c a Qax DOAN'S STLV FOSTCR.MILBURN CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. (Copr for This Department Supplied by tne American Lesion News Service.) TO MEMORY OF GALBRAITH Bronze Tablet Is Embedded In Hugo Boulder on. Spot Where Com mander Was Killed. "Dedicated to the Memory of Fred eric W. Galbrnlth, Jr., National Com mander of the Amerlcnn Legion, who was killed on this spot In active serv lco of the American Legion, June 0, 1021," reads tho Inscription on a bronzo tablet embedded In a huge boul der which has been dedicated by the Legion in memory of Us beloved com mander. Galbrnlth Memorial. Mr. Gnlbralth was killed in an auto mobile accident near Indianapolis, while In active service of the Legion. Tho rock and tnblet were recently dedicated at a special service held by the headquarters staff and nttended by National Commander Hnnford Mnc Nider and Mrs. Lowell F. Uobart, pres ident of the Amerlcnn Legion Auxil iary. KID CORPORAL SCORES AGAIN John Shoemaker, Through Phoenix American Legion, Draws West Point Appointment. The "Kid Corporal" has scored again. John Shoemaker, who enlisted in the army at fourteen and served many months with tho American expedi tionary forces in France, has now received presiden tial appointment to West Point. cently graduated (J, xJjA's i Slioomaker re- from a high mt school In Phoe nix. Ariz., where I m he took special courses In military tuc tics under Maj. Claude Decatur Jones. Major Jones became Interested in the lad because he had such an unusual war record. Young Shoemaker served with a ma chine gun compnny in the Fifty-fourth infantry for two years, during and fol lowing the World wnr. Ills West Point appointment followed a cam paign in his behalf by the Phoenix American Legion nnd Major Jones, who were anxious that a war veteran should take tho plnce at the military academy vncated by Charles Barrett, an overseas hero, who graduated at the head of his class last June. POLAND SEEKS LEGION PLAN Government Asks American Body for Details in Matter of Employ ment for War Victims. One of the highest compliments ever given to the peace-time efforts of an organization wns paid the American Legion when the Polish government asked that tho Legion explnin Its plan used in the successful campaign for unemployed former service men in tho United States in order that just such a system might he 'used for do ing away with unemployment In Polnnd, The Legion furnished n detailed outline of tho scheme used in this country, nnd has received a letter of thanks from T. Holnko, commercial department manager of the consulate general. More than 400,000 ex-soldlers were given at least temporary employment during the first week of the Legion's drive and it is estlmnted that now more than 500,000 men nro In permanent positions largely through tho efforts of the Amorican Legion. Ex-Tommies Cheer the Legion. Ex-Tommies who nttended the first nnnunl conference of tho British Le gion in London recently, rose en masse and cheered II. Nelson Jnckson, na tional vice commander of the Ameri can Legion, when he read the greet ings of Commander Ilanford Mac Nlder nnd the entire Amerlcnn Legion to these "buddies" in the mother coun try. The message of good will and comradeship was received for the Brit ish Legion by Field Marshal Earl Unlg. Many "Bummed" to Convention. Because of the financial depression nnd lack of government compensation, many penniless disabled veterans of the World war walked and rode In box cars to San Francisco to attend tho second nnnunl convention of the Dis abled American Veterans of tho World War, according to Hnymond Creelmnn and Hubert M. Smyth, members of tho Eatessi staff .. Lincoln. The republican state con vention In session here Tuesday In dorsed the Harding national admin istration in full and congratulated state oillclnls upon "the achievements of tho present administration." With the problem of Industrial Justice pushed to the front by the transportation, fuel, nnd textile strikes, the platform committee brought In a plank designed to substitute peaceful iiienns for the wasteful methods by 'which disputes ure now settled nnd 'urged favorable action upon the fol lowing recommendations : Tho restoration of competition In rail roud rates; tho prompt refunding of at debts of Kuropenn nations duo tho Unlte States government; tho nmlntenaneo strengthening nnd enforcement of tlu 18th amendment; tho submission of s national constitutional amendment foi limitation of child labor in mills nnc factories; friendly co-operation with tlu nations of Huropo; tho distribution o tho membership of tho federal reserve board; tho raising of tho legal limit ol loans that may bo mado by Federal lane banlce, from $10,000 to $25,000; tho render ing to tho soldiers, sailors nnd marine! of tho world war every asslstanco whlct a grateful nation should Justly rondor, including tho immcdlato building of suet additional modern hospitals as nro ncccs sary; tho lmmedlato return of all Ameri can troops on tho Hhliio frontier; tlu enactment of a rational protcctlvo tariff; tho development of St. Lawrence water way project; tho ennctmcnt of natlono! legislation designed to obviato tho re currence of such disastrous induustrlal warfaro to which tho country la now subjectod; wo commend tho objects nnO alms of tho national reclamation act and urgo tho lmmedlato completion of pro jects now under construction. The Platform Tho platform urges tho develop ment of tho agricultural nnd labor de partments so as to bo of tho greatest uso and benefit possible to ngricultun and labor; reduction of taxes and publli expenses in every department of stnto, continued development of good roads, completion of tho now stato capita building within tho limits of tho appro priation; continued support of legislation aiding tho farmer In carrying on hl Industry nnd marketing his crops; elimi nation of all admlnistratlvo duplication! wherever It will assist in tho reduction of tho cost of government without lm paring Its efllciency; tho principles of tlu civil admlnistratlvo codo; tho dlr'eot, state-wide primary law; repeal of the indeterminate sentenco law nnd enact ment of such legislation as may bo neces sary to render certain tho ndequnto pun ishment of criminals; deviflopmont of water power district legislation; tho further conservation nnd development of the forest possibilities of tho stato. Omaha. Democrats In stute con vention hero Tuesday adopted a plat form in which they condemn tho op pressive lnws the republicans of tho state and nation have passed. Condemnation of oppressive taxa tion formed the basis of the platform declaration with pledges to repeal tho code law, the new state revenue law and opposition to the four laws that are being submitted to referendum. The delegates adopted resolutions indorsing Senator G. M. Hitchcock for re-election, Charles W. Bryan for tho governorship and the entire list of state nnd congressional candidates. The Platform. Urges "rulo of lovo" for world re generation; charges republican adminis tration at Washington with incompe tence; pledges candidatt-B will moet needs of tho peoplo; stands for restoration ol commerce; stands for promotion of In dustrial peaco; pledges party to drastla retrenchment and economy; opposes spue lal privileges; stands Tor Just nnd equi table taxation; denounces unnecessary do nation of currency; Would amend farm loan net; condemns governmental delay; proposes hastening the completion of reclamation projects; stands for equitable and Impartial enforcement of tho consti tution; opposes child labor; demands amendment of tho Ksch-Cummlns act; 'favors eight-hour day and collective bargaining; for lmmedlato construction of modern hospitals for disabled world war veterans; for lmmedlato passage ot nn adjusted compensation act; Indorses national, congressional and stato candi dates; condemns state wasto and demands repeal of code law; Is ngalnst tho four bills to bo referred at tho roferenduum; pledges party to simplicity and olllclcncy In stnto administration; pledges party to repeal of Senato File No. 65 "which has robbed tho people of homo rule nnd self-government;" stands for legislation that will benefit farmers In marketing; stands unalterably for tho primary; fav ors repeal of, or amendment to, the Indeterminate sentence law; favors water power development under state control; favors keeping cost of new stato cnpltol within the appropriation; favors reduc tion of automobile license tax. Lincoln. Insurgents took control of tho progressive party at the Btuto convention held here Tuesday, elected their own olllcers and a state centrnl committee, and left the filling of va cancies on the stnto ticket In tho hands of the stato executive committee. Planks in the state platform in cludo repeal of the lute republican revenue law; opposition to the dual system of government tinder tho code; drastic cuts in public expenditures; consolidation of state offices; exempt ion from taxes of farm Improvements and city dwellings up to $2,000; recnll of state olllcers; repeal of four luws being referred at the coming election ; administration of paroles by "experts and not politicians;" reduction in tele phone rates and employment of Ne braska labor upon the new cnpltol. Deporting Germans from Alsace. Berlin. Reports from tho Alsatian frontier Indlcnte that considerable physical and finnnchil hardships are being imposed on Oermnn families who are being forcibly deported across the Rhine. Grasshoppers Raiding Wyoming. Lander, Wyo. Grasshoppers nre raising hnvoc in Wyoming this year. In the vicinity of Lnnder nnd a greater part of .Fremont countv. tho loadlnir farmers estimate tho damnge at 00 In the Kitchen USE CALUMET The Economy BAKING POWDER A Big Time and Money Saver OT MAOC BY A WWT REST BY TEST Dan't be led Into takingQiiatttlty S&r finality Calumet proved best by test in millions of Bake-Day contests. Largest selling brand in the world. Contains only such ingredi ents as have been approved by U. S. Pure Food Authorities. The World's Greatest Baking Powder NOT MUCH OF A SENSATION Romantic Young Man, Looking for Something to Happen, Received Something of a Jolt. Tho romantic young man had mado friends with tho hotel detective early In his stay at the hotel, and ho watched him most of the time, Waiting to seo something happen. Ho was Just crossing tho lobby on his wny to breakfast ono morning when a woman entered tho door, and ho saw tho detective prick up his ears and follow after her. Tho romantic young mnn turned In his steps and followed, too. Tho worn an was of middlo, well dressed, ro speetablo looking, and In tho moment that sho crossed, unconscious of her followers, all sorts of thoughts flashed through the youth's head. Perhaps sho was a famous burglar 1 Perhaps sho was somo sort of secret ngeut I Perhaps As sho started to step Into the ele vator the detective touched her shoul der. Sho wheeled about sharply. "Sir?" she demanded. Tho detective opened his coat to show her his bndgo, and the romantic young mnn waited breathlessly. "I beg your pardon, madam," said tho detective, "but It's ogijjnst the rules to huve a dog In your rooms." Tho woman started, and there, peck ing out from beneath her fur coat, was tho pink nose of n tiny poodle. The romnntlc young man walked back toward the dining room disgust edly. New York Globe. Tnko each man's censuro but reservo thy Judgment. Let's disarm the thermometer MEATS and starches for the body are lika fuel for the furnace. tvt y"0 for breakfast or lunch, Grape Nuts with cream or milk and a little fresh fruit -and turn off the internal heat? Here's com plete nourishment, with cool comfort. K? Your irocer will supply frfk you with Grape-Nutsl When you bake with Calumet you know there will be no loss or failures. That's why it is far less expensive than some other brands selling for less. THAT WAS ASKING TOO MUCH , Bishop Probably Had Read That "Much Shall Be Forgiven," but Really, Professor Joneai An English clcrgymnn now visiting his country tells a story of an cral .tent Church of Englnnd ecclesiastic now dead, who on the occasion of tho gathering of tho British association, invited tho members to nn entertain ment at his place. But ho sent no curd to ono member of tho association, who, thinking that ho was the vic tim of nn oversight, mentioned tho matter to a mutuul friend. "I will speak to tho bishop and ninko that right," said tho friend. "It was a mere uccident." IIo did speak to tho bishop, to tills effect : "By somo mischance, Professor Jones has not been Invited to tho en tertainment. Of courso you mean him to come?" "No, Indeed, I do not," snld tho bishop. "Nothing can induce mo to ask under my roof a man who tins defended tho execution of Socrates I" Philadelphia Ledger. Tho Prlnceoa Threatens. Tho friend of a New York girl who, somo years ngo, becamo a European princess, tells of an incident in the royal household. Tho friend wns Just entering tho princess' dressing room when sho chanced to overhenr thiB colloquy bo tween mistress and mnld : Tho Mnld But, madamo Tho Princess If I catch you and my husbnnd kissing again, ono of you will havo to go. Exchange. Grape-Nuts contains all the nourishment of whole wheat flour and malted barley, including the vital mineral elements and bran ''roughage.' and it is partially pre-digested in the long bakintf process by which it is made. 1Tner?'s a wonderful charm fo the appetito in the crisp, sweet goodness of this ready-to-eat lood, and fitness and lightness afterward, which meet summer's heat with a smile. MADE NO SORT OF APPEAL)! Colored Messenger Couldn't See Where the "Sport" Came In In That Kind of Fishing. j In n government office In Washings ton one dny u Callfornlnn was 1Lh coursing on tho sport of fishing off the Pacific coast. "Wo all get out In small motor boats," said ho, "and fish with a long lino bnlted with flying fish. Anything less than a hundred-pound tuna Isn't considered good sport" A colored messenger had been II tcnlng with great interest to this con versation. "Excuso mo, boss," ho said, wlda-i eyed, as ho stepped up to tho group, "hut did I understand you to say that( you were Hshln' for hundred-pound fish In a llttlo motorhont?" "Yes," said tho Cnlifornlan, "wo out frequently." "But," urged tho messenger, "ain't i you all afeured you might ketch onoT Pittsburgh Dispatch. J Women Succeed ao Aviators. Tho United States has had manyi women aviators. Knthcrlno Stlnson was tho first of her sex to fly in this country, being a contemporary of Lin coln Bcnchcy and many other of tha early aviators who learned nt tho Wright Held, nenr Dayton. Now Chi cago has produced our first negro girl aviator In Bessio Coleman, who Is abroad at present receiving additional training in France, Holland and Engi land, where she has given many dcta onstratlbns of skill. Sin and vanity nro sultan and vizier. "There's a Reason" for Grape-Nuts Madt br roitura Caraal Co., lot Battle Ctk, Mich. per cent at tin; very least, -- -