THE NORTH MATTJSftMI-WiJUaKLY TRIBUNE. LOCAL AND PERSONAL LOCAL OFFICIALS AllE I'&SIlftG CAREFUL CIIOSSIMJS Clark Smith and family of Belgrade ! CAMPAIGN nro gnosis at the J. C. Mooro home. Earl A. stalarth rlatte ftfiont Eyes examined, Olasses fitted. Sat-; for tho Union Pacific has ejitorca isfactlon. sure. Clinton & Son heartily Into tho Careful Crossing Walter Cokcr of Sutherland was a ! Campaign which Is bolug conductca business visitor In tho city Wcdnes- all over tho country under tho ausp- HOW DO YOU LIKE L0CAL A3m wsksoxal HER SHOES, GIRLS? day. Always cool at Danceland, every Saturday nlta P. T. Zocholl' of Ogallala was a business visitor In tho city Wednes day. Archibald Smith of Madrid was a business visitor In tho city Wodnes. day. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Noel of Cozaa ces of tho American Hallway Assoc iation. In tho following statcmont ho tolls something of Importance to all auto drivers. Simple precautions would avert moBt of tho railroad crossing horrors Hero aro a few rules, which, If fol lowed, would savo many lives: Never approach railroad trarte that must bo crossed at grade, wllh- OlltltlllH thonzlit '.Hum iIh tlx. nl 11 Pn woro business visitors lh tho city 6 j whoro i mUBt play 8afo navo your Wednosday. 'car un,ior control, then you will bo Mrs. E. II. Jackson of Fairmont, prepared for an emergency. You Nebr. vislted1'wlth friends In tho city know tho Importanco of having good brakes on your car. Look thorn over, from tlmo to time. Wednesday, Mrs, Robert Anderson of Gothen burg . waB a business visitor in tho city last week. Frank Starn left Thursday for CheHock, California wliero ho will visit for several weeks. MIbscs Laura Erb and sister Gladys of Gothenburg visited with friends In tho city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Sandall left last night for Denver to attend tho baseball tournament. Miss Florino Stebblns leaves in a few days for Hastings whoro sho will attend school this fall. Probably nlno out of ten tniles thero will not be a train near en ough to check your progress over tho tracks. Mako no effort to go ac. cross, until, by careful uso of both eyes and ears, you havo sized up tho situation. All must agreo that a little time spent hi trying to protect life and limbs is a good investment. We uso up some tlmo hunting bargains i In stores. Better plan to hold onto tho life you possess. No bargain counter has another to offer you. MrS. Arthur Sttfrns and sister Howard Purdy has taken a position Jcnnlo Mudgo loft yesterday for with tho WoaUicr Bureau. Clinton's for Spectacles. " ' Gothenburg where they attended tho J ' y(m JnvJtcd to"ftUond col(Lpack Sister HoB0l!n loft Tuesday for Sid- fun0Pftl f th ,nl L,U,nn PctcrBon' canning demonstration August Bill In noy whoro1 hho will bo stationed this Clinton's for Eye Sorvlco. , ft Qvony jRctory roproaont- fall. Miss Efflo Johnum camo thlBjntlvo. North Platto Ltght & Power II. C. llookor of Gothenburg was n morning from Lincoln aftor visiting Co. business visitor In the city Wcdnos-, relatives for a fow days. Sho will ' day. bo principal In Soulor High thlB fall, alio tuning, Holloy Music House. Dally arrivals of Girls Coats in tho Olms. Wagner of Gothonburg was a class' sort nnd Drcnslor ModolB. business visitor in tho city Wcdnes- Juflt 1110 Ul,nB for tho Bchool girl When your end comes you will bo a Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Todenhof long tlmo dead. This is the latest in footwear- a modification of the Russian boot. The new footwear is seen only, on the flapper, who in summer time, simply must have something to take the place of the unlatched overshoes. Mrs. Cora Law of Columbus, Ohio loft yesterday for Denver to attend! Maybe, when you got near tho camo yesterday, to visit Mrs. Adda day. Mrs. A. J. Frazier and daughter loft Tuosday for Omaha to visit for a fcfw days. Jiohn Nelson lofjt Wednesday for Sterling to transact business for u few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Stack of Tryou visited friends in tho city tho first of tho weok. Dr. E. W. Fetter was called to Gothenburg Thursday on profession al business. Tho J. F. F. Club will meet Tues day aftornoon at tho homo of Mfs. A. W. Shilling. Mrs. L. N. Hlto dnd daughter Tholma loft this morning for Bridge port to visit Mr. nito. Mrs. J. R. Elliott nnd children loavo tomorrow for IlllnolB to visit a month with relatives. Glen Waltomath loft this morning for Chicago whoro ho will join his father and visit for several dayB. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Huddard return ed tho first of tho weok from Bridge port whoro thoy spent tho summoTf. who appreciates stylo as woll as quality. E. T. Tramp & Sons Ready to Wear 1)1?. HAROLD II. WALKER I'racllro limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Thront Offices over McDonald Unnk Phono 3((t SPECIAL FEATURES WRITTEN IN COMBINATION WITH STANDARD LIFE POLICIES Non-Cancollnblo Accldont and Health Insurance Double Indomnlty Provisions. Specific Dlsmombornient Provisions. ' Disability Incomo Clause. Monthly Llfo Incomo Provisions. Pure nnd Installment Incomo Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause Post Mortem Dividends. Full Participation in all Surplus. Automatic Non-forfolturo Clause. Insurance that Insures Protection tlmt Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Homo Office Fourth and Locust Stroets, North Platte, Neb. tho baseball tournament Miss Violet Reynolds roturned Wed nosday from Overton after visiting rolatives for several days. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, railroad tracks, you sco a train com- n,rnl tor low lias m,1 "1 T " , . , T ' Hons tlin llcM hurt, vnnr vis? Tin ui'uruuuu oumruiiy at uiu JL'iuiio intr. ntlll thf thmlflit nnno Inln vnm mind, "I can beat It across!" That 'ou havo 1,end achc8? Thoso are a Valloy h0spltal f0r th0 romOVal , lologist at Lincoln for examination CUpl tho !ery . symptoms tonsils. c,.o.f ludjremont is not snoaklntr. Tn m.oi, aL 8tram- " wm Pny 10 tnKQ caro Mrs. E. W. Fetter and daughter A', UUU Alii 0 f J. UbUUi l 1 4 1) M j O" 0 , Hi. yesterday from Denver after visiting a case, wait for your sober second f yow oyes a3 thoy aro tho most pro- returned last ovoning from points rf CT pinna fhfnrr vnn rwn. TMin TVvnn On. . a a 11.. t with relatives for several days. thought. Remember that a fas " , " , , m uaiuornia wuero uioy spent mo; L , , tlcal Co. is prepared to give you first nmninnr , Herbert WIngett visited with hla,train can run tuc quarter milo from cJasg 80rvlca summer. grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John An- tuo whistling post to tho crossing in ' .Q. F. W. Rolnsh roturned Wednesday i derson of Gothenburg last weok. Afccu Eeconds. Do you know just UNI0N PACIFIC REDUCES FARES ' to llls hom0 in 0malm nttor spending Mrs. Jack McGraw left Wednosday - oxactly how far 'ou can mako yur FOR NEBRASKA STATE FAIR tho past lvv:cok vlS,tlns hls dauKhtor ! for Hastings whero sho was called car e In ono fourtl1 of a mlriuto? Mrs. J.C.Nolan. by tho death of hor father Mr. Rsoso. ! Most ot us fatl to do our DBt ln aH 0,1 sl,tomonr 2 to 8, inclusive, tho Mrs. F. F. Overman and eon Fran- ! Miss Helen Bonner left last oven- j emergency. Union Pacific Railroad will sell cls roturned from Caspar, Wyo. Ins for Lincoln whoro sho will study ' Do you admire a man who tries Uckots from )0,ntB ln N0,'nska , Avhoro thoy spent a fow daya visiting i r tnUnt (mill nr nnrnmln nhon i,ul" J,m,"l,ur' v'olu' 10 ot. MailCCl OVOrmail. mil. - o . . , , music at tho conservatory this I am operating tho studio former I ho has his family or friends in tho Nebr, and return for tho round trip minimum round trip faro ?1.00. Ro- Ruth Achoy and Bernadino Riggs ly owned by V. VonGoetz and would car with him, dependng upon him qmtmnll' in90 . 1 t,, roturned yesterday from Long Beach r n T 1. Ulr" "mil bCpiemUCr J, IJZ-. iSIC IIIO rllf,.l nnnnt 4.n appreciate yoursupport. J. W. Johnson. Francos Edwards loaves In a few d.ivs for Hastint's whoro she will ro- o rnn,,a.,hls ledger. Most of us aro very UlllU ilSJi ObUUlUO lit IUU A. UltVjUVl K College. j weary of reading newspaper accounts or death and uestruction. ijci's ua for protection? If such a man wore to run his business so carclessTy'as that, wo greatly fear that tho balance would how up on tho wrong sldo of Most of us aro Mrs Draney, mother of Mrs. L. C Carroll died at her homo In Kansas City $10. The funeral will bo held at Alexis, 111. Mrs. Charles II. Coghlll returned Tuosday from Green City, Mo. whoro sho lias been visjtlng her mothor Mrs. Ilarlen. Mr. and Mrs. George Slzcoro re turned from points in California whoro thoy havo been visiting the past three months. Wo havo Just received a shipment of bobbed-hair combs, barrettes and fancy hair pins. Como in and seo them. C. S. Clinton & Son. John Corbit and daughter Ella of Wallace transacted business in tho city Wednq3day Mr. Corbitt drovo homo a now Dodge car. Mrs. W. A. O'Donnell returned to her homo in Grant Wednesday aftor visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. II. LeDIoyt for tho past ten days. rooters for safety at tho crossings! Phono 1503 l Potatoes, per bu. , $.G0 j Tomatoes, per bu. .75 ! GAMBLE WITH SPRINGER :o: Everett Wnro of Hersnoy visited with friends in tho city Wednesday. Real Estate Mortgages bought and sold, T. O. Patterson. Mr. Robertson who has had charge of tho poultry department at the stato farm left last night for Lincoln whero ho will continue his course in tho Univorsity of Nebraska. :o: local Union Pacific Agent for specific fares nnd details about train service. I. D. intOWA'FIELD, Farm and Llvo Stock AUCTIONEER. Tclophono or wlro for dates at my Expense. IIERSHEY, NEBRASKA. When in Omaha STOP WITH US California whero thoy spent tho summer with rolatives. i W. S. Butler was arraigned in , Polico court this morning and fined ( $5.80 for parking hia car in front of tho Sun theatre last night. Mrs. Kato Pjerson ami daughter Mrs. Eshelman of Ilcrahey camo yea-1 torday to attend tho Illinois picnic iwflilch was held yesterday aftornoon. :o: NOTICE Goeaii I am proparod to contlnuo my fathers class, on violin and cornet. Doucot Music Studio, 41G Vino Phono 1G7W Sd 9 Pizer's Store, North Side ocial School Oleria For Boys and Girls on Friday, Saturday and Monday at the Pizer Store on the North Side With every Boy's Suit and pair of shoes you buy at this store on these three days we will give a cap to match the suit, free. For the Girls With every pair of girl's school shoes, we give a pair ot stockings free. You can find just the kind of a boys 2-panl school suit that you want here at just the price you want to pay. Our prices arc the lowest. We have a large assortment of English Tweeds, Fine Stripe Worsteds and Blue Serge, and can fit any boy from age 3 lo 19. Our school shoes for boys and girls arc built for service and long wear and we sell each pair with a "moncy-bnek" guarantee. Always the best for a little less at PIZER'S STORE, NORTH SIDE "Notice This store is not affiliated with any store on the south side." oteS Sanf ord enshaw S otel STUDENTS ATTENTION! Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any one of them with the ns ourancc of rcceivincr honest value nnd Wo havo an auto-noint ncncll with black silk cord. Just what you need CONANT HOTT7.T. fftMPAWV for school at a special price of 85c. mniMwuimaaa i mum ' ffi C. S. Clinton & Son. You Can t Look Pleasant I Mil In I i m I 1 5 ; 1 J.t .: the S When .vou're on H broad of your back with ft K i.t.! In nnl tlin J.i I1UL11111B JUliliiib II doctor and grocery bills to g H pay. it BUT You can smile occasion- ft -a . m ii n ally if you naa tne lore- S sight to talce out a health $ and accident policy when you were well and kicking, ft, $ Better get one today :;! U while you're up, for you ' j:: can't get one when you're j.. :;t down j: C. F. Temple, The Travelers Man. Insurance of all Kinds. B. & L. Bldrj. Phone No. 03. j.t :.t 5.J J.t ft DON'T OVERLOOK SAFETY After all the hard work you havo put on your crop and all tho caro you havo UBed during tho paBt weeks and months to dnsuro a successful harvest, don't overlook protection for your crop money. Kocp right on playing safo hy de positing harvest funds in this strong hank. A deposit hero ontitlcs you to our complete sorvlco. The Platte Valley State Bank Friday and Satur September 1st and 2nd On These Dates We Will Sell 10 30x3 Oldfields at. $7.00 each 10 30x3 1-2 Oldfields at $8.00 each 6 30x3 1-2 Oldfields cords at $11.50 2 32x3 1-2 Oldfields cords at. ..... . .$17.50 2 32x4 Oldfields cords at $22.00 6 33x4 Oldfields cords at. $23.00 4 34x4 Oldfields cords at $24.00 10 30x3 tubes at $1.25 10 30x3 1-2 tubes at $1.50 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED S. & R. Service Station TELEPHONE 820 TELEPHONE 820