The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 29, 1922, Image 5

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Tho Eye-Gloss men, Clinton & Son.
Piano tuning, Holloy Muslo Houso.
'UmftB Hutcuens returned - to his
homo in Arnold after visiting with
friends several days. 'members aro invited to attend
Miss Mary Drost left yesterday for
Maxwell to spend this week visiting C0UNTIlY CLUB
ui me uoueris nome.
D. A. R.
1 will hold a nlcnle nt thfe Rxner!.
August 26,'Vi'noon r.Iocrc, 31,' a Un-
- . i - t . .
iwy wowaru. oi ucring is visiuug,lon raclf!c bollermalter of Cheyenne
nt the J. II. Guiles homo this wook, nnrt M8 ,Luclln Davll.t 8 of -Nt)
A niece now lino of bobbed hair iIMntte. Married by Acting Judge T. a
Ladles Day at tho Country Crab Valley hospital.
will bo on Wednesday of this week
instead of Friday.
combs and bnrrottcs nt,
C. S. Clinton & Son.
A son was born ,to Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Cornwell Friday at tho Platto
Tho members of Mrs. Cranes bible
class will meet at tho homo of Mrs.
J. D. Antonldes, 1003 west 0th St.
Miss Jettic Pylo returned Friday
from Greeley, Colo, whero she at
tended summer school.
Come in and see our new ear-drops.
C. S. Clinton & Son.
Viola Hansen returned last woek
from Lewellen after spending several
days at tho Dlener home.
Misses Florence and Myrtle Powell
leave Friday for Cozad whero they
will teach school this year.
Mrs. Silas Priest returned tho last
of tho week from Tryon after visit
ing two weeks with relatives.
Hear tho new records on tho Colum
bia and Edison phonographs at thc'nEBEKAH
Dixon Musics Shop. - Lodge No. 10 will celebrate its
Lucille Beycrlo returned Tuesday 71st anniversary Sopt. 8th. Mrs.
MisseB 'FYuncos and Hena Dolph
spent the week ond In Pnxton at tho
M. II. Krabb homo.
Miss J6ttIo Pylo will lcavo .Friday
for Flagler, Colorado Iwfliero sho will
teach school thfs fall,
A daughtof- was born to Mr. and
Mrs. T. G. Sandall Friday nt! tho
tll0 Platto Valloy hospital.
Clayton Wlllot underwent an oper-
Hlankonbtirgi' ,
August 2C, Archlo W. Hindu, 25.
tcachor of Grooloyj Colo, and Mies
Ola U. Pyle, 24 teacher of North
August 28, Alfred Bellamy, 21 a
farmer of Lexington and Miss Myrtle
, Tilloryv 17, also of Loxtngton.
Trl. ShlMtoifoF Paxton was K
HiW(ta vlrlto'r ih tjfd'city Saturday, j
Jliaii Donaldson of Slaploton Wan ,Tho following carloal shlpmonta 6l
-e city Frldar to roceivo m'&tenl livestock woro madp from tho Norti
attention. Platto station of tho Union Pacific dur-
... . '"'! ing tho week ending osorday
Miss Grace Urcternltz is taking her 1 , j ,
.. . .... ... Omnba!on from the Western Union
Telegraph office. Itauch Llvo Stoolc Co., 4 cars cattlti
Mr. and Mrs. Itelnch of Omaha are to South Omaha,
visiting nt tho homq of their daugh-! J. F Frosh, 1 car horsea to DaVon-'
tor, Mrs. Joo Nolan. port, Nobraskn.
Ellen Erlckson loft Sunday for N, T, Troolstrup, 5 cars cattlo to
Omaha whero sho will spend tho . Solltll omaha. ' t
week visiting relatives. ' . , , ' , . . .
Todcnhof Bros., 1 car hogs to Ogdcn
Miss Itcta Houtwcll left yesterday Utah.
morning for Kearney, whore Bho will t .
Tho church helpers class of
Presbyterian church will have a class
party Friday nfternoon In tho church atlon yesterday at tho Platto Valloy
Every school child should have his
eyes carefully examined boforo start
ing to school, ns thoro is no ond to ,.,, ,, ...,, viuim ,..i.,
tho trouble that can bo caused by Mls8 Ethol McWllllams has ro- mU 1IAIl0L1) WALKER
weak eyes, such aa: lack of concen- Bllmc(1 ,.nr ,,,... nt ,hn Nn.,n ,,nnw .. ... vc .-a
tratlon, headaches through tho for- .,. nf, ,i, 1
parlors nt 3 o'clock. Tho entertain
ing committee consists of Mesdamcs
Hart, Hobison, LaRuo and Voider.
hospital for tho removal of tonsils.
Claudo DoLanoy returned homo
Monday from Denver where ho spent vision mny ho keen, tho eyes may ho
several days transacting businss. ' nndor n boavy Btrnltl nntl causes tho
a novo symptoms, uivo your child a
store after a weeks vacation.
Mrs. Porcy O'Brien returned homo
head, temples and lower part of the
back of tho head, smart ng, itching gund from Cmt fa
and nervousness. Even though the . ... ,
Wlilirillliv;u 411k Ill 31Mat.iI 11U1UU.
Offices over McDonald Hank
Phono 850
Miss Ruth Davidson has takon a
position at tho Fratcr Drug sttfro
from Elmcreok whoro sho Bpent a ! Alice M. Coy, president of tho Rc- (lurin5 tho ahsenco of Miss O'Haro.
fair chance by allowing Dixon's Eye
Sight Specialist to examine them.
bekah state assembly will bo present.
Aid Society will meet Thursday
afternoon in the church parlors.
Those on tho entertaining commltteo
aro Meadames Howard, M. N. Johnson
ston, Kunklo and Brown.
Mrs. E. C. Guam arrlvdd this
few weeks visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson ac
companied by Mrs. Edith Rodlno
spent Sunday In Gothenburg.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Plorco and
family of Hershey spent last' week in
tho city visiting with friends'.
Come in and seo our new lino of
fancy hnir pins and barrcttes.
C. S. Clinton & Son.
Bello Duvall is visiting in Lexing
ton this week at tho homo of her
cousin Miss Florence Wholcy.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kilmer and j home In Cheyenne,
daughter Vcrna of Arnold visited in
tho city with relatives last week.
Miss Mabel Rodino has resumed l
her duties as cashier at tho Johnson
store after ono weeks vacation.
Mrs. Rose Garrison has resumed
her duties at the Leader after a two
weeks vacation spent in Portland.
Joe Fillion and II. Landgraf left'
Satuiday by auto for points in Colo
rado to bo gone for a few weeks.
Misses Elizabeth and Myra Confer
Bpent last week in Sutherland visit
ing their sister Mrs. C"ias. Dameier. ,
Mrs. Tim O'Keefo and children re
turned Friday from Denver after
spending a week visiting with rela
, tives.
A. T. Johnson leaves tho last of
tho week for eastern markets to
purchase fall stock ror the Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Jainds Adams and
children left Saturday for Yuma,
Colorado whero they will spend two
Misses Helen and Elsie Langford
and nephew Allison Yost left Satur
day for Estes park to spend two
Miss Margaret Kildare returned
Sunday to her home in Ogallala after
visiting several days with friends in
the city.
Tho newest In ear crops, fancy!
hair pins, bobbed hair combs and !
C. S. Clinton & Son.
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Culton arrived
homo last evening from Omaha where ,
they spent tho past week visiting ,
Mrs. Luther Estes of Saline, Kans. j
camo last week to visit at tho homo
of her daughter Mrs. William Huxoll I
for several days.
. ::
Mrs. EH Hansen loft last evening Mrs. Maude Altlon and children of
for Denver whero she will spend a Grand Island camo Sundny to visit at
tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. "VV. T.
Aldon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alden met them
week visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Caso returned
this morning from a two weeks visit at "Ktm nnd accompanied them
Springs nnd Woodlnko
to Colorado
p. rl:.
Mrs. Geo. Amen and daughter re;
turned Monday 'from Maxwell whero
they spent several days visiting with
morning from Des Moines, Iowa, To friends.
spend the remainder of tho week Miss Margaret McCarthy returned AH oustauding accounts of tho lato
visiting her sister, Mrs. V. C. OH- yesterday to her homo in Spauldlng Dr McCabe ar0 now payable to tho
pliant. Mrs. r.nnm r e'nroute to her :iftor visit'lig scvernl weeks with her administrator of tho cstato at the
ti'v Xrz. Grlcstm. offico, .Knights of Columbus building.
Mrs. Omar Huff and daughter re
turned Friday from a two weeks vis
it with relatives In Portland.
We can use another active lady
at our Auto Trim shop for repair
Pure Bred Duroc Jersey Sows
10 head or tried sows weighing 400,
pounds or better in flno condition. To
farrow September 4 to 30. Bred to our.
Sensation and Pathfinder boars. "Wll
bo sold because of lack of room. $50.00
You're Sittin' on the
when you rido a CLEVELAND
Lightweight tho safe, sano com
fortable, dopondablo, lightweight
motorcycle. Thltfk!, A REAL
motorcyclo for only ?185. '.5
miles to tho gallon of gasoline.
15,000 miles on ono set of tires.
As easy to rido as a bicycle.
Lightwolghts aro spreading over
the country like radio fad. Havo
you seen tho CLEVELAND?
Come in and we'll givo you n
demonstration. No obligation.
John Null,
North Platte, Nebr.
The strikingly beautiful outlines of the Copper-Clnd
range stops every woman. As she looks and admires, she
finds that it is true beauty the beauty of simple elegence
and perfect proportions of fine finish tho thoughbred '
of the Range World.
Look for hinges on the above two only on the oven
door and they are long and smooth. There are six other
doors, yet not a hinge in sight, not a erttch, nor hook nor
latch- Bu't like fine automobiles, the liingcs aro all
"Free" means that this ware does not cost Copper-Clad
buyers a. single penny, it is a reward for buying while the
"Copper-Clad Crank" is hero and is offered by him to
justify you in attending this sale.
This ware is veiy substantial and just tho kind that
yoii, would select if buying for your own use. Tho 7-in-l
convertible cooker takes the place of sovon different ves-
sels as shown by figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G and 7. You can use
this utensil in some form every day.
Vroo lo every Copper-Clad buyer during this sale.
Come See the Asbestos Sweat
. Next Week9 Sept. 4th to 9th.
No matter whether you want a range
now or next year or any other time it
will pay you to come and seo tho Copper-
Clad Crank make tho Asbestos Sweat.
He takes any piece of Asbestos, puts it
between two jron plates heats it and
shows you the sweat. You can roll it up
in drops with your fingor.
Every good range must bo lined with"
asbestos to hold the heat around tho
oven and keep down fuel cost. Every time
tho range cools off, tho asbestos takes
moisture out of tho fresh air circulating
through tho range like a blotter takes up
water. When you fire, up this moisture is
driven by tho heat to tho outside against
tho cold range body and starts Sweat
Itust on the inside whero you can't got at
it even though yon know it rusts. Sweat
Itust ruins thousands and thousands of
otherwise good ranges every year. When
the range body is gone, the range is done
The Copper-Clad Idea Is "Pure Sheet
Copper Between the Asbestos and Range Body'4
Clad wipes clean like a dish.
Copper never rusts. It may tarnish but
it Will last centuries. There aro Copper
Domes that havo been defying tho ele
ments for hundreds of years. So, when
we say "Copper-Clad can't rust out," wo
mean that tho copper lining overcomes
all internal rust An oiled rag will keep
the outside free of rust ana there are
no fussy ornaments full of rivlts and
bolts to skin your hands. Tho Coppor-
If these things are so you should
know it. Not by horesay but by tho evi
dence of your own eyes. Remember, this
"Copper-Clad Crank" is hero to toll to
showto explain. Ho delights in it. You
won't bother him by asking questions.
Ho has oodles of time to answer and he
is hero to Show You.
With White Enamel Trimmings
"Copper-Clad" moans pure Sheet Copper is placed
BETWEEN the sweaty asbestos and range body. To place
it elsewharo would be like climbing on top of a roof to get
out of the wet.
Derryberry & Forks, Inc.