The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 29, 1922, Image 2

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Big-Town i
Ccmuriahr bd William. MacLeod Rama
Clnrcndon was giving an InfonnnI tea i
CHAPTER XIV, Continued for j,r llt ng rooiiiH. Half an liour
"I'll ask Mr. Bronilield to Rive you , before the time set, Beatrice got him '
fifty dollars again," she laughed nerv- on the wire and explained Hint her I
ously I car was stalled with engine trouble i
That word "again" stuck In his con- , iwo nines irom johkb.
Tm nwf'ly sorry, Cinry," sue
(Die trouble In getting Lindsay was ,
to draw him Into a trap he could not j
break through. If Rromlleld could de-1
liver his enemy Into his hands, Durnnd
thought he would be a fool not to
make the most of the chance. As for
this soft-fingered swell's stipulation
agulust physical Injury, that coati)d be
Ignored If the opportunity offered.
"Cnn you bring this Lindsay to n
gambling-dump? Will he come with
you?" demanded the gang politician.
"I think so. I'm not sure. Hut if I
do that, cnn you fix the rest?"
"It'll cost money."
"How much will you need?"
"A coupla thousand to start with.
More before I've finished. I've got to
salve the cops."
Hromlleld had prepared for this con
tingency. He counted out a thousand
dollars In bills of large denominations.
"I'll cut thnt figure In two. Under
stand. He's not Ur be hurt. I won't
have any rough work."
"Leave that to me."
"And you've got to arrange It bo
that when the house Is raided I escape
without being known."
"I'll do that, too. Lenve your ad
dress nnd I'll send a man up later to
Clay found hoTv particular the doo?- ."' m- Llnco,n County,' Nebraska, and -keeper
was as to those who entered for Ul distribution of tho personal i
he guessed at once It wns n Rambling property belonglnR to said estate, nnd '
When in North Platte
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Tho door opened far enough to let . . . . . ' A l&iCi flLftAilAl.
them slide Into a scantily furnished nna 1,10 "ersonai 1,ropcriy 01 Baiu
hull. On the landing wns nnother ostato distributed as provided by law .Everything first class and prlcen
guard, a heavy, brutal-looking fellow and by tho terms of tho Last Will reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific
who wns no doubt the "chuckcr-out." nnd Testament, of tho said Frederick stntion.
ffn Inn linl.-rwl Mi.i.ti nvnt" nlnenlt ltlf n ' i .1
From behind a grating tho man
peered at them doubtfully. Rromfleld
showed a card, and after some hesi
tation on the pnrt of his inquisitor,
passed the examination. Toward Clny
the doorkeeper Jerked his head Inquir
ingly. "He's nil right," the clubmnn
that said final account nnd application
will bo heard before tills Court In tho
County Courtroom In tho Courthouse
In the city of North Platte, County of
Llncoln.Stnte of Nobrnskn on tho 18th
dny of Soptcmbor, 1922 at 10 o'clock
a. m. and you nro hereby notified to
appear nl said time and placo and
show cause, If any thero bo why said
Again there was n suspicious nnd fhm, account should not bo allowed,
lengthy scrutiny. MM . , . , noninii
nnd tho personal property of said
viKf vnn iim in Mm uplininf wlion T r?nt 1 n irAu ii
tilended. "We ought not to have come ! " , " mnous as uromneiii snouiu patronize, '
"You've known me all along," he
"Of course I've known you knew
you when you stood on the steps after
you had tied the Janitor."
"I knew you, too?"
"Why didn't you say so?"
"Did you expect me to make thnt
prntwlstnml ulnv on the 'imrndn' n
clulm on yore kindness? I didn't do u guests were Rone no riivu mmsun mi hls long flngcrSi n(1(eii another word
after a glnnco at the card drew nslde
to let tllem pnss.
Through door near the head of the
stairs they moved Into a largo room,
evidently ninde from several smaller
ones with the partitions torn oown nnd
the ceilings pillared nt intervals.
Clay hnd rend about the magnifi
cence of Cnnfield's In the old dnys,
nnd he wns surprised thnt one so fas-
(SEAL) Acting County Judge
In tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobrnska.
In tho matter of tho Estate of Roso
M. Knox, Deceased.
. . 11 I - . . 1 . . Tl..,.
so rar. j-iuiibo ten our menus i v 0n a sheet torn from his momoran
been delnyed, and I won t do Jt )lum book 1r0tnfl(,ld wrote tilc name
again." 1 of the club which he most frequented.
nroniucm nung up uie receiver ... u , .,Don.t forgot tho neW8papers. I
tea somehow. Hut ns soon as his ijromflcld, massaging a glove onto
n place so dhiRy and so rough ns this, cu in said Estato:
At the end of one room wns a mnrhle Notice Is hereby given that a pot
uiantelpleco above which there was a Rlon for tho appointment of Vivlon M.
Icfnced, Rllt-frnme mirror. The ehnn- noniiam ns administratrix of tho ns-
fury. Ho restrnlncd himself for t t, to t t, st snk tho ! 'K'Hers the chnlrs. the wnllpnpcr nil tato of Roge M Knox, deceased, has
moment, made the necessary ex- clu,mmn( rsInj? m.pKte d he mn no cof one-time
nt on, and went through with the .T11 fl00 thov covpr th ...... ., opulence worn to slinbblness.
n,noJ,i.w. lint ns soon as his " ,LCllir,.. ... r ',' : A game of Klondike wns going, said petition will bo heard before
thing for you thnt
wouldn't hnvc done
hnnnencd to i revenge on the mtin who no doutu was
be tho lucky fellow that got tho chance. I lnughlng In his sleeve nt him. Ho
That's nil. Com'o to that, It wns up wunted the fellow exposed, discredited
to you to do the recognizing if nny
wns done. It hnd worked out that you
didn't know me, but onco or twlco from
things you said I nlmost thought you
and humiliated.
Hut how? Wulklng up nnd down j
his room like a caged panther, Rrom
fleld remembered that Lindsay hnd
other enemies In New York, powerful
dny nny mnn to Jus anger, no uegnn pinnning u of cnuti0IK "Don't slip up on this
thing. Lindsay's a long way from
being u soft mark."
"Don't I know It?" snapped Durand
viciously. "There'll be no sllp-up this
time If you do your part. We'll get
him, u ticl we'll Ret hi in right."
"Without nny violence, of course.
"Oh, of course."
"I inennt to tell you some time, but ones, who would be enRer to co-opcr- ( was there a covert hut derisive Jeer
well. I wanted to see how Ioiir you I ate with him In bringing about the , concealed In that smooth assent?
could keep from telling me. Now you've I man's downfall. Wns It posstble for j Rromlleld did not know, but he took!
done It ngnln." bn to work with them under cover ; nwny wltli him nn unense that dls-
"I'd like to ride with you tho rest ! If so, In what way? .' turbed his sleep that nlfiht.
of voru life." bo snld unexpectedly. Clarendon Rromfleld wns not a crlm- Hcfore the clubmnn wns out of the
They trembled on the cdRe of self- , Innl, but a convention member of
rovelntlon. It was tho girl who res- , society. It was not in his mind or In
cued them from tho expression of their ! bis character to plot the murder or
omotlons. mayhem of his rival. Whnt he wanted
"I'll sp'enk to Clury ubout It. Mnybe , was a public disgrace, one that would
ho',11 tnko you on ns a groom," she snl!i j blaro his name out to the newspapers
with surface lightness. as n lawbreaker. He wanted to sicken
As soon us they reached home Ren- . Heutrlce and her father of their
trice led the way Into tho library, strniige infntuntlon for Lindsay.
Hromlleld wns sitting there with her ' A plan began to unfold Itself for
father. They were tnlkhiR over plans j U was one which culled for ex-
IIUIT UHHlHllllltU. lit: UU.U.MI U uviijr
Duriind, Rot him on the telephone, and
made an appointment to meet him
There were two roulette wheels, n fnro tho County Court of Lincoln County,
tnble. nnd one circle of poker players. Nobraska In tho Courthouso In tho
Trie cold eyes of a sleek, slippery city of North Platto In said County
man sliding cards out of a faro-box on September 11 nt 10 o'clock a. m.
looked at the westerner curiously. , Rt wWch Ume ,ttfl
Among tho suckers who came to this , , '
den of thieves to be robbed were none mn' anPar nnd B,10W ca,,so- lf anV
of Clay's stamp. Lindsny wntched the . tlloro . wy o prayer of said pot- y. rjn PKITCHARD
white, dexterous hands of the dealer ition should not ho granted. . Grndunto Vctcrlnnrlnn
with an honest dlstast c. All ..long Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, Ex.Govermnent Veterinarian and ex
lliu liumui 1 1 will i) utuu6 iw . AilgUnt 10 IVZZ.
Eye Ear Jfoso and Throat
Ola.-sos fitted accurately
Over Dixon's Store
Modldno and Surgery
Hospital Facilities
Offico Phone 183 Rcsldonco 283
had seen just such soft, skilled lingers
fleecing those who tolled. He knew
i the bloodless, linpnsslve r"" 'r tho
County Judge
for the annual election or olllcers of ,
tho Rlrd Cage Mining company. Whit- j
ford was the largest stockholder nnd '
Hromlleld owned the next biggest
block. They controlled It between t
"Dnd, Rob Roy bolted and Mr. Lind
say stopped him before I wns thrown."
Whltford rose, tho color ebbing from
his cheeks. "I've nlwnys told you thnt
brute wns dangerous. I'll offer him
for sale today." ,
"And I've discovered that we know j
tho mnn who snved me from tho wild j
steer In Arlzonn. It was Mr. Lindsay."
"Llndsny!" Whltford turned to htm
"Is that right?"
"It's correct."
Colin Whltford, much moved, put n ,
bund on the younger mnn's shoulder. ,
"Son, you know what I'd like to tell
you. I reckon 1 can't say It right." !
"We'll consider It snld, Mr. Whlt
ford," answered Clay with his quick,
boyish smile, "No use In splllln' a lot ,
of dictionary words."
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"Jt wiih nothln' to brag about." ;
Rromfleld came to tlmu with n thin '
words of thnnks. "We're nil greatly i
in your debt, Mr. Lindsay."
As the dnys pnsscd the malicious
jealousy of the Now York jelubmnn !
deepened to n steady hntrcd. A fellow
of Ill-controlled temper, his thin
skinned vanity writhed at the condi
tion which confronted him. He was
engaged to n girl who preferred an
other nnd better man, ono against,
whom he hnd an unalterable grudge.
He recognized In the westerner nn
eager energy, a clean-cut resilience,
nnd nn abounding vitality he would
havo given a great donl to possess.
Ills own enrly munhood hnd been frit
tered nwny In futile dlsslpntlons and
hotel, Jerry was snapping Instructions
nt one of his satellites.
"Trail thnt fellow. Kind where he
goes, who ho Is, whnt girl he's ninshed
on, ull about him. .See lf he's hooked
up with Lindsay. And how? Hop to
It! Did you get a slant nt him ns he
went out?"
"Sure I did. He's my meat."
The trailer vanished.
Jerry stood at the window, still sul
lenly chewing his unllghted cigar, and
watched his late vlsltoV and the trailer
In the hurrying
"No Violence."
The ex-puglllst sat back In thp chnlr
chewing an unllghted blnck clgnr, his
fishy eyes fixed on Hromlleld. Scam
still decorated the colorless face, sou
venirs of a battle In which be hnd
been bested by a mnn he hated. Dur-1
and had a capacity for silence. Ho 1
wnlted now for this exquisite from the
upper world to toll his business.
Clarendon discovered that he had un-,
unexpected repugnance to doing this.
A fastidious sense of the obligation;
of cliiss served him for a soul and the
thing he was about to do could not be
Justified oven In his loose code of
ethics, no examined the ferule of bin
Malacca cane nervously.
"I've come to you, Mr. Durand,
about about a fellow called Lindsay."
The bulbous eyes of the other nar
rowed. He distrusted on principle all
kid gloves. Those he hnd met were
mostly nnibltlous reformers. Further
more, nny stranger who mentioned th"
nnme of the Arlzonan became Instant
ly nn object of suspicion.
"Whnt about' him?"
"I understand that you and he are
not on friendly terms. I've gathered
thnt from what's been told inc. Am I
Durand thrust out his salient chin.
"Snyl Who the h1 are you? Whut'a
entln' you? Whatta you want?"
"I'd rather not tell my name."
lose themselves
"White-livered simp. 'No violence,
Mr. Durand.' limp! Different here."
An evil grin broke through on tho
thln-llppcd, cruel fnce.
Whrn HromllcJd suggested to Clny
"Nothln' doln'. No nnme, no busi
ness. That goes."
"Very well. My name is Hromlleld.
ho resented bitterly thu contrast bo-, TJ,i fenow Llndsny gets In my way.
tween hlnisulf nnd Llndsny thnt must j i wmit to eliminate him."
continually be present In the mind of irc you asklu' mo to' croak him?"
tho girl who had promised to nuirry ! , ..Goml GU( no, z don.t wttnt Wm
him. He hnd many adventitious things hurt nhvslcnllv ." cried Rromfleld.
to offer her such advantages ns mod
ern civilization has made desirable to
hothouse women hut ho could not
.give the clean, splendid youth she
craved, it was the price ho hnd puld
for mnny sybnrltlc plcnsures he hnd
been too soft to deny himself.
With only u little more than two
"Whnttu you want, then?" Tho
I tight-lipped mouth and the hnrsh voice
j called for ti showdown.
' "I want him discredited disgraced."
"Some friends of mine nre lnfntu-
i nted by him. I want to unmask him
To whom it mny concern:
The specinl commissioners appoint
ed to locnto a public road as follows:
Commencing at a point on tho section
lino between sections 9 and 1C, where
Public Road oN. 11 intersects said
section line, running thence west on
the section line between sections
9 and 16 and 8 and 17 to tho inter
section with Road No. 77 all in town
ship 14 range 30, said roaa lo bo C6
feet wide, has reported in favor of
tho establishment of tho same all
objections thercto.'or claims for dam
ages by reason of tho establishment
of tho above described road must be
filed In tho offico of the County Clerk
of Lincoln county Nobraskn, on or
boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 9th
dny cf October, 1922 or said Road will
bo 1 1, Dwed without roferenco thereto.
Witness my hand and official seal
this 27th day of July, 1922.
(SEAL) County Clerk
assistant deputy State Veterinarian
Hospital 315 South Vino Street
Phones. Hospital G33 Residence G3S
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
Calls promptly answered Night or Day
Phonos. Offico 642 Residence 676
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offico Phono 83 Residence 38
All Told, There Were Not a Dozen i
Respectable-Looking People In the !
Practico Limited to Disease of
"Women and Surgery
Over Rexall Drug Store
Phones: Offico 127 Residence 656
Beeler Crosby & Basklns. attys
professional gambler ns well as he ,
j knew the anxious, reckless ones of his Estato No. 1868 of Jane James, de
vlctlms. Ills knowledge had told him , ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln
little good of this breed of parasites county. Nebraska
who preyed upon a credulous public. Nebraska, to all per-
The fratllc of this room wns crooked i '
business by dny ns well us by nleht. 30113 interested in said Estate, take
I A partition ran ncross the rear of the ! notlco that tho Administrator with
, back parlor which showed no opening
j but two small holes with narrow
' shelves at the bottom. Back of that
was the paraphernalia of the pool
room, another device to separate cus
tomers from their money by playing
the "ponies."
As Clny looked around it struck him
tho will annexed has filed a final ac
count and rqport of his adminlstra
tion and a petition for final settle
ment and dlschargo as such Admin
istrator with tho will annexed which
havo been set for hearing boforo said
court on Septomber 1, 1922, at 10
that the personnel of this gnmbllng-! o'elock a. m. when you may appear
den's patrons wns n singularly depress- nnd contest tho samo.
lng one. All told, there were not n Dated August 7, 1922
"8ayl Who the H I Are You? What'i
Eatln' You? Whatta You Want7"
with n touch of stiffness thnt he would
dozen respectable-looking peoplo In j
the room. Most of those present were
derelicts of life, the failures of a Rrent,
city washed up by the tide. Some!"
County Judge.
Offico 340 House 723J
Osteopatii Physician
Over the Oasis North Platte
Makes or Repairs anything made of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
510 Locust Under General Hospital
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platte, Nob.
Over HIrschfeld's
Office Phono 333 Res. Phone 1020
bo glad to show htm n side of New I wcro pnllld, haggard wretches clinging
York night llfo probably still unfanill- to the vestiges of a prosperity that
William Stuart, attorney
weeks of freedom before her, Hcatrlco ln a pubUe way B0 as to d t thcm
mado tho most of her dnys. For tho jmni't
first time In her llfo she become a inim j,, jt.s a Klrj
creature of moods. The dominant ones Wo.n n"ot uiscuss 'that." snld tho
were renciiion, recKicssm-sH mm ru-
pentnnce. While Hromflold waited and I
fumed Bho rode and trumped with
Clay. It was not fair to her alllnnccd
lover. She knew that. Hut there were
times when sho wanted to shriek an
dressmakers nnd costumers fussed
over her nnd wore out her Jangled
nerves with multitudinous detntls.
The sumo hysteria welled up In her
occasionally at tho luncheons and din
ners thnt wero belngclvcn In honor of
her nppronchlng mnrrlage.
It was not logical, of course. She
was moving toward the destiny she
hnd chosen for herself. Hut thero wns
an Instinct ln her, savugo and primi
tive, to hurt Rromfleld because she
herself was suffering. In tho privacy
of her room she- passed hours of tear
ful regret for theso bursts of fierce
Ten day boforo the wedding Bea
trice wounded his vanity flagrantly.'
clubmnn with a touch of hauteur.
"As to tho price, if you can arrange
thu thing ns I want it done, I'll not
haggle over terms."
The ex-puglllst listened sourly to
Uromfleld's proposition. Ho watched
narrowly this fashionably dressed vis
itor. His suspicions still stirred, but
not so actively. Ho was Inclined to
bellevo ln tho sincerity of tho fellow's
hatred of tho westerner. Jealousy
over a girl could easily account for It.
Jerry did not Intend to lnvolvu him
self until he had made sure.
"Whatta you wuut mo to do? Com a
"Could wo get him into u gambling
house, arrango some disgraceful mlxup
with a woman, get the placo raided by
tho police, and havo tho whole thing
como out ln tho papers?"
Jerry's sllttcd eyes went off Into
space. Tho thing could bo arranged.
far to mm, the cattleman telt a
surprise he carefully concealed. He
guessed that this wus n belated nt
tcmpt on the part of MUs Whltford's
flnnco to overcome the palpable dislike
he hnd for her friend. If so, tho Im
pulse that Inspired tho offer wns a
crcdltnblo one. Llndsny hnd no desire
to take ln any of tho plaguo spots of
tho city with Rromfleld. Something
about tho society mnn set his back up,
to use his own phrase. Rut because
this was true he did not intend to bo
outdone ln generosity by a successful
rival. Promptly nnd honrtlly ho ac
cepted tho Invitation. If ho had
known that n note nnd n card from
Jerry Durand lay In the vest pockot
of his cynical host while ho was hold
ing out tho olive branch, it is probable
tho Arlzonan would have said, "No,
thank you, kind sir."
Tho noto mentioned no names. It
said, "Wedncsdny, nt Mnddock's, 11
p. m. Show this card."
And to Mnddock's, on Wednesday,
nt an hour something earlier then 11,
tho Now Yorker led his Ruest after a
call at ono or two clubs.
Even from tho outside the place had
a dilapidated look that surprised
Ltndsay. The bell was of thnt brand
you keep pulling till you discover it
is out of order. Decayed Rcntlllty
marked tho nclRhborhood, though tho
blank front of the houses looked Im
peccably respectable.
As a feeble camouflage of its renl
reason for being, Maddock's icalled
Itself the "Omnium club." But when
had onco been theirs. Others were
hnrd-fneed rulllnns from the under
world. Not n few bore tho marks of
the drug victim. All of those playing
had a manner of furtive suspicion.
They knew that lf they risked their
money tho house would rob them. Yet
they plnyed.
Broinfleld bought a small stack of
chips nt tho rouletto tnble.
"Won't you take n whirl at the
wheel?" ho asked Llndsny.
"Thanks, no, I believe not." his
guest answered.
Tho westerner wns a bit disgusted
at his host's lack of discrimination.
"Does ho think I'm a soft mnrk too?"
no wondered "If this Is what ho calls
Estato of Alfred Peterson, deceased
ln tho County Court of Lincoln Coun
ty, Nobraska.
Tho State of Nobraska, to all per
sons interested in said Estato tako
notice that tho Administrator has
filed a final account and report of his
administration and a petition for final
sottlomont and dlschargo as such
Administrator, which havo been sot
for hearing boforo said court on Aug.
29, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. when you
may appear and contest the samo.
Dator Aug. 7, 1922.
County Judge.
Rooms 5. 6, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Offico Phone 70 Res. Phono 1242
Offico Phone 241 Res. Phone 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platto, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
Halligan, Beatty & Halligan. Attys.
In tho County Court of Lincoln
County, Nobraska.
In tho Mattor of Uio Estato of Fred
erick Woruoko, Docoased.
To tho Holrs and All Persons In
terested ln said Estato.
You aro hereby notified that on
August 23, 1922, Frieda Schorz as ox
ocutrlx of Bald estate, niea ln said
Court hor final account and appli
cation for tho assignment of tho tltlo
to tho real CBtato belonging to said
ftstato, consisting of tho Southwest
Quarter (SWU) of Section Ten (10)
In TownBhlp Thirteen (13) North of
Rango Thlrty-ono (31) Wost (W) 6
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnoss and Treamcnt
Over Union Stato Bank
Offico Phono 296W House Phono 296R
Estato No. 1902 of Marta Kocstor, do
ceased In tho County Court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska.
Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all per
sons Interested in said Estato tako
notlco that a petition has been tiled
for tho probate of the last will and
testament of said doccased and for
tho appointment of Herman C. Koester
as administrator iwith will annoxed of
said ostato, which has been sot for
hearing heroin on Septomber 1, 1922
at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated August 4, 1922.
Wm. H. a Woodhurst
(SEAL) County Judge
Physician and Surgeon
Special Attention Given to Surgery
and Obstetrics
Offico: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Offico 130 Residence 115
X-Ray Diagnosis Oxygen nnd
Gas Anesthesia for Extractions.
Ovor Union Stato Bank
Phono 296.
Licensed Embalmers
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 548