The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 29, 1922, Image 1

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    3? . . ..
No. 07
mum r w, m am wm
Students Will Be Met on The First Day By Many of Last
Year's Faculty With a Number of New
Teachers to Fill Vacancies
All Over the State Just Now
Tho North Platte city schools hvtill open Tuesday, Soptember nth. A
full'corps of teachers has been secured nml everything has been reported'
in readiness for tho opening. Tho pupils of tho lower six grades will attend
tho ward schools whllo thoso enrolled In tho upper six grades will attond
ono of tho high schools. Tho ward districts are a follows: All north of tho i
Union Pacific, tracks is in tho Lincoln school dlstrlctlall south of .the Union
Pacific tracks and west of Locust street is in tho Washington school district ,
and all east of Locust and south of tho tracks is in tho Jefferson school 1
'district. Thoso living In tho extreme western part of tho district will attend
tho Baker school. Thoso pupils who
are in grades seven, eight and nine II ITU K VhVll 1'IO'IC STAUKl) IN A
will report to tho Franklin building CANYON HAST OF
for work in tho Junior high school HHJNKLL
and thoso In grades ten, eleven and 1
twelve will attend tho Senior high The Hotary club was host to the,
school in tho Central building. All Klwanis club and families at a pic
will report at nine o'clock Central nlc ln tho canyon just cast o BlgnoU I
timo on Tuesday for registration. A lust ovenmg b0B,nnhlB flt s,x 0.cloc ,
meeting of all teachers will bo held The placo la a loyely spot fQr such an
in tho Central school building at 1:30 afTair and tho cvenlng wag dcllght
on Monday and following this meet- ul Probably S0Q pcoplo worQ th(ro
ing tho teachers will repair to their An nrtlflc,al M m
respec uvo , uuuniga - colored flares sot in tho walls of tho
vth thn nr noinnls thorn. FollowinC . . 1 l"u
canyon furnished light. Tho dinner
consisting of fried chicken, mashed
potatoes and hot gravy, sandwiches
with tho principals there. Following
is the assignment of teachers.
W. J. Braham, Superintendent
Cecolia Bairn, stenographer
Ruby Damme, Girls Gymnasium
Bess Boyles, Household Arts
H. II. Newman. Manual Arts
Rock Springs coal is being handled
by tho railroad horo In consldorablo
quantities. Tho Wyoming manors
wont to work last Thursday and by
Saturday coal was being (received
horo. Tho railroad noods aro botng
taken caro of from thoso mines.
Throo moro freight crows wore
put to work on tho third district this
wcolc, malting twonty-ono pool crows
ttvo locnl crows and ono work crow
In tho freight department of that dis
trict. This is an increaso over tha
' number working horo at any timo
i during tho past few months.
Miss Esther Autonldes, accompan
ied by Miss Foy Smith of Omaha, a
' formor teacher ln tho North Platto
schools woro to lcavo Boston this
week for Washington and othor points
on their way homo. They havo boon
attending tho summer term of Boston
i University.
pickles, salad, coffee, ico cream, pop
melons, punch and trimmings was
provided by tho Bignoll Comunltj
club and was very fine. Entertain-
Charles Killian, Science and Band , mcnt was furnished by a committee
1.T1. I 1 1. . 1
W. R. Roettger, Commercial and which cummenueu on mo re
Ed Mason who haB taken a six
months lcavo of absence ns chief
. zr-.- . ; . clerk ln Trainmaster Gudgol's offlco
WATER DEPARTMENT RECEIVES Mias left for Now York and from
REPORT CITY WATER IS thoro will go to tho coast. Ralph
SAFE Hanson Is temporarily taking tho
vacancy until somoono Is appointed
Ethel Fritz Baker, muslo
Fred Elliott, truant officer
Clarence Jones, drill
Keith Novllle, football
Dr. J. R. McKlrahan, basketball
E. E. Carr, d6bato
Mrs. Rasmusson, first
suit. The.guests were sent into tho
canyon through a winding path where
they were met by strange characters
who made minute inspections ,and
examinations to see that no bootleg
ging went on and that everyone was
properly equipped. In going througn
substitute one deep tunnel tho master of tho
1 Inferno made a pass at tho wayfarer
Tho following clipping from the
Billings, (Montana) Gazette will bo
of interest to North Platto friends
Sample of water woro taTton to tho placo or Mr. Mason returns.
from taps at 1207 W. Fourth strcot,
G12 Chestnut and 1109 E Fourth I
L. L. Eison, head janitor
Effio V. Johnson, principal
;anQ wild animals assailed tho path
Tho second annual reunion of tho
89th Division will bo hold nt Omaha, i
September 20-22 inclusive. Tho an
nouncement says: A barrngo com
posed of Horso Races, Vaudeville i
- ... . . ...1. 011,- ..Miilin - I..
Shows, Boxing and Wrestling matcnes, The n-anoeland Entertalnors. who,"""' ,,uu'1' x"u ulu iuiv- . . . nrnolov. ln Mav 1918
Cabaret Entertainers, Ak-Sar-Ben ; f or the last six weeks havo delighted cd yesterday and tho lntorprotatlon and ln ihQ potltlon Bho allcdgos that
T7M....i TnM l.o. inM .lr...m , r a .-. j wiw na fnllntFB! "Sn.t lnf not nrv linifnT-i . .
jjiutuitiu i. uj,vui n uu iuiu "(uuiinBa uuvoieus oi lurpiscuoru uuu
Application for a dlvorco was filed
fliln wnnlr hv Mm. Tlnth Murnhv
of the boys composing tho Dancoland strcot and cent to tho stato bactor-1 agaInst Jos T Murphy on tho
Kntertainors: loiogisi ai ijincom lor examination
grounds of desertion. Thoy woro
Satisfactory bactor-1
for tho veterans. Their appetites wlRj popular, music played their f arowoll i logically, no ovidenco o contain- n(Jt Uvo(1 wlh hcr Qr BUpported hor
. .. . .
I ho loit nor mat eamo year anu uun
slnco. There aro no children.
In places. An orchestra rurnlshed 1 cipato. A pass to all entertainment
isome good selections and asslted in ! features will bo given each 89th
bo appeased at a hlg bnrbecuo whore"4tjanco jn uuiings last night at tho nal'on wltl1 bactoria of Intestlonal i
Army Chow is barred. Valuable prizes Airdmnn nml will loavo todaV for origin being found." Ono sample
will bo given to tho winners at the Casper, Wyo., whero they accopted .takon from li tap at tlio water station Superintendent Brnhnm has an
blg field meet, whore ovents havo tongag0'ment at the Acquian Danco showcd traces of colon bacilli which , nounccd the regulations rogardlng
been scheduled so that all can parti-1 Daiaco tho examiner said must havo comrt 1 tlto kindergartens in tho city schools.
from caroloss preparation of tho satru All children jivjio aro tlvo years oiu.
pie, ub it would bo lmposslblo to or who will bo fWvo during tho first
This popular qulntetlo of musicl-
one ri o a fi fa f t A r wt o n A f It nl- am ne
Dorothy Fauquet, botany and phy-tUl0 sl,iging Mock trlal3 o varlous j Division man when he registers. The ' . .. inmnia 41l Pnt" havo infection of tho water at the , two school weeks of Soptcmbor will
.1 . i , . ... IU Ill . v"-- .-"f ".u . . . . . . I. . ... . . . .... , 1
v-it, h''h .w V I in concludlnc its Billinus ontracomonl i pumpine pmnt anu no lnlccllon ln ' '"imiucii 10 uio
Phoro for tho occasion. Several blocks " " J!, three widely scattered parts of, Children whoso fifth birthday comes
of tho main thoroughfares aro to bo 1 cnv 08 ,na J l"""s nDp.,,' " tho system from which tho samples 1 later tl.nn this and prior to tho closo
placarded like the roads and villages..11118 beon 1110 BOoa rortuno r w , , t t , j of tll0
on the front In France. The interior mualolal organizations to achieve, were token. Tho condition wan ! JJ bo a(JmUtCQ to
of the mamouth city auditorium wIll,BUcn Popularity ln such a compara-, marked as very satisfactory. jtho 80Cond Bomoslor ciaM.
flw.nrntnd to roc.ill the various , "veiy snort timo. xuoir moioay win : ; 11
Ruth Duncan, mathematics
M. Estelle Hughes, mathematics
Mary Dyo, Spanish
Mary Ellen Schank, Latin.
Mabel Walters, history
offenders and a general attempt ot'c,ty "'ni present war front ntnios-j
tho uniformed policemen to keep
everybody within tho law as they in-'
I terpreted It, furnished wonJerous I
amusement. It is said to bo ono of
Ocen Rawlings, civics and history jattempted horo and Js gonoral,y
Mabel Gibson. English i credited with having been one of the
Florence Antonldes, normal train-1
Esther K. Robeson, commercial
George I. Meyers, principal
Florence Wilcox, geography
Tna Diener, general science
Nora Hansen, history
Helen Brandos, history and
Amelia .Toynt, English
Bessie Smith, English
, out tho fact that the coal situation
will bo acute If the winter starts
early and continues for long spells,
i There is no storage and practically
civics i'all bins aro empty. It Is estimated
that ten por cent of the local con
sumers havo put In their winters
llvo long ln tho memories of the
will bo tho well knoiw.n canteen work- many who havo enjoyed an ovoning
crs. The general's dugout has not at the Airdomo during tho last six'
been overlooked. In fact everything weeks. The personality of tho mu-
to make the "Fighting Middlo West- slclans, too, has left its Impress,
orncrs" feel at home will bo included. Tho Danceland Entertainers all
The "Buck Private" will bo presented hall from North Platte, Nebr. Tho
with tho koy to the city and when tliaummcri n0w waning, has been spen
reunion is over "Buck" will know by thcm jn touring. Tho organlza
that ho has boon some place, ac- tlon fa compoBod of Bob Dickey,
cording to tho several hundred Om- nnvnn,innn- T.nn Newton, drums: !
Lyle Ludwig, trombone: waiter
alia 89th men who havo tho reunion in.
Elta Munsingor, English composition ' supply. This docs not include those charge. Faro and one-half rates for Brown pian0; Ed Dickey, banjo
Beatrice Ballard, mathematics
Cecilia King, mnUiematics'
Mary Hart, mathematics
Hazel Mlnshall, mathematics
Ruth Casteel, Latin
Anna G. Wolff, extra toachor
Dolla G. Kerr, Principal
Mablo I. Reynolds, fifth grado
Goorgina McKay, fourth grade
Goraldino Tracowell, third and
Frances Watson, third grade
Elda Doty, second grade
Ester Elder, second grade
Ella Drake, first grade
Dot Kusor, kindergarten
Daisy Belle Miller, opportunity
Laura Murray, principal
- Noll Hartman, fifth and sixth grada
Jessie Honn Meyers, fifth grado
Gladys Lyle, fourth grado
Dora Wallace, third grado
Ida Mao Scott, second grado
Itoxanna Erb, Second grado
Adda Turplo, first grado
who use largo quantities for man- the round trip havo hoon granted on
ufacturlng purposes but only for all railroads. Hotels aro providing
household uses. If tho fall should
bo mild and tho winter open it is
probable that all local needs can bo
A card from W. P. Killen, who
with Mrs. Killen Is conducting a
party through Europe, says thoy
wer.o enjoying Paris on August 14.
Ho says all aro well, that they will
bo glad to got back to Nebraska
friends. In concluding ho writes
"Tho North Platto contlngont aro
good travelers and up and comlnjf."
rooms for tho veterans at about half
of; the rogtifyr rates', butl advance
reservations must bo mado to F. O.
Tho boys and girls clubs of Lin. ,
coin county will bo well represented 1
at tho stato fair next week. County
Blonda Butts, kindergarten
Myrtle Moretith, opportunity room
Gail W. Stephens, principal
Alico M. Andrews, fifth grade
Opal Hammond, fourth grado
Lena Gartner, third grado
Muriel Brunton, second grado
Thea Hanson, first grado
Dorothy Hubbard, first grado
Gladys Bird, kindergarten
Malm. Chairman Reunion Committee Ascnt Kellogg and tho llvo stock
! at 500 Electric Bldg., Omaha. Omaha's Judging team consisting of Jamca
hotolB nro always filled to capacity "sso, Osla Rosso ana ucorgo ocn i
during Ak-Sar-Ben Festival which will lcavo for Lincoln Thursday of i
will bo at Its height during tho' re- this week. Then on Friday R. R.
union. All drafted men from Nebr- Morris will accompany tho poultry
nska, Missouri, Colorado, South Da- demonstration team composed of
kota, Kansas, Wyoming, Arizona and Violet Flotchcr and Bornord Loavltt
Now Mexico woro detailed to Camp and Mrs. Leavltt will conduct tho
Funston to this Division. Sinco 85,000 canning team consisting of Elanot
men wero in its ranks at ono time Leavltt and Lylo Morris. Thoso
or another, Omaha Is preparing to teams havo all been working on their
entertain thousands of vetorans. Any J eubJoctB for weokn and aroj golng
man who served with 83th regardless to malco a Great showing for Lincoln
of longth of service Is eligible. county.
The Gilfoyl Studio,
Opens September, 1st, 1922.
Auditions by appointment.
Cream and Produce
Phone 81
Across from Depot
What We Really Sell
Is Satisfactory
A doctor sells health, and a tailor sells
garments. You wouldn't caro to patronize a
doctor who sells merely pills or a tailor who
sells only cloth.
An automohlle dealer sells transpor
tation, so why think of him as ono who
sells only a car? We sell our customer satis
factory transportation. Our knowledge and
experience lead us to recommend tho splen
did new Dodge Brothers Models. Our equip
ment for tho service of Dodge owners as
sures tho desired result.
tSxx.J U
J. V. ROMIGH, Dealer.
6th & Locust. Phone 844.
You can expect and you will receive tho
same kind of thoro service on any of our
guaranteed and renewed Dodgo cars bought
' Note See tho new Dodgo y ton truck.