THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SWEET HONE It bmn fan, ' Terry GiUrison kOTOCASTtR eP,DAO, I KNOW EVERY THMG ABOUT ANIAALS MOW r IT'5 ENOUGH TO NAWB ) fMe COWS AND PiGS BUT ) reuu what s the .BIGGEST ANIAL in tWE wOPtP ff 1 1 I I TMI r.. i.nuAi im -TUB til W J 1 vpiuuc? 1 "nil'Wll. 't IT- - 111 - 1 J - WELL. I KNOW AU RJGHTl IT'S THE ANIAL -THAT'S ALWAYS 60N SOANE PLACE.' si i V r V I -"The one m the circus that alwavs has his trunk , WITH HM t I I mi NOTES AND PERSONAL MENTION CONDENSED FltOM COUNTS PAPERS Tho 110181107 tolophouo cjjmpfany lias moved its exchango to the brick building the company recently com pleted. Tho Hershoy and Sutherland bands will furnish music for tho bfg round up to bo hold north of Sutherland this week. Miss Kathorlno Thompson and Frank Kilpatrick of Philadelphia, aro guests of thoir cousin G. Shapley Thompson of Hershoy. Maxwell and Brady have signed a contract to tako olectric current for light and power from tho Gothenburg Power Company. A gun club was organized at Suth erland last week. Tho officers elected "whoro; P. R. Garman, president; I. B. Gordon, vice-president; and It. A. Oox, treasurer. Mrs' Ira Nicholson of Maxwell was cut and bruised when the car in which sho was riding, collided with a car driven by Fred McCraig of Brady. Merrick & Co. of Maxwell, aro of fering a reward of $50 for tho appre hension of tho thief who broke into their storo and stole six revolvers. Uniforms hnvn linMi nrclnrpil frr llm Horshoy Band which has a member ship of twenty-two. Through tho ef forts of Jim Abbott tho business men subscribed liberally for tno purchase of tho uniforms. R. S. Erricsson of Canon City, Colo, formerly of Cottonwood precinct, spent last week with Lincoln county friends. Ho is now a chicken and fruit farmer, and will ship a thousand boxes of apples. Tho North Lincoln County Sunday School convention will bo held at Brady next Sunday. Tho forenoon and afternoon sessions will bo hold in a grovo and tho evening exercises in tho town hall. Miss Cleo Chappell, former Lincoln County superintendent of schools, now Normal teacher at Trenton, N. J. visited friends at Brady last week. Brady recently took a fifteen inning ball game from Hershoy by a score of six to five. Engineer Mark Burkw, who is mak ing tho survey for tho Keith and Per ' kins county irrigation ditch, tolls tlifc Sutherland Courier that tho cost of construction will bo less than $25 per aero. This proposed ditch covers a large acreage south and west of Suth erland in Lincoln county. Andrew Hyatt was awarded tho contract for tho burial in tho Ft. Mc pherson national cemetery of tho 200 remains of soldiers recently shipped from old Ft. Sidney. Small boxes con tain the remains of each soldier and they are (buried separately in holes four foot deep. Wlillo driving to his homo near Her shoy a few nights ago, J. W. Wellivor was run into by a big North Platte car. Tlio front wheols of tho 'Wellivor car were smashed but fortunately nono of tho four occupants wero in jured. 'Wolliver says tho North Platte car was running without lights. LINCOLN COUNTY FAIR. Can You Beat This? An automobile vehiclo that travels 75 miles an hour on one gallon of gasollno and 15,000 mllos on ono set of tiros. That's ijho CLEVELAND Lightweight tho lowest priced REAL motor cycle you can buy costs only $185. Lafo and sano as easy to rido as a bicycle. Don't theso facts interest you? Now, como in and inspect it Then yoc won't bo satisfied until you own a CLEVELAND. Drop in at any timo. John Null, North Platte, Nebr. Tho timo drnwo near for tho annual Lincoln County Fair tho dates being Sopt. 19th, 20th, 21st, and 22nd. There has ibeen no limit to tho timo and ex pense in preparing this to bo tho lar gost and best county fair aver held in tho state. Tho (enj(ortainmont will far oxccll that of previous years, thoro will bo many free attractions to amuso both young and old. There-will also bo horse racing, auto racing, wild west stunts, etc., something amusing evory minute. In addition to the above mentioned, tho Lincoln County people will again have tho opportunity of displaying thcro stock and produce. Slnco this idea has boon carried out at tho fair each year of making an exclusively Lincoln County exhibit, attention has been more directed to the very best that Lincoln County produces. Tho ono endeaver with each suc coding year by Lincoln County people most interested in tho work Is that of making tho exhibits as representative a ono as possible of tho great variety of products that belong In Lincoln bounty. This exhibit is past tho experiment al stage. It should bo taken hold of by all Lincoln county peoplo with a spirit of prido in presenting to all Nebr aska people an exhibit that will direct ly reflect growing Interest in Lincoln county as an industrial and agricul tural center. Tho Boys and GirIsvClubs aro work ing hard to make a big showing of what tho Boys and Girls Clubs can and aro going to do to make this Fair a success. They aro to bo highly complemented as we all realize this generation means the success of the future Fairs. Tho Fair of 1922 from all present indications will greatly eclipse any previous year in all lines. Tho farm ers, the livestock breeders, tho peoplo and business men of all towns in tho county aro backing tho Fair as never boforo, which must necessarily spell unboundod success. Over 300 season tickets have been sold, tho prico of tho season tickets this year being $2.00, also gate and grandstand fees havo soon lowered, Iso no ono need stay away on account of high prices. So if you have not already done so, begin planning now on your exhibit for tho Fair and then como as every thing is being dono for you to havo a good time. J. C. Wilson :o: THE NEW H. & S. AGENCY CARD OF THANKS. Wo wish to express our hoartfolt thanks for tlio many acts of kindness and tho beautiful floral offerings which was tendered us at tho hour of our bereavement, tho death of our be loved daughter and sister, Bella. Wo wish to thank in particular tho mem bors of tho Ladies Auxiliary of tho B. of R. T., Ladios Auxiliary of tho Amer ican Logion, J. F. F. Club, Canteen Co. A., Tho War Mothers, and neigh bors and friends. Mr and Mrs. James Dorrnm, Mr. and Mrs. (J. Ray Dorram, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dorram, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Dorram. :o: Clinton's for Eyo Service NOTICE OF HEARING Telephone number is G12. Call for pary wanted. Now offices one-half block north post office. In the County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. In tho matter of tho Estato of Roso M. Knox, Deceased. To tho Heirs and all persons interest ed in said Estato: Notice is hereby given that a pet ition for tho appointment of Vivien M. Bonham as administratrix of tho es tate of Roso M. Knox, deceased, has been filed in this Court and that tho said petition will bo heard before tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska in tho Courthouse in tho City of North Platte in said County on September 11 nt 10 o'clock a. m. at which timo any person interested, may appear and show cause, if any there bo, why tho prayer of said pet ition should not bo granted. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska, August 1G, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 17 IN THE CTTY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. When in Omaha STOP WITH US Hotel Conant Hotel Sanford Hotel Henshaw Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any one of them with the as surance of receiving honest value and courteous treatment. CONANT HOTEL COMPANY To tho owners of tho record titlo of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets horoinaftor doocrlbed and all porsons intorcatod theroln: You and each of you aro horoby notified that tlio Mayor and City Coun cil of tho city of North Platto did undor dato of July 21st, 1922 pass and approve a cortain ordinanco forming and creating paving district No. 17 of tho city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tho fol lowing streets including tho inter sections thereof within tho limits of tlio city nro comprised within said paving district, to-wlt: All that por tion of Sixth Stroqt commencing at tho west lino of tlio intersection ot said Sixth Stroot with Bryan Avenuo in said city of North Platto, Nebraska, running thonco wcBt along said Sixth Streot and Pino Streots, in said city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and commencing at tho north line of tho intersection of Third Streot and Poplar Avenuo and run ning thenco north along said Poplar Avenue to tho south lino of tho inter section of said Poplar Avenuo and Seventh Streets of Bald city of North Platto. Lincoln County, Nebraska, thoro to torminato, oxclusivo of inter sections of Poplar and 3rd, th. and 5th streots respectively. Unless objections aro fllod as re quired by statuto within twenty days from tho first publication of this no tico, tho Mayor and City Council shall proceod to construct such paving. Dated this 24th day of July, 1922. E. H. EVANS Attest: O. E. Elder Mayor City Clork (SEAL) EXTENSION ROAD NO. 107. To whom it may concern: Tho spocial commissioners appoint ed to locato a public road as follows: Commencing at a point on tho sootlon lino between sections 9 and 16, whero Public Road oN. 11 Intersects said section line, running thonco west on tho section lino botwoon sections 9 and 16 and 8 and 17 to tho inter section with Road No. 77 all in town ship 1-1 range 30, said roaa to bo 66 feet wido, has roportcd in favor of tho establishment of tho saino. all objections thoroto, or claims for dam ages by roason of tho establishment of tho abovo described road must bo filed in the offico ot tho County Clork of Lincoln county Nobraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 9th day of October, 1922 or said Road will bo allowod without roforonco thoroto. Witness my hand nnd official seal this 27th day of July, 1922. A. S. ALLEN (SEAL) County Clerk o'clock a. in. when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated August 7, 1922. WRL II. C. WOODHURST, County Judgo. William Stuart, attorney NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Beolor Crosby & Baskins. attys NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato No. 1868 of Jano James, de ceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County Nobraska, Tlio Stato of Nouraskn, to all per sons Interested in Bald Estato, tnko notlco that tho Administrator with tho will annexed has flloa a final nc tount and roport of his adminlstra tlon nnd n potitlon for final settle ment nnd dischargo as such Admin istrator with tho will nnnexod which havo boon sot for hearing boforo said court on Soptomber 1, 1922, ntv 10 Estato of Alfrod Potorson. decoascd in tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho Stato ot Nebraska, to all por sonB lntorestod in said Estato tako notico that tho Administrator has filed a final account and roport of his administration and a petition for final sottlomont and dischargo as such Administrator, which havo boon sot for hearing boforo said court on An. 29, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contost tho same. Dator Aug. 7, 1922. WM. H. 0. WOODHURST, County Judgo. Halligan, Boatty & Halllgan. Attys. NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1902 of Marta Koostcr, do coasod in tho County Court of Lib coin County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska. To all por sons interested in said Estato tako notico that a potltion has been mod for tho probate ot tho last will and tostamont ot said docoasod and for the appointment of Horman C. Koostcr ns administrator with will annoxed ot said estato, which has boon sot for hearing horoin on Soptombor 1, 1922 at 10 o'clock n. m. Dated August 4, 1922. Wm. H. C. Woodhurst (SEAL) County Judgo 18 B 1 it i.t t.t J.t Public Tho undersigned will sell at Public Auction on tho Rich! Ugai Place on East 2nd St. of North Platto, Saturday, August 26th, 1922. Commencing at 1:00 o'clock, tho following described proporty: 13 Head of Horses 13 Bay Team, 6 and 7 years old, wt. 2500; Gray Team. 7 and 12 years old, wt 2700; Black Horso Mule, 9 years old, wt 1000; Maro Mulo, 10 years old, wt. 1,000; 2 Black Horso Mulos, 12 years old, wt 2,200; 2 Buckskin Mulee, 4 yours old, wt. 1,800; Sorrol mare, 6 years old, wt. 1,200; Black Maro, 0 fears old, wt. 1,200; Black More, 7 years old, wt. 1,100. fmm Machinery 2 throo inch wide tiro wagons, 2 sots double work hornosB, 6-foot Deoring mower, Riding Cultivator, Avory Threshing Outfit. FREE LUNCH AT NOON TermB Six months timo at 10 interest, 2 Discount for Cash JOHN C. GUYNAN, Owner. RAY C. LANOFORD, Clork H. M. JOHANSEN, Auctlonoar If i . ..fWHM..".W.!HH HlBTTnT man irnimnm..m,iwi garpMimji .,(.,. ............ ?''' '' :.: :.: it t.t t.t t.t t.t i.t H t.t if t.t t.t it 1 J.t g I.t t.t H H j.t u i.t j.t i.t J.t j.t i.t J.t I 11 It It It It wMERE CAW H JW F8MD A HOUSE! . M WHERE CAN 1 o m (Find a buyer: & WHO m IT FOR SALE ! M WHERE ) ( h can j fc n FIND. wPV WANT APS I D PHONE THEM IN MAIL THEM IN SEND THEM IN BRING THEM IN Any Way To Get ThemIn THE TRIB UNE THIS ISSUE 2,310 COPIES . 4v; It It It It It It It