THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher. Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflco as Second Class Matter. , A Big Load For The Old Horse Ono SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Yoar, In advance $1X0 V FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1922. MANY PEOPLE PLAN TO ATTEND PLATTE VALLEY ROUND-UP i Several hundred North Platto peo ple arc planning on spondlng one or, more dnys nt tho Platte Valloy Round-, Up to bo hold on BIrdwood creek, six-; toen mllca north of Sutherland, Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday " o noxt week. Ono thing that can bo said' In favor of this rodeo, Is that many of tho participants will bo real old tl'mo cowboys and not professional riders such as you see at most of tho round ups thoso days men who actually rodo tho range, who know) what a grub wagon was, who rassled wild linrnna linfnrA flrcif linrltml nrl r fenco was slrotchod across tho plnlnsj Wo refer to such mon as Nato Trogo 13ort and John Snyder, John Schick, RUoy Ilaskoll, John HarHhflcld, tho Coker boyB and a dozon others this "writer know In tho days when a round-up meant tho gathorlng up of ton, twenty or thirty thousand head of cattle belonging to ranchmen living nil tho way botwecn tho Colorado and Wyoming lines and old Plum Crcok. And bollovo us thoso boys could ride, and ropo, and throw a stoor, and uso n branding Iron and thoy becjnmo. ndopt becauso It was part of their days work. :n: CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Mrs. George Roberts of Maxwell shopped In tho city Monday. Byes oxamlncd, Glnssos fitted. Sat isfaction, suro. Clinton & Son David Hnrum Flour, Old wheat. ?1.85 for 48 lb. sack at A. E. Dcolor. Miss Margaret McCarty, of Spauld ing, is visiting her sl'stor ' Mrs. Ed. Grlcsen. Burglary InBuranco. Rosldoncc,1 Hold-up, Safo and Bank. 0. I Tem ple Frank Lynn of Green Bay, Wiscon sin Is expoctod In' a fow days to visit tho Sousor homo. LOOK WHAT'S COMING BAPTIST 11:00 "Finding Rock Bottom." 8:00 "Tho Exalted Life." EPISCOPAL 8:00 Holy Communion 11:00 Morning prayer and Sermon. METHODIST 11:00 Subject, "A Universal Chris tian Democracy" 7:00 Intormodiato Epworth League 8:: 00 Subject "Dead and Burled" LOCAL ,AND PERSONAL Always cool at Dancoland, ovory Saturday nlto. Mrs. Guy Cody qf Ilorshoy shoppod In tho city Wodnosday. R. D, Rnsmusson is transacting busl- Miss Josephine Back of Gothenburg n0BB ln Tryon tll,a wook Moot your frlonds at Dancoland, Want Ads WANTED TO RENT A 9x12 ft. tent. May bo larger. Phono 430J. FOR SALE Spring chickens, allvo or dressed. 502 E. Sixth or phono 971 terms. M D. Pass, Broadwater, Nebr WANTED Girl for gonoral house work. Mrs. J. S. SImms. WheninNortliPlatte COME AND SEE US Hotel Palace Palace Cafe PalaceBazaar Everything first class and prices reasonable. Opposite Union Pacific Station. Halllgan, Boatty & Halllgan. Attys. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate No. 1902 of Marta Koostor, de ceased In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nobrasknr Tho Stato of Nebraska. To all per sons Interested In said Estato take notice that a potltlon has been mod for tho probate of tho last will and tostamont of said deceased and for the appointment of Herman C. Koester as administrator n 1th will nnnexed of. said estate, which has been sot for hearing herein on September 1, 1922 at 10 o'clock a. in. Dated August 4, 1922. Wm. II. C. Woodhurst (SEAL). County Judgo DR. E. C. LYNCH Eyo Eur Noso Mid Throat Glasses fitted accurately Over Dixon's Store NORTH PLATTE J. S. TWINEM. H. D. (Homeopath) Medlclno and Surgery Hospital Facilities NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Office Phono 183 Resldonco 283 WANTED A widow or man and (wtfo to keep house. Glvo reference. Write Box GOO, Maxwell. Nebr. FOR RENT 2 room house. Call 201 west fifth street after 6 o'clock. FOR SALE Spring chickens. Mrs. E S, Gllnes. Pliono 5G4 J. FOR REtyTBuildlng sultablo for auto ropalr or blacksmith shop. For particulars call at this offlco. FOR SALE Fresh homo, grown cucumbord. Thos. Hayworth, phono 793F3. FOR SALE Guaranteed used cars. 1920 Dodgo touring ?550 1922 Ford roadster, liko now $425 1917 Oakland six was$250, now $150 W. T. PRITCIIARI) Graduate Veterinarian Ex-Govornmont Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Vcterlnarlaa Hospital 315 South Vino Street. Phones. Hospital G33 Residence G3S DR. REDFIELD Physlcinn, Obstetrician, Surgeon X-ltay CallB promptly answered Night or Day j Phones. Offlco G42 .Resldenco G76 FOR RENT Two story modern houao and barn. Will rent any part of It, upsalrs or down. East 9ht St. Inquire McKalns Meat Market. Wanted To trado 1918 Ford touring .body with now top for roadster body. Inquire Burkb Grocery. G21 FOR RENT Part of furnished house, also furnished and unfiiirntsiied j East 4tb. Phono 971 , r At i nntf i XUOII1B. uuuu locution. I'llUUO OJDVV. transacted professional business in tho city Monday. Miss, EBthor Olson roturned to her homo ln Gothenburg Monday after visiting Mildred Crosalor. Mrs. L. M. Young has taken a posi tion with this office- as llnotypo oper ator. Sho Slogan work Monday. J. J. WILSON DENTIST OPPOSITE McGABU HOTEL, OYEL STAMP'S BAKERY. PrONE 71. Miss Knthorlno Stoolo of Albion, Nobr., arrived this week and Is the houso guost of Miss Ruth Clayton. Frank Fltzpatrlck, Horbort Spoil cor und Ralph Llpshltz opont tho first' city Wodnosday. of tho wook with friends In Stdploton.j Mr. and Mrs. J. Strahorn loft Wod Rov. J. 1 Monaghnn roturned tho nosday ovonlng for Choroko park to first of tho wook to hlB homo ln Goth-'bo gone soveral weeks. intending FOR RENT Newly furnlBhed room, gentleman preferred. Inquiro 114 S. Dowoy. LOST Black onvolopo purso, money, koy, address. Return to Trlbuno of fice. Reward. ovory Saturday nlto. Mrs. Fred Lathrop of Chicago 1b vis Itlng hor Blstor Mrs. J. W. Stuart. W. J. Braham roturned from Sldnoy Tuesday after transacting buslnoss for several days, Snoclal lot of wldo fancy ribbons 39 conts a yard at Wilcox Dopartmont Storo. John Nolson loft yesterday for Ster ling to transact buslnoss for sovoral days. Mr. and Mrs. Carl WIckstrom of Horahoy woro buslnoas visitors ln thp'FOR RENT 14 room rooming houso partly rurnisneu, in good condition 1 block oast of tlio dopot. Woll vontl lntcd. 51G E. 5th. FOUND Along north bank of river, silver cIr,arctto caso. May bo Iden tified at Trlbuno offlco. LOST Now Raclno Casing on rim. Flndor ploaso .roturn (to Duibln Auto Co. and rocolvo reward. onburg aftor funoral. tno Mccauo -whon buying Hfo Insurance buy I low not coGt Insurance ln tho Tmval- Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Huddard return olors. C. F. Tomplo, Agont cd Wednesday front Qrand Island A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. wnoro tnoy una hoon visiting for tho. William Nunomakor at tho Plntto past few weeks, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. TOR SALE Thrco boars, thorough brod Poland-Chlnus. 7 months old. woigh 250 pounds. $30 each If taken quick, Mac Wostphnll, phono 785F21. MUIor roturned Valloy hospital Wodnonaay. Word was recelvod ln tho city from Monday from Broken Pow whoro they Mrs. Florence Troxlcr from Lucorn, Bpont tlio week cud with tho formor's.Swltzolnud saying sho would Bail Sopt- FOR SALE OR TRADE For city pro perty. My equity ofj $4,000 In an 80 ncro, woll-lmprovcd Irrigated farm 4 "mlloa from Broadwator, Nohr. Liberal FOR SALE 480 aero farm In valloy. 3 , miles from North Platto. Sharo rent. Seo Bratt, Goodman & Buckley. - n Special lot of wldo fancy ribbons 39 cents a yard at Wilcox Department Storo. Yoomnn basket picnic and socinl at Lamplaugh's Lako Aug. 24 at G p. m. Don't forgot tho date. .u... FOR' RAISING AND MOYINO HOUSES Call aoi E. 10th or Phono 532W DAVE YOUNG JOnN S. SIMMS, M. D. Special Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Offlco ' Phono 83 Resldenco 38 DR. J. R. McKIRAHAN Practlco Limited to Dlseaso of Women and Surgery Over Rexall Drug Store Phones: Offlco 127 Residence 656 William Stuart, attorney NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estato of Alfred Peterson, deceased In tho Courty Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por sons Interested In said Estato toko notlco that tho Administrator has filed a. final account and report of his administration and a petition for final settlement and dischargo as such Administrator, which have been sot for hearing beforo said court on Aug. 29, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest tho samo. Dator Aug. 7, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judgo. Beolor, Crosby & Basklns, attys NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 18GS of Jano Jamos, de ceased In tho County Court of Lincoln County Nebraska.. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said Estato, tako notlco that tho Administrator with tho will annexed has flloa a flnal ac tount and report of his admlnlstra tion . aud a petition for final settle ment and dischargo as such Admin istrator with tho will annexed which havo been set for hearing beforo said court on September 1, 1922,- at' 10 o'clock a. m. when you may appear and contest tho samo. Dated August 7, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judgo. EXTENSION ROAD NO. 107. 'Wf Cat L. & S. Groceteria. brother, Calvin Miller. J. V. Romlgh roports tho salo of a Dodgo Brothors Coupo to E. E. Carr and touring cars to John Jobman, H. E. Hydo and Carl Frank. School will opon for tho mombors of tho faculty on Monday.Soptombor, ombor 2. Mrs. R. W. Kondrlck of North Bond, Nebraska Ib visiting this week at tho homo of hor paronts Mr. and Mrs. D. Mason Hownrd. Mrs. J. R. Mylandor loft yostorday for hor homo ln Goodrich. Colorado. 4. Rogular school will bogln ou Sho waa called horo a fow tWooks ago Tuosday Soptombor 5, at 9 o'clock, jby Uio death of hor father J. S. Mason. Dorothy Baron rcturnod to hor, a fishing party consisting of Mr homo in Scottsbluffs, Wednesday at and Mrs. J. Rnsmusson, Mrs. C. A. tor a visit for sovoral dnya at tho Pulso and John Don loft Wodnosday Leator Wnlkor homo. Sho also vislU by auto for Auto Burn to bo gono ou Virginia bcott during hor Btay horo.1 two weokB. Are You Weak, 1 Run-Do wn, Worn Out? FORCE holds a wealth of bounding energy und strength for you. This great tonic ronows vigor, promotes the glow of health, helps Nat tiro bring back strength to bodies wasted by exhaus tion, montal or physical otraln, or long illness. 1 1 b a general systemic reconstructive, digostant, gentle laxative, and refreshing appetizer; easy of assimilation, and acceptable to tho weakest sys tem. Particularly woll suited to convalescents. Equally good frr men, women and children. Vour Druggist haa It. "It Makoa tot Strenfjtlt" Sal Mnufiwturcrii NcwYork UNION PHARMACAL, CO. Kn.iClty For Salo By North SIdo Drug Storo. 1 Mmm r At The Sun, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Richard Barthelmess -IN- SONNY A play that sets your heart a singing. Can you win mother-love with a lie? Sonny tried it taking another's place in blind mother's heart. Here is the most human thing the screen has given. As Joe, the Poolroom boy, assuming the part of the Inter loper, Barthelmess goes straight to your heart. MATINEE EACH DAY. Office 340 House 723J DR. IV. I. SHAFFER Osteopath Physician Over tho Oasis North Platte WM. WALDORF Tinner Makes or Repairs anything made of Tin or Sheet Metal. 510 Locust Under General Hospital ED KIERIG Auctioneer For dates and terms call at First National Bank North Platte, Nob. DR. HAROLD FENNER Osteopath Over HIrschfeld's Office Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020 DR. M. B. STATES Chiropractor RooniB 5. G, 7 Building & Loan Bldg Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242 Offlco Phone 241 Res, Phono 217 L. C. DROST Osteopathic Physician North Platte, Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. OTIS R. 1'LATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon X-Rny Dlagnoss and Troamont Ovor Union Stato Bank Offlco Phono 29GW Houso Phone 2'JGR GEO. B. DENT Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given to Surgery and Obstotrlcs Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offloo 130 Residence 115 DR. L. A. SNAYELY Dentist X-Iay Diagnosis Oxygon and Gas Anesthesia for Extractions. Over Union Stato Bank Phono 29G. DERRYBERJIY & FORBES Licensed Eiubnlmcrs Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 548 To whom It may concorn: Tho special commissioners appoint cd to locate a public road as follows: Commencing at a point on tho section. lino between sections 9 and 1G, where Public Road oN. 11 Intersects said section Und, running thence west on tho section lino between sections and 16 and 8 and 17 to tho Inter section with Road No. 77 all In town ship 14 range 30, said roaa vo bo 6G feet wide, has reported in favor of tho establishment of tho same, all objections thereto, or claims for dam ages by reason of tho establishment of tho above described road must bo filed In tho office of tho County Clerk of Lincoln county Nebraska, on or boforo 12 o'clock noon of tho 9th day of October, 1922 or said Road will bo allowed without referenco thoroto. Witness my hand and official seal this 27th day of July, 1922. A. S. ALLEN (SEAL) County Clerk NOTICE OF THE FORMATION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 17 IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. To tho owners of tho record tltlo of all proporty adjacent to or abutting upon tho streets hcrolnaftor described and all porsons Intorestod therein: You and each of you are hereby notified that tho Mayor and City Coun cil of tho city of North Platto did under dato ot July 21st, 1922 pass and approve a certain ordlnanco forming and creating paving district No. 17 of tho city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. And that tlio fol lowing Btreots Including tho Inter sections thereof within tho limits of tho city are comprlsod within said paving district, to-wlt: All that por tion of Sixth Stroot commencing at tho wost lino of tho Intersection of said Sixth Stroot with Bryan Avenue ln said city of North Platto, Nebraska, running thenco west along, said Sixth Streot and Pino Streets, in said city ot North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and commencing at tho north lino of tho Intersection of Third Streot and Poplar Avenue and run ning thenco north along said Poplar Avenuo to tho south lino of tho Inter section of said Poplar Avenuo and Seventh Streets of said city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, thoro to tcruinato, excluslvo of Inter sections of Poplar and 3rd, th. 5th streets rospoctlvcly. Unless objections aro filed as re quired by statute within twenty days from tho first publication of this no tlco, tlio Mayor and City Council shall procoed to construct such paving. Dated this 24th day of July, 1922. E. H. EVANS Attost: O. D. Elder imyor City Clerk (SEAL) and p