THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. LIVE STOCK MARKETS r The following quotation' were ponlng markets At SoUtfr Omaha tho oponlng markets At SoUtfi' Omaha Oils morning and were received hero by telegraph at 10' ix, m. Cattle All classes "gcriorftlIy...stendy., Mixed yearlings $10.25.. Hogs i Packings and mixed hogs, steady. Light hogs mostly 25c lawfer. ' Bulk mixed and packing grades ?7 to $8. Bulk butcher hogs $8.25 to $9. Top ?9.25. IA"CK-- MOJtllOW FLATS ITEMS -:o:- LOCAL AND PERSONAL Clinton's for Spectacles; Dixon Optical Co. grinds lonscs. Clias. La Vollo spent Sunday In Dickens visiting friends. Mrs. Mabello Thompson of Paxton shopped in tho city Saturday. Tnko that next can of cream to Harding Cream Station. Rev. Ilerbort Covell camo last week from Now 'York to visit his mother Mrs. Francos Covoll. Mr. and Mrs. Vf. J. Tiley returned Sunday evening from a month spent in Bstes Park. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Dickey re turned "from a months vacation in Estes park. Miss Elslo Langford of Chicago camo Saturday to spend a few iwjueks visiting relatives. William Holloran of Paxton trans acted business in tho city a few days last week. Chas. Bretornltz and daughter Mabel leave Thursday for Denver and Salt Lake to visit friends for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Zook visited at tho Warrpn Zook homo in Cozad last week. Mrs. blames Berrln and son Lloyd of Paxton visited friends In the city for a few days last week. Carl Kammer returned to his homo in Sutherland Monday aftor a visit of several weeks with friends here. Miss Mary Buddln of Sutherland visited friends in tho city lor a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elliot returned Thurs day from Brady after a week's visit with their daughter Mrs. Fred Tetro. F. Xblenor nnT "Harold Dlener left Friday '"for3' San Diego. Calif, to spend a few weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawley were the guests at the Geo. C. White homo In Sutherland for a few days last week. Elmer Coates, Jr. left Saturday for Woodrlvor to spend a few days with his grandmother Mrs. Bowman. Hazel Purdy returned Thursday from Sutherland .after a two weeks visit nt tho W. T. Burkland home. Miss Lucille Coker of Sutherland camo Wednesday to spend a week with friends in the city. Mrs. Jos. T. Murphy will return from a vacation to western point this evening. Georgo Russell loft this morning for Denver where ho will spend a few days, visiting friends. Miss Elizabeth Dorsoy returned Sunday from Denver whore she spent two weeks -visiting friends. Dick Hcaton returned this morning from Denver where spent several days visiting relatives. Joo Young of Madrid camo yester day to visit his sister Miss Hannah Young. Mrs. Ed McConnell and (laughter of Sutherland shopped in tho cjity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Deats aro ex pected homo today from an auto trip to tho mountains. Leslie Cokor, Fay Coate3, and Floyd Young of Sutherland woro visitors in tho city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kuser visited at the D. B. Whfto homo in Sutherland last week. Mrs. Mertpn Holley returned Sun day from Carroll, Iowa where she spent two weeks with relatives. Miss Lola Swancutt returned last week from a taw weeks visit wtb relatives In Ansley and MaBon City. Miss Helen Getty has taken a post tion as stenographor In tho otfico of Attornov Shuman and began work yesterday. Sho Is a graduate of tho commercial department of tho local high school. W. J. O'Connor returned Sunday frnm nn eastern buying trip. Ho went as far as Chicago on this trip and after going through some expor ioncos in tho Chicago street car strike camo homo. His report is that bus inosa men ovorywhoro aro oncouragod liv tli Tirnanect and that with the sattloment of the coal and rail strikoe thing will go. Pricoa of somo mer chandise is higher and the tondency i( for it to go up itill mora. John Andrews of .Beatrice is visiting Ills parents Mr. and Mrs. M. Androws. Mrs. C. Boweh, 'Airs. E. M. Robblns and children werogucsts at W. ' C. Haaso's Sunday. Fay and Goraldino CUnkenbonrd re turned to their homo after visiting threo weeks among relatives hero. Mrs. Sundonnnn nnd son LnMont add Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bamford and son, from Kearney, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vernest Peterson. Henrietta Greeley, Ted Greoley and Danbio Roe spent Sunday at the Harry Clark homp. Theshlng machines have begun to hum on the Flats. Misses fllactys Haaso and Flora Gamble wero hostesses at tho Ladlos Club Wednesday. Ice cream and cake was served. Tho work of dress form making was completed nnd thoughts of now work nro In view. The farm homo of Wm. Freeze was partly burned last week. Tho farmers responded to a telephone call and through their heroic efforts, with buckets and ax, managed to put out tho fire, after tho roof Was partly burned off. The fire was thought to havo originated from a defective fluo. Miss Jessie Green of the Co-oor- atlvo Extension Work In Agricultural and Home Economics gavo a cold pack canning demonstration last Fri day at tho W. C. Haaso home. There wero about thirty women present, many new and practical ideas being learned and tho Women relt as though thoy were well paid for their time. Mr. J. O. Shroyor of the Fanners' Union spoke at tho Pleasant View school house last Friday night. Ho gave a very Interesting talk on the needs of the fanner. He used as a topic, two classes of people, tho "Vam piro" and tho "Commoner". He class ed tho rich as "Vampire and the poor man as "Commoner". Ho gavo reasons nnd explanations as to why farmers should co-operato and thereby pros per. He spoko of his defeat as candi date for nomination for United States Senator and takes his defeat with very little concern. :o: James Brlcker of Paxton was a business visitor in tho city "Saturday. Frank Dorn of Big Springs under wont an oporation at tho Memorial hospital last week for.appcndlcitus. C. R. Roo and family of Cozad camo Saturday to s'pend d week at thCChas. Roe home. Mrs. Emma Rosencrantz and son left Friday for Cozad "whore they will make their future home. LOOK WHAT'S COMING CHRISTIAN , Ladles Aid will meet in tho .ohurcit basement Thursday nt 3:30. V YEOMAN Regular business mooting Thurns day evening at tho K. 0. Hall. Boeler Crosby & Baskius, nttys NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Estate No. 1SG8 of Jane Jamed, de ceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all por sons interested In said Estate, take notice that the Administrator with tho will annexed has fllca a final ac tount and report of his administra tion and a petition for final settle ment and discharge as such Admin istrator with tho will annexed which havo been set for hearing before said court on September 1, 1922, at 10 o'clock a. in. when you may appear and contest the same. Dated August 7, 1922. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, County Judge. :o: NOTICE TO BIDDERS. O. E. S. CHAPTER SlgnefChnpter O. E. S. will hold its regular meeting Thursday, August 10. There will bo initiation. t ROYAL NEIGHBORS NORMAN ELLSWORTH LOUDON He was born at New Salem, Wash ington county, Indjnun, Doccmbor 30, jlJj82, nnd tiled at Savannn, Mo., on jjSugust 2,- 2;When ho was a child tho famllSmovod from Salem aim to Gaudy, Nb'brk ' whore Norman re celved his gdu'catloh and grow ito manhood. 1 WhetvTho was nineteen years old tffo family moved again, this ttmo to NoHh Platte nnd for tho past 21 years' ho has resided in this community. Ho v?nn united in nWrlago on Jan. 1, 1905 (o Miss Tlnnottn llnlror nml thnv hnvn nnn ...111 1, 1 .1 .. 1. 1 ... 1 1 . . . 1 - " "'"V ... a .u. ,uuu.,B u-morrow; chlm M EUzaboth. afternoon nt 3 o'clock at tho K. P.! ,, , .... ,, TT ,. , , , . , . When ho waB thirteen years old, Hall. A good attendance is dos red. XT , , , , , , Norman was converted nnd Joined METHODIST tho Baptist church, at Gandy. For Ladies Aid Society will mcet.Thurs- ""jro than twenty years ho has boon day in tho church parlors. Thoso en-'n membor of tho First Baptist church tertnlnlng arc Mosdamos Hess. Cox,' of North Platto. Ho was always Nlles. Farmer, Aldrldgo nnd Mnth- faithful In church work and held ieson. :o:- CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Clinton's for Eyo Glasses. Mrs. Louis Spencer of Wallace trans acted business in tho city yesterday. The Pioneer cnmpflro hold Its regular mooting last ovening at tho homo of Dorothy Elder. Mrs. Chas. Frcdrlcl and children loft Saturday for Gothenburg to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs. Floyd Farroll of Wallace was a business visitor In tho city yester day. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Combs of Her ishey mere business visitors In tho city yestordny. almost every office in tho local or ganization. At tho tlmo of his death ho officiated as deacon, church treas uror and Sunday school toachor. Ho was also a member of tho advisory board. Ho leaves his wife, Mrs. N. E. Loudon and his daughter, Mary, his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Loudons his brothers, J. L. Loudon of Don vor and Frod Loudon of this city and a slslor, Mrs. Maudo Sawyer of Chicago. There aro flvo hicphows nnd a largo numbor of other rela tives and friends who nro sorrowful. One who has known him well sayfi of him, "From his earliest boyhood his earnest endeavor has always been to lend a consistent life and lfts succeeded. Ills life was spotless, his Influence was elevating and his :o:- Ella Qucale has taken a position at tho Dr. Redfiold offlco during tho nb- toll for tho Master war. untiring." senco oi iioicn uaiy. Helen Daly left Saturday for Grand Island to spend several dnys visiting hor sister Mablo Daly. Wllma Barrett loft last week for Lexington to spend two weoks with her grandparents Mr. nnd Mrs. W,. B. Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Max VonGoetz and Lydia Adams left last week for a two weeks trip through Texas and Ari zona. - Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Norstrum of Chlcngo visited several days last week at tho C. F. Erickson homo enrouto to Estes Park. :o: The South Side Political, Social nnd Athletic club had spilt into two fac- . tlons regnrdlng its choice for Us. next, president and tho meeting hall was' Jammed when election night came round. As the chnlrmnn started to call the gathering to order, the door keeper stopped a member who was entering, perspiring under the weight of a canvas sack slung over his shoulder. ( "Cusidy," he demanded, "what have ye there?" "Bricks," replied Cnssldy with some belligerence. "Cassldy, there'll be no brick throw In' the night. Words and ballots will be all.'-' "D'ye think so?" said Cnssldy with skepticism. "Annyways, the bricks come in, so if they stnrt anythln wo can go them wan better. 'Tis me own. ears that Heard a guy say, 'There'll bo a lot of mud slingin' the night,' " The American Legion Weekly-. William Stuart, attorney NOTICE OF FINAL REPORT Eatato of Alfred Peterson, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln Coun ty, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all por sons interested in said Estato take 'notice that tho Administrator nas filed a final account and report of his administration nnd a petition for final settlement and dischargo as such Administrator, which havo been set for hearing before said court on Aug. 29, 1922, at 10 o'clock, a. m. when you may appear and contest tho samo. Datcr Aug. 7, 1922. WM. II. C. WOODHURST, County -Judge CITY AND COUNTY NEWS Dixon Optical Cof' Costs eyes. J. K. Browning of Wollflect was a business vlBitor In tho city Friday. Miss Bessie Show spent Sunday In Horshoy with hor parents, tfewton loft Sundajr for end hlfew day's visiting Mrs. Clam Nc Ogallala to spet friends. v 1 Beryl Illrschfold has taken a posi tion nt tho Barkalow Bros. nowB stand during tho nbsenco of Mrs. Nowton. Mrs. T. 13. Shnnnnhan and daughter Mrs. Helen Tlgho and children loft d'oggy of Axtoll, Nobr. nro visiting nt Sunday for O'Noil. Nobr. to.vSslOMIss'tbo K. A. Moorhouso homo. Vora Carter for two wookn. Mrs, c. C. Williams returnod Sat- Mlss Elizabeth Norton of Grand Is-jiirdny from Sterling after spoudlng land is visiting her pnrents Mr. and several days thcro visiting flrlondfl. Mrs. P. A. Norton. I : . Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Halllgan left Monday for a row weoks trip through Estes park. Dr. L. C. Drost aud family returned Friday from a two weeks trip through Wyoming. Roy Cochran returned Sunday from Lincoln whoro ho transacted business! for several days. FOR SAJLE Choice lot of young Red Poll bulls nt farraors prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South l&owoy Strcot Sealed bids will bo received by tho Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platto, Nebraska up until 8 p. m. of tho 15th day of August, 1922, at tho office of O. E. Elder, City Clerk of the City of North Platto. Nebraska for tho furnishing of all or any ono of tho Items listed below. All material to bo furnished F. O. B. North Platto, Nebraska and to bo in accordance with tho specifications on fllo in tho 6fflce of tho Water Commissioner. 31.35 tons Class B Cast Iron 8' Pipe. 30 tons Class B Cast Iron C Pipe. 1 ton Special Castings. According to American Water Works Association Specifications. 5200 ft. of 2 Galvanized Merchant's .Pipe with threads and couplings. 3 Hydrants for 4V& ft. cover with 2' hose connections. 3 C' Cast Iron Hub End bronze mounted double gate valvos for 125 lb pressure. 1 8' Cast Iron Hub End bronze mounted doublo gato valvo for 125 lb pressure. 1 4' Cast Iron Hub End bronzo mounted doublo gato valvo for 125 lb pressure. 1500 lb Metallum. Engineer's Estimate of Cost $5280.78. All bids to bo in ado on blanks to bo obtainod at tho offlco of the City Clork, The City Council reserves tho right to reject any or all bids, to change the plan and scope of the work and to call for new. bids on changed plans E. II. EVANS, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk, Q - ' NOTICE Wator rent is now duo In district A. and becoemss delinquent Aug. 20. All water consumers will pleaso pay by that date. Horshoy S. Wolch, Wator Commissioner. . You May be a Son of Adam, but why use tho samo ancient meth od of getting somowhero that Adam did? A CLEVELAND Lightweight will carry you anywhoro on land comfortably and dependably at little more cost than walking. Purchaso prlco only $185. Travels 75 miles to tno gallon of gasoline and 15,000 miles on ono sot of tiros. Can you beat that? John Nell, North Platte, Nebr. ! I WHiHtHI IFI lillllll I III I il'lil M I INIIIII I lllll your Gas This is tho second ndvor tisoment in n sorles intondod to holp you keep your gas bills down. Ms. W 1 m . Ii yxm only save a penny's Worth of gas a clay, it reduces you monthly bill , Don't hout a whole kettle full of water when you only need a pint or two. Don't keep a high flamo under anything that's boiling; aun down the flame or-use the sim mer burner. Don't try to turn off the cock part way at metor; this only interferes with proper flow of gas and does not save it. Don't expec t to use gas economically on an old, wnrnnnr. irnn rniicn nv nuv rnnw nuf nf niHnot- .. cl - , "--rf ---o" .w v;"Jv.j 111 cut Don't heat -your oven to bake a single pie; bake up what you need for several days ahead, cake, cookies, etc. Don't heat the whole oven to brown a meringue; plan to have a complete baked dinner that day. Don't make toast in tho oven. Use a toaster that sets over a top burner. jI3l North Platte Light & Power Co. AUTO TOP FREE We have moved to our new location, Sixth & Locust Streets and will celebrate the event by giving away a "GENUINE BADGER FABRICK" hand made, full bound, double run, pake lined and rear plate glass auto top. NO BETTER TOP CAN BE MADE. Regardless of the kind of car you own, if YOU WIN, you will get one of the above described tops, UNION MADE, in our shop. Don't register unless you need a top as this game is for -those who really need a top. Rich and poor, black and white, in and but of town folks are all welcome to register. You will have all week to register your car up to 7 p. m. Saturday. Be on hand then if you con and see that we do it as we want it done to please every one. We will posit ively have nothing to do with the drawing and we do not care how small or large a car wins the new top job. We want all farmers to take advantage of this drawing. PLATTE AUTO TRIM CO. NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. 6th & LOCUST STREET.