I THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DAYS BEGINNINGS MONDAYS AUGUST 14. WHAT OTHER PAPERS SAY As Four Horsemen Ride In Coa! Fields SIX BIG INTERESTING ITE3IS FROM EX. CHANGES WHICH REACH OUR DESK. THE HIGHWAY Thrco grading outfits aro working on the Lincoln Highway between Maxwell nn.d Gannct. They will iwldcn the present highway to twenty feet 1h preparation for tho gravel. Tho gravol pumping outfit on tho river bouUi of Keith Is also at work. They have their bins full and aro making a largo pllo so as to havo plenty of material ahead when hauling starts. Maxwell TeloposL TfOUNG PINKS Of the two or three thousand bab plnoa set out on Scotlij Bluff moun tain last Bprlng, It is tho Judgement of thoso who havo obsorved recently that about hnlf of them are In a thrif ty condition. Naturally, no ono wont along tho west slopos of tho mountain to tako accurato note, hut It scorned that an average of half of them woro cither dead or dying. This Is regarded as an oxcollcnt avorago and should oven a half of thoso living at present aurvlvo It will moan a highly proflt nblo result. Theso trees wcro secured from tho forest resorvc at Halsoy. nni) a day was set apart m which a gen eral community Job of treo planting was carried out-Goring Courier. IRRIGATION During tho past two weeks progrosB has been rapid and two now reservoir nltes havo been located In connection with, tho irrigation project on tho Routh tablo. Tho survey of tho wost ond of tho project or on tho land between Oga- llala and Grant In complete. That moans that all reservoirs, tho main canals, and laterals and tho land un dor tho ditches havo been mapped out Included In this Burvoy aro two now rcsorvolrB northwoBt of Grant with a total of 15.000 aoro feet In capacity. Tills makes a natural rosorvolr cap nclty of 50,000 aero foot -which can bo Increased to 75.000 with but little oxtrn work. Tho location of thoso two reservoirs navos tho digging of tlvo mUos ot ditch. . Tho ongjneorfl aro working near Sutherland and I'axton and oxpoct to complete the work on tho oast ond noxt -week. Aa this projects dovolops It appears to bo ono ot tho most practical as -woll as economical onoa In tho ontlro west nnd ns devolopmont goes on, mon with land near tho ditch aro becoming foro and moro onthUBod ovor tho pos fllblllty of doubling production nt a nominal cost. Kolth Co. Nowb. :o: LOCAL AND I'EltSONAL The four horsemen arc stalking in the coal fields of the United States, despite the seeming unconcern of the nation for an early settle ment of the strike. Conquest, War, Famine and Death those are the silent riders which mine families are facing hourly in the struggle be tween operators and miners. Even, while President Lewis of the Unitefl Mine Workers was in Washington, conferring with Secretary of Labor Pavis (below), and later with President Harding, riot was ruling at Hcrrin, 111., where forty were killed and many wounded before order was restored. Above is shown all that was left of the power house at a strip mine in Herrin, 111., after dynamite and the torch had been applied. President Lewis refused to agree to plans proposed by Presi dent Harding and Secretary Davis to end the strike. Joke on Famous Composer. A certain newly rich person with taoro inoniw than culture called on At Massenet and suld that he lind seen Ills photograph In a pmor and had read that he was "a clever pianist." Would AI. Alnssenet play a few pieces at a little party? He would be well BUSINESS AND SOCIAL ASSET Pleasant Lhunn, Which Can Usually De Cultivated, Well Worth Trouble of Acquiring It. You can cultivate a pleasant, con- lagious ami sponuineouM iiuifcii juni ua , - ------ " . nu !,, ...... MiiHvn ii irnnii atimilr. ! paid of course I , .... i. ',. if The world-famous musician was No doubt you hold an opinion of every ono else's laugh but your own; and unless you- have a frank and an alytical friend or famously plemnnt laugh, you may never have slopped to consider how your volte .sounds In laughter. And yet it's part of your per sonality and you ought to know and care. A young businos man who laughed Hpoirtaneously and- hunytlly and eon Uiglously confessed tlint'ho hitrt culti vated It, "I've learned to laugh,' he declared. "Onco upon a time I didn't laugh easily, hut I found ninny situations re lloved by a good lough at the right moment. I Hud It a mighty helpful business and soclhl uiwet. And at the same time the mere act of laughing has made me more optimistic. So It works well all around." "Give a grin nt yourself In the mlr greatly amused. "Certainly !" he re plied. "What flight?" "Thursday." "Thursday? What a pity I I am en gaged on Thursday. Rut I cn'n give the address of a friend an excellent pianist, who can play all the modern dances beautifully." x So saxing. Massenet gave the un fortunate newly rich tho address of Salnt-Saens! Obviously the victim o AlnsHonet's Joke had never heard of Sntiit.HsiuiiB., foe .he called on tire dls. tlngiilslied composer nnd" was'promflJly kicked out. Saint-Sauna brooded over the Insult for some hours before ho saw tho Joke. Belong In High Places. As with the evergreens so it with all trees that dare tho heights, Some, Hire the hemlocks, remain far below. Tito little gray birches stop in the pastures of the foothills. The high, clear air of the rango Is not for ror ami see wimt other tones see wnen i tIh.iru Tno yonow. birches fare on to you Hinile or laugii. ir it isirt an mcni , tno mm. slopes , of the high hills, picture, consider wmir you can no u 'jhoro they (Milt : but the canoe IMxon Optical Co. Glasses fitted Tho funeral of tho lato John Ston vail will, bo Held Thursday afternoon. William SmltlN of Pnxton vl<od friends lii tho city Inst week. A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Selby Saturday. Airs. Clarence "WllBon of Horshoy shopped f ii tho city Saturday, Airs. F. L. IJont of Paxton shoppou In tho city Friday. AIlss Fjoronco FItzglbbon 1b tuning her vacation from tho O'Connor stoto. She will Visit rolatlvoB In AIcCoolc Improve It, "First of all, you can of course, keep the teeth absolutely clean. They ought to bo brushed night nnd morn ing. Then (hoy can he" straightened and flllod and generally fixed up Uj' the dentist. Yes, there will bo dentist's bills, but you will ho Investing In a good-looking smile. You buy hats and veils and face powdor to Improve your nppearance, so why not buy a good- looking smile." lthodu Vale, In Designer. AIlss Carroll Dorryberry has rotmm od her duties at tho O'Connor Btoro after a two wcokB vacation. Air. and Airs. Chas Gould and son loft Sunday for Aurora whoro they will visit relatives. Alias Pearl Bayno rotumed Satur day from- Staplcton whoro sho spout two weekB visiting hor pnronta. AI. A. Armstrong visited In Loxlng ton last, weok at tho W. A. Barrett homo. , Airs. 'Iioso Garrison and children loft Friday for n two weeks visit with rolatlvoB .In Seattle Airs. William Young loft for her homo In JIastlngB today after visit Jng at tlmCarl Simon homo. Hlghcst.cash prlcos paid for poultry nnd fresh ,ogga nt Harding Croam Sta tion. , I Joo Pizpr camo Sunday from Hast ings to spend a few days with his par ents, Air. Vnd Airs. Julius Plzor. Dr. and Airs. D. B. Alorrlll and daughtor ?Alma returned yestorday from Mjnposota and othor northern Etatos whoro they epont a month. AlrB. phas. Colmgon rcturnod yra-. torday from Ko&rnoy nnd othor east ern polqta whoro sho visited friends for tho past woolc Tho funeral of tho lato John Alason who died! Sunday ovonlng will bo hold today nt Ilorslioy, Burial will bo mado In'tlio Horshoy Comotory. GOT IDEA FOR CASH REGISTER birches go on. The great trees of the lowor reaches of tho bowlder path are these, their pnper-white bark showing through all dnrk woods of tho north. Then climb valiantly. It is ns if the trees were thrilled with that eager desire to reiuli tin tnimmlt which possesses nil mountaineers. Original Maker of Machines Copied Device From Automatic Indicator , Used on Ocean Vessels. Tho Invention of the cash register was duo to one of those happy no- pldents of which only tho alert mind takes advantage. A business man of. Dayton, Ohio, named Jacob Itltty, had a storo In a good location In that city, and It attracted many custom crsAyet somehow It was not prollt nblc Ho worried so much about his ick of success that a vacation becamo necessary, and ho decided to talfo a trip to Kurope. While on the voyage, Air. Itltty one day visited tho slilp's engine room. Ills attention wan caught by tho automatic Indicator which recorded tho revolutions of tho propeller shaft-. Tho Idea occurred to hltn: Why not devise a machine to record the miles In n store? Hcnco tho cash register. At the time of this invention John II. Patterson owned a, retail shop In a small mining town.icar Dayton. Ho tried two of tho .muchlnes then of n rather crude .ti'iio nnd was so nlcascd vwlth tho results that ho realized tho opportunities tucy oircrcu. no iiougtu out (he company that was making tlfein, and beenroo Its president, Try a "TIA1AIERMAN SPECIAL" Choice A No. 1 corn fed steer steak) Wo also sorvo a "MERCHANT'S LUNCH" from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. for '35c TUDIKIWAN CAFE Warmed to life by sun X and ground Flowers bloom the year around. i ?0r Td iirltl anil Yfmt II U lllit OUtl JUU btiU "1 bulbs and scods and fcT toach you to caro for J flowers. Wo hvlll toll you when to plant thorn 1 and how to rear thom to hardy growth. THE NORTH PJATTE TIF AYVft V m TJ rl.UKAI. Uh V ROWERS AND-PLANTS WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU PHONE 1023 ann's World Singers H 1 run Frolic p. . FIRST DAY Famous Jubilee Kan Comedy Big Special Feature Planned for Opening Day AMERICA'S FOREMOST COMPANY OF COLORED ENTERTAINERS Singing Old Plantation Melodies, Camp Meeting Songs and Jubilees SECOND DAY Hon. F. F. Ellsworth LOTUS QUINTET CLUB n WImSSMjSSMWSiSSi COMING TO .ENTERTAIN YOU STANDARD SELECTIONS CLASSICAL NUMBERS An Orchestra and Entertainment Club . Former Congressman from ' Minnesota THIRD DAY HAROLD MORTON KRAMER n 1 SCOTCH SONGS AND READINGS noted author ARTISTIC PROGRAM . to appear on program APPLIES FOR SALE EARLY -RED On Lincoln Highway, 5 miles west and 1 mile north, then 1 mile west and )i mile north of North Platte. WE WILL TREAT YOU RIGHT D. KONNO BIG WEEK FOR THE JUNIORS H' 1 13 tii '.''V: l s ml 1.V BIG PROGRAM LAST AFTERNOON BY THE JUNIOR SUPERVISOR AND THE JUNINOR FOLKS, STORIES, GAMES, FIELDME T. JUST A GOOD TIME i 11 v