The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 04, 1922, Image 8

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ggmt-SBceklu .gribune. Af OTHER
WILSON TOUT. Editor and Publisher,
Bntcrod at the North Platte, Nebraska
Pbatoirico as Seconal CIubs Mutter.
sunscmi'TiOK imucei
Year, In advance ?1.60
Pctor said "Tho Lord Is long-suffering
and not willing that any should
perteh but that all should como to
Nathan Halo said "I regret that I
havo but one llfo to glvo to my coun
try." Ono man rustics cattlo and another
shoots partly grown prairie chickens
out of season. Neither has any sonso
of shamo loft. Each thlnlcs he Is
mighty clover If ho can do tho net
and not get caught. Both aro offend
crs of tho law of tho land and the
property rights of others. Both should
bo punlshod If possible
Thcro Is one Idea about tho recent
primaries which Is being repeated
time and time ngnln and that Is that
It costs too much to mako a campaign
for congress or for a state office It
1b said that tho candidates for govern
or spent from $20,000 to $100,000 each
That cstlmnto la probably a little
strong but It cortalnly costs moro to
mako the campaign limn tho majority
of qualified men could afford. Tho
chlof complaint against tho primary Is
tho oxponso to tho candldato which
bars tho poor man from any chnnco
of success,
Ono of tho flnost things wo havo
road for some tlmo was written by
William T. Kills and cllppod from ono
of tho stato papors but wo do not ro
momber which ono. Ho says"At
present tho world Is In tho doldrums
Things look bad in ovory direction
oxcopt upward and forward." Do you
got tho hopo oxprossod there? Ho
looka backward and downward mid to
tho side and It looks bud but -when lie
looks forward or upward It is encour
aging, "Why could not wo all tftko
such a vlow of affairs and look for
ward and upward?
Want Ads
rlW RENT 2 large rooms for lignt
housekeeping. 614 E. 3rd.
WANTED Solicitor. Loading corre
spondence schoo of . its class has art
opening for a representative In a
district including Lincoln county. Posi
toh calls for a clean-cut. aggressive
Mrs. C. J. Perkins and daughter
Juno will spend Saturday In Omaha.
Sam-McKolvio, of FaIrfIold Gov.
MolColvlo'B fathor says Ohio and Pen
Bylvania are noted for floods, Illinois
and Iowa tor mud, California for
earthquakes, Kansas and Oklahoma for
cyclones, hell is raised in Texas, and
nogs arm corn in woDrasiui. no is. WANTED TO RENT A 0x12 ft. tent, financial prosperity ana lurmstt a
right, for Nebraska stands at the top jijttV i)6 iar(:er. phono 430J. surety bond. Commission basis. Glvo1
of the Hat of states in regard to tho i
Mrs. Harriet Vance' and son of M-
man or woman with natlvo soiling nnnco, Nohr, passed through North
abilty, capable of presenting Intelll-, piatto Tuesday by auto" to Lincoln to
gently an educational proposition in-1 ntt6nd Epworth Assembly. Mrs. Vanco
volvlng commocial training and Vo-j i8 editor of tho "Union Workor" tho
catlonal Insurance. Ono who can stand y, ct t. U. Stato paper.
Mrs. William Hupfer and two sons
, full particulars regarding yourself in. Bill and Johnnie, accompanied by Mrs.
Tho man who dpos not Investigate
tho offerings of his homo town mer
chants boforo bujyfng clsowhoro (is
guilty of a form of troachory to Ul
follow cltlzons. If ho finds that ho
can got merchandise in hts
town nt practicnlly tho same prlco ns
he can got It olsowhoro, ho should
purchase hero. If lie finds that tho
homo town moriJHant Is trying to
gouge hlni ho Is. Justifiod In looking
olsowhoro. North Piatto morchanta
have everything at stako and thoy aro
not going to chnrgo oxhorbltant
prices which will drlvo business n-
way for thoy oxpoct to bo horo noxt
year. It Is at loast fair to find out
what their prices aro and thon give
thorn an honest chanco to show what
thoy can do In tho way of sorvlco.
The public meeting held Monday
ovonlng by tho city commissoners for
tho express purpose of hearing any
complaints Kcarneyitcs might voico
against paving In any of tho districts
where work is now undor way, seems
to havo been n good thing for all concerned,
It loft tho property owners con
vinced they woro getting what they
paid for. checked tho propaganda of
those who might deliberately circulafo
ideas reflecting upon paving In gen
eral, and lotting contracts in partlcu
lar and incidentally gavo tho commis
sion a chanco to take tho tax payers
Into tholr confidence
A number of protests wero hoard,
but tho most conspicuous fault find
ing was loviod against allogcd fall
tiro of tho contracting firms laying
paving horo of doing their work nc
cording to specifications, particularly
as rdgards thickness of tho asphalt
surfacing. A numbor of residents a
long Eighth avnuo complained, stat
us inut uiu Humming was not or uio
two and ono-hnlf Inch depth or that
tho asphalt coating was undor ono and
ono-half inches deep. ,
Following tho mooting, a group of
theso men, accompanlod by members
of tho commission, adjourned to Eighth
avenue Thoro woro podntod out a
numbor of places, for making of
tests, but tho paving at theso points
appoared to bo all O. IC. as to depth.
Howovor, somo woro still npprohon
slvo, and a spot .was finally located
which In tho opinion of those In doubt
was not up to specifications. Tools
Avoro socured nnd n holo was cop
ed through tho paving nt this point.
It bo happened that tho surfacing a
bovo tho concroto was nearly throo
Inches thick, instead of two and ono
half ns called for. Tho oxporlmont
mado tho proporty owners fool moro
a,t oaso.
All paving laid In Kearney Is dono
undor carorul supervision. Tho mix
tures mndo in laying tho bnso and the
thlcknoss to which It , is pourod, tho
blndor and tho asphalt surfacing n-
I llko must mnnt. Illntr tnata All mim
nomo . 41 ;"va". .
mu uuuiuiuhs requirou untior spec
ifications adopted.
Tho commissioners, In callng n'
public mooting following tho hoarlng
of complaints, havo sot a now pre
cedent which proml3os to bo very pop
ulnr. In tho futuro, thoy will follow
tho samo course, call a special meet
ing, mako" it 1)1111110, Invito- everyone
intorostod to "tnko a hand" in tho
gnmo and then govern themselves no
coniingiy In tholr futuro policy.
Konrnoy Hub.
number of acres per farm producing! FOR SALE Brand now Ford '22 Se-ifirst i0ttCr which will bo treated in Brown and daughter Lula and her two
corn and second only to Iowa In th'oj dan, latest model, at a bargain. strictest confidence. Addresa "Educa-
numbcr of hogs per farm. The aver- Romign uarage. . , tlonal." caro Tribune.
age acreage of corn per farm in Nebr- nn a.t .,., r. :o:
nska is 59, while tho average num-l JTZZ lu. " Z7 J Mr George fanner of Dickens
her of swine per farm is 23JA. Corn , . n TT , ,
1. . .... I.WMV .....VU. ... .... ....WI
tho great Agricultural FOR RENT Building suitable for,
stato that ltr" Is. auto repair or blacksmith shop. For '.
Tho late Henry Wallaco onco said particulars call at this office. j
"To much corn is good for r.ogs." :
Nebraska's corn has enabled her to WANTED An experienced girl for
nroduco consistently through the' general houbework. Mrs. H. L.
years, America's largest hogs, accord-! Jacobson. 417 S. Vine j
Ing to Tom Cavett, tho Nebraska F0R SALE One team work horses1
vctoran Poland-Chlna breeder. Ho m splondld condition, hay stacker, 1
says, -l-or ono-thlrd or a century, ' farm wagon Klncal(i Mnxwoll.
Nebraska has Btood at tho front in .
good, big hogs. When tho so-called FOR RENT Newly furnished room,
hog states wero running down hill go'ntlcman preferred. Inquire 114 S.
nftor the little white points called ; Dowoy.
hot-bloods. Nobraska was raising hogs
, was a business visitor in the city yes
terday. ' :o:
Water rent Is now duo In district A.
and becodmss dollnqucnt Aug. 20. All
wator consumers will ploaso pay by
that date.
Hershoy S. Welch, I
Water Commissioner.
children left Tuesday by auto for Salt
Lake City and other points of Interest
where they will enjoy a vacation until
thoy get homesick for good, old North'
Take that next can of croam to
Harding Cream Station.
Choice A xo. 1 corn fed stcor steak)
V'o also servo a
from 11 a. m. to 2 p. m. for 25c
ranch. Wrlto P. O.
tho big smooth kind that everybody,
wants." In speaking of 'somo of tho
out-standing breeders and big hogs
that havo beon bred and exhibited,1 LOSTOno arg whitish roan milk
Mr. Cnvett reminisced ns follows:' cow, dehorned. Reward. Phono 785F2
"Twenty years ago, II. C. Dawson North Platte.
showed "Expansion", weighing over,
1,000 pounds, taking first at our stato FOUND Along north bank of river,
fair. Only last year tho grand cham- Bilvor cigarette case. May be Iden
nion boar of Iowa. Iowa Tlmm whm J urlcd at Tribune office
Nebraska bred boar, and wo havo only
400 acre vauoy
Box, 12, Maxwell'
to look back a few years to sco this
groat Iwar's sire Big Tlmm, owned
by William Ferguson, being mado
grand champion of Nobraska, wolgh-j
Ing at tho tlmo 1,050 pounds. Ho Vrs3,
Stove Fine
208 S. Maple.
burner Alcazar Oil
condition. Call 2G7J.
FOR RENT 2 unfurnished rooms two 1
blocks west of Court house on 4th
owned by Tlmm Neuhoffol of Central, Street. Phono 118.
City, Nebraska. A full iirothor to tho
lattor hog, owned by N. B. Balrd of
Contral City, Nebraska was grand
FOR SALE Apples, crabs, Sweet corn
I and tomatoes. Glenburnle Fruit Farm
Sutherland, Nebraska.
champion of Nobraska, Kansas and
Missouri Stato Fairs, and ho weighed LOSTBIack envelope purse, monoy,
koy, address. Return to Tribune of
fice Reward.
1,050 pounds. Then thoro was Bob
Price, first Junior yearling of Nebr
aska and grand champion of Kansas.
Ho was an 840-pound yearling ana at
tho National Swino show, his official
wolght was 1,028 pounds. Ho wasj
raised and exhibited by myself. Then
comos Crof ton's Colonel Bob, ownod
by John Crofton, which wolgnea i,i40
pounds and was grand champion of
Nobraska, Kansas, and second at Ulb
National Swino Show. Bob Price's
Equal, brod by myself and four times
grand champion nnd first at tho Nat
ional Swino Show, weighed 1,110
pounds; and later camo another boar
produced by Tlmm Neuhoffol, which
weighed 1,240 pounds at two years
old past and which was placet! third
WANTED Lady cook for restaurant
Inquire of or write to the Now Cafe,
Paxton, Nebraska.
FQR RENT 3 wpll ventilated sleeping
rooms. Under now management. Al
so 2 rooms for light housekeeping.
at tho Nebraska Stato Fair in a hard-'400 East Front East of DPot
fought contest. I havo not mentioned
Selling sonson tlckols for tho Chau
tauqua Is no fun, It la a form of com
munity sorvlco which somo people
will contribute nnd do It gladly. Sov
oral thousand North Piatto citizens
will bo solicited nnd it will bo dono
as. rapidly as possible Most of those
cltizons -will buy ono or moro soason
tlckota. Tholr well ordorod mind will
bo made up and they will bo able to wlu hoUl R balco salo gaturday, Aug
wuu uuniii uuuur wmi uourvcay.r, ,-,. HnPPn,i glnrn
Tho Eyo-Glasa men, .Clinton & Son.
Mrs. John Ilnjok and baby of SIdne
aro visiting tills woek at tho C. R
Brotornltz home.
Miss Mildred McKcowon loft 'Wed
nesday for Bollovero. Nebr. to visit
rolativcH for a fow days.
Tho mombera of, tho Catholic choir
nnd promptnesB. A fow -will bo undo-!
cidod nnd will roqulro tho tlckot Boil
er to mnko two or moro trips boforo a
decision 1b renched. Thon there will
bo a few who will grumblo and com
plain nnd mako llfo dlflagrooablo for
tho man or womnn who solicits thorn,
Such conduct is ungrnclous nnd un
kind and wo can roduco It to zero In
North Piatto If ovoryono will oboy
tho "Golden Rulo" in tho mattor.
Miss Colosto ernwford Ib taking hor
two weekfl vacatlort from Block's store
Jay Smith, Carl Brodbock and Victor
Anderson left yostorday far points
In Wyoming to spond two wookB fish
ing. MIbs Evolyn Boldt Hint to m'j. tier
yncatlon from tho Johnson Depart
ment Store Monday. Sho will visit In
Mrs. Loo Anderson and daughter of
Holdredgo enme yostorday to v!bU her
Bisters Mrs. K. A. Moorhouso nnd
MIbs Noll Coonoy,
Qulgloy Wilson roturnod to Pnxton
tho first of tho woolc aftor visiting
his parontB Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl WI1
eon for a fow days.
Most value for your -monoy In
Dodgo Brothers cars which do stand
up and glvo wondorful aorvlco ovorr
whoro. Touring car $1,020, Roadster
$80, Coupo $1130, Sodan $1025.
got your Dodgo car. ordorod today, na
'in splto of doubled production, thoro
Is a largo ehortago of theso good cars
J. V, Romlgh, Donlo
Mayor E. II. Evans roturnod last
ovonlng from n fow dayB trip to Don
vo'r whoro ho transacted business.
MrB. Claronco Shaul and baby lofu
last ovonlng for Fort Collin to visit
rolntlvoB for a couplo of wooka.
Molvlu Yntoa roturnod Tuosday ov
onlng from points In Colorado and
Wyoming whoro ho spout six weeks
Grnnt E. Combs of El Paso, Toxas
camo this morning to spond tho week
as a guost nt tho W. C. Boldt homo,
Fits Your
Tho CLEVELAND LIglitwoIght
will tko you to and from work
and onablo you to find cool and
pleasant spots thoso hot oven
IngB and wook ends and It
"fltB your pockotbook", toot
Prlco only $185,00. Terms
to rcspgnslblo partlos. Como
on ovor and tako h rldo.
John Null,
North Platte, Nebr.
FOR SALE Threo boars, thorough
bred Poiand-Chlnus. 7 months old.
weigh 250 pounds. $30 each If taken
quick, Mac Westphall, phone 785F21.
FOR SALE All kinds of vegetables,
also poultry. On farm or ddllvercd.
Mrs. S. J. Macoy. 1 milo north and Yi
mllo east North Platte.
nil of tho biggest of tho big, but only
a fow of tho largo champions of which
Boven averaged 1,008 pounds. Thoso
woro all produced In contral Nebr
aska" Cozad Local.
"Little Corporal" was "tho tlllo fa
miliarly bestowed upon Nnpoleon Bo
nnpnrto by his admiring soldiers after
the Battle or Lodl (1700), in allusion
to hid Biimll' stature, youthful appear
ance and surpassing nravory.
Eyes oxamlnecl, Glasses fitted. Sat
isfaction, sure Clinton & Son
Mrs. John Jones of Brady transact
ed business In tho city Thursday.
Ordor a flno, fat, milk-fed spring
FOR RENT Flvo unfurnished rooms
nnd garage 2 blocks west of Court
House on 4th Street. Reaaonablo rent
to rollablo party. Phone 118.
FOR SALE Two milk cows- ono flvo
year old Red Poll with calf one
throo year old part Jorsoy, recently
fresh. F. A. Burke, 802 W. Second
Phono 937 W.
FOR SALE I still havo a flno bunch
of spring chickens which I shall be
glad to dress and deliver for your
Sunday cllnnor. Mm E. 9.- Glines.
Phono 5C4J.
FOR SALE House and 3 lots in fine
location. Consider part trade stock.
chicken for Sunday dinner. Dressed car or clear lot. Also new range, cash
or allvo. Wo dollvor. Burko JCash or trade for good horso or cow. 2003
Grocory. G21 East 4th, phono 971. I West Cth. Phono 9G3LJ.
. Ml
Regular 22 oent package large size Nabisco for $.15
Regular 12 cent package small size Nabisco, 2 for v. -15
Regular 20 cent package Saratoga Flakes for .15
Regular 10 cent package Uneeda Biscuit for 05
Regular 10 cent package Macar6on Snaps for ., 05
Regular 10 cent package Zu-Zu Ginger Snaps for 05
Reular 10 cent package Oatmeal Crackers 05
Regular 10 cent package Vanilla Wafers for 05
Regular 10 cent package. Lemon Snaps for 05
Regular 10 cent package Cheese Tid-Bits for 05
Regular 10 cent package Graham Crackers for 05
Regular 15 cent package Premium Soda Crackers for. . .10
Regular 10 cent package Animal Cookies for 05
Nabiscoes by the pound 30
Our Cookies are Always Fresh!
5, 10 & 25c Store.
The three most vital units in motor performance arc
the piston rings, the pistons and the piston pins. Wear,
improper design or inaccurate fit in these units results
in loss of power gasoline waste oil and carbon
troubles noise and unsatisfactory operation.
When new piston rings alone are needed, we have a
McQuay-Norris ring for every price and purpose all
We Carry a Complete Service Stock
made from Electric Iron. When new pistons and pins
are also required, we have the McQuay-Norris Wain
wright line especially designed and made for replace
ment, t
Regardless of where you plan to have your car over
hauled, we can. supply all sizes or over-sizes promptly.
McQutty-Ttorrh IVafn
writht Pistons and Pins
gray iron piitoni ni
Slit at islety
for renlact.
menta available in standard sixes and
over-sixes also In seml-flnlshcd form 75
thousandths over-lie pins of special
hardened steel, Ground to exceptional
and PinshTiUX
permits specially designed
Telephone 401.
oor an
vc two-
: ,1 :
f er King venting loss of
gas and compression. Olves
equal pressure at all points on
cylinder walls. For all piston
f;roovcs except top, which should
lave ISuptrcvC. Bach ring packed
la a parchment container.
CI"fl nfk Supsreyt Keeps
PlUW lubricating oil
rwrj; out of combus
PerRing tlon chamber.
Collects excess oil on each down
stroke of piston and empties on
each up stroke, which ordinary
grooved rings cannot do. Bach
ring packed In n parchment con.
North Platte, Nebr.
Cnnn of the highest
onaP grade. Raised above
R intra the average by Mc
"'"B0 Quay.Norris manu
facturing methods.
Their use insures all the satis
faction possible for you to get
from a plain snap ring. They
are packed twelve rings to the
carton and rolled in waxed paper.
- one-piece ring. Non-
PcrRlng butting joint, which
can be fitted closer
than ordinary step cut velvet
finish quick seating. "Seats in
a jirfy." To keep them clean
and free from rust, each ring is
Backed in an individual glass,
ic envelope.
ins cur