The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 04, 1922, Image 7

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Sisre Relief
Mlas Amy Kaukonen, Quardlan of Lit
tie- Buckeye City, Actlvo In
Auxiliary Affairs.
Ohio not only boasts that she has
! ,
6 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
254; and 75$ Packages. Everywhere
Stomach-Kidney a-Heart -Liver
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world's stand
ard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
The National Remedy of Holland for
centuries and endorsed by Queen Wllhel
mlna. At all druggists, three sizes.
Look for the name Gold Medal on ererr boa
and accept no Imitation
Are Usually Due
to Constipation
When you arc constipat
ed, there is not enough
lubricant produced by
your system to keep the
food waste soft. Doctors
prescribe Nujol because
its action is so close to
this natural lubricant.
Nujol is a lubricant not
& 'medicine or laxative
so cannot gripe. Try it
Grav Hair I
la out of faihlon:
la unnocenuirjr
for yon can have
Jf of the original
hade oj vtlag Q-Dan Ilalr Color Kstorcr. Safe
a water try It. At all Rood drnirgiaU, 7S cent,
or direct from I1ESS1G-EUJS. OuUu, Ktmetk. Tea.
Dnnaant nair
Boosting Pickwick.
Train Boy Where ou the map Is
Pickwick, Bill?
Brukeman Sounds as If It might be
somewhere In tho hinterland, kid.
Train Boy Some people are always
trying to boost their native town. An
old-fashioned hick asked me if I had
the Pickwick" papers. Judge.
Baby's little dresses will just simply
dazzle If Red Cross Ball Blue Is used
In the laundry. Try It and see for your
self. At all good grocers. Advertise
Compensation for Divinity.
Little brother was going through tho
"hear under the bed" stuge and dis
closed so much curiosity concerning
the habits of those interesting nnlmnls
that when bedtime came mother was
always careful to guide the talk into
other chunnels. Tonight prayers had
been said and the conversation was
all about God.
"Mother," he asked suddenly, "did
God mako bears?"
"Why, yes, dear."
"Well, then, would n benr blto God?"
"Oh, no," she answered him hastily.
"Gosh I" said tho small boy fer
vently. "I wish I 'was God I"
Lwf Mt Siclulra u( I'm 4 BUra d OBt. Flitan IImm
S. W. Cor. Hth and Uouglas DO, umuia, neo.
Phono Jackson ZTM. All we ask Is a chance to bla.
Skin Troubles
With Cuticura
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c
Western Ganada
nffan Health tad Wedlh
and has brought contentment and happiness
lies who have started on her FREE homesteads
established their own homes and secured proa-
growW sections of the prairie provinces there
la still to be had on easy terms
Fertile Land at SIS to $30 an Acre
land similar to that which through many
years has yielded from 20 to 45 bushels
also in great "abundance, while ralalna
horses, cauic, auccp uu u '"V1"""
profitable. Hundreds of farmers in Western
Canada have raised crops In a single season
worth more than the whole cost of their land.
Healthful climate, good neignDors. cnurcnes.
schools, rural telephone, excellent markets
and Shipping facilities. The climate and soil
offer inducements for almost every branch oi
agriculture. ineaaTamagraiur
Dairying, Mixed Farming
and Stnek Raisin r
make a tremendous appeal to industrious
settlers wisnmg to improve '"Fl;."-",-u"'
stances. For certificate entitling you
to reduced railway rates, illustrated ,
literature, maps, ueacrimiuii u wiu
opportunities n Manuooa, o
gstcnewan, Aioerw aim
tun uiiumma. etc, wnw
300 Feist's Trust Building
Omaha, Neb.
(Copy tor Thti Dapartmtnt Supplied r
Lieut. M. L. Gelscnberger, Valuable
Aid at Natchez, When Missis
sippi Went on Rampage.
After the American I&d Cross nt
Natchez, Miss., hnd obtained from tho
government sev
eral hundred army
tents to houso
flood refugees, It
was found that
the government
had failed to send
anybody along
who could direct
the erection of
the canvas shel
ters. Fortunately
members of the
Natchez American
Legion had had
experience with practically every sort
of tent from "pup" tents on up. After
having rescued hundreds of people
from housetops and treetops, the Le
gionnaires took upon themselves tha
Job of erecting a tent city to house
these refugees.
A Legion doctor laid out the camp
from the standpoint of sanitation, and
M. L. GelsenberKer. a former lieuten
ant, was made commandant of the
refugee camp.
More than five hundred people were
taken care of during the first few
days, nnd as the flood area widened
the number rapidly Increased. The
Legion's woijc In the care of Hood vic
tims received unstinted praise from
every quarter of the country.
"Legionnaire" Not Yet in Official
Guide Promises to Hold for
All Time to Come.
The American Legion Weekly com
ments on a New Zealand Newspaper's
use of the word "legionary" to denote
a member of the American Legion.
"The word 'legionary' has an honored
place In the dictionary which 'legion
naire' has not as yet, the Weekly
points out. "But all the sentiment,
and It Is a case where sentiment
counts, Is on the side of 'legionnaire.'
'Legionary' connotes an embattled Ito-
nmn, toting a shield and spear for
Julius Caesur. 'Legionnaire' calls to
mind (from the French point of view)
a regiment of foreigners of the French
Foreign Legion.
" 'Legionnaire' ,ns Indicating a mem
ber of the American Legion, seems too
firmly established to dislodge. We
must remember that all Legions Ro
man, Foreign nnd American had one
thing In common: They fought In
No Difference. Now.
Movie Director Now here Is where
you Jump off.
Star I know, but supprfse I'm hurt?
Director That's all right, old man.
It's the last scene In the picture.
American Legion Weekly.
Suggestions of a Doughboy.
Being tho suggestions of a dough
boy on the manner of conducting tho
next war, together with certain reflec
tions on the conduct of the last one.
That all song writers, would-be writ
ers, song lenders and vaudeville sing
ers he marked Glass 1-A. That they
bf- drafted In the first contingent and
have at least six months intensive
training at K. P., sanitary detail, eta,
before being permitted to compose
their country's songs.
That any person who shall write,
compose or sing, or attempt to write.
compose or sing songs expressing
doughboy sentiment without such pre
vious training shall be liable to death
and shall be sent over the top at mid
night with a lantern In each hand-
American Legion Weekly.
"It's a Great Life."
Proving that gay Pareo didn't cause
them to forget the cows and chickens,
COO of the 8,300 vocational trainees in
the Seattle (Wash.) district of the
veterans' bureau are taking up agri
culture as their new occupation. When
iiBked about their work, these embryo
farmers Invariably reply, "It's a great
produced many mbre than her sharo
of the nation's
chief executives,
but she also
points with prldo
to tho fact that
her little city of
Falrport has ono
of tho most at
tractive and cup
ablo "lady may
ors" In the coun
try. Miss Amy
Kaukonen, who
during the war
was u member of
the volunter medical senico corps of
the United States army, has given en
tire satisfaction as mayor of Falr
port. Mayor Kaukonen finds time from
her ofllclnl duties to take part In tho
affairs of the American Legion Aux
iliary of her city. That she 1b a
stunch supporter of the Legion is evi
denced by her statement: "It is dis
tinctly an American organization, In
which politics and selfish Interest have
no place. Its cornerstone Is Ameri
can manhood, its objects liberty, fra
ternity und service. Its principles uro
as broad as the continent upon which
falls the shadow of our flag."
Argonne Association's Plan May Bo
Used for Unfortunates in
United States.
A plan for the care and training of
French wnr orphans, worked out by
the Argonne association, an organiza
tion formed as a permanent memorial
to the Americans who fought In
France, Is said to be functioning so
satisfactorily that a similar organiza
tion mny he formed for the caro of.
orphans In the United States.
The Argonne association was formed
In 1018 by n group of Americans In
terested In French orphans. It hns as
Its motto: "To provide for the child
who has no parents, n home nnd n
family life; to secure him his birth
right of health; to educate him nnd
truln him to earn a livelihood; to de
velop his character that he may bo
come n useful and an upright citizen
and to do these things so well nnd so
economically that others shall follow
this example Is the aim of the An
gonno association."
The orphans cared for under the as
sociation's plan are placed In prlvatt
homes In a community whero they art
really wanted. They are not "farmed
out." There Is a community school
playground and vocational training
center where the children are dall
brought together to get their mental
und physical development. There nr
three such centers In France where
the orphans are given threu dtstincf
stages of training.
Ernest Hall, Arizona's Secretary of
State, Knew France's Idol Under
Different Circumstances.
When Marshal Foch visited Arizona
on his recent tour of the United States
as the guest of
tho American Le
gion, he was offi
cially welcomed
by Ernest It
Hall, Arizona's
secretary of
state, who In the
absence of the
state's chief ex
ecutive became
acting governor.
It had not been
many months
since Mr. II n 1 1
hnd seen the mnrshnl under entirely
different circumstances. On that fop
mer occasion, Mr. Hall wore un "to
sued" uniform. Ho wns known us
"Corporal Hall of the Twenty-seventh
Although he was over draft age and
a member of the state senate when
wnr was declared, he wns ono of the
first men in his community to enlist.
Just now ho is almost, as proud of
his position as chaplain of the Frank
Luke, Jr., post of the American Le
gion as he Is of the secretaryship.
Carrying On With the
American Legion
Tyrone Neb., 20 miles from a rail
road, In the midst 'of tho sandhill re
gion, has dedicated a $2,300 Ameri
can Legion memorial hall.
The Legion In Massachusetts has
raised funds to install a radio receiv
ing set In each of the state's five hos
pitals where service men ore being
cared for.
Free traveling libraries nre being
furnished Oklahoma posts of the
American Legion by the department
of education. The post may keep
each collection of books two months.
Commander nanford MacNider of
the Legion has announced himself In
favor of every Legion post adopting
a troop of boy scouts or forming
troops In communities where none
exist. "Scouting Is the best educa
tion In America today for developing
future citizens and I favor anything
that tends toward Its promotion," Mr,
MacNider says. '
BBBJ 'aHaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaB
No Thanks, I Must Have
Never fails to produce pure
and wholesome bakings.
.. You save when you buy it
;f You save when you use it
- If you buy big can or cheap
? baking powder you don't get
the Calumet quality.
The World's
Court Robbed of Imposing Timepiece
Under Its Very Eyes and With
Its Permission.
Thousands of law-breukcrs have
been given "time" nt Berlin's central
criminal court In Moablt, but recently
an ingenious crook posing as a repair
man actually was given the court's
ofllclnl clock and that whllo a caso
was being tried.
Tho sitting was well tinder way
wben n man in working clothes entered
tho courtroom with a long ladder
which ho calmly placed under the
huge, Imposing timepiece on tho wall.
The judge, counsel, accused and specj
tators were nstoundcO at such nn un
precedented Interrupt, on. Tho presi
dent stopped tho workman's ascent of
his ladder long enough to inquire the
meaning of his conduct. Tho visitor
explained that he merely wanted to get
the clock for repair nnd that It would
tako only a moment The president
objected, but consented when the man
said he already had called six times
and always found tho court In session.
The vacant space on the wall sur
prised the janitor later in tho day, nnd
.his Investigations revealed that tho
court had been robbed under its very
eyes, in fact, with its permission.
Her mother I believe thnt daughter
is looking for a husband.
Her Fathei: For goodness sakoJ
The Japanese brldo calls upon her
neighbors and friends, Instend of the
neighbors and friends calling upon her.
1 ts
Greatest Baking Powder
Were More Humane Than Popularly
Fabled, Says Professor Who Has
Studied Their Laws.
Tho Assyrian Is popularly recalled
as coming down "like u wolf on tho
fold." But ono provision of tho As
syrian codo of laws Indicates that tho
Assyrians are moro humane than they
aro popularly fabled. This requires
that tho destltuto widow bo supported
by her nona "ub tho bride whom ono
Instead of tho Assyrians being whol
ly abject, their letters, says Prof. A.
F. Olmstend, of the University of Illi
nois, show high ofllcinls speaking their
minds with tho greatest plainness, tho
kings making pathetic appeals to those
whoso support they would win. Their
imperial freb cities wero as free as
those in western Europe In the Middle
ages, with charters of freedom from
taxes, and trading rights to tho four
corners of tho earth and to all
Left Him No Escape.
"If you feel Unit way, why did you
propose to tho woman?"
"I didn't. Sho proposed to me."
"But you could have refused her."
"No, I couldn't. She said y'wlll
mnrry me7 Have you any objection?
So whether I'd said 'Yes' or 'No,'
she had mo either -way."
"Well, you shouldn't have answered
"I didn't, so sho said, 'SUenco gives
.consent,' aud that settled it"
There are fewer than 832 parks nnd
squures In Pnris.
Back to the
Grain Fields
for Health
GRAPE-NUTS is a regular "threo
bags full" bf the best food quali
ties of whole wheat flour and malted
barley, carefully mixed and slowly
To develop all their appetizing flavor.
To preserve all their wbolesomeness,
And to provide nature's "broom" that keeps the diges
tive system spick and span.
There's not a bit of artiGcial sweetening in prape-Nuts
it just becomes sweet of its own accord in the long baking.
And that enticing flavor how good it is with good milk
or creaml Fruits, too, fresh or cooked, add to the delight of
a dish of Grape-Nuts, morning, noon or sundown.
It is a compact, ready-to-eat food- no cooking needed.'
Why not try it for tomorrow's breakfast?
"There's a Reason
Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich.
I rfJ,BT Mt BY A TllWf
LH (mm
Law la No Longer Popular With Work
men in Hamburg, Germany,
SayB Writer.
Keener competition Is causing a de
cided swing away from many post
war pet ideas In Germany. Even tha
eight-hour law Is no longer popular,
Frederick Slmplch writes in Our
World. Tho labor inspection bureau
In n recent report pictures the trouble
lta. enforcement is bringing as Ham
burg's economic condition Improved.
Employers complain Hint laborers of
both sexes, nftcr nn eight-hour day,
bndcrtuko to do outside work for other,
people which' cuts down their efll
clency on their regular Job. Workers,
on tho other hand, consider it an In
terference with their personal liberty;
if their employers try to hold them
to tho eight-hour plan. Although the
lnw was passed to safeguard the health,
of tho workers, they appear to hava
lost sight of Its real Intention, nnd tho
authorities show reluctance to prose
cute cases of its violation. In tho ho
tels and cafes, especially, It has been'
dlfllcult to enforce the eight-hour day;
waiters arc loath to give up their
chances for more tips during overtime.
Flowers for Luck.
In Switzerland when the cows ard
driven to the mountain pastures for
tho summer, tho leader, which wears
a bell, has her neck garlanded with
flowers for luck.
Is tho practlco of n police judgo of
fine art?
Eccentricity Is shnm individuality.
ad C.'.U.1U. P. !' CW