Sign of Tha Big Ring
Offlco over tho McDonald
Stato Dank.
The Eye-Glass men, Clinton & Son.
Djion Optical Co. Classes fitted.
Miss Grace 1'cano of I'nxton shop
ped In tho city yesterday.
Clias. Hart of Cozad was a business
-visitor In tho city yesterday.
J. C. Mooro left Thursday for Wal
laco to transact business.
Mrs. Jens Summers of Maxwell
Hhoppod In tho city yestorday.
Tho Clearance Salo at Wilcox De
partment Storo closes Saturday.
Emmett Shumway loft yesterday for
Choyonno to attend tho Frontier.
Fred Spear of Maxweii rras a busi
ness visitor 1n tho city yesterday.
Miss Helena Hoga leaves tomorrow
for Omaha to visit Miss Huth Fowlcs.
Take that next can of cream to
Harding Cream Station.
Pau Gnanuall of Koystono was a
buslnoss visitor In tho city yesterday.
Frod Ponso of Paxton was a busi
ness visitor in tho city Wednesday.
Miss Agnos Welsh ot uguintm was a
business viBltor in tho city yesterday. '
Airs. a. j. avails oi uorsnoy was u,
business visitor In tho city yostorday. j for Chicago and Kansas City to pur-
Uon Johnson of Gothenburg visited cliaso goods for tho Beghtol-Marr
yestorday at tho A. T. Johnson home. Shop.
J. W. McConnoll of St. Louis wns Miss Lola Tucker loft last oven
a business visitor In tho city ycslor-(Ing for her homo In Beatrice after
day, j apondlng a week at tho John Tucker
Mrs. P. SwnnkOHko and daughtor ot hbmo.
Ognlalla shoppod in tho city Thurs- Miss Ruth McCIanhan returned to
day. hor homo in Boatrlco last evening
Chas. Hulverson of Valley Itango, altor visiting for several days at the
transacted" Imsln'cBB "In tho clty'Tliurg
day. John Nolson loft Thursday for Ster
ling to transact business for a few
Don't forgot tho big 10c danco at
tho Lloyd Opera houso evory Satur
day night.
Robert Baxter of Omaha camo im
lorday to visit sovoral days with Louis
Miss Marjory Russell Is off duty
at tho Rlnlcor Rrug Storo .on account
of Illness,
Hnrry York roturnod yoatorday by
auto from Choyonno after attending
tho Frontier.
T. C. Tilley returned yostorday from
Arnold whoro ho transacted business
for sovoral days.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cochran returned
yostofday from Scottsliluft after visit
ing ueveral days.
General Manager Joffors of tho U.
! , spont Tuesday 'hi North Platte
transacting business.
H. N, Smith returned' yostorday
from Omaha whoro ho has boon visit
ing for several days.
Mrs. C. S. Bonnor is assisting 1n
tho Boghtol-Marr storo during tho ab
senco of Mrs. Boghtol.
Arthur Molchort left yostorday for
Choyonno aftor visiting sovoral days
in tho city with friends.
H. A. Brooks leavos tomorrow for
Donvor and Grand Lako whoro ho
will, spend two wooks.
A. P. Kolly returned Wednesday
from Choyonno nftor attondlng the
Frontier for a fow days.
Mrs. August Golsort ot Ogalalla un
derwent an oporation at tho Platto
Valloy hospital last wook.
Your cholco ot any Sport Silk Dress
mado of Priutod Silk Cropo, Crepe
Knit, Pongoo, Etc.. values to ?30.00,
whilo thoy lust $0.98, at BLOCK'S.
Mrs. A. E. McConnoll loft AVedncs
day morning for Choyonno whoro alio
will visit hor slstors Mrs. A. II. Harv
oy and Mrs, John Jncobson.
1 havo bought tho shop formorly owned by Honry Simon, at 820
North Locust and will carry a full lino ot ,fro8h moots at fair
prcoa. Glvo mo o trial.
& SON, The Eye Glass Men
Satisfaction Sure Try Us.
H. J. Dill was thrown from a car
which ho was driving and badly In
jured. E. V. Cooper left yestorday for
Gothenburg whero lie will transact
business for sovornl days.
William Labor returned to his home
In Wallaco Wednesday. Ho has been
rocclvlng medical treatment.
Clinton's for Spectacles.
Jack Deal and Harry Hart returned
yesterday by auto from Choyonno af
ter attending tho ball games.
Harold Langford returned yestor
day from Choyonno after attending
tho ball games and tho Frontier.
Highest cash prices paid for poultry!
and frosh oggs at Harding Cream Sta
tion. Mr. and Mrs. Carl SlmonB and fam
ily loavo August 1st for Hastings to
upend several weeks visiting frjends.
Fred Peterson returned Wednesday
I from Choyonno after attending tho
I series of ball games held in that city.
I Cecil Cool returned yestorday from
i Choyonno where ho attended tho sorics
i of bnsoball gamos nlnvert in that city.
Don't forgot tho big 10c danco at
tho Lloyd Opora house every Satur
day night.
Jim Clinton, Ernest llincker and
Harry Plzor will return today from
three wook stay in YelloWBtono
Mr(, Maudo Doehlol left Wednesday
John Tuckor Tiomb.
Miss Alta Goings loft yesterday for
hor homo In Holdredgo nftor visiting
several wooks nt the W C. Boldt
Miss Elonor Connor loft Wednosday
for hor homo In Omaha after spend
ing a fow days at. tho J. F. Scliwalger
R. V. Robinson, Malntanco of Way
Engineer for tho Union Pacific rail
road transacted business in tho city
A mnrrlago liconso wns issuod
Thursday to Albort C. Nolson, 29 'of
Overton and Miss Dora V. Way, 30 ot
this city.
Mrs. S. O. Roaonthyna roturnod yos
torday to hor homo 4n Clioycnno nftor
visiting at tho John McMichnol home
for sovoral days. ...
Miss Agnos, Portorfiold nrrivod Sat
urday from Modesto, Call, to spond the
roBt of tho summor with Mr. and Mrs.
A T.I ITcPnnnnll
... ... ..... .. ..
You uro invited to conio In nnd in -
spect the now and beautiful model
of tho Dodgo Brothers Coupo. which
will bo Bhown hero until Saturday.
J. V. Romish Doalor.
Tomorrow Alright
NRTablota otop alok hoidichet.
rollovo bilious attach, tono and
roeulato tho ollmlnatlvo organs,
mako you fool flno.
" BitUr Than pills For Uvir Ilia"
Graduate Opticians
Elmer Coates with somo
visited tho Community Club Wednes
day ovening.
Mrs E P Trimble is exnectinir her
Mrs. L. P. Trimble Is expecting her
sister Mrs. Eckman and Miss Helen
Gumaor of Lincoln to visit her soon.'
This community has been having!
nnmn flnn rnlna Infolv nn,1 tha mrn '
is making a wonderful growth.
Mrs. Harry Grahum received a tele
gram last week announcing tho death
of her uncle Henry Hans nt Garland,
Friday afternoon tho Campfiro girls
mot in Mrs. Kaelbor's grovo and had
a weinie roast. They spent part of
tho afternoon in Bwlmming and later
had Ico cream and cake. They report
ed a most oxcollcnt tlmo.
Miss Jessie Greene, University spe
cialist met Saturday with Mrs. Ing
wnnl Holm and the Girls' Sewing
Mr. Uosencrants, who has a largo
barn under construction on his farm
on Burlington FlatB reports it is Hear
ing completion.
Wednesday ovening at Community
Club, tho old organ, which has been
an oyesoro to many, was auctioned
hi nam nm nv niffl t, m i n h u w i 'i
To see the newest of the
year's big production at
At the Sun, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Louis B. Mayer presents the
John M. Stahl -Production
"One Clear Calf
"Ho may bo your husband and my greatest friend, but I cannot give
you back to him;" ;
It hits pounds startle this drama of a good man who stood be
tweon a wondering wifo nnd n husbijnd who was just a broken pro-
groat story dramatic thrill, and
j ' Francis Nimmo Greene's story ot
a scroon. Claire Windsor. Milton
greatest portrayal since "Birth of
' -
oft. bringing, a noat little sura.
Mr. and! Mrs. Frank ParkB. yho
havo beoA visiting Mr. and Mrs.'Pj.iP.
Trlmblp., motored back lo Lincoln
laBt week.
Mrs. Sarah Combs is visiting Mr.
nnd Mrs. Oscar Nealo at Stevens Point
Wis. She will remajn. througn the
warm weather. Mrs. Ncalc Is the
daughter of Mrs. Combs.
Tho Poultry Club met Wednesday
morning with Mrs. Omar Reeves,
getting more practice in culling chick
ens. County agent Kellogg met with
them, assisting them further in their
Tho Girls and Doys' Canning Club
met Saturday afternoon with Mrs. R.
R. Morris. Miss Jessie Green, Univer
sity Extension specialist was present,
assisting in cold pack canning and
Preparing tho club for demonstrating, 'a '"""'D -
.,., , . .,,, ,,, illoved such trouble, kcopng my kid
" " ""a
On Tuesday, July 25, tho Pig Clubs
nn1 tho Cn,f Clubs ot Lincoln County
OCCOIUpanlod by tllOir leaders and
county agent Kellogg went on a judg
ing trip to Lexington. Thoy visited
farms having very fine stock and re
turned at n late hour, considering the
day had been well spent.
On Thursday afternoon tho Ladles,y T w, nlwaya tako rjoan'a"
Aid ot the Baptist church of Maxwell
entertained the Blgnell Ladies in Grif
fiths grovo. They Bpent the nfternoon
In games and later had a most de
licious lunch of fried chicken and all
tho good things that go with it. The
Maxwell ladies are noted for their
fine 'feeds".
At a special school meeting hold
Wednesday evening it was voted to
build another room to tho ichool
building, stucco the same and put a
full basement undor tho building. This
will give plenty of room for tho work
of tho Community Club this coming
year besides providing better school
advantages for tho children.
i mil i 'it'i'ttm
the thrill of a nightridors" raid.
tho South brought surging to tho
Sills nnd Honrv n. AVnitimii in
a Nation." A First Nationnl
Time and Annoyance by having plenty of
good stationery conveniently at hand.
250 Sheets of Paper
200 No. 6 3-4 Envelopes
' 50 No. 10 Envelopes
: All printed to .your order and put up in a hand
some and convenient cabinet.
Similar Cases being Publlscd in. Encli
Tho following caso is but ono ot
many occurlng dally In North Plrttto.
It Is an easy matter to verify it. Ask
your neighbor. You cannot nsk for
better proof.
M. C. Rogors, harness maker. 514
Locust St, North Platte, Bays:
"For two years Doan's Kidney Pills
havo been our only kidney medicine
My back becamo lamo and had n
steady acho. If I would go to straight
on up while sitting at my work, n
sharp pain would catch mo. My kid
neys wero disordered for they would
act too often, especially at night.
Doan's havo always completely ro-
noys healthy. I know Doan's can be
rolled upon and I am glad to rccom
mend them." (Statement given Juno 2
Four years later or on Juno 7,
1920, Mr. Rogers added: "I havo tho
Bamo good opinion of Doan's Kidney
Pills now as when I endorsed them
in 191G. If I do need a kidney romc-
COc at all dealers. x'ostor-MUburn
Co.. Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Home-canned fruits and vegetables
will taste better next winter!
THE famous Lorain
Oven Heat Regula
tor has changed home
canning methods made
it easy and always suc
cessful. Read the recipe.
Isn't that an improve
ment over the old way?
No more standing over
steaming kettles on a scorching
stove, while the kitchen heat
rises far above the tempera
tures of a July day. Lorain
canning means resting on your
cool veranda while Lorain
watches the job.
The results are far more
delicious than y'ou get by the
old-fashioned way of canning
on the top burners. Thousands
of women use the Lorain way
and praise it enthusiastically.
May we show you the Lo-ratn-cquipped
gas ranges on
Sivo; money by gelling what you
ndctl now at Wilcox Department
Physician, Obstetrician, Surgeon
CallB promptly answered Night or Day
, Phones. Offlco C42 Rcsldenco 676
Over Hirschf eld's '
Office, Phono 333 Res. Phono 1020
Rooms 5. G, 7 Building & Loan Bldg.
Offlco Phono 70 Res. Phono 1242
Mcdlclno and Surgery
Hospital Facilities
Offico Phono 183 Resldonco 283
To can
The easu Lorain wau
Clean, scald 5 min
utes. Cold-dip. Re
move skins. Pack
whole, sliced or cubed.
Fill jar with boiling
water, adding 1 tea
spoon salt for quart
jar. Put scalded rub
bers in place, lids
loose. Set Lorain reg
ulator at 2SO dep.rees
for 14 hours, un
watched. Remove and
seal when clock rings.
our floor, and let you see and
taste samples of Lorain oven
canning? There is a free book
let of recipes and suggestions
which is yours for the asking.
Get it nowl
The Lornin Oven Heat Regulator
is an attachment of gas ranc ovens.
It automatically keeps your oven nt
any one of 44 different tern' tures.
Simply set the "red wheel ' nt any
heat you want. Changes in gai
pressure, etc., do. not ah'ect the oven
Lorain is recommended by lending
domestic science experts. Lorain -equipped
ranges are used in over 300
leading colleges and schools, nnd in
thousands upon thousands of homes.
The Lornin recipe book gives full
directions on how to cook an entiTe
meal in the oven at one time, un
watched. GAS
The baked-on finish of these
rnnRes elves them n lustrous, durable
surface that is os easy to keep clean
as it is good to look nt. All-steel
construction prevents breakage. A
variety- of pleasing styles and con
venient sizes to choose from.
North Platte Light
& Power Co.
zn r i