The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 28, 1922, Image 4

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00 ORis of Sleepy II ( -vow run and WASH ) I SPW10 ( . . II ? 1
J vjo
In Thayer County, Nebr., tho county
agent wished to show to as many
farmers as possible a system of crop
rotation adapted to their needs. Ho
solected tho county fair as an oppor
tunity of meeting perhaps tho largest
number of farmers at any ono time.
Securing from the fair iboard a 7-foot
squaro spaqo in a prominent part of
the fair grounds, ho laid off on" it a
rnmaturo farm, with Holds in pro
portion to tho 7-foot space. Corn, oats
and wheat wero sown In tho fields
in time to be growing nlcoly when tho
fair opened; imitation trees wero
placed to show the location of tho
orchard and small modola of farm
buildings added. Over 15,000 persons
(visited tho tiny farm during tho fair,
studying tho plan, and asking ques
tions about tho rotation system.
A largo per cent of tho binder
troubles come from depreciation of
tho machlno while It Is standing in
tho field. Tho knotter mechanism of
tho binder is a complicated and deli
cate pieco of machinery and should
not bo exposed to tho weather. A
heavy coating of rust on these parts
causes most of tho knotter trouble of
tho following years. If tho machlno
must bo left In tho field for a time
it is a good policy to cover Uio knotter
part with a heavy coating of axle
grease and tie an old piece of canvas
ovor tho binder head. Binder can
vases will not stand any partlculai
amount of exposure and should bo re
moved as soon as tho machlno Is
stopped. Crickets and mlco quickly
destroy tho canvas and In some cases
even ont (lie jjlais Ono will b. rop'.M
for his time i all the camases on
tho binder are well wrapped In heavy
bulldin paper and suspended on wires
from the rafters In tho granary or
hay loft where they cannot bo molest
ed by Insects or mice.
Tho Board of County Commission
ers of Lincoln county met In tho court
houso July 24 with present Springer,
Mrs. Pulver, Co. poor $30.00
B. W. Wilson, road work 82.50
Sundry persons, bridge work. 283.00
Sundry persons, dragging 96.75
Sundry persons, surveying, 75.50
A. P. Anderson 43.00
Ralph Gutherloss, road dlst. 3, 5.00
G. Gutherle8s, dragging, 17.25
Wash Trembly, road dlst 3, 3.50.
G. Gutherless, road dlst.3, 22.50
Norman Gutherless, road dlst 3, 2C.00
C. C. Long, dragging, 29.25
E. M. Leech, Co. poor 10.00
Melton Craig, dragging. 15.00
Hubert Neuth, 5.00.
Wm. Hoy. road dlst. 37, 27.00 "
Drag 40.00
Jacob Scherer, road dlst 20, G.00
G. G. Schect, drag. 9.00
G. G. Schect, road dlst. 20, 34.20.
Ed Schect, road dlst, 20, 2.50.
A. P. Freeman, road dlst 20 2.50
Ben Bshleman, road dlst 3U 0.00
McMIchael Bros, court houso 7,500.00
Milton Raney, road dlst 44 4.70
Albert Swanson, drag. 7.50
Chns Oldfather, refund of tax 34.47
Sundry persons, bridge 85.25
Fred Brooks, dragging 15.00
Chas. Leypold salary 131.99
J. F. Snyder, dragging, 3G.25.
John B Schram, dragging, 10.50
J. W. Murphy, road dlst. 18, 10.50
J. P Burrows, road dlst. IS, 11.20
O. C. Oman, road dlst. 18, 14.00
Art Cloustre, road dlst 18, 17.00
Thos. Compton, road dlst. 18, 7.00
H. Banks, road dlst 18, 7.00
Chas. Androws, 18, 7.00
A. K. Clement, road dlst. 18, 7.00.
Frank Dwls, road dlst. 18, 8.40
Nick Klosson, road dlst 40, 34.00.
Frank Walz, road dlst 40, 14.40.
A. McMlckle, read dlst. 18, 9.G0
H. T. McMlckle, road dlst. 18, 36.25
Shorm Coleman, road dlst. 40, 19.20.
as mado by the city council of North Platte, Nebraska for tho ensuing fis
cal years 1923.
$100,000.00 Water bond and interest $7,000.00
22,000.00 Sewor bond and interest . 1,800.00
12,000.00 Bridgo bonds 600.00
10,000.00 Bridgo bonds 600.00
22,000.00 Fire Station bonds 1,200.00
12.000.00 Park bonds COO.OO
1C.000.00 Paving bonds r. 4 800.00
50,000.00 Water works extension bonds ------ 3,000.00
100,000.00 Wator works Improvement bonds , . . 6,000.00
65,000.00 Sower extension bonds 1 ; 3,900.00
110,000.00 Intersection paving bonds ' 6,600.00
General fund j ..$15,000.00.
Street 15,000.00
Police . 7,000.00
Street lighting 1 5,000.00
Flro Department T 8,000.00
Cemetery 2,500.00
Library . 3,000.00
Parks 3,500.00
Fire Department maintenance 600.00
City Clerk
When in North Platte
Hotel Palace
Palace Cafe
Nrit class and
Opposite Union
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Bocklus and
children returned Sunday from Mani
tou, Colo, where they spent a week
enjoying tho mountains. They made
tho trip by auto.
Hotel Ritner
I We have chanced management
; and also redecorated the rooms
thruout the hotel. We now have
a first class modern, clean hotel.
Rooms by the week. $2.50 up.
By Night 50c and Up
Company Reports Total Sales Have
Reached 5,709 Machines a Day
113 West 6th St.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Government Veterinarian and ex
assistant deputy Sta'te Votcrlnarlan
Hospital 315 South Vine Street
Phones. Hospital G33 Residence 635
said city of North Platte, Nebraska,
running thenco west along said Sixth
Street and Pino Streets, In said city
of North Platte, Lincoln County,
Nebraska; and commencing at tho
north lino of tho Intersection of Third
Street and Poplar Avenue and run
ning thenco north along said Poplar
Avenue to tho south lino of tho inter
section of said Poplar Avenue and
Seventh Streets of said city of North
Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska,
thcro to terminate, cxclusivo of Inter
sections of Poplar and 3rd, th. and
5th streets respectively.
Unloss objections arc filed as re
quired by statuto within twenty days
from tho first publication of thlB no
tice, tho Mayor and City Council shall
proceed to construct such paving.
Dated this 24th day of July, 1922.
Attest: O. E. Elder Mayor
City Clerk (SEAL)
Special Attention Given to
McDonald Bank Building
Offlco Phono 83 Resldonco
Blon of road No. 20 and to bo any
width up to 60 feet wldo to mako a
good road has been roportod In favor
thoroof, 'anyono having objections
thereto or claims for damagoa by
reason of tho establishing of tho above
described road must fllo samo In Of
flco of tho County Clerk of Lincoln
County. Nobraska on or toforo 12
o'clock noon of tho 16 day of Soptom
bor 1922 or snld road wilt bo allowed
without roforenco thereto.
Witness by hand and official soat
this 8th day of July. 1922.
A. S Alton
(SEAL) County Clerk
ROAD NO. 420
Practice Limited to Dlscasso of
Women and Surgory
Over Roxall Drug Store
Phones: Offlco 127 Resldonco 656
Office 340
Osteopath Physician
Ovor tho Oasis
Offlco Phono 241 Res. Phono 217
Osteopathic Physician
North Platte, Nebraska.
Knights of Columbus Building.
The courthouse lawn in Elbert
County, Colo., like many other lawns,
was badly infested with dandelions.
Tho county agent suggested killing
them by pasturing, rather than plow
ing under tho sod. According to re
ports received by the United States
Department of Agriculture, the test
was approved by tho commissioners.
Sufficient hog wlro to fence tho lawn
was purchased and two pastures 100
(cot long and 80 feet wide were made.
A fanner near town furnished six
old owes, which wero placed in one
pasture May 14, when the dandolions
were at their best. A week later four
. more wore added to tho flock.
The owes wero changed from ono
pasturo to tho other at one-week In
tervals. They soon had tho dandelions
and grass eaten down and kept It
down. Thoy ato blossoms and buds
readily, and the hearts out of tho
dandelion plants closo to tho ground.
Bettcjrv results would have been ob
tained had tho sheep been put In
earlier, but tho experiment proved
qulto effective In ridding tho lawn of
Miss Edna Jensen loft Thursday
for hor homo in Council Bluffs.
W. H. Scott of Ogalalla was a busi
ness visitor in tho city Thusday.
Henry Sudmnn of Sarben transact
ed business in tho city Thursday.
Clinton's for Eye Service
Burt Wooloy of Marengo was a busi
ness visitor in tho city Thusday.
Mrs. J. M. Dodd of Gothenburg Is
visiting at tho Roy Soules homo.
Frank Low of Marengo was a busi
ness visitor in tho city Thursday.
Dixon Optical Co. grinds lenses.
Mrs. P. L. Harper of Wallaco spent
tho wock visiting Mrs. J. G. Bceler,
Margaret Walker is visiting In Su
therland at tho homo of Lucillo Coker.
Olaronco Liston of Wallace trans
acted business In tro city Wednesday.
Donald Milton of Wallaco was a
business visitor In tho city Thursday.
Goorgo Erb of Gothenburg trans
acted business In tho city Wednesday
RetailSales of Ford Cars, Trucks
and Tractors established a new high
record during Juno. when, according
to a statement Issued from tho Ford
Factory at Detroit, an average of
5,709 machines wore sold daily.
Ford sales have been showing a
constant incrcaso caijh month this
year: June being the highest In the
history of tho company with a total of
148, 439 Cars. Trucks and Tractors.
Of this number 6,054 wero sold by tho
jFord Company of Canada and 9.435;
by tho various European Forti com
panies and South American Branches,
reaching purchasers In practically ev
ery civilized country In tho world.
Makes or Repairs anything made of
Tin or Sheet Metal.
i 510 Locust Under General Hospital
For dates and terms call at
First National Bank
North Platto, Nob.
Physician and Surgeon
Diagnoss and Troamont
Over Union Stato Bank
Offlco Phono 296W Houso Phono 296R
To whom It may concorn:
Tho special Commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho cornor to Sec
tions 5, 6, 7. and 8 town 12 N .R 30
W. running thenco north ono mll to
tho NE corner of Sec. 0 said towns'1 Ip
and range Also comonclng at tho SB
corner of Bectlon 82 T. 13 N. R. 30 W.
running thenco on lino botwoon ftoc.
32 and 33 ono mile, thonco Northwest
nnd Northoast through tho East of
Sees. 29 and 20 to connect with Road
No. 8 about 9 chains west of tho NH
cornor of said Section 20, following
said section between Socs. 20 nnd 21
T. 13 N. Rr. 30 W. for about ono half
Houbo 723J mllo has reported In favor thoroof
anyono having objections hereto or
claims for damages by reason of tho
establishment of tho abovo road must
fllo samo In tho offlco of tho County
Clerk of Lincoln County, NobraBka
or said road will bo allowed without
refcrenco thereto, on or beforo 12
o'clock noon of tho 16th day of Sopt
cmbor, 1922.
Witness my hand nnd official aoal
this 8th day of July, 1922.
A. S. Allen
(SEAL) County Clork
North Platto
Notlcp Is hereby given that tho
ijMayor and City Council of tho city
With tho closing of business for.ot North platt0i Nobra8ka wlll on
June, Ford records disclosed that to
tal sales for tho first six months of
tho 15th day of August, 1922, between
tho hours of 8 and 9 o'clock v. m.
1922 wore well over tho half-million of aald day and so much longer as
mark, the exact figures being 652,261. bo necessnry to transact said busl
This Is also a new high record as it noaP( sit M a bod of Equalisation
Is considerably In advance of any for tho purp080 of e(luaUzlng and aB
previous half-year period. Mi ntrnAnat nwin n,i n,n,w
July Ford Sales aro expected to
, property ownorB, tho cost of paving
nminl mifl nrnlinlilv nr11nan Tuna rPftn .... -
, m pavmg Districts No. 3 and 6 as
estimated output of Cars. Trucks and tho samo aro now organlzed. And all
Tractors nas neon places at 161,707,'
although dealers have requisitioned
more than 200,000.
Ford officials stato that every at
tempt has been mado to supply their
dealers with sufficient cars to fill
thed r orders, but that in tho past three
months, prompt dollveries have been
Impossiblo with some of the typos.
Tho demand for Ford enclosed cars
has boon espocdaly hard to meet, due
to tho ovor Increasing popularity
of tho Coupo and Sedan for all year
n round use.
A reflection of general business con
ditions is seen In tho record of Ford
truck sales, which show an Increase
of eighty-four per cent over last year.
Merchants bnd farmers allko have
como to recognizo tho utility of tho
motor truck In cutting transportation
costs arid speeding up deliveries, and
tho fact that thoy aro buying nearly
twlc'o as many now as a year ago
clearly points to better business con
At tho present timo Ford is employ
ing 75,000 men in Dotrolt Advertise
O. Boldan of Hershey transacted
business In tho clly Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whito of Suther
land wero biiBlnesB visitors in tho city
porsons interested aro hereby noti
fied to appear and show cause, if any
why said equalization and assess
ment should not bo made, on or be
foro tho 15th day of August, 1922 at
eight o'clock p. m.
Witness my hand and tho seal of
said city thlB 24th day of July. 1922
(SEAL) City Clork
To tho owners of the record title
of all proporty adjacent to or abutting
upon tho strcotB hereinafter described
and all porsons Interested therein:
You nnd each of you aro hereby
notified that tho Mayor and City Coun
cil of tho city of North Platto did
undor dato of July 21st, 1922 pass and
npprovo a certain ordinance forming
and creating paving district No. 17 of
Notice Is hereby given tjiat tho
Mayor and Council of tho city
of North Platto, Nobraska, will re
colvo bids for paving, ctirDlng and
other street improvements In Paving
District No. 11, 12 and 14 In said city
according to plans nnd specifications
adopted and now on filo In tho offlco
of City Clerk of said City.
Said bids to cover tho following
types of pavements, Vortical Fibre
Brick, Asphaltic Concroto, Sheet As
phalt, Reinforced Concroto and War
ronito BItullthlc.
Tho Engineer's estlmato on tho cost
of pnving and other street Improve
ments In said thrco districts com
prising 37,200 squaro yards 1s as fol
lows: Straight Curb $.54 per ft
Concroto drain box $1.00 per. ft
8 In. Cone tilo $.55 per ft
18 in. Cone tilo $1.20 per ft
Comb, curb and gutter $.70 per ft.
Concroto manholes $5.00 per M. II.
Grading and finishing $.32 por cu.
vortical Fibre Brick on 5 In. cone.
base. $3.40 per sq. yd.
Asphaltic Concrete on 5 in. cone
baso $2.10 per sq. yd.
Sheet Asphalt on 5 In. cone, baso
$2.25 per Bq. yd.
Rotnforcod Concrete 8 In. thick
$2.70 per sq. yd.
Wnrrenlto Bithulithlc on 5 In. cone,
baso $2.25 per sq. yd.
Wooden headers and posts $.50 por
Bids must bo on fllo with tho City
Clerk on or beforo August 4, 1922, nt
which timo thoy will bo opened before
tho council.
They must bo on tho proposal in
tho specifications, filling out ono pro
posal for each district separately.
Tho proposals must not bo detached
from tho specifications and must bo
accompanied by a certified chock pay
ablo to tho City Troasuier for an a-
mount equal to three per cent of tho
bid mado.
Tho specifications shall bo furnish
ed to Paving Contractora only upon
application to tho City Clork for a feo
of flvo dollars, said amount to bo re
turned when plans and specifications
riiyslclnn and Surgeon
Special Attontlon Given to Surgory
and ObstetrlcB
Offlco: Building & Loan Building
Phones: Office 130 Resldonco 115
X-llay Diagnosis Oxygen nnd
Gas Anesthesia for Extractions.
Ovor Union Stato Bank
Phono 296.
To whom It may concorn:
Tho spcclnl Commissioner appointed
to locato a public road as follows:
Commencing at tho corner to Sec
tions 13, 14, 23 and 124 T. 13 N. R. 30 W.
running thonco north on lino botweon
Sections. 13 and 14 ono mllo, thenco
north westorly through bocs. 11,10 and
9 said township and rango following
tho south bnnk of tho Channel of tho
Platto Rivor to tho Intersection with
Road No. 6 ending thero said road to
bo 60 foot wldo hns roportod In favor
thereof anyono having objections there
to or claims for damages by reason of
tho establishment of the abovo road
must fllo samo In tho office of tho
County Clork of Lincoln County, Nebr
aska on or boforc 12 o'clock noon "of
tho 18th day of Septombor, 1922 or tho
nbove road will bo allowed without
Licensed Embulmcrs
Undertakers and Funeral Directors
Day Phono 41 Night Phono Black 588 refcrenco thereto.
Eves oxamlned. Glasses fitted. Sat- Witness my hand and official seal
Isfactlon. Buro. Clinton & Son a " 01 J"'y.
A. s. Alien
EXTENSION ROAD NO. 205 (SEAL) County Clork
tho city of North Platto, Lincoln
County, Nebraska. And that tho fol- aro returned to City Clork
lowing stroets including tho inter
sections thereof within tho limits of
tho city aro comprised within said
paving district, to-wlt: All that por
tion of Sixth Stroot commencing at
tho west lino of tho Intersection of
said Sixth Street with Bryan Avenuo In
Tho Mayor and City Council rcsorvo
tho right to roject any or all bids.
By order of tho City Council of
North Platto. Nobr, July 21st, 1922,
O. E. ELDER Mayor
City Clork (SEAL)
To whom Jt may concern:
Tlio special commissioner appointed Estato No. 1893 of Rhoda A. Ed
to locato a road as follows: Commonc- mlston, deceased In tho County Court
Ing at Road No. 265 at tho northeast or uncon County, Nobraska.
corner or section twenty nine izuj, Tho Stato of Nobraska, as. Crodltors
townbhlp nlno (9) rango twenty soven oI BlUd estalo wlu tako notlco that
(27) wcBt thenco north about 520 rods tho tlmo umited for presentation and
on or near the section lino ns practl- fUlng of cinim8 against said Estato 1b
cal, thonco in a northerly direction NoVi 11( 1922 nnd for settlement of aald
passing around tlio Head or a canyon Et,tat0 Is Juno 30, 1923; that I wlll
and back to tho section lino, thonco slt nt tno county court room In Bald
norm to 1110 noruioaBt corner or sec- rv,tv umi 1022. nt. m n'cinok
tlon Seventeen (17), thonco In a north- n and on Novombor 11th, 1922 at
westerly direction down a rldgo about 10 0'ci0Ck a. m., to rccclvo, oxnmluo,
160 rods, to tho main canyon, thonco hear an0Wi or adjust all olnims and
in a north easterly direction along tno ODj0CtiOns duly filed.
oast bank of tho canyon on soctlon Dated Juno 30. 1922.
eight (8) to tho north lino of section II( c Woodhurst
olght, thenco In n northerly direction (seal) County Judgo
along tho east bank o tho canyon on '
isoction flvo (5) to a point about 20 Hi) AD ftU.
rods south of tho Northeast cornor of To whom It may concern:
soctlon flvo (5). thonco crossing can- Tho Bpoclnl Commissioner appointed
yon and going north 20 rodB along tho to locato a public road as follows:
north sldo of canyon to tho Northoast Commencing nt tho corner to Soc
cornor of Section flvo (5). thenco north tlon 4, 5, 8 and 9 township 12 north
about 240 rods on tho west section lino rango 30 wost of tho 6h p. in., running
of Soctlon thirty three (33), township thonco wost on section lino botweon
ten (10). rango twonty soven (27) west soctlons 5 and 8, and G and 7 two
thenco In a northeasterly diroctlon miles to connect with extension to
around a head of a canyon to a point Road No. 42 has reported In favor thero
about 15 rods cast of tho northwost of anyono having objections thereto or
cornor of section thirty threo (33), claims for damagoa by reason of tho
thonco cast about 140 rods along or establishment of doscrlbod road must
ea near practical tho section lino filo samo In tho offlco of tho County
between section thirty threo (33) nnd Clork of Ltncoln County, Nobraska
twonty olght (28) to tho northoast on or boforc 12 o'clock noon of tho
cor.nor of tho northwost quarter of 16th day of Soptombor, 1922.
section thirty thrco (33) township ten WItnoss my hand nnd official Boat
(ton) north rnngp twonty soven (27) this 8th day of July, 1922.
west of tho Blxtti principal morldlan, A. S. Allon
tho abovo road terminating at Extcn- (SEAL) County Clerk