The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 25, 1922, Image 6

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JlDKTTY went to the country one
summer to visit lier Brumlinotlior
pind trondfutlier. She took with her
nll the toys she could curry easily In a
trunk with her clothes and, among
(other things, she took Paper Doll.
For the trip I'aner Doll had many
Inew clothes which Hetty made for her,
land one was a very heaiitlful gold pa
per dress trimmed with gold pnper
No one would have guessed that the
(gold dress would have caused Paper
(Doll anything hut happiness, hut It did.
land was nearly the end of her, as you
fwlll Bonn learn.
The hired man on tho farm hud n
ct crow that ho had captured when
t was young, In tho cornfield, lie kept
fft In the bam, hut overy day It would
(fly nbout the yard as high na the ham
Its wings were clipped so It could
pUK spread of strikes and the
resultant efforts of certnln
dissatisfied elements to crlppld
Industry :n overy way possible
brought Into use tho French
word "snbotugo" In such u woy
that it may bo cald to hnvo
been Anglicized, much ns
"valet," "barrage," "bullet" und
"camouflage" been Angli
cized. By "sabotage," as currently
used, Is understood tho act of
producing poor work or other
damage either to machinery or
to the good will of soma com
mercial organization. Tho work
man who Is dellbctntcly careless
In the manufacture of some or
tide, Is us guilty of sabotage as
la tho workman who wrecks tho
machine Itselffor both of them
tend to lnjuro tho compnny for
which they nro working, either
tn Its reputation or In Its opera
tion. In Its original French senso
tho word was a harmless one,
antlrcly unconnected with crime
tif any kind, ami meaning lio
cutting of chocs or sockets for
rails in railrond ties, "sabot" be
ing French for "wooden shoes."
During tho strikes w)dch par
alyzed Internal commerce In
France toward tho end of the
last century, many of tho strik
ers toro up tho railroad tracks
r loosened tho nhoo so that the
rails spread, thus giving tho
word Its now application and
the slgnlllcuneo under which It
has slipped Into the language on
this side of tho Atlantic.
he Right
T-V)N"r you get tlrod of hearing
jj- people say, day alter day, "Well,
jit was different before tho wur7"
A middle-aged woman said tho other
dny that when she was a child she
lUBCd to hear her mother and grand-
mother talk about the good old days
Ibeforo tho war. Sho used to say to
heruelf. with childish satisfaction,
!"W11, anyway, I'll never havo to do
that." Hut. today sua is doing just
that name thing talking about tho
goal old day? before the war.
Ufrlmna that Is the way of tho
fwcrld, Perhaps our Colonial uncus-
twa used to rftinumner mu pieasam
conditions before tho Revolutionary
lllfib' UnCk n Hlinuruu junr 1150 10
the days 'boforo tho Napoleonic war,
I'frtiniw nin'nklnd .will always talk of
ptt-wnr t.".v iKl"
6d to rri id W "fllHJ
1 mjmm
not go far and many tricks had the
farm man taught Jim Crow.
One day IJotty wns playing under
tho tree near the barn with .her toy,
nd Paper Doll was there also, dressed
In her very best dress, the gold one.
She stood on top of a little table when
Hetty went In to her dinner, and when
she came out Paper Doll had disap
"Slio must have blown away," said
Grandma, who canto out to help look
for Paper Doll ; but, though they
looked all around tho yard, and even
In tho tree, nowhere could she he
By and by the farm man came along
and Hetty told him she had lost her
doll dressed In her best gold dress, and
nowhere could she find her.
Just then Jim Crow came Muttering
to the shoulder of the farm nam and
sat there, turning his head from side
to side, his bright eyes looking all
Your doll wore a gold dress?"
asked the man with n smile.
Hetty told him It wns a paper dress,
II gold color, and thou the man
laughed out loud. "I should not won
der If I could find It for you," he said,
going toward the barn.
In a few minutes ho came out with
Paper Doll In his hnnd. Her dress
was all crumpled and her nrms bent,
but Grandma soon Ironed her Into
shnpe and she was as neat and pretty
ns ever.
And whero do you think Paper Doll
had been?
In the barn, whero Jim Crow hid nil
his treasvres. He loves bright things,
and when he saw Paper Doll and her
gold dress he picked her up and car
ried her off.
Hetty thought It was quite an nd-
venture for Pnper. Doll, hut she
watched her things after time wheu
Wrtats in
AM13LTA Is derived from thnt re
tiinrknhln wnril nmnl. which hns
formed tho root of so many proper
names. It appears !n pructlcally every
languago and means "work." As early
as tho days of tho Vikings, It wns in
corporated Into mnscullno and feml-
nlno names.
The llrst Amlllns was an armorer
In tho court of King NIelung. Aum-
lung, another of tho enrly versions,
appears In tho "Hook of Heroes" as
Hut Just remember thnt tho really
well-bred thing Just at present Is not
to refer too often to tho war, not to
blamo everything unpleasant tn life
to tho war. You can llnd out Just by
trying that If you refrain from
blaming tho war for tho unpleasant
things of Jiibt 0110 day, you will have
mndo tho war seem just that much
farther awny. Ono way for us to
help tho statesmen and politicians
solve tho peaco problem Is to forgot
tho war.
White Flowers and Moths.
Tho reason why certain pale ilowers
smell sweetly when dusk falls Is bo
eausu they uro pollinated by moths,
which are dusk-Hying creatures. Tho
scout Is u guide to tho wlngod visitors,
and tho pulo color also helps. Nuilco
honeysuukle, nlglit-seuntud stock, and
tho tobacco plant.
Gladys Walton
Handsome Gladys Walton became
famous through her acting In a popu
lar picture which recently absorbed
the Interest of the motion theater pa
trons. As-a "movie" star Mlso Walton
Is well at the top of the list.
Jim Crow was around, and when Pn
per Doll wore her best dresses again
she sat In the window inside tho
house, whero Jim Crow could not
rench her.
a Name?"
FACTS about your name; it's historj);
meaning; whence it was derived; signifi
cance; your lucky day and lucky" jowel
naming Aumlung tho Strong and there
was a Duko Amelung recorded In Dan
Ish ballad lore.
Amula wus tho curliest feminine
name formed from Amnl. It wus a
fnvorlto In Lombnrdy, but soon pene
trated Germany, whero It found voguo
as" Amnlle. Meantime, Franco and
Italy had adopted tho Latin Aemlllu
and through tho slmllnrlty In sound,
tho two names were thought to bo
Identical. Franco compromised the
difference between Aemllla nnd Aran
Ho und produced Amolle, tho nnmo
which has 'such voguo there today,
Amelia is tho English version. It
has replaced all other forms even In
Germany tho French Amello nlono
Tho amethyst Is Amelia's tallsmnnlc
stone. It will cunrd Its wearer from
danger and protect hor from con
tagion. According to ancient belief,
tho nmcthyst has a sobering effect
upon rash or Impetuous natures. To
dream of It signifies freedom from
hnrm. Saturday Is Amelia's lucky day
and four her lucky number. Tho prim
rose, signifying simplicity, Is her
Lord Do
Broke: I say, old
dear, what Is the
usual proceduro
In catching an
American heir
ess? Very simple,
old chap. Tell
the girl how
much you love
hor, and her
father how
much you owe.
Oy John Kendrlck Bangs.
IN CASTING up accounts last
After a day of shear dcllKht
In which I'd spent u fund of cheer
Upon tho hlBliways dork nnd drear,
And squandered stores of lovo on
Clouded with KvII'b murky liazo,
I found not a diminished score.
Hut really an Increasing store. j
A Kind BUrprlsoT Well. I don't J
Kor, as ulonjr my way I bo,
BquandorlnR lovo and aympntliy
On 'all who look for It from mo,
I find tho inoro I chanco to upend
Tho ereator Is my dividend,
And giving cheer, nnd Riving: peaco
Ib BUioty of I.ovo's Increaao.
How Copper Is Hardened.
There uro suvernl known methods
of hardening copper, tho most com
mon being to combine with It a sninll
quantity of cuprous oxide. Tho metnl
Is also burdened by mechanical work
Ing. Popular Sclonco Monthly.
tows of All Kinds Gathered From
Various Points Throughout
The Missouri Vnllcy Veterinarian's
association will hold Its annual con.
ventlon In Omaha, July 10, 11,
and 12.
Tho Bcck-Ord Drug company store
nt Wuco was broken Into one night
last week and $300 worth of mer
chandise stolen.
George Delnlnger, of St. Paul, was
badly burned when gasoline he was
putting in his motorcycle tnnk exploded
and caught lire.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Ileltzcl of Nelson
celebrated their golden wedding an
niversary nt that place last week.
They came to Nelson In 1878, resid
ing there ever since.
On account of public sentiment
ngalnst It, there will bo no convicts
employed In rond making In the state
during the present year.
A record attendance of 75,000 per
sons Is said to huvo entered the gates
of a local park during the Elks car
nival held at Omaha last week.
Sixteen fishermen In Polk county
contributed over $300 to the county
fund for Indulging In their favorite
sport without a Ucenne ono day last
week. i
Tho family of August Paul of Bea
trice is represented by eleven child
ren of school age In the recently
enumerated school census of that
The Falls City Chautauqua will open
August 5 and run seven days. Ruth'
Bryan Owen, daughter of W. J. Bryan,
will lecture on "Modern Arabian
School board members at Dubois
signed their names 3,300 times to the
sixty bonds nnd coupons Issued for
building the school house now under
A home-coming celebration to be
held lato this summer to show off tho
city's extensive improvements of the
past - four years, Is being planned by
Pawnee City.
Sebastian Salerno, for many years
a resident of Omahn, has been ap
pointed Italian consular ugent at that
place, succeeding A. Venuto, who, at
tho age of 80, has retired.
A grandstand Is being constructed
on tho grounds of the Knox County
Bettor Llvo Stock and Fair associa
tion at Bloomfleld, to he ready for
the fair, September 12 to 15.
The contractor Is now on tho ground
and machinery and mnterlal Is arriv
ing to start construction of tho first
permanent bridge across the North
Platto river in Garden county.
Lots nt Lako Mlnataro near Scotts-
bluff, released by the government, arc
to bo sold by tho chamber of com
merce und the proceeds used to beauti
fy tho place as a summer resort.
Tho annual tournamn of the horse
shoe pitchers of ' Nebraska will bo
hold In Ashland Saturday, August 12.
Prizes totaling $200 In ensh and mer
chandise uro offered to winners.
Considerable corS In northern Ne
braska has been plowed for the last
time and farmers aro now laying by
the new 1022 crop which has been
hastened along by pcnotratlng rains.
Work will be started soon on tho
new transmission lino between Pick
roll and Beatrice, citizen of the
former place having voted bonds in
the sum of $12,000 to build the line,
William Echtenknmp, well known
Arlington young man, was killed when
his auto overturned on the road near
thnt placo. Four companions of Ecu
tenkamp escaped with slight hurts.
Tho Equity elevator at Venango has
been sold to an organization of farm
ors' union members, which will con
duct the business tinder the name of
Farmers' Co-operative Grain company.
Burns received when a fitting plpo
in tho Fairmont creamery at Crete
burst and scalded them nnd four other
employes, proved fatal to Merlo
Gwynn, Steve Pluusek and Louis
Smrz, who died.
Improvised koys, made of spoons,
wore found by the Bherlff in the cells
of prisoners confined In the Saline
county Jail, and a wholesale walkout
was prevented by tho discovery. For
safe keeping, several of tho plotters
were taken to the ponltentlary at
Since Its organization In 18S4, the
Union Stock Yards company nt South
Omahn has cared for more than 173,-
000,000 head of cattle, hogs, sheep
horses and mules. During a year,
50,000 farmers und shippers of Ne
braska and 21 other central and west
om states, are represented on tho
market through livestock tbey have
raised or fed.
Alllrmlng a Judgment of the district
court of Otoe county tho Nebraska
supremo court holds that tho law was
complied with In tho creation of Con
solidated School, .District No. 7, the
building site of which Is nt Dunbar,
Two thousand and nlno miles of
vormnncnt state and federal highways
K-lll havo been constructed In No
hraska by tho close of 1022, accord
Ing to figures of the state department
of public works. This will bo almost
half of tho -1,500 miles laid out In the
state system nt the time of tho adopt
ion of federal aid five years ago.
There Is a pronounced shortage of
farm help In many Nebraska counties
and In order to suvo the grain In
sovoral Holds near Friend, members of
tho salaried imso uau team at mni
placo turned out and helped shock
nil day lust Thursday.
Tho annual homecoming picnic at
Brownvlllc, which brings many form
er rosldonts together, will bo August
An auto stolen nt Trenton was
abandoned by a thief nt Stratton and
another belonging to J. M. Wledmnn
taken by tho thief.
A largo drnlnnge ditch which will
release several hundred acres of al
falfa land for cultivation, Is being
constructed In the lower Medicine
A downpour of rain, amounting to
over nn inch and a quarter In forty
minutes, caused what Is estimated to
be tho worst flood Lincoln has ex
perienced since 1000.
George Gnnshow, eight-year-old El
gin boy, will lose nn eye, Injured
vijicn struck by n stick thrown by nn
older brother while tho boys wero
driving cows to pasture.
Wyllo Colbert of Bethnny was
struck by lightning und Instantly kill
ed, lie was caught In a rainstorm
and took refuge under a tree, which
wns shattered by the lightning.
Representatives of the state depart
ment of agriculture aro making a sur
vey of Pawnee county m the attempt
to eradicate the barberry plant from
tho state. Tho barberry causes wheut
to rust.
Further Irrigation of the largo fields
of potatoes und cabbage In the vicini
ty of Gibbon will not bo necessary fol
lowing the showers of last Sunday and
Monday. One and one-fourth Inches o
rain fell.
Corn generally continues In very
good condition, although the hot, dry
weather of tho first of tho week
caused some damage In the state, ac
cording to the weekly crop and weath.
or summary.
George Logan, n resident of Grcshara
for over forty years, wns found dead
In bed In his apartments, by neigh
bors who wero making a visit. Ho
was n civil war veteran and had been
living alone.
Richardson county is arranging for
n series of lectures on hygiene and
caro of the sick. The course will
be under direction of the county Red
Cross nurse, who began her duties
about the first of the month.
Millie Helnze, 0, was Instantly kill
ed In front of the home of her father,
Gcorgo nelnze, nenr Mlnature, when
sho ran into the road In front of an
automobile. A coroner's jury absolv
ed the driver from any blame for tho
girl's death.
The Otoe county farm bureau fed
eration has set aside $250 to be used
in promoting the junior fair, and tho
chamber of commerce at Nebraska
City wllljidd $100 In cash to this
amount in addition to various prizes
offered by business men.
Five men arrested for celebrating
the Fourth of July in Omaha with
too much alcoholic bovcruce wero
sentenced to read tho Declaration of
Independence and the United States
Constitution on order of the judgo
before whom they wero arraigned.
The funeral of Frederick Claus, SO,
last survivor of the "Wagon Box"
Indian tight on Augutt 2, 1807, when
forty soldiers barricaded behind an
army transport, dispersed 2,500 Sioux
Indlnns, near what Is now Buffalo,
Wyo., was held at Lincoln last week.
A sample of the first wheat thresh
ed, which came from the J. L. Harms
farm In Jefferson county, was mailed
to a Kansas City laboratory for a test
as to the per cent of protein It con
talued. The percentage was 14.20, 2
per cent greater than the average of
last year.
Thomas Carraher, Spalding, recelv
ed the highest price paid for fat cat
tle on the Omaha market so far this
year when he marketed eight loads
of well finished beeves at $0.85. Thero
woro 150 head in the shipment and
they all sold at the price, averaging
1,203 pounds.
A large leopard which escaped from
a circus exhibiting at Uehllng and
terrorized the countryside for miles
around, was shot and killed less than
a half mile from tho place of Its os
capo by one of the hundreds of farm
ers, business men an' boys who had
hunted the animal all through tho
Tho annual meeting of tho Western
Bur association wns held In Lexington
and lawyers from the Thirteenth and
Seventeenth Judicial districts and
Chief Justice Morrlssoy and Justlco
Dean woro present from tho supremo
court. Addresses were given by Sena
tor W. V. Iloagland of North Platte,
Justice Denn of Lincoln, W. A. Sf.ownrt
of Lexington, nnd Dale P. Stough of.
Grand Island.
Marcolla Shurp, 4, daughter of Tom
Sharp of Nebraska City, wus seriously
Injured when a torpedo which sho hud
placed In her mouth exploded, break
ing her right jnw and loosening all
the teeth.
With 100 nnmes on Its membership
roll, tho Plutte County Plonoor assoc.
latlon was organized by old settlers
attending the dedication of the new
court house nt Columbus.
Elmer Keckloy, a farmer near Osh
kosh, wns killed when lightning struck
him, the horse he wus riding, and a
cow, all meeting death from the suma
With $5i)0,0S0 available for dis
tribution to the 0.S97 school districts
of Nebraska as tho semi-annual July
apportionment from Income of tho
$10,000,000 state permanent school
fund, this year's total of $1,039,000
exceeds that of any previous year,
according to State Superintendent
John M. Mntzcn.
In ohodtence to orders handed down
by tho Dodge county district court
nnd tho state supremo court, tho city
of Fremont hns taken steps toward
abating tho nuisance declared to bo
present In the Rnwhtde crook as tho
result of the sewer system In that city.
J known automobile man of Heb
ron, Md.,who declares ho believes
Tanlac is tho best thing to over
come stomach trouble and run
down condition. States it com
pletely restored his health.
t "I believe In giving everything Its
due nnu 1 want to say rignt now I just
can't praise Tanlac too highly for what
It has done In my case," declared
James P. Humphreys, proprietor of tho
Hebron Motor Co., Hebron, Md.
"For three years or more I suffered
from Indigestion. After eating I would
bloat terribly with gas and my heart
would palpitate until it interfered with
my breathing. I wns habitually consti
pated and my nerves were all upset.
Sly sleep was unsound, I got up morn
ings nil tired out, and I was only a
shadow of my former self.
"Well, Tanlac has given me a keen
nppetlte, stomach trouble has disap
peared, my nerves have steadied down,
and I have gained several pounds.
Tanlac, to my mind, Is the best thing
ever sold for stomach trouble and run
down condition."
Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists.
Affection before marriage Is often
overdone,, but after marriage It Is of
ten rare.
A man's unreliability often exceeds
his assets.
1 ' 1
Then I BeganTalring Lydia E,
Pinkham's Medicines
Donaldsonville, La. "I write with
pleasure topraisayour medicine Lydia
ci. nmcnam's vege
table Lompouna
which has dono so
much to restore my
n&aiin. 1 was a
broken-down woman
until my? husband
brought mo a bottle
ot your Vegetable
Compound and one o
Lydia R PInkham'a
Blood Medicine. I
had been having
pains every month
and at intervals between, was weak and
seemed to be smothering at times, but
in a week I felt like another woman. I
also used Lydia E. Fmkbam's Sanabvo
Wash. It did me a lot of good too. I
cannot praise your medicines too much
and will bo more than glad to recom
mend them to any woman who is suffer
ing from female troubles. You may
print my testimonial, as it is true."
Mrs. T. A. Landry, 612 Miss. St., Don
aldsonville, La.
Note Mrs. Landry's words "as it is
true." EveryletterrecommendingLydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
genuine. It is a statement telling tho
merits of these medicines just as tho
women in your own neighborhood tell
each other about them. For fifty years
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound has sold on merit.
Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi
culty in urinating, often mean
serious disorders. The world's
standard remedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles
bring quick relief and often ward off
deadly diseases. Known as the national
remedy of Holland for more than 200
years. All druggists, in three sizes.
Look for tho name Cold Medal on crcry bos
and accept no Imitation
If n need not b thin
Your Sf air sm
nneklr reTlre It and brlntr bacV all its original
calorand lururlance. At all BOOddmeirUt9,T5c,or
direct from I1EU1G-E11U, CWuti, MUIFHU, TLNN.
Rooms 1.50 to 13.00
Cafeteria Opn Day and flight