THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE DR. 0. II. CRES8LER GItADUATJE DENTIST Offlco pvor tho McDonald ) Stato Dank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Tho Eyo-Qlnss men, Clinton & Son. Dixon Optical Co. tests eyes. Mrs. Kay Dalno of Stapleton was a business visitor Saturday. W. F. Lano of Stapleton was a busl noss visitor Saturday. Guy Cady of Ilorshey transacted business. In tho city last wcok. JTnko that next can of cream to Harding Cream Station. Milton Rannlo of Wallace transact ed business In tho city yesterday. Mls8vlluth Hubbard Is spending tho, week In Ogalalla with friends. Mrs. Mlnnlo Mooro has resigned her position at tho Leader. Frank O'Donncll of Sutherland was a business visitor In the city Wednes day. Piano tuning, Holloy Music House. House. Mastor Owen Mullhono of Valloy. Nobr. Is visiting at tho A. 0. Talbot home. Dean Logan left yesterday for Chap poll whero ho will transact business for sovoral days. Miss Elsie Langford of Chicago will arrlvo In a few days to visit relatives. Dr. C. A. Sclby returned yesterday from Scottshluff whore ho transacted business. W.UIub Hlggloy hus resigned his position wftli Iho Johnson Depart ment Store. Mrs Wm. Stuart loft Monday morn ing for Denver to visit her son Harris and family; Mrs. Robert Qucalo and children left Thursday for a two weekB visit In Greeley, Colo. Mrs. H. W. Baker left Wednesday for Grand Island to visit friends for sovoral flays. Dixon Optical Co. Glasses fitted. Mrs. Gcorgo Andorson spent last wcok In Cozad visiting at tho Oscnr Andorson homo. William Wclbolt of Gothenburg was a business visitor In tho city tho first of tho weok. Mrs. A. C. Combs loft Wednesday for Salt Lake City to visit friends for several weeks. J. E. Hlggloy and son Wlllus will loavo Monday for a months vacation In tho mountains. Miss Irma Bradloy has resumed her duties at tho Tramp store after a months vacation. Lawronco Memott of Rushvlllo, Nebraska spent tho wcok end In the city visiting Harold Wlcso. Mr. and Mrs. Glpnn Rltner spent last J Miss Mary Duffy of Ogalalla was a weok In Horshoy visiting relatives. L. C. Tlllby left yesterday for Osh- buslness visitor In tho city Thursday. :o: kosh to trammct business for several' 0RDiNANCE PROVIDING, FOR dayfl' I THE PAVING OF CERTAIN STREETS Mrs. W. O. Andors6n of Woodrlver, IN THE CITY OF NORTH PLATTE Is visiting her slstor Mrs. Alice For- NEBRASKA AND FOR THE CREAT goson. J ION OF PAVING DISTRICT NO. 17 Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Johnson spent OF SAID CITY. Sunday In Gothenburg visiting rel atives. , North riatto. Lincoln County, Nebr aska, thoro to terminate, exclusive sections of Poplar and 3rd, 4th and nnd 5th strectB respectively. Section 2. That all of tho streets described In Section 1 of this ordin ance Bhall be and constitute Paving District No. 17 of tho city of North Plntte, Lincoln County, Nebraska, and said Paving District of said city Is hereby created. . . Section 3. Tills ordinance snail bo in forco nnd take olfccLfrom and after its passage, approval nn'd publlcatlpn according to law. - Passed and approved this 21st day of July, 1922. . . E. II. EVANS . Attest: 0. E. ELDER Mayor City Clerk. (SEAL.) :o:- NOTICE OF PAVJNG ASSESSMENT Bo It ordained by the Mayor and City Council of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska. I Section 1. That the following streets I Including tho Intersections fthereof, Notice Is hereby given that tho wthn tho dty Qf North plaUo L,n. ,Mayor and City Council of the city coJn Counly( Nebra8kl bo pavc(1 to. of North Plntte, Nebraska, will on ... ... , nortlon of trct tho 15th day bf August, 1922, between j commenclng at tho WC8t 1Ino of the tho hours of 8 and 9 o'clock p. m. , 1ntcrgcctlon of 8(lld B,xth street with of said day and so much longer as Bryftn AvoniUJ( ln sald aty of North may do necessary 10 transact. Baiu uui- Platte, Nebraska, running thence n- ness, sit ns a board of Equalization ,Qng Bftl(, sbah slrcet lQ th'e cast llnc for tho purpose of equalizing and as acsslng ngalnst abutting nnd adjacent property owners, tho cost of paving In Paving Districts No. 3 and G as tho same aro now organized. And all porsons Interested aro hereby noti fied to appear and show cnuse, If any why Bald equalization and assess ment should not bo made, on or be fore tho ICth day of AugUBt, 1922 at eight o'clock p. m. Witnoss my hand and tho seal ot said city this 24th day of July. 1922. 0. E. ELDER (SEAL) City Clork of the intersection of Bald Sixth Street nnd Pino Streets ln said city of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska; and commencing nt tho north lino of the Intersection of Third Street and Pop lar Avenue to tho south lino of tho Intersection of said Poplar Avenuo and Seventh streets of said city of 1)11. HAROLD H. WALKER il'rnctlcc limited to Eyp, Ear, Nose and Throat Offices over McDonald Tlnnk Phono 35G ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES as mado by tho city council 6f North Plntte, Nebraska for tho ensuing fis cal years 1923. ?100,000.00 Wator bond and Interest . $7,000.00 22,000.00 Sower bond and Interest 1,800.00 12,000.00 Brldgo bonds 000.00 10,000.00 Bridge bonds GOO.OO 22,000.00 Firo Station bonds J. 1,200.00 12.000.00 Park bonds . 000.00 16,000.00 Paving bonds , 800.00 no.OOO.OO Wator works extension bonds 3,000.00 100,000.00 Wator works Improvement bonds K 6,000.00 65,000.00 Sowor extension bonds - . ; 3,900.00 110,000.00 Intersection paving bonds 1. ' 6.G00.00 $519,000.00 " 5 s General Street . Pollco . fund Stroot lighting Firo Department j ,.. Cemetery .- Library 'JM" n "M. V " " - - - $15,000.00 ... 15,000.00 7,000.00 5,000.00 8,000.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 Parks 3,500.00 Firo Department mnlntonnnco 000.00 j O. E. ELDER City Clerk The Mutual Building & Loan Association has plenty of Money to Loan on Improved North Platte Real Estate. We make loans: To finance New Buildings, To Assist in the Purchase of Improved Property, To Pay Off Mortgages & Liens on Improved Real Estate. The compulsory payments on our loans are $5.00 per month on each $1,000.00 and interest $6.00 per month. Borrowers participate in the earnings of the Asso ciation and the stock dividends pay off $360.00 of each $1,000 loan. Bccter for the borrower than a straight five per cent loan. T. C. PATTERSON, President. BESSIE F. SALISBURY Secretary Home-canned fruits and vegetables will taste better next winter! To can BEE TS Jht easv Lorain way Clean, scald 5 min utes. Cold-dip. Re move skins. Pack whole, sliced or culxtl. Fill jar vitli boiling wcter, adding 1 tea spoon suit for qusrt Jar. Put scalded rub bers in place, lids loose. Set Lorain reg ulator at 250 degrees for 1H hours, un watched. Remove and seal when clock rings. THE famous Lorain Oven Heat Regula tor has changed home canning methods made it easy and always suc cessful. Read the recipe. Isn't that an improve ment over the old way? No more standing over steaming kettles on a scorching stove, while the kitchen heat rises far above the tempera tures of a July day. Lorain canning means resting on your cool veranda while Lorain watches the job. The results are far more delicious than you get by the old-fashioned way of canning on the top burners. Thousands of women use the Lorain way and praise it enthusiastically. May we show you the Lo-rain-equipped gas ranges on our floor, and let you see and taste samples of Lorain oven canning? There is a free book let of recipes and suggestions which is yours for the asking. Get it nowl ovi:n het keoulator the Lorain Oven Heat Regulator is an attachment of gas range ov ens. It automatically keeps your oven at any one of 44 different temi itures. Simply set the "red wheel" for any heat you want. Changes in gas pressure, etc., do not affect the oven temperature. Lorain is recommended by leading domestic, science experts. Lornin equipped ranges are used in over 300 leading colleges and schools, and in thousands upon thousands of homes. The Lorain recipe book gives full directions on how to cook an entire meal in the oven at one time, un-watched. GAS RANGES The baked-on Finish of these ranges gives them n lustrous, durable surface that is as easy to keep clean as it is good to look at. All-steel construction prevents breakage. A variety of pleasing styles and con venient sizes to choose from. North Platte Light & Power Co. iir nfl fvi UJrtt u SUMMERTIME FURNITURE This is the Mecca these clays lor hpme furnishers of all sorts young newly weds furnishing the first little home, housekeepers whose summer cleaning showed the need for adding or replacing here or there; people fur nishing or redecorating newly built homes; ILsv "v rats . rvi HmI ,x HaH trt. sfft r. U rnH ifoH" ft UfFfiTeH1 B (aM fir5 II OMHHHifr Have you been aVay on a vacation, or are you just going? II vou have you have no doubt picked up some new ideas in home decoration which you are just crazy to carry out immediately. II you are just getting ready to go there are sure to be a few things you want to some wanting new rugs or draperies and get and have arranged to be ready for your return. many others wanting articles oi lurniture or complete suites. "For after all, the true pleasures of home are not without, but within, and the do- We can take care of you all, for without mestic man who loves no music so well as his kitchen clock and the airs which the doubt this is value headquarters in North logs sing to him as they burn, on the -hearth, has a place which others never dream of." Platte. , , , , Lord Avebeury. m m Si Hi m Walnut Dining Room Suite Italian Rcnisance Dining Room Suite in solid American Walnut. Blue leather on chairs. One host's chair, five straight chairs. Sixty inch buffet. Table 48x60 inches. A Real Value at $255.00 Others in Walnut combination as low as $150.00 Beautiful Tudor Mahogany Davenport Table, 20x60 inches Draperies Made Up to Your Order This feature of our Drapery Department is well worth your investigation. Special Designs to suit your individual taste. We have a very large stock of beau tiful materials in Silks, Velours, Velvets, Kapocks, Cretonnes, Figured Madras and Damasks Prino flfl This Suite in Figured Velour combination with sorine: back and H--w o l - ill ,1 XT . 1 la Marshall Comfy spring cashions, a durable and lasting suite mi ine new iNets' mclng the cut o o r AA beautiful Tuscan and Cottage Laces Price $26.25 OTHERS AS LOW AS $175.00 Your order made UP at a reasonable price QUEEN ANNE MAHOGANY LIBRARY TABLE, size 28x42 inches W. R. IVI J LC3 M EE it S3