THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE nichoeI xevts Tho Nichols Ladles Aid meets nt the school houso Friday afternoon. Mrs..Chotl8ter of Montana Is spend ing tho summer with her two sisters Mrs. John Tollllln and Mrs. Chas. Gumraoro. "Work on the now ttlchols school houso was started last week. Tho ox er rating for tho basement Is finished and several men In tho neighborhood are hauling sand and actual work on tho building will begin just as soon as somo material arrives. Tho members of the boys' and girls' pig club of Nichols spent two days he first of the week visiting other pig and calf clubs throughout tho county Judging stock. Tho county a gent, Mr. Kellogg, went with them and gave them Instructions. Mr. and Mrs. N. 13. Spurrier of Long Bench. Call, who aro spending tho summer with their two sons, Roy and Bill, .left last week by auto for Hot Springs and other points in South Dakota. They wero accompanied by two grand children, Loulso and Rich ard Spurrier. -:o: DIGNELL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher who have been visiting their son Carl, will leave somo tlmo this week for their home In Iowa. Chris Rosonburg has Just returned from tho hospital, having had his tonsils removed. Ho Is reported to bo getting along nicely. Tho farmers aro all getting busy. Tho corn Is growing- very fast since the nice rains and tho weeds aro growing faster. Alfalfa Is just ready to cut again, so there Is no rest for tho farmer. A number of tho Blgnell people wero fortunate in being Invited to at tend the Shrine picnic In Moran Can yon last week, tho children putting on a few stunts In their parade. They re port an excellent time. Mrs. A. R. Leavltt gave a sewing machine attachment demonstration to tho ladles of Blgnell Monday after noon at tho school building, he was sent as a delegate to attend the de monstration given at Ft. McPherson !by MUss (Rachel Harrip. University specialist. Tho Poultry Club met Wednesday morning with Mrs. R. R. Morris and culled her flock of chickens and also Thursday,, morning with "Vm. Rose, culling his flock. Mr. Rose surprised the club members with a treat of oranges and peaches, a reward for their efforts. The Club Is becoming very efficient in culling chickens. Tho Girls' and Boys' Canning Club met Saturday afternoon, July 15 with Clod Bookus and studied Cold Pack Canning. Each member brought hor best can off cherries and a. Judging was hold, Violet Flotchfcr's Jar win ning first place. The Club also met Thursday afternoon with Violet Flot cher, when a demonstration was held. Tho; girls canned several jars of black currants. Miss Josslo Green, Univer sity Specialist wlU meet -with the Club, Saturday, July 22 and give tho members further instruction in Cold tPack Canning. This meeting is open to tho public. Tho Pig Clubs of Blgnell, Ft. Mc Pherson nnd Horshey accompanied by tholr leaders nnd County A gent Kellogg went on a judging trip Mon day, going eastwards to Brady visit ing a number of farms on tho way. On "Wednesday they went west towards Hershoy, visiting tho farms of 9. M. Soudor, S. J. Koch and others. Tho club members aro being trained in judging nil kinds of stock and In about ten days a University specialist will bo hero to select tho judging teams to attend tho State Fair to com pote with tho other teams from over tho state. This is most excellent train ing for tho farm boy and every parent who has a boy of club ago should makci it possible for htm to recoivo this training. :o:- Lct nothing keep'you away from tho big Clearance Sale. Get your share of tho wondorful bargains. Wilcox De partment Store. Mrs. E. W. Fotter and daughter Gene, loft Tuesday for points In Cali fornia where they will spend several 'weeks. 4. LOOK WHAT'S COMING EPISCOPAL - 11:00 iloly Communion Morning Prayer and , sermon' CHRISTIAN ? ,; . j, j-j j ... 11:00 Regular Service. ""T " " 8:00 Regular Service , S BAPT.IST - . ll:00 "Tho Bush and tho Sluggard?' 8:00 "Tho Speed Limit". SWEDISH LUTHERANS Will hold a social at tho Haddorf homo, 409 S. Ash St. on Friday, July 21 Everyone Is invited. to: Mrs. Esslo Mcintosh of Gothenburg shopped in tho city Monday. Just ono look nt our loaded tables nnd counters will convince you of tho wonderful bnrpilns ivo are offering at our Grent Clearance Sale, Wilcox Department Store Miss Floronco Wilcox left Wednes day for Denver to visit for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Deats leave tomorrow for Cheyenne to attetfd the Frontier. Ernest Ruby loft yesterday for Beavor City to visit for several days, several days. W. T. PKITCHAIID Grndnnto Vetcrlnnrlnn ExGovornmont Veterinarian and ex assistant deputy State Votorlnarlaa Hospital 315 South Vino Streot. Phones. Hospital C33 Resldonco C35 :u NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS In compliance with tho provisions of Section 577 of tho Rovisod Statutes of tho Stato of Nebraska for tho year 1913, notlco Is hereby given that tho total Indebtedness of tho Nebraska Mill and Elevator Company, n cor poration, of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska was at tho cloao of Us fiscal year, June 30. 1922, thlrty olght thousand, threo hundred two dollars and twonty-thrco cents (38, 302.23. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, this 15th day of July, 1922. L. P. Jopson President W. E. Starr ' ' Secretary S. M. Souder D. I. Congdon ' F. Montoguo F. E. Kronnucst A. E. Stamp W. M. SImants W. C. Dolan Dlroctors ' Warmed to life by sun , and ground Flowers bloom the year around. We will sell you the ' bulbs, and seeds and ) teach you to care for j viojvera. we win ton u-j you wiien to plant them ' and how to rear them! io uaruy growiu, f i, p THE NORTH PIATTEm V vwmi co. T ROWERS AND PLANTS 1 WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AC vm id nunu c? PHONE 1023 I Wh ite Low Shoe Specials FOR- Friday and Saturday . $2,95 and $4.95 As a special inducement to reduce our slock of White Cloth Low Shoes, we will put them on sale Friday and Saturday at $2.93 and $4.95 Per Pair Ed Dahncr of GothonburgUrnnsact od b'ublnfrss In tho city tho firiit of tho wook.' John Green of Gothenburg was. a business visitor In tho city" tlio first of tho wook. ""SB1?! 8 1ST " 9 THE UNIVERSAL TRACTOR Cut your & 7 f M X ' C,l F.O.O. DETROIT Save W?- money 'Si on every acre plowed with the Fordson Multiply the worls: of your farm tools four to six times with the Fordson Cut your hours in the field over half with the Fordson Give yourself an 8-hour day you can with the Fordson This Valoe Has Never Been Duplicated It takes something besides engineering to furnish a tractor like the Fordson to sell at this astonish ingly low price. That something is owner confidence built on permanent satisfac tion. There are 170,000 Fordson tractors in use wherever Power Farming is being done Fordson is showing superior service. If you are not using a Fordson now, start right. The working ability of this remarkable power plant is cutting farming costs in half in almost every kind of work done, at the draw bar or from the belt. Ask us for all the details callj write or phone. HENDY-0G1ER AUTO CO. 1 Sales and Service. North Platte, Nebraska. Hi Hi Hi m 3 c a rn I ill a at where the big Sale is on Look for the big awning Sale Sign. Kf m yr7iMrBjgg'BsiiCT3MmagjUBeii ni l i im imiwi i $20,000.00 Watch the Crowds that attend our Sale daily. The community has learned of the great bargains this store is giving during this sale and they are alarmed. Join the Crowds. We must cut our stock $20,000.00 iiidiwi i linn i 'in Everyday needs at big savings. Boys' Tercnle Dress Shirts lUc 1G Mens' White Handkerchiefs for $1.00 Mens 15c Mixed Work Socks 9c Mens' doublo grip, Satin pad Hose supporters a pair 19c Mens' Best Heavy Blue Bibb Overalls a pair $1.17 Mens' $1.00 and $1.25 Athletic Union Suits G9c. 26 inch Fibre Suitcases with brass trimmings 88c a SUITS! SUITS! $25.00 Mens' and Young Mens' Suits $1 1.85 $JI0 Mens' Suits iu a good range of styles and patterns $19.85 I $10 Mens' and Young Mens' Suits $24.85 Any Knox or J. B. Stetson hat regardless of it's former prlco $4.95. $1.00 Mens' Silk IfoSo a pair 49c Mens' extra long leather end Susponders 29c Mens' $5.00, $5.50 and $0.00 Dross Pants' a pair $3.05 One lot Mens' odd pants to closo out at 89c. "Watch our windows for dnily bargains BARGAINS in Mens Shoes. $9.00 to $12.00 Mens?-Dress Shoos in black, and brown, fine Ilusslan Calf and Cordovan leather. Saturday a pair, $6.05 Wo have assembled 263 pairs of Mens' dross shoes in Brown nnd Black Calf nnd Ylci Kid in narrow and comfort lasts that sold for $6.00 and $7.00 ' go Saturday, a pair $4.35. Seo our Mens' Work Shoes In Black and Brown thnt sold up to $6.00 for $3.19 Any Palm Beach Suit in our stock for $9.95 Boys' Bathing Suits 59c Mens' $1.00 and $1.25 Percalo Dress Shirts 89c ' Mons' Bathing Suits 98c ' ' Mons' and Boys' $1.00 and $1.25 enps 48c Boys' good dark Knickcr Pants $1.25 values 79c. f. Mens' Leather Palm Gauntlet Gloves a pair 39c Mons' Leather Sole Canvas Oxfords $1.00 Mens' 25c Dross Hoso 6 pair $1.14 Mens' $2.00 and $2.25 Union Suits for $1.59 Remember Our Object is to Reduce our Stock $20,000.00 During This Sale. tern ebbs imp Mc3 6