The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 21, 1922, Image 3

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4H " riZANKIE'6 PIGHTAlG 5 II ' CERTAINLY J I I f AOW 1. 1ST KM t THIS I "-"a tA9T WfWOS feJf'
l$5 f rKAAlNlc S PIOHTWO V ( . J I T7MS XV GOM TO Tti YOU TME, f3 O &w
ill; : J AGAIN - GO OUT AAiP J , a V. vILLI V CORRECT WAY to pight is with S fa
- l
S f V u
All farmers who are grooving po
tatoes for the market should write
to J. D. Snow, agent for the Federal
Bureau of Markets at Kearney, wno
will send tho potato bulletin free.
Somo hog cholera and blackleg has
appeared In Lincoln jaunty which
causes tho county agent to Issue a
warning to all farmers to watch all
herds closely to prevent a heavy loss,
and pushed It over.
County Agent Koljogg says that
farmers living along the right of way
should bo on tho look out for destruc
tion of alfalfa by grasshoppers. Ho,
urges that poisoned bran bo used to
chock them It they begin to bother.
Ho has printed Instructions for mixing
and spreading tho poison.
Owing to tho importance of the (
loedlng-farming industry, the United
States Department of Agriculture has .
established a project which deals with,
it exclusively. It furnishes inform-
ation to prospective breeders, as well
ns to thoso already engaged in tho
Industry, which helps them to over
come obstacles and avoid pitfalls.
Miss Carrol Huntor was very pleas
antly surprised Wednesday evening by
a host of friends who came to help
hor colobrato her birthday.
Tho I. P. P. Club held Its regular
meeting lust Thursday nt tho homo of
Mrs. Sidney Richards. Owing to har
vest and sickness tho attendance
was small. Tiio hostess served n dainty
The olcctlon board was busier than
usual, many women voters being at
tho polls. Wo suggest having at least
ono or two ladles on tho election
board sinco they aro having womons'
Lincoln County Center defeated tho
Sutherland tqam at Sutherland, Sun
day by a score of 11 to 2. A return
gamo will bo played next Sunday on
tho homo diamond. Tho ball team was
well pleased over th returns of tho Ice
cream supper.
Umxe John
President Harding took a summer vacation trip home to Marion.''
Ohio, this month and here is what happened the day he arrived. Dr.'
,G. T. Harding, father of the president, went out behind the chicken'
(house, performing that wcll-knowni execution (as shown here), which
meant his bpy was to have chicken for dinner a big "yallcr leg" that
vwcnt fine with mashed potatoes, cream gravy and hoHbiscuits.
The best cream to whip is good, lng base( upon the statement of the
Tich cream, from 24 to 48 hours old. captaln of t!ach veasel as to tno
says the United tSatos Department of amount ot onch variety on board. If
Agriculture. It Bhould contain at least
30 per cent butter fat to produce Ideal
results and be kept very cold. Pasteur
ization tends to lower tho whipping
quality -of tho cream and homogeh
izatlon is very harmful to it. Combin
ed they practically destroy the value
of tho cream for whipping.
Thore is a state law against light
ing a match while getting a supply
of gas at one of the service stations.
Tho local stations display signs warn
ing motorists against this. News dis-
tho buyer is dissatisfied he may call
on tho Pish Exchange Inspector for
an opinion, and either party may ap
peal' to the Arbitration Committee of
the Fish Bureau.
ironing, both with and without an
e!ectrlc iron, and ironing with a man
gle wore made. To iron .5 pounds ot
clothes with an electric Iron took G
hours and cost 32 cents for electricity.
To Iron 25 pounds with a manglo took
1 hour and used current with 39 cents.
On the pier fresh water is used for j LINCOLN COUNTY CENTER
washng the fish, but it has been found :
that salt water Is more effective m
removing fisli slime from walls and
nesults of surveys in Lafayetto and
Saline Counties. Mo., have recently,
i been tabulated by extension workers
patches in state papers tell of a case of Uj0 united States Department of
along this lino which is as follows: ( Agriculture, to show the need for de
"On Juno 21 at Aurora, Nebr. Dr. H. ra0nstration work in improved me-
V. Notcomb drove up to the Manhat-1
tan Oil Co.'s service station to get
hlB car filled. Ho struck a match to
light a cigarette and it also lighted
tho gasoline, causing him a loss ot
$125 damago to hid car." 1
Boston has the largest fish pier In
Iho world, says tho Bureau of Chem
istry, United States Department of
Agriculture, which supervises Inter
state shipment of fish under the Fed
eral food and drugs act. The pier Is
dovoted exclusively to tho fish busi
ness, is 1,200 reel long, auu ieet wiuo
and is paved with brick and concrete
insuch a manner that it can easily
be cleaned by flushng with water. Tho
pier was built oy tho Stato of Mas
eachusetts at a cost of $3,000,000.00.
Eighty vessels can discharge their
cargoes thero at the samo time.
Tho shiploads of fish aro sold at
auction to wholesale doalers, bids bo-
thods of) washing and ironing. In
Saline County, only 2 per cent of tho
people sent the washing out of tho
house, 25 per cent still used the wash
board, 40 per cent used hand machines
and 33 per cent used power washers,
Tho average time for doing washing
with a power machine was 2 hours, ns
compared with 4 3-4 hours with a
; washboard. In 10 families where
machines have been purchased since
the survey was made, it is estimated
' that 2 3-4 hours a week or 133 hours
'a year, aro saved in each household.
! In Layfayetto County, 9G per cent
of the washing was done at homo. The
tub and washboard method was used
by 29 per cent, handpowor machines
by 34 per cent, 21 per cent had gas
oline washing machines, and 10 per
cent had machines operated by an
electric motor. Clothes wero handled
times on an average. Tho Umo for
doing washing by motor power was
approximately half of that used to
do it by tub and washboard method.
Similar comparison between hand
Nels Gunderson of Sutherland Is
living on his place again.
Mr. and Mrs. B. It. Goodman roturn
ed Tuesday from a visit m Kansas
Miss Julia Kammerer is holping hor
sister Mrs. Jno. Connor during har
vesting. Chas. Knox and eons aro, in our
neighborhood again to harvest their
wheat on the Crow place.
Nan, the goat at tho Jno. Connor
farm, celebrated tho Fourth by pre
senting her owner with three "kids".
Tho rains are retarding harvesting
but helping tho corn and potatoes.
Wheat seems to bo of good quality
but .poor stand.
Mrs. Lavina Atwood of Minneapolis
visited her brothers M. E., Will and
John Collins whom she had not seen
for twenty-Beven years.
Lowest Rates
Best Terras
B. & L. Building
L. & S. Groceteria.
The Mutual Building & Loan Association
has plenty of Money to Loan on Improved
North Platte Real Estate.
We make loans: .
To finance New Buildings,
To Assist in the Purchase of Improved Property,
To Pay Off Mortgages & Liens on Improved Real
The compulsory payments on our loans aro $5.00 per
month on each $1,000.00 and interest $6.00 per month.
Borrowers participate in tho earnings of tho Asso
ciation and the stock dividends pay off $360.00 of each
$1,000 loan. Better for tho borrower than a straight five
per cent loan.
Makes orRcpairs anything made of
Tin or Sheot Metal.
510 Locust Undor General Hospital
Hotel Ritner
We have chanced management
and also redecorated the rooms
thruout the hotel. We how have
a first class modern, clean hotel.
Rooms by the week. $2.50 up.
' By Night 50c and Up
115 West 6th St.
I've got a neighbor hero by me, It's Elexandcr White; when Elcxandor
does a tiling, it's did exactly right We've knowed each other fifty year,
without a hint or fuss, to do ns we'd bo did by, is the rule for bootli ot us.
You novor soon a oleanor' man than Elexander While, tier never gazed
into nn eye moro honestcr or bright. Ho ain't no hand to ostimulatc, accrdln'
to his wife. Sho says ho novor teched a drop of nothln' In his life.
, I try to bo nB good ns him, an sometimes Uiink I fun, till somothiii' proda
mo on tho hide, an' then T fall ker-slam! It takes mo mighty nigh avco'c,
a-prayin' day nn night, to get back on tho moral plnno ot Elexander Whlt--
I wisht ho'd run for Cunty Jedgo, or somethln' olso ns big; I'd back h 'ii
up fer all I'm wuth, to my last blame runty pig, We'vo knowed each otf'nr
fifty year, wo'vo neighbored, day an' night, nn I never knowed a grander
man, than Elexander White.
Non-Canccllablo Accident and
Health Insurance.
Doublo Indemnity Provisions.
Spcclfio Dismombcrmont
Disability Incomo Clause.
Monthly Lifo Incomo
Puro and Installment Incomo
Endowment Provisions.
Promiiun Waiver Clause.
Post Mortem Dividends.
Full Participation In all
Automatlo Non-forfolturo
Insurance that Insures Protection that Protects
Fidelity Reserve Company
Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets,
North Platte, Neb.
At The Keith Four Days
July 21, 22, 24, 25, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday
The Man Who Knows
The Mental Marvel and Master Seer
with his own company
Presenting new and bewildeirhg mysti
fications direct Irom India and the
Far East,
Wierd Spirit Manitestations and Thought
Profound Tests in Applied Psychology and Thought Trans
mission, and His World Famous
The most remarkable demonstrations of Mental Celenitv
and Occult Power ever presented.