THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SemHBeeklu Enbuns. WILSON TOUT. Editor and 1'nbltslicr, Entered at the North Platte, Nebraska Postofflce as Second Class Matter. SOItSOKIFTION 1'lUCEt Ono Year, In advance $1.60 TUESDAY, .1 ULX 18, 1922 EMTOKIAL Christ Bald "Lovo your enemies, do good unto thorn which hato you; bless thorn that curso you and pray for thorn which dospltofully uso you" Luko 0:27,28. Ilobort McElroy said: "I bellovo in . America because sho thinks In torms o jtiBtlco not of gain and holds this noble heritage the right of all." Wo have been advised that the namo of Isaac V. Zook of Ilershoy should bo added to our list of Civil War veterans. Ho Is said lo havo served In Company C of th6 First Nebraska Volunteers Ho was In tho sorvlco for over thrco years and In tho only soldior now living In his precinct. Ho Is tho father of Mrs. Jos. Itebbut of Hershey. Wo are glad to add his namo to tho list. Old Tlmors will remember Mrs. Fred J. DIcnor who camo to Lincoln county In 1887 ovor thlrty-flvo years ago. Sho was ono of tho women who havo seen great changes in North Platto and had sho written an ac count of her experiences and obser vations during tho past thlrtynvo years hero, 1 would bo full of those things which mako up tho life of a growing western town which Is rap Idly developing Into a city. Hor death removes another of tho women who holped to mako North Platto What it Is today. shoy, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klohl of Choyenno wro visitors at tho L, It. Hlto homo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Molvln Blown and daughter, Mrs, Cushmau and two daughters, and Mrs. C. E. Kron quost viftftad Jat the W. A. Kelso homo last week. Mr. J. L. Burko candidate Uoi State Representative 90th District, Millard F. Hosier, candidate for Sheriff and wife, L. li. Bortho, can. dldato for Sheriff and Mrs. Jack McGraw, police matron or Nortli Platto wore speakers at tho Commun Ity Club. A large crowd attended and the program was enjoyed by all. LOOK WHAT'S COMING PitESBYTEIUAN Tho womans' homo missionary so ciety will moot at the home of Mije. Dillon, 118 Wost 3rd St, Friday after noon at 3 o'clock. EPISCOPAL The Woman's Auxiliary of tho Epis copal church will meet Friday aftor- , noon at tho homo of .Mrs. W. J. Stuart. -:o: KIJIT1I THHKA'TUK HAS HOOKED "THE MASTKK 3ILND OF MEN- . TAT, 3IYSTICISX" 1 AUXILIARY The L. A. of the U. of L. E. will hold an important 'meeting Friday i at 3 p. m. at the K. P. Hall. Every mombor is urged to bo prosont. Manager Hawley announces tho engagement of Murdock, tho mastor of mental mysticism for four days beginning Friday. Amid tho splondov of an elaborate orlontal setting, Murdock excels ana proves hlmsolf tho peer of all my stics, for, it is hero, while gazing Into a clear .crystal ball that' ho tells tho answers, to hundreds or questions asked by tho audlonco. Tho questions may bo . written aj. homo or at tho theatre and may bo of any naturo, concorning business problems, affairs of tho heart, tho reliability or whoreabouts of friends, investments, or in fact, anything concerning ono's personal welfare. In addition to tho usual ovenlng porformanco there will bo a special iliatlnoo for Ladies only on tho 25th at 2:30. PRESBYTERIAN Tho ladles aid of the Presbyterian church will meet In the church par lors Thursday afternoon at 3 o'colck Those entertaining are Mesdames Bowon, Coatcs, O. E. Elder and Schlemmor. (BAPTIST ' Tho Baptist ladies auxiliary will ' meet Thursday afternoon in the 1 church at 3 o'clock.Tho leader is j Mrs. Arthur Robinson. Sho has pre pared a good program. Tho topic ; will bo "News from our Neighbors in Southern Seas." Hostesos aro Mes dames Townsond, Walsh, Fred Smith Masters and Murphy. If tho Avomcn think thoy aro puri fying' politics by securing tho right to vote, thoy havo anothor guoss coming. Thoro has been some mighty crude work done in Nebras ka, charges and counter charges or selling out and double crossing, slanderous letters and libelous cir culars, last minute dirty work and vituperation and tho woman havo exerted not ono lota of Influence In any way. If thoy tried thoy wore unsuccessful and if thoy did not try, It was because thoy know thoy would havo been unabjo to cope with men in tho dirty work. Whatever tho women vote doos it has not cleaned up the political gamo to any extent in tho way it is played before elec tions' and this is not the big elec tion either. :o: J I :o:- Lunclicon Mrs. Henry Waltomath and dau ghters Alma and Mrs. Chas. Dixon entertained this noon at a luncheon in honor of Miss Carllno McNaraara who is spending tho summer at tht C. S. Clinton homo and Mrs. Roy Platz, of Ornalta. Luncheon i Mosdamos M. E. Watts, S. A. Bangs and R. C. Lahgford will en I tortam at a series of parties at the ( country club. The ilrot fit thfl series will bo given Wednesday. These parties are given in honor or Mrs. Roy Platz or Omaha. -tor- One or tho finest bits or enter tainment tho editor has enjoyed Tor a long tlmo was taking ten boys to the Al O. Barnes animal circus when it was hero' recently, Tho ton boys who deliver tho Tribunes in tho city wore our guests and wo had a f ronr seat in tho resorved seat soction. Wo got Chero early, looked at tho ani mals and then round our Boats. From that line position we saw tho whole program. Tho show was Interesting but tho editor had just as much run in being host as in watching tho per formance. "Oh Boy! look thoro" and "Some stunt" woro frequently exclamations which brought a smile from those near. Boforo tho por formanco wo were speculating ion what would happen If Tusko broko loose and wo reminded tho boys that wo were tho nearest to tho show ring of tile crowd. Wo added for oficct that all kinds of animals liko boys and if any escaped thoy would probably m,ako for us first. Aftor just a moment's thought qno lad said "Yob, and thoy always go attor tho biggest first." Wo ducked. JACK MOllDOW FLATS ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. O. Frlezonborg, or Gothenburg, woro visitors at tho Vcrnest Peterson homo Sunday. Thp Snydor ramlly of North Platto wero visitors at tho Ed'McMurry home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lloyd roturnod homo last Monday aftor visiting at, points in eastern Nebraska and Iowa for several wcoks. Rov. Benjamin of Maxwell who has been preaching at Bignell preach eel a sermon at Pleasant Vlow School Suridssj' ovening. Tho community will welcome him back at any tlmo. Miss Josslo Greono of tho Univer sity Extension Service, Lincoln, Nob. will givo a cold pack canning dem onstration of vegetables and fruits Friday afternoon at two o'clock at tho Pleasant Vlow school houso. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Harlan nno. his father and mothor passed thru North Platto lost woek stopping at the O. J. naasa homo. Thoy woro en their way to Sidney, Nobr., to harvest. He report a heavy whoat crop there. Mr8t: Ed Waro ftnd son of Horl HENRY PAUL GRAY Was born April 13. 1921 at North Platto, Nobr. und dlod In tho , same community July 8, 1922 of typhoid pnoumoula nt the tender ago of 14 monthB. Ho leaves to mourn his un timely docoaso his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gray und his sister and brothors Altho, Arthur and FrodcUo. :o:- LOCAL AND PERSONAL Bcrnice Williams wa3 able to leavo tho Platto Valley hospital Saturday. Mrs. C. E. Oldfathor ot Brady trans acted business in tho city yestorday. Mrs. Frank Hatch and baby loft tho Memorial hospital Sunday. Dolfau Haromza or Ogallala under went an operation last weok at tho Platto Valley Hospital. W. M. Vickory returned yester day rrom Omaha whoro ho. transacted businoss sovoral days. Mrs. E. L. Stophens lort yesterday for Kearney and Mindon to visit re latives for two weeks. Harold Coates ot Sutherland la visiting his mothor Mrs. Smily Coates while onrouto to Denver. Mrs. E. A. Boyd and daughter loft Saturday for Cozad to visit rolatlvos for a fow days. V. Warrington is closing out hor Art Neodlo Work. Many articles aro soiling for less than cost. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dixon Optical Co. Glasses titled . k Take 'that noxt can of cream to Harding Cream Station. Miss Florence Lawlor of Paxton shopped in tho city Saturday. Victor, VIctorolas, Hollcy Music Houso. Mrs. C. L. Tlnney and son who woro badly burned at the camping grounds several weeks ago worn ablo to rCTTvo tho hospital Sunday. 1 Mrs. II. A. Wendt of Big Springs shopped In, tho city yestorday. G. L. Stout of Lowollen transacted business In the city yesterday. i Mrs. Walter Dale of Gothenburg ' is visiting Mrs. Maudo Beghtol. I Mrs. Frank Hatch and baby leftj tho Monitorial hospital Sunday. Mrs. C. C. Clark of Brady trans acted business, in the city yesterday. Miss Grace Pease of Paxton trans acted business In tho city yestorday. ! Mrs. Glenn Hampton of Gothen burg is visiting Mrs. Maud Beghtol. Highest cash prices paid for poultry and fresh eggs at Harding Cream Sta tion. Julius Cornell of Green River is visiting at tho homo of his brother Chas. Cornell. Mrs. Howard Raser of Lexington is visiting at tho M. M. Doty home for several days. ' - Maud Warrington left yesterday for Lexington to transact business for a few days. Mrs. Roy Haggerty of Lincoln is Visiting her cousin Mrs. O. W. Size more this weok. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Klsler "Ot Slraudsburg, Ponn., aro visiting at tho Isaac Deats home. Mrs. G. S. Peterson has taken a position as cashier .in tho Union Pacific dining room. Miss Fay Mason left this morn ing for Hershey and Nichols to visit frlonds for a fow days. R. N. Lamb returned to his homo In Santa Cruz, California aftor spending a month In tho city. Mr. Lamb was a former resident here. Want Ad s FOR RENT The Besack Born. In quire 610 East 5th. CITV AND COUNTY NEWS FOR RENTDesirablo furnished room gentleman preferred. -105 Wost 4th. 1 WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Apply 020 West 4th St. TOR SALE COO to 700 bushels of shelled corn In good granary in city. 1 Phono 34. ' ' FOR RENT 2 unfurnished, rooms two blocks west of Court hcmso'on 4th Street. Phono 118. FOR SALE A pair of Love Birds and cage. A bargain if taken at once.' Inqure 714 East 4th. : FOR RENT Preferably ror cash, lGOl acres hay land four miles wost of' North Platte. TT. A Trlllnr; Qon, i - - - VUU UUUI St. Dcs Moines, Iowa. Dixon Optical Co. grinds lonso3. Tho Eyo-Glass men, Clinton & Son. Miss Mabollo Douglass has taken a position with tho Stono Drug Co. D. A. Lockor of DosMoInes, trans acted bulnoss In tho city last week. Miss Bertha Hlnes visited with her parents in Hershey on Sunday. Mrs. D. H. Kilmer of Arnold trans acted business in tho city Saturday. William Ross of Maxwell trans acted business in tho city Saturday. Mrs. Julius Plzer loft this morning for Hastings to visit her son, Joo. Mrs. W. Kern of Ogallala trans acted business In tho city last week. ' Miss Mario Schwalger loft Sunday for Omaha to vIbIc friends for a week Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Raddle or Wallace transacted business in tho city yesterday. E. A. Boyd, and sou Ewart left Sat urday for Denver to visit for a few days. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS In compliance with tho provisions or Section 577 of tho Revised Statutes of tho State ot Nebraska for tho year 1918, notice Is hereby given that the total Indebtedness of tho Nobraska Mill and Elovator Company, a cor poration, of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska was at tho close of its fiscal year, June 30. 1922, thirty eight thousand, three hundred two dollars and twenty-three cents (38, 302.23. Dated at North Platto, Nobraska, this 15th day ot July, 1922.' L. P. Jepson President W. E. Starr Secretary ; :o: A SNAP. Two story fromo resldonco located in the ten hundred block on west fifth. Flno corner lot with trees, walk and paving. House modern except heat. A bargain at $5,800, torm3. THE H. & S. AGENCY. FOR RENT Five unfurnished rooms and garage. 2 blocks west of Court Houso on 4th Street. Reasonable rent to rollablo party. Phono 118. I FOR RENT A half section, of gooa hay land, being tho South half of soctldn 31331. for rent on cash' aasls. For torms see Bratt. Goodman FOR' SALE Two milk cows one five year old Red Poll with calf one thPbe year old part Jersey, recently fresh. F. A. Burke, 802 W. Second Phono 937 W. -:o:- NOTICE People wishing to uso tho lake or tho pavilion at Lamplaugh's Lako for picnics, dancing or parties can mako arrangements by seeing me or calling mo by phone. Phono 1194J narry Lamplaugh. The Mutual Building & Loan Association has plenty of Money to Loan on Improved North Platte Real Estate. Wo mako loans: To financo Now Buildings, To Assist in tho Purchase of Improved Property, Tq Pay Off Mortgages & Liens on Improved Real Estate. Tho compulsory payments on our loans aro $5.00 per month on each $1,000.00 and interest $G.OO per month. Borrowors participate in tho earnings of tho Asso ciation and the stock dividends pay" off $360.00 of each $1,000 loan. Better for tho borrower than a straight five por cent loan. T. O. PATTERSON, President. BESSIE P. SALISBURY Secretary FOR SALE A Gasoline filling station i with all equipment located in the confer of North Platto on tho Lincoln Highway. Fivo year lease on tho lo-j cation will be given. For terms see Bratt. Goodman & Buckley, North I Pjatte, Nebraska. j :o; i Miss Edna Jensen has resigned her position with the Stono Drug Co. Sho will leave In a fpw days for her homo at Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. Frank de Biernfelnd left today for Nelson, Nebr. where thoy wll visit before going to their now home in Iowa. , Local Bulck dealers report sale3 of a roadster to Jas. W. Elliott ana touring cars to C. M. Hayden, Peto Peterson and O. H. Cotton. Closing Out Sale AT THE ART STOP BEGINNING JULY 19 $1.65 45 inch Center Pieces $1.35 $2.45 54 inch Center Pieces $1.75 85c Buffet Scarfs ':. '. 60c 75c Buffet Sets 55c $5.25 Applique Bed Spreads $4.75 $9.60 Embroidery Bed Spreads ... $8.75 One-tifth to one-half off on Children's and Infants Dresses, Rompers and Aprons. Prices reduced on everything in the store V. WARRINGTON At The Keith Four Days July 21, 22, 24, 25, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday BURDOCK Tl3lC lHc&13l tilC JLlOfcCJIftrS The Mental Marvel and Master Seer with his own company Presenting new and bewildeirng mysti fications direct from India and the Far East, Wierd Spirit Manifestations and Thought :9. Transmissions. Profound Tests; in Applied Psychology and Thought Trans mission, andj His World Famous "CRYSTAL SEANCE" The most ijemarkable demonstrations of Mental Gelenity ( and Occult Power ever presented.