s f NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. font. FOX SPOILS PARTY DLD Mr. Drnko wuddled down to the pond one morning, nnd see ing a bont nearby, made up bis mind that nH be bud boon swimming for n long time be would tnko life ensy; bo he hopped Into tbo bont and called to the Ducks on tbo pond to come along. "I will bo tbo captain," explained old Air. Drake, "and you youngsters can be the crew. I do not mean to work any more, for why Hbould 1 A'e6ooecrito Me boat: Bvviin when I can Hall about the pond In a boat?" In a few minutes be bud nil the Ducklings on the pond In the boat, and n stiff breeze sprung up Just then, and away he went, bobbing over the jKrnd as the wind waves hit the boat. Now, it happened that Mr. Vox was eddtlen among the bushes by the bank m tbo opposite side of the pond, rwntchlng for the Ducks that bo was mire would be swimming about, and rwhon the wind blew the boat, with tho captain and bis crew, to that sld.? fclr. Vox could hardly wait quietly, so Kure was he of having u fenst. "A wholo boatload of young Duck ilngul" bought hungry Mr. Fox. YOUR HAND How to Read Your Characteristics andTendencIcs the Capabilities or Weaknesses That Make for Success or Failure as Shown in Your Palm. "SHALL I TRAVEL?" IO0JIETIMES thTmount of tho moon, P- or Luna, beurs n Inrco number of horlMintnl lines, In addition to the vortical lines of travel. If these hori zontal lines cross the faco of the mount nnd reach tho lino of fate, tbo journeys undertaken by tho subject have been or will be longer and inoro tmportunt than those Indicated by the snort, heavy, vertical lines on tho samo mount. But the travels, In this case, may be within tho subject's own country nnd not outside Its boundaries. When tho horizontal lines enter the Hpo of fate -mid travel upward with it, they show voyages that will benefit jthe subject materially.' Hut when tho ionu oi ,nny oi meso Horizontal lines droops or curves downward toward tho wrist, tho voyage has been or will 'bo unsuccessful. Lines that ascend, no matter bow short a distance, Indl cnte successful voyages. When ono of these horizontal lines crosses atv other, the voyngo will bo repeated, for samo Important reason. If such a lino bears a square, danger Is Indicated, but the subject Is protected from mis- forhine. (Copyright.) -u- ONIQ QOOD TURN. It la Dan Cupid's prank For a woman to Unci If oho nmrrlos a crank If That her llfo 1b a grind. 1 "Whats in a Name?" gy. FACTS about our nanus; it's history"; j adcu ai meaning; whence it as dorftccJ; siJnifi- concc; yur ludt$ Bnj -" jewel MMMI1M ' BEKNICE '"O EUNICE Is an auspicious name. --' It means "bringing victory" and is one of the many names derived from tho Greek "nlke," signifying vic tory. Nike was tbo goddess of vie toty and named tbo Images which udwrned the prows of tho warships of Gnscce. The famous Winged Victory Is tho largest of the Nlkes. lAmilnlne names ending In "nlke" fwwe very popular with the Unccks, totfTonlke was used In early times In Macedonia; and was sometimes spelled Pkcrenlke. The princesses of tbo two Greek kingdoms of Syria nnd Egypt favored Ueronlko nnd there nro In numerable lnstunces of Its use by them In curly Creek history. It was from theso royal patronB Brnlco cumo to bo adopted by tho 9 1 "Whoever was In sucn luck before? I would not bother with old Mr. Drake, but bow I wish I had a dozen mouths and paws I I could have Ducklings for dinner fry a week I" Mr. Fox grew hungrier every see ond, and when the boat touched the bank, without waiting to find out If the Ducks were going to get out of It, he mnde n spring for the bont, expect ing to land right In the midst of the Ducklings. Hut alas and alack for all well-laid plunsl they often go nwry; and so It was with the well-laid plan which Mr. Fox had, for when be struck the boat, out Hew nil the Ducks, and even old Captain Drake was as spry as the others. Fright mnde him forget his old ngc, and be flapped hjs wings and hwny bo swam. And where do you think Mr. Fox was all this time? Under the boat, trying to get free, for ho hit the side and over It went, with him under It. After a while ho mnnnged to swim out, and there, far off In the distance,. Mr, Fox saw bis dronmed-of dinners. it was no use to swim after them, for they were close io the bank, and he knew that the farmer's gun might put tin end to his ever ngaln being hungry If be was seen near the farm, so he swam for the bank and sadly walked townrd home, n hungrier but a wiser fellow. "A duck on laud Is worth more than a boatful," thought Mr. Fox, "and If I should meet one this minute here in the woods, even if it was tough old Mr. Drake, I would like to see It get away." (Copyright.) FOR TIIE CHAPERON Air nnd manner lira more expressive tlinn words, HIclianlBon. TF YOU were asked to net as chap- eron for a party of young girls and boys would you know Just what you ought to do If you undertook tjint re sponsibility? A chnperon need not be married but when nn unmarried chaperon Is chosen Bho should bo n person of dignified npponranco and of nmturo years. If the chaperon Is married, she need not bo accompanied by her hus band, oven when the pnrty Is In tho evening; though If you are asking n married woman to perform this serv ice for you you should, of course, In clude nn Invitation to her husband also. If It Is a theater pnrty, she should bo given tbo best place. If the guests are seated In a box then she sits In one of tho front sents. At a dance a n2, family of Herod. The name occurs frequently In the history of Chris tinnlty nnd It was borno by that llemlce who heard tbo defense of St. Paul. France liked the name, though It scorns to lack all trnco of French In Huoneo. Tho peasants of Normandy created Ilerenlco and bestowed It upon ineir (inugmors. Tho French Vero nlque and tho English Veronica aro said to be corrupt forms of the name, but much doubt Is cast upon such n contention. xne moonstone is tho gem of llemlce, It Is said to protect herXrom all danger nnd to bring her true Tove. It Is believed that one enn note tho wnxlug and waning of tho moon In Its depths and that lovers can read tho future tborcln, Monday Is her I TT'he Right Thing f I Right Time jggf"-1 lucky day and 2 her lucky number; (Copyright.) s Marie Prevost me 8mife8 o; r:arle Prevost, the handsome "movie" star, are known to patrons of tho motion picture houees. She has shown her acting ability In some of the more recent big produc tions which have been shown. Thli a one of her latest pictures. cbuperon may dance n few dances, but It would be rather out of keeping with her responsibility to dnnco all or even tbo majority of the dances. She need not, of course, watch tho young women In the party as if she were a duenna,' but she should mnko a point to bo In evidence nil through the party. At n small dance tho guests who know her should mukc It a point to present the other young people to her. If she Is chaperoning n certain young woman at a larger dnnco then they should emphatically present their escorts to her. Need less to say, the chaperon always re mains until tbo last guest or dancer has gone. If you do not feel like re maining until the "wee sum' hours" do not accept nn Invitation to chaperon n dnnco, for since tho wnr Is over dances nro continued much Inter than they hnve been, and unless tho chnp eron hns been especially enjoined by the parents of her charges, or unless thoy are very young, she should not object to this Into dnnclug. One of the most dlfllcult tusks that nny chnperon ever has to perform Is tiut of "calling down" ono of her charges. Occasionally, of course, sotno daring young person will Indulge In ono of the dnnco steps that ore looked upon uskance by proper folks. But If tho chaperon herself has not dnnced for n decado or so she must mnko allowances for the chnnges that huvo taken plnco In tho wny young persons dance. It Is extremely Ill- bred to call a dancer down conspicu ously. In most cases It Is bottw to wait until tho dnnco Is through and tho dancers have left tho floor and then to make the request for a cbungo In mode of dancing quite contlden tlnlly. (Copyright.) O Northward Flow of Rivers. Many rivers How north for part of their course, hut because most of the rivers of the central part of thu United States are tributaries of the Missis slppl, and because of tho wedgo shnpo of the continent, not many rivers have n general northerly course. The prln clpal rlvors which flow north ure: Chnmplaln river and Lake Kanuwba river, lted Hlver of tbo North, St Mary's river, Kootennl river in part and San Joaquin river. O Profiteering Wife How many Ush did you catch last Saturday, Georgo? HusbandSix, darling all beauties Wife I thought so. Thut llsh deal er has mnde a mistake again. He's charged us for eight. Stray Stories O A LINE 0' CHEER By John Kendrlck Bangs. 4 TIME'S COURSE olD Father Time's a swift old boy t Who brliiKa us stores ot woo and Joy, And never falls to stand close by K'en though ho runs with speed so lilKh. In wirly days ho ulvea us Youth. With all Uh searching after Truth. Then throUKh a somewhat mellow er atciRa lie leads us gently on to Ago To And In ports beyond life's sea The quiet of Hternlty. (Copyright.) . Y J! Mows of All Kinds Gathered From Various Points Throughout Nebraska. With $500,080 available for dis tribution to tho 0,807 school districts of Nebraska as the scmt-nnnunl July npportlonment from Income of the 510,000,000 state permanent school fund, this yeur's total of .$1,030,000 exceeds that of nny previous year, according to State Superintendent John M. Mntzen. At an enthuslnstlc meeting nt Goth onburg, with representatives from Co znd nnd Lexington, tho Dnwson County Service compuny was assured, with W. D. Hoover as munagcr, for tbo purpose of establishing the sugar beet industry nnd forwarding tbo Irrigation project for Dawson county. Koprcsentntlves of the state depart ment of ngrlculturo nro making a sur vey of Pnwneo county in tho nttempt to eradicate the burberry plant from the state. The bnrberry cnuses wbeut to rust. The stnte legislature will bo peti tioned nt Its next session to change tho state boxing and wrestling law to allow' amateur boxers nnd wrestlers to compete for n championship. Tenillc rain and hnll storm, said to have been the most violent ever experienced In that vicinity, cuused a heavy damage to crops and property around Iloldrege last week. Over 300 claims for state hall Insur ance adjustment, following the recent storm, faced State Hall Insurance Ad- ustcr L. G. Urlnn when he opened his mall and telegrams. Two thousand persons attended tho dedlcntlon exorcises for Plutte coun ty's new $350,000 court house last Sunday. Governor S. It. McKolvie was the principal speaker. The city council nt Plnttsmouth has passed 1 mill levy for an nmusement fund to be used In financing n series of open-nlr concerts to be given by the locnl Elks band. Heat records for the past twenty years were broken at Norfolk Friday, when tbo mercury rose to 103. The heat was so terrific that farmers stop ped plowing corn. The proposition of voting $40,000 to build additional school room Tor the overcrowded condition of schools at Superior, .was carried by a majority of nine votes. Arbor Lodge, tho large estate near Nebraska City of the late J. Sterling Morton, founder of Arbor day, tnny be offered to Nebraska fo- stuto perk purposes. Frank Differ, Blair poultryman, gathered an average of twenty-three eggs from ench of his hens during May and cleared $709 on them In the month. Eben IC. Long, 05, oldest Nebraska Mason nnd one of the early settlers of Omaha, Is dead at the Nebraska Masonic home at Plattsmouth. Tho Endicott Stnte bank, recently purchased from the College View bank. huh ciusuu iiu uours oy request oi its board of directors. Norfolk business men donated their time and work nnd constructed n new outdoor swimming pool ut the country club at that place. Fanners of the Blair neighborhood have joined forces to fight grass. hoppers which aro doing, damage In some grain fields. An over-supply of nlcohol In patent medicines being sold recently led to tho nrrest of Georgo Smith, a druggist of Shelton. The Missouri Valley Veterlnnrlnn's nssoclntlon will hold Us annual con ventlon In Omuha, July 10, 11 nnd 12. Chinch bugs have appenred In many Gage county corn Holds, according to reports to tho county ngrlcultural agent. The Community club at Stratton has lensed a small grove at the edge of town and equipped It for tourist camp. Forest Bnrtlette, 13 years old, was drowned while swimming with some companions In tho Bluo river nt Fair bury. Ira Wells of Alvo was fined $100 and costs for slaying n robin red breast, contrary to the game law. Packing houses nt Omaha aro work ing over time In order to keep up with tho increased demnnd for meats. Ono hundred nnd fifty women are members of tho Omaha Chamber of Commerce. Tho comerstono of Lincoln county's now $200,000 court house was laid last week at North Platto with im pressive ceremony undor direction of tho local Odd Fellows, lodge. All bus iness houses closed for the occasion. Life on tho Nebraska ranges fifty years ago will be reproduced at tho Platte river round-up nt Sutherland In August, when pioneers of Lincoln county and all this section will hare their first reunion. Forty Indians of the old wnrrlor typo will tuko part In tbo show, staging a realistic attuck on an old stage conch, the first ono operated by Wells-Fa rgo. The number of Utters of spring pigs In Nebraska Is20.5 per cent creator and tho number of pigs saved 21 per cent greater tbnn Inst spring accord ing to tbo results of tho pig survey announced by A. E. Anderson, Nc breskn ngrlculturo statistician. Washington county goes on record ns nn area In Nebraska which is prac tically free from tuberculosis among cattle. This wns brought about ns tho result of a definite Intensive cam. palgn of tuberculin testing; all tho cnttle of tho county, thereby locating the Infected herds and the diseased cuttle. Lester Mabous, postmaster, clerli I nnd letter carrier of St. Helena, Neb., nnd his bride, Into of Paris, nre on their wny to tliolr homo in the west after she had been detained by Immi gration authorities in New York, who were skeptical ns to tbo vnlldlty of their marriage by cablo. Under tbo cbnperonuge of the Travelers' Aid Society, tbo two wero again married nt close range and she was given tho freedom of America. The annual meeting of tho Western Bar association wns held In Lexington and lawyers from the Thirteenth nnd Seventeenth Judicial districts and Chief Justice Morrlssey and Justice Dean wero present from the supremo court. Addresses were given by Senn tor W. V. Hongland of North Platto, Justice Dean of Lincoln, W. A. Stownrt of Lexington, and Dale P. Stough of Grand Island. In obedience to orders banded down by the Dodge county district court nnd tho state supreme court, the city of Fremont has tuken steps toward obatlng the nuisance declared to bo present In the Ilnwhlde creek as tho result of the sewer system In tlint city. A large barn on tho stnte lndustr'nl school grounds- nt Kcnrney was struck by lightning and completely destroyed, with contents, by the fire which fol lowed. Much grain nud hay was stored in the building, but no live stock wns housed thero at tbo tlmo. Dorothy Grlflln, 1G year Nebraska City girl, was badly scalded about the shouldei;s and one side when sho went to place some kindling In tbo kitchen range and knocked a kettlo of boiling water off the top of tho stovo over her body. Prematuro ripening of winter wheat caused by high temperatures and drouth has shrunken pnrt of tho Ne braska winter wheat crop, according to A. E. Anderson, who hns just re turned from an Inspection trip through out the wheat belt. While excavating for n new brldgo near Blair, a workman found a pair of antlers twenty-two feet under ground. A section of vertebrae which Indicated the deer did not belong to nny present-day species, ulso was found. Mrs. J. Tenney wns fatally burned and her three children, nil small, r.ro In a serious condition ut n hospital at North Platte as a result of burnings suffered, when gasoline exploded in the tent In which they wore living. Afllrmlng a judgment of the district court of Otoe county the Nebraska supremo court holds that tho law was complied with In the crentlon of Con solidated School, District No. 7, the building site of which Is at Dunbar. July 1 lias been set apart as national membership day for tho vmerlean Legion, and ex-service men eligible for membership are urged In n stnto mont Issued by William Ritchie, jr., commander for Nebraska, to Join. One man wns killed and nine per sons were Injured when n motor bus, said to hnve contained fourteen peo ple, skidded off the road and rolled down nn embankment about twenty- five feet high near Lincoln. Com generally continues in very good condition, although the hot, dry weather of tho first of the week caused some damage In the state, no cording to the weekly crop nnd weatlu er summary. Among the 500 college men nttend lug the Reserve Officer's Training ennip at Fort Snelllncg, Minn., nro fifty-four from the University of Ne braska and sixteen from Crelghton university. Further Irrigation of the largo fields of potatoes and cabbage In the vicini ty of Gibbon will not be necessary fol lowing the showers of last Sunday nnd Monday. One and one-fourth Inches o rain fell. Marcolla Sharp, 4, daughter of Tom Sharp of Nebraska City, was seriously Injured when a torpedo which she had placed In her mouth exploded, break lng her right jaw and loosening nil the teeth. One and one-half Inches of rain, nc compnnled by high winds nnd de structive hnll created considerable damage In the neighborhood of Fre mont. Grain nnd fruits wero budly wrecked. With 109 nnmes on Its membership roll, the Platto County "Pioneer nssoc lntlon wns organized by old settlers attending the dedication of the new court bouse at Columbus. Elmer Keckley, a farmer near Osh- kosh, wns killed when lightning struck him, the horse he wns riding, and a cow, all meeting death from the samo bolt. Enveloped In flames when gasollno overflowed from tbo tnnk over bis ovor- heated motorcycle while it was being filled, George Delnlnger of St. Paul saved hlmsolf from, possible fatal in Jury by rolling In the grass nenrby. A drop In tnxes of approxlmntely $1.50 per citizen for Lancaster county was announced Mondny morning by the bonrd of county commissioners for the next levy. The reduct'on will a mount, In totul, to at least $1,250,000, Fifteen hundred carrier pigeons to longing to 24 homing clubs were re leased nt Norfolk Saturday morning for n 500-mIIo race to Chicago. The Rev. John Palublckl, pastor of St. Peter's church at Stunton, who won the popular nnmo of "Fnther John" during the world war, has an nounced bis appointment nnd nccept unce by Archbishop Harty as director of St. James orphanage at Benson. A strip of country forty miles long and four miles wide from Star to Copenhagen Is practically desolate fol lowing tho record-breaking hnll storm which prevailed In that neighborhood last weok. Thousands of chickens nro dead, fruit orchards damaged, and crops hammered Into the ground, ne cessitating a lot of replanting. WOMAN GOULD NOT WORK Made Strong and Well by Lydia EL Pinl-ham's Veg etable Compound , t Rt Paul. Minn. -"I took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vcgetabio Compound for a tiroa, worn-out ieei- inctand painful pori- ods. I used to got up with a pain m my head and pains in my lowcrparts and back Often I was notable to do my work. I read in your little book about Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound and I have taken it I fool bo well and strong and can do every bit of my work and not a pain in my back now. I rec ommend your medicine and you can uso this letter as a testimonial." - Mrs. Phil. Maseu, 801 Winalow St., St Paul, Minn- Just another case whero a woman found relief by taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Many times these tired, worn-out feelings and tinins nhout the bodv aro from troubles only women have. Tho Vegetable Com pound is especially aaapieaior just una condition. Tho good results aro noted by the disagreeable symptoms passing away ono after another. Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound is a Woman's Medicine for Wo men's Ailments. Always reliable. Modern Chemistry. Certain chuuges In the character of wood which normally take placo only nfter muny years of drying are, by a new chemical process, produced with in H nours. Tiiereaner, wnen uio molsturo that may still bo left has evaporated, the wood becomes harder and more durable than by tho uglng process. Red Cross Ball Blue should be used In every home. It makes clothes white ns snow nnd never Injures tbo fabric All good grocers. Advertisement Classy Dressers In 1776. Tho following wus the uniform for the officers of the corps, by order ot the "Marine Committee," dated Sep tember 5, 1770: "A green coat faced with white, round cuff, slashed sleeves nnd pockets, with buttons round the cuff, skirts turned back, buttons to Bult the facings; white waistcoat and breeches edged with green, black gaiters and garters'." The order also Btated that green shirts were ordered for the men "If they can he procured." Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ANS 25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere USEFUL for all the little ailments bumps, bruises, sores, sunburn and chafing. Keep a bottle in the house. It's safe and pure. Itcostsverylittle. CIIESEDROUGH MFG. CO. (Coniolidatcd) SUte Street New York Vaseline' Piles aro tuuaUjr duo to straining when constipated. Nujol being a lubricant keeps the food waate soft and there fore prerents straining. Doctors prescribe Nujol because It not ouly soothes the suffering of piles but relleres the irritation, bring comfort and helps to re move them. Nujol Is a lubricant not a medicine or laxative so cannot ripe. Try it today. tmiiMiil vomrort lour okm With Cuticura Soap and Fragrant Talcum Sop 2Se, Ointment 25 and 50c, Tilcnm 25e.