The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 18, 1922, Image 3

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''" ill .? I VES FANNY IT tOOKS MlllA "THERE YOU 60! BUYING e 1 UHljlJ vntiM v'poma njnt i om,-" ) ' ' inTii'.urv ,
iiuuBm! " ' " ' l
I '-in . t.:
Tlio farm residenco should bo care
fully designed structuro sinco it must
meet a variety of noods. One feature
which can bo added is tho farm wash
room. This should bo to tho rear ot
the house and can conveniently bo en
tered from tho roar door and one dood
should open into tho dining room.
During tho summer months a wash
room of this character will provont
tho farm help from entering tho kitch
en just boforo the meal is ready.
Somo other convenient features
which are shown on plans distributed
by tho Agricultural College are spac
ious closets, work rooms in the base
ment for cold weather and rainy days,
modern water and heating systems.
Tho certified seed list of tho Nebr
aska Crop Growers Association is now
ready for distribution as inspections
have been completed in forty counties
of the state. Certified seed is seed
that has passed tho rules as to truo
ness to name, purity, smut, weeds
and other qualifications. Kanred wheat
Nebraska No. CO and No. 0 wheat,
Rosen rye, Nebraska 21 oats and Min
nesota 184 barley are listed. Past ex
perience has shown that tho only !
way to know just what kind of seedj
is being purchased is to buy certi-,
fied seed which costs but little more
than ordinary seed. Write the AgrI-'
cultural College, Lincoln, Nebraska
for copies of this list.
Now that tlio epring pigs are weigh
lng well on to 100 pounds it is advis
ablo to separate from tho rest of tho
herd the gilts that aro to be kept for,
brood sows. Tho Nebraska Agriculture
Wvises that they bo given extra at-(
tontion from now until tho breeding (
season in order that they will bo as
stretchy and rugged as possible at
that timo. It should bo tho aim to
grow tho gilts rather than to fatten1
them for a fat chuffy gilt rarely j
"proves satisfactory as a brood sow.
Plenty of shade and clean drinking!
water aro essential. A good pasturo
should bo available until frost. A small '
amount of corn and barley may bo fed
to gilts on pasturo with good results,
but should always bo fed in conjunc
tion with oats, tankage, milk or
shorts. Now is tho timo to grow tho
rllts at tho least exponso. If thoy are'
grown properly they will produce
larger, more rugged litters next spring.
In tho dry land aroas of western Nebr
aska. Over 4,000 acres of potatoes have
been listed for inspection with a view
to certification. Most of tho potatoes
are tho Triumph variety which is in
demand in the southern statos. How
ever sovornl hundred acres of other
varieties, most especially early Ohlos
aro listod for certification. It Is hopod
that within a few years largo quanti
ties of Early Ohio seed potatoes will
bo raised in "Western Nebraska. This
will provldo an excollont source of
high grado seed potatoes in relatively
closo proximity to tho potato produc
ing regions In oastorn Nebrnska.
Thes6 latter regions are now nlmost
ontirely dependent upon the stato of
Minnesota for good Early Ohio seed
From tho Inquiries received by the
(Nebraska Agricultural College, the
farmers aro becoming moro and more
interested in tho breeding of ducks.
Farmers, in general ao not gives tho
ducks tho attention thoy deserve. What
seems to bo tho most plausible reason
for, this is that tho duck favored by
commorcial duck growers Is not al
together satisfactory on general farms
while tho duck used by most farmers
would not under any circumstances
be profitablo ducks to grow. Duck
growing on farms could probably be
increased and made 'In every way
moro satisfactory to rarmors using
largo, quick growing breeds and mak
ing duck hntching folicrw tho hatch
ing of chickens, bring the ducklings
out in Juno and oven lu July, which
will give them ample timo to obtain
full size and full meated beforo win
tor sots in. Farmers cannot profitably
grow green .ducks except for his own
tablo. Tho difficulty of dressing green
ducks discourages' this, and if the
ducks aro held after tho stage when
they should bo dressed as green duck
and aro fed heavily on grain, there is
no profit in them. Duck growng on
tho farm should bo dono to meet rarm
conditions, nnd not according to in
tensvo commercial methods. Good
ducks can be grown on many mead
ows with very little gram reed, ir
raised in this way they can bo kept
to eat when full meated, when about
five months old, at which timo they
aro better eating and dross much
easier. Tho Rouen Duck Is usually
found the most satisfactory duck in
this way. Its dark color is no disad
vantage In picking it when mature, in
fact, at this ago is is easier to dress
than tho Peldn.
jr. " I
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Danieln leave
in a few days for Hot Springs, South
Dakota to bo gone for sevoral weeks.
Hotel Ritner
Rocent reports received by the Nebr
aska Agrlcultral Collogo from the
Ixmlsiana Experiment Station show
that the certified Triumph seed po
tatoes ralsod in western Nebraska,
when planted In the oouth, produced
yields equal to or greater than similar
lots from other states, most especial
ly Minnesota, Wisconsin and Maine
Those experimental results are in lino
with special reports from commercial
growers who planted western Nebr
aska certified seod potatoes thruout
tho south last winter most ospeclally
lliruout southern Texas. This yoap
thoro 1b very keen interest In tho
production of cortiiiod soed potatoes
We have changed management
and also redecorated the rooms
thruout the hotel. We now have
a first class modern, clean hotel.
Rooms by the, week. $2.50 up.
By Night 50c and Up
115 West 6th St.
Clioico lot of young Rod Poll bulls
at farmers prices at
South Dewey Streot
Get-Acquainted Order Blank
Lincoln, Nebr.
Enclosed is 75c for which send me by mail
your daily edition every day but Sunday for three
months, with tho understanding that the paper
will stop when the time is up unless I order it
Town State
(Write plainly in pencil. Ink blots)
P. S. Add 25c to above amount if Sunday
is desired.
To tho Editor of tho Tribune:
.Tho recont nction ot tho Oniitiiu
Chambor of Commorco in subscribing
to the 'aontimont oxpressed by Presi
dent Harding in, his Marlon Fourth-of
July address, when ho said: "A frco
American has tho right to labor with
out any others' loavo," and "Liberty
Is gone In America when any man Is
denied by anybody tho right to work
and live by that work." prompts me
to comment briefly concerning tho
'President's statements.
Tho President ovldently had in mind
tho present strikes of the shopmen
nnd tho coal minors, when ho uttered
theso words, but his statements pos
oss a far greater significance, cnvolv
ing as thoy do, tho princlplo ot tho
closed shop and tho right of tho
striko breaker to tnko the place of a
fellow laborer who is out on strike.
No ono denies tlio natural right of
tho Individual to work, a right which
cannot bo violated except by phylscal
restraint; but it should be remember
ed that such right is never absolute,
but rather contingent and rolatlvo,
depending on tho fulfillment of cor
tan conditions and relations. Thero
can be no such things as an uncondi
tional right to a social relation. If
such perogative existed, tho public
would be morally bound to support
any and overy superfluous and In
efficient business enterprise, regard
less ot economy and service, which
claimed the 'right' to Its patronage
Thus all rights to social relations
arc conditioned by tho circumstances
nnd aro valid only when these are
reasonable. k
In a given ndustry, where collective
bargaining has been found essential
to tho maintenance ot standard, a
man who unreasonably refuses to join
tho union has no valid right to ob
tain employment if his doing so
would endanger the. integrity of tho
union, thereby reducing tho opportun
ty on the part of a majority of tho
workers to obtain proper conditions
of employment.
In the hypothrais ot a strike among
tho workers In a given Industry, tho
right of tho individual 'frco American'
to tnko tho plnco of a striking work
man la again dopondont upon cir
cumstances. ' On tho assumption that
the striking workers are justified in
suspending work In order to hotter
conditions of omploymont, the men
wlio nttompt to tako tliolr placos can
not possibly claim justification for
their act, unloss tholr needs nro such
ns to compol thorn to work undor
unsatisfactory terms. Hut this Is sel
dom the caso, for tho striko breakers
aro usually .In no greater need ot
work than tho strikers themselves.
Concerning tho right of tho strik
ers to resort to vlolonco in ordor to
restrain Btrlko breakers from taking
their places, I doclaro strongly against
such action, becauso though It Ib
intrinsically wrong, violence can rare
ly bo justified, for tho reason that a
greater ovil Is almost certain to on
site. Having thus considered thesp un
qualified and absolute statements
rendered by Prosdient Hnrdlng during
his recent address nt Marlon, I can
not but concludo that, considering his
words ns they stand, instead of ox
pressing tho essentials of llborty, thoy
express Just the antithlsls of liberty
as conceived by tho founders of this
There Is no denying that tho pres
ent industrial situation is a menace to
tho peace and general wolfaro of tho
world. Thero Is something radically
twrong with tho present industrial
Bystom. Tlio workers who possess no
capital, and they nro In tho majority,
do not onjoy a normal nnd reasonable
dogroo of independence, self respect
or solf confidence. Thoy have not suf
ficient control over tho wago contrnct;
thoy lack tho Incentive to put forth
their best efforts In production; thoy
do not possess a reasonable amount
of freedom in those civic anl social
relations which' Ho outsldo tho sphere
of Industry; in a word, tho workers
without capital aro not In a position
to conduct properly tho ordoring ot
their own lives.
I am of opinion that this condition
will continue to oxlst, till such timo
as tho mistaken notion that class is
naturally hostile to class, and that
tho wealthy and tho worklngmen aro
intended by nature to Hvo in mutual
conflict shall bo entirely orndlcntod.
The common Interests between capital
and labor must bo fostorcd and de
veloped, and tho existing antagonism
of interest diminished by sumo system
of roprosontatlvo govornmont in ln
ustry similar to that of roprosontntlvo
government In a democracy. As Mr.
Horbet Hoover has declared, wo must
"ro-establish through organized repre
sentation that porsonnl co-oporation
between employer nnd "employco in
production that wns in binding forco
when our industries woro smaller,"
In tho solution of problems of so vital
an importance, clear,' straight think
ing, honesty and dovotion to principal
aro pro-roqulstc.
Claronco J. McCnbo
L. & S. Groceteria.
Graduate Veterinarian
Ex-Gavornmont Votorlnnrlan and ex
assistant doputy Stato Votorlnarlaa
Hospital 315 South Vino Stroet.
Phones. Hospital G33 Residonce G3r.
Of the Condition of tho Mutual Building and Loan Association ot North
Platte, Nebraska, on tho 30th day of June, 1922.
Certificate No. 32
rder A Case
Our special delivery will see that you are supplied for
parties, picnics and outings.
A few bottles on ice for the wife, tho kiddies a treat
for the guest.
Following flavors that aro always good:
Cherry-Blossoms, Lemon-Crush, Orange-Crush
Grape-Fiz, Hires Root Beer, Coca-Cola, White Horse Gin
ger Ale.
Per case 24 bottles $1.50. Rebate, onempties, 50c.. -White
Ribbon Beer A real beer minus " the kick. 24
bottles $3.35. Rebate 90c.
Star Bottling & Mercantile Co,
Phono 292
First Mortgago Loans $1,583,100.00
Loans in process ot foreclosure T 4,800.00
Loans on stock or pass book security 7,200.00
Real ostato, office $27,423.14 Other ? 27,423.14
Cash - - 41,242.08
Delinquent Interest, fines, etc. 2,582.50
Furnituro and fixtures J 1,335.47
Total - $1,667,683.19
Running stock and dividends $ 670,589.51
Paid-up Btock and dividends 905.500.00
Resorvo fund i ' 39,300.00
Undivided Profits 52,197.08
Advance interest , 96.60
Total $1,667,683.19
Cash on hand, laat report $ 9,492.15
Duoa (Running stock) 191,246.30
Paid-up stock 246.401.00
Mortgago payments 85,380.75
Stock Joan payments 1,232.08
Intorcet 109,054.97
Fines 1,069.85
Membership and transfer fees 639.25
Rents and offlco building receipts 1,975.92
Total T G46.499.27
Mortgago loans 271.40M0
Stock Loans 5.800.00
Withdrawals running stock and dividends . 80,533.10
Withdrawals paid-up stock 187,900.00
Withdrawals dlvidond on paid-up stock 51,664.03
Salaries 5,775.00
Other exponao 2,176.06
Cash oh hand 41,242.08
Total - 646.490.27
Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln C6unty, ss.
I, Bessio F. Salisbury, Secretary of tho abovo named Association, do boI
omnly Bwear that tho foregoing Statoment of tlio condition of tho said Asso
ciation, Is truo and correct to tho beet of my knowlodgo and belief.
BessU F. Salisbury,
Victor Von GoeU
M. J. Forbes
Ira I. Baro
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this 6th day of July, 1922.
SBAL) R". II. Boatty, Notary Public.
What does
washday cost you?
Does it mean worry, useless
labor and fatigue? Does it
mean heating big amounts of
water on tho gas range and cart
ing it to your tubs? If it does
tho cost is dear at any price.
There is nothing that will,
brighten up your washday like
a Lion Tank Water Heater. On
a few minutes notice it will
deliver piping hot water right
to your tubs. No hanging over
a gas range. No carrying of
There is no household nec
essity that gives so many per
sonal comforts and household
conveniences at so little cost.
'For a penny or two you can
have a bath or hot water for
dishwashing. For any purposo.
tho Lion Tank Water Heater
will heat water cheaper than
you could do it on gas or coal
Stop in today and lot us show
you what tho Lion Tank Heater
will do to lighten housework
and provide homo comforts, or
write for illustrated booklet.
North Platte Light & Power Co.