The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 14, 1922, Image 3

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Thoro recently appeared in tho City press a scathing denudation of my
record in tho Lcgislaturo regarding tho Building & Loan Association of
Nebraska, and tho Mutual Building & Loan Association ot our city in par
ticular. This attack being tnado by ono ot tho principal officers of our local
association, it drags that worthy institution into politics, a position that 1
am suro ninety per cent of its mombors do not approvo of, and were it
possible that all who read tho artiolo woro citizens of our city for the past
thirty years, no reply or notice ot tho unwarranted attack would havo been
mada by mo.
Let mo say emphatically, that so far as my attitude toward tho Building
& Loan Association is concerned, that it is exactly opposlto to that stated
in tho artlclo referred to.
I havo for tho past 30 years, been a member of such an association and
for a season served -as assistant Secretary of tho local Association. I havo
bolioved in them and their good work and advised dozens of young men to
tako stock and thus creato tho habit of saving for tho rainy day. I challenge
any man, woman or child within tho Stato of Nebraska, regardless of tin
color of their hair or wholhor or not thoy can speak tho English language
plainly, to show that I havo over uttered a word of condemnation againiV
jrganlzations of this character.
ilio recent attack says, "Not onco did Davis raise his voico in defence
of tho rights and Interests Of tho members ot tho Mutual Building & Loan
Association, embracing ninety per cent of tho population of our city'
Lot us see- by substantial proof what tho record really shows.
rhoro was introduced in the Legislature two real Building and Loan
Bills, ono known as Senato Fllo No. C9, by Senator Ilobbins of Douglas; tin
othor,- being Houso Roll No. 454 by Representative Clark Jcary of Lancaster
I aBk that you read tho following letter from Mr. Jeary, sponsor of the House
Law Offices
- - Suite 204 Terminal Building. -
. - Lincoln Nobr. June24, 1927
v '. , T'"" - - ' " ' '-'
Mr; n. e. uavia, - , ,
,Y North Platte, Nebraska, -Deaf
' My. attention has been called to tho fact that in your campaign for the
Republican nomination for Stato Representative an attack has been mauo
upon you from tho Building & Loan Associations, and that tho reason for
tho samo is predicated! upon your having voted for Senato Fllo No. G5, the
general taxation bill.
I am indeed suprlsed that an attack should be made upon you from theso
people hecauso your record does not warrant such action on their part.
I introduced, on behalf and upon tho request of tho Building & Loan
associations of tho Stato, Houso Roll Np. 454 and a llko bill, towlt Senato
Filo No.69, was introduced in the Senate. This bill provided in effect that
Building & Loan stock should not bo taxed in tho hands of tho individual
owners inasmuch as tho real estato upon which tho corporation held mort
gages was taxed to its full value. This bill of mino was referred to the cum
mlttoe on Revenue and Taxation, and thoy indefinitely postponed tho Bame on
tho ground that tho Senate bill was Identical with mino, that tho Sonate
Rovenuo and Taxation committee waa holding- publlo meetings and that It
. would bo a waste of time to consider my bill in tho Houso if tho Senate
refused to pass tho Senato Filo. My recollection is that you favored the Build-
'nir nnri T.nnn hill which I introduced, and' encouratreu its nnssage. anu gave
"mo-vory loyal support In endeavoring to secure the passage of this law.
Again I say that I am thoroughly convinced that tho people who are
making an attack upon you are not acquainted with all tho facts with
rogard to your record. on this legislation, or they would not bo making this
attack. ' ' ,
. Please give my regards to Mrs. Davis.
If you are still skeptical, I also present a letter from the Chairman of
the House Committee on Revenue and Taxation, as follows:
' ' Fairniont, Nebraska. June 26, J922
To Whom It May Concern:
Inquiry has been made of mo regarding the attitude or Kopi esentatlvo
E. 9. Davis of North Platto in tho matter of legislation effecting Building
& Loan Associations in tho session of the 1921 legislature. I recall that Mr.
Davis appeared beforo the Committee on Revenue and Taxation with petitions
from North Platte citizens favoring certain bills which tho Building & Loan
desired passed and that Mr. Davis to tho best of my knowledgo was friendly
to this legislation.
(Signed) Georgo A. Williams, Chairman
Committee on Revenue and Taxation"
Not stopping my activities In the Houso T also appeared beforo the
Senate Committee or Rovenuo and Taxation in defense of Senato Bill C9
which was identical with tho House bill, for proof of which I submit to you
the testimony of Senator Anderson, its Chairman, which reads as follows:
"Business Address '- Residence Address
you in sympathy with tho measuro and without solicitation 6n my part you
plodged your best efforts to tho pasnngo of theso measures, which you tunevtf
you considered fair and Just
I romombor that a number ot times wo counseled together during tho
timo tho Senato fllo measuro was under debato and that at all times you woro
In hearty sympathy with tho passago of that measure.
You should havo no trouble, it it Is necessary, In getting plenty of
testimonies from tho Building & Loan Association officers, who woro active
In supporting tills measure, as to your Btand and loyalty in the matter
If I can bo of any further assistance, personally, cdmmnnd me. With
kindest porsonnl regards, I am
Yours Respectfully,
By (Signed) R. E. Harrington
'-;,' i- ' Secretary
Ircgrot exceedingly that-I cannot furnish tho furthor testimony of R
M. Glllnn ot Auburn, a past president ot tho Nebraska League- ot Savings and
Loan Associations, and who was an cmployco of tho Senato. Mr. GIl:an and
myself had many conferences and ho knew my position; but unfortunately,
Mr. Glllnn has been removed by death which occurcd quite recontly.
Somebody Is suroly mistaken as to my record and I feci frco to let tho
voters of this city decide who it is.
Now further as to my voto on Senato Fllo G5, for which no apology is
mado; Let us see what taxing chnngo it mado on Building & Loan stock, held
by individuals. Quoting from a pamphlet gotten 'out by tho Omaha Building
& Loan Associations and sont to mo at Lincoln by tho president ot our own
"Old law, Chap. 498. Sec. 14 reads in part: 'But sharos ot stock In said
association shall, for tho purpose of taxation, bo conoldcrod and held as
credits, and members and holders of such shares shall list tho samo for tax
ation and tho samo shall bo taxed in such manner nnd subjoct to such re
ductions ns may bo provided b'y law for tho taxation ot othor credits.'"
Quoting further, this pamphlet says:
"Under tho present law (ono prior to 1921) each shareholder is required
to list the full value of his shares In his return to tho assessor ns credits."
Under the ruling of tho State Tax Commissioner, tho assessment of
Building & Loan stock under tho now law, shall bo mado on a basis ot onc
fourth of thrco per cent of Its real-mine, nnd makes tho shareholders tax
loss Uinn two per cent of what tho old Inw provided. I mako no apology tor
supporting this change and for which tho Nebrnskn Leaguo of Building Sr
Loan nt their last session hold in Lincoln on May 17tlt. declare their satis-
faction, In "being placed upon tho samo basis for taxation purposes ns othe
corporations." (Sco pago 47, Proceedings of that session.)
Contrary to the artclo published I am not asking for ro-olcctlon on my
Building & I6nn record, but also submit a portion of my activities as follow
without apology:
a. Support of tho amendment to the Employees Liability Bill, whicK
iflvcs tho sume protection to the laborer where employed alone in placo o
.vlth four or moro others.
2. Opposition to the Anil-Picketing BUI, because, ct Its drastic language
and because this was no time to agitato labor conditions.
3. Opposition to tho Industrial Court BillSimilar 16 tho Kansas, Law.
4. Support ot Volunteer Firemon-Clvll Service Law in Omaha Chartor,
and my voto In tho Commlttoo mado tho decision.
5. Support of tho twolvo bills reported for Child Welfaro, including
censorship of of moving pictures and Mothers' Pensions.
G. Support of entire program of Amorican Legion Legislation, including
tho Anti-Allen Land Law introduced by myself.
7. Opposition to tho bill placing Public Sorvico Corpu?ationa undor
the Stato Railway Commission and Attorneys Crosby and Shumnn can testi
fy ns to tho quality of my opposition on this bill.
8. Support of special legislation for tho extension of our present wntor
works system so as to glvo sorvico to tho wholo city.
9. Support of measures advocated by Farm Bureau and Agricultural
10. Passago of bill to locate Stato Fish Hatchery In Lincoln or Gnrdon
11. Support ot bills for continuation of Good Roads and Stato Aid Brldgo
program nnd tho oxtonslon of Distance for Stato paving to Institutions so
ns to includo tho Stato Farm at this placo.
12. Support of tho Languago and Public School Bills.
13. Tho ro-dlstrictlng of Lincoln County for Legislative purposos so
that rural as well as tho city would too insured of propor representation.
Tho nbovo is a partial list of my activities, altho I should mention tho
part that camo to mo as Chairman of tho Commlttoo on Railroads. 'i no un
solicited letters of thanks that I havo rocolved from tho Lcglslntlyo heads ot
tho Brotherhoods of Englnoors, Firemen, Conductors, Railway Trainmen and
Switchmon are treasures I will always approclato. I am not unmindfull elthor
of tho words ot appreciation from tho attorneys of tho various railroad
corporations for my fairness, patleuCo and tact in conducting tho numerous
hoarings which woro had .beforo that important commlttoo.
Friends, for nil this or any othor act that I .cannot recall, I nml no
apology no monoy gift, or promise, swerved mo from what I thought vaa
right and if returned by your voto, I promise to bow tho lenco to no corpor
ation, click, firm, union, association, or lndvidual In tho discharge of my
duties ns a ropresontatlvo, but will dovoto my ontlro timo and attention to
representing this community ns a wholo.
B. S. Davis
.Ba'nkera.Life Irisuranco Co.
Phono B-3311 . . "
Lincoln, Nebraska
1950 O. Stroet
Phono F-4418
jun, 56, 1922
Hon. E. S. Davis
North Platte, Nobr.
Dear Mr. Davis:
Your letter of Juno 23rd., recieved and carefully noted. I do remember
your appearing bofqro tho Rovenuo Committee of tho Senato In connection
with Senator Hoagland in support of S. F. 69 by Robbina.
I know you took quite an interest in this matter. I am glad that you are
candidato for re-election to tho houso and with best wishes, I am,
Sincerely Yours
(Signed) , C. B. Anderson
For fear some obstlnant reader might still believe tho statcmont! of my
' willful misrepresentation, I am giving below tho testimony of tho Secretary
of tho Homo Building & Loan Association of Lincoln. Mr. Harrington was
on tho Job for weeks as a personal rcpresontatvo of tho Building & Loan
Associations ot Nebraska, looking after their interests and legislation. Hs
intogrlty is unquestioned. His letter should forevor aottlo tho mattor as to
my pos'tion and activities for Building & LoAn Assoclatons. It reads as
210-212 So. Thirteenth St
Fraternity Building
Frank Mills, President
Georgo E'. Hagor, V. President
R. E. Harrington, Secretary I
E. M. Blair, Treasurer ., ,
J. A. Brown Attorney -
R E. Harrington
Frank Mills
George E. Hager
J. A. Brown
E. M. Blair
" ' - Lincoln, Nobraska. July 2Gt'h, 1922
E, S. Davis, "
North Platto, Nobraska
Dear Sir:
I am Indeed surprised at tho information contained in your letter of tho
23rd, It scorns Btrango to mo that anyono should attack you ns ono who was
opposed to Houso Roll No. 454, introduced by Jcary. and Sonnto Filo No, G9,
introduced by Robblns.
I well remember tho firBt timo you called at my office and told mo how
much you woro interested in Building & Loan Associations that you had
boon a member of ono for a number of years and at ono timo an offlcor.
Tlion a year later, whon wo needed help in Jho Houso to try and pass this
legislation. I called you in my office in regard to tho mattor and I found
. ""."K'v,
. " St
gar- v.v
1 Jr.
State Treasurer
The Republican Ticket
Western Nebraska wants a man in the state house who is reli
able, conservative and safe. Mr. Stebbinshas been in
( business in Gothenburg lor many years and
is known for his honesty, integ-
rity and good judgment.