""" SIM Italt lattc fenii Mcclilij tribune (3 TUESDAY nd FKIDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, JULY 4, 1922 No. 51 Abbott-Boling-Green-IM Demons SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLEJD THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT BE. CENT 1IAPPENENGS IN TniS COJOtUNITY Tho Klwanis Club will welcome the the sorvices oE any man in the' erec tion of the Cnnipfire lodge next Thursday. The first bomb is exploded at 11 tomorrow, the next at 12:30, the next at 1 p. m. and nt 1:30 two bombs will announce the opening of the race. Tho total number of marriage li censes issued by County Judge Wood lmrst during tho monht of June was 20. During Juno last year ho issued 27. The race track is said to bo in the best of condition. It has been floated and rolled and floated and rolled until it is as hard as a dirt track can be, and level as a floor. County Treasurer Souder reports tho total number of 1922 auto licenses issued to July 1 as 2,750. On July 1 the fee for auto licenses is cut in two and over forty licenses were issued on Saturday. At a meeting of the DeMolay held Wednesday evening the following of ficers were elected. Theodore Payne, master councillor, Robert Hoagland, senior councillor, Dalo Godwin, jun ior councillor, Fay Fearsley, scribe, and Shirley Hogg, treasurer. The pulpit at tho Lutheran church -was supplied yesterday morning by Rev. J. N. Ervin, pastor of tho First Presbyteriarr church-af'Dayton, Ky. Dr Ervin is an uncle , pf Mrs. W. J. Hendy and is making a visit at the Hendy home. All of tho drivers are here except Tom Moon, who had an unfortunate L. & S. Groceteria STORE ENTERED AM) MONEY TAK EN FROM CASH REGISTER SUNDAY The store belonging to S. F. Clayton on south Maplo Street was enterod Sunday afternoon and all tho money removed from the cash rogistcr. Small boys were said to have climbed in a window in a back room and entered tho store. No traco haso been found yet as to tho identity of tho boys. accident and damaged his car so he cannot race, llo has boon excused by the local racing board, otherwise he would havo to make a' showing before tho national board of tho A. A. A. be fore ho could raco again. Clare McNeal, the throo year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Neal had two fingers on her right hand severed last Thursday. She was playing with some neighbor children and ono of them pushed her into the lawn mower. Sho put her hand out to protect herself and caught it in the mower. Tho striking blossoms about tho city this week are the hollyhocks. Many! fine varieties in all the bright colors 1 have been planted within the last fowj years and their largo sizo and brll- j linnt coloring is adding much to the! decoration of many otherwise dull : places. Band Concert at Court House Park Fourth of July 7:00 p. m. t Chamber of Commerce Band Earl Stamp, Director. Opening "Star Spangled Banner" L Key March "Rotary" Halm Patriotic Medley "American Patrol Meacham Popular Melody "The Sheik" Snyder Overture "Revelry" Jewell Pox Trot "'Gin. 'Gin 'Ginny Shore' Donaldson Valse Oriental "Moonlight on the Nile" King Popular Air "Angel Child" Silver "Mazaniella" from Jacinthe Robyn Popular Air "Leave Me with a Smile" f Burtnett March "Royal Australian Navy" ' Lithgow Serenade " Autumn Romance" King NEW TRAINMASTER TO SUCCEED W. ('. SHE EVER HAS HEEN APPOINTEO V. I). Gud?ol of Unramlo lui3 boon appointed to the vacancy nindo by tho promotion of trainmaster Sholvor to bo tho assistant superintondont of the Wyoming division. Mr. Gudgol has been trainmaster n't Laramie and con siders this a promotion. Ho took up his duties hero tho last of tho week. :o: HOY SCOUTS COMPLETE THREE DAY HIKE TO HERSHEY AND RETURN Owing to the Legion pavement dance getting started before dark to morrow evening the concert by the Chamber of Commerce Band has been advanced one-half hour and will begin at 7 o'clock. The band has prepared a good concert, tho program for which is .printed elsewhere and everyone is invited to be on hand and enjoy it. Considerable Interest has been a- roused among tho men along the Union Pacific by tho announcement that a trainload of - thirty-five cars of electric washing machines will go through North Platto next Thursday bound from Peoria, 111. to Los An geles. The train carries over 2,000 wash machines. It is called tho A. B. C. washer and it is not known that it is sold in North Platte. LINCOLN COUNTY TAX PR0BLEMSEXPLA1NED A SERIES OE TIMELY ARTICLES DEALING WITH COUNTY AND CITY A proposition is on foot to com bine tho Platto Valley and tho Hershey ditches by using the same dam and headgato and diverting tho water into the other ditch after it has been tak en out of the river. A number of Di rectors of tho two companies visited the headgatcs recently and inspected the plant as proposed and it looked good to them. They say it will save expense and lower the cost of upkeep. . :o:- Piano tuning, Holley Music House. VAUDEVILLE AT THE KEITH THEATRE Two Days, July 4 and 5. THE TWO ARTIST A variety of Acrobatic feats, doing head balancing and hand bal ancing ind ground tumbling and juggling. JIMMY MIMIC DUNN Comedy imitations and whistling. Prom his early youth Mr. Dunn has been gifted with remarkable talent of mimicry. Ho often received reprimand from his parents for what they called unnecessary noises. Mr.' Dunn is internationally known and his novel ideas of presenting his talont almost leads you to beliovo that you aro taking a trip to tho farm. At tho conclusion of his offering you aro almost sorry that Mr. Dunn is done (Dunn). PASCALS PERRY AND CO. Presenting ono of tho fastest roping and shooting acts presented to tho public, from any stage. Mr. Perry is a native of Arizona and has won several championships for roping and shooting and Is ably as sisted by Miss Lillian Perry.' ALL STAR TRIO. Harmony singing consisting of threo good looking young men who aro always suro to get a hand and can deliver tho goods. They could be a head liner on any bill. Also a good plcturo show will be shown. First show starts on July Fourth at 5:00 p. m. and will run contin uously. Tho blizzard fan will bo running thru all tho plcturo. In our last Issue we compared the. school tax paid In North Platto pen $1,000 assessed valuation with that paid In other places of this size upon tho same valuation. It showed that North Platte paid more than any of the cities of, a Inrgor population nnd more, than nny of tho next cities just bolow It in population. Some have complained that this is not a fair com parison and so wo are taking another comparison for study In this issue. "Wo aro going to tako tho per capita paid In school taxes. In North Platto tho total amount of school' tax paid divided by the population gives ?1S.50 which is called tho per capita school tax. In tho four cities in Nebraska having a larger population than North Platto tho per capita school tax was as follows: Omaha $12.00 Lincoln $12.42 Grand Island $13.30 Hastings $12.80 North Platto $18.50 In the four cities Just smaller than North Platte in populaton the same figures aro: North Platte $18.50 Beatrice $14.20 Fremont $10.00 Norfolk $15.20 Kearney $13.50 It Is thus seen that North Platte per capita tax Is considerably above that of tho citios both larger and smaller. These figures arc for tho school general fund only and aro sent out by tho Department of Fiance of tho State of Nebraska. :o: Mr. and Mrs. "V. J. Tiloy leave Wed nesday for tho mountains. They will mnko tho trip by auto. FOR SA.LE Choice lot of young Rod Poll bulls at farmers prices at PAYNE'S DAIRY FARM South Dewey Street , ONLY ONE JUNE HOTTER THAN THIS IN THE PAST TEN YEARS The monthly summary of wenthoP conditions for the month of Juno shows that (lie average .temperature for tho past month was 73 degrees which has only been exceeded once in the past ten yoarB. That was in 1918 .when the average was one degree higher. Tho highest during the month was 99 while the highest on record is 105. The total rainfall for the month was .87 wheh It less than any year sinco 1912. Tho normal for Juno as taken from tho records of the local station for tho past 48 years was 3.25. The number of clear days was 23, ;party cloudy 1, cloudy C. :o: NOTED STATESMAN TO APPEAR ON LOCAL CHAUTAUQUA PLATFORM' Twenty-five scouts witli Executivo Stephens and Assistant Scoutmaster Linton Mills roturncd Frldny after noon from a hike to Horshoy and re turn. They loft hero Wednesday morn ing and reached tho grove near Her shey in tho afternoon. Tho next day they played a haso ball game with tho Horshoy boys and won by a scoro of 22 to 2. Tho next morning they started homo and arrived here In tho after noon. They took twolvo pup tents along for tho boys nnd two for tho leaders. Tho only forago thoy secured was mulberries ot which thero wore an nbundnnco In the grove whoro thoy camped. :o; THE TREND IS TOWARD SATUR. DAY AFTERNOON SUMMER CLOSING 10 3 10 OF THE CANDIDATES A SHORT SERIES 01 ARTICLES A ROUT THE PRIMARY CANDIDATES f Congressman Richard Yates of Ill inois will bo one of tho leading at tractions on the North Platte Chaut auqua. Ho was recently nominated for tho third term as United States con gressman from Illinois. Ho was at ono time govornor of Illinois and has been prominent In civic and church affairs for many years. At North Platte ho will probably dellvor his lecture entitled, "The Fivo Smooth Stones from tho Brook" bocauso in tills he can easily keep away from ac tual political questions and can yet placo before his hearers, some of the outstanding ideas on present day problems. :o: K. O. Garrison of this city was ap pointed assistant Trainmaster of tho Fourth district and took up tho work last Saturday. This Is a new position created because of tho need for ad ditional supcrvlson of tho district. On account of tho track extensions on tho north branch, tho miloago has inrensed to such an extent that an asslsstant was doomo necessary and Mr. Gnrrlson was appointed. Ho hasi boon a passenger conductor out of this termlnnl for a number of years. :o: Miss Mary Ellsworth spent tho week end with her parents In Horshoy. Mr. and Mrs Lin. Huddard of North port nro vlstlng Mr. and Mrs. L. It. Duko for several days. Mrs. J. V. Romlgh and children loft last ovonlng for points in Massachu setts whoro they will visit for sev eral weeks. Thoy will bo accompan ied by Victor who lias heen In a hos pital In Omaha for sovoral months. Most If not all of the lawyer's of fices in tho city of North Platte wero closed last Saturday afternoon. This was not because of a strike or lockout but bocauso tho lawyers decided to quit work at noon on Saturdays dur ing the months of July and August. In many cities this has been the case for some tmo nnd North PInttte at torneys nre simply getting in lino with those of tho lnrger centers. The county judge's office Is closed at noon on Saturday and it is probable that Clerk" Prosser will do likewise. -:o:- Tho scouts aro asked to be on hand Thursday to assist the men In build ing the lodgo at the cainpilrc girls' camp grounds. Thoy can do many a turn that day which will help tho men and assist in getting the building In shapo for early use. Julius Iloga returned tho last of the woek from attending the Colorado school of Mines nt Golden. He went In this the first of our series of four articles on tho candidates for tho various local offices Wo tell of tho candidates who aro sooklng nomin ation for tho stato legislature. For tho sennto the domocrats and progressives did not make a filing but there aro two cnndldatos for the republican nomination. Tho district consists of Lincoln and Dawson counties. Chas. E. Allen of Cozad nnd S. J. -Koch of Horshoy aro tho men in the running. Mr. Allen 13 a merchant and Mr. Koch is a farmer. Both are old tlmors In their rospoctlvo communities. For stato representative ono is to bo elected from tho city of North Piatt0 nnd ono from tho whole of Lincoln county outside of the city. Thos. Hea- loy Is tho democratic candidate In the city while E. S. Davis Is tho pros ont Incumbont and he is again, a can- tiidato. v. on Gnctz Is also running on the republican ticket while Thos. Axtoll Is tho progressive candidate. Mr. Henley Is In the Insurance busi ness, Mr. Davis Is manager of tho. North Platto Feed Store, Mr. Von Goetz Is a retired photographer and Mr Axtell Is a railroad employee. In the county outside of North Plntto Scott Reynolds and A. J. Tracy aro opponents for the republican nom ination while John Burke of Maxwoll Is tho progressive candidate. 1 , out with a party of students to do somo required work In surveying right after the regular term closed and i when tha was completed ho came on to North Platto whore ho will assist his father during tho rest ot the vaca tion. Mrs. Warren Vickory returned home yostorday from Omaha whoro she vls I when that Was completed he came on I homo by her niece Peggy Swnrtzlanu , or who will spend tho summer with , her. Milliard F. Hosier candidate for SHERIFF at Republican Primaries. Has been a resident of Lin coln county for 42 years. FEED "CREAM" FLOUR Try our "SERVICE" and watch your cream check "GROW". We pay highest market prices for "Eggs" "CREAM" "Poultry" HARDING CREAM CO. R. H. Jandebeur, Mgr. Accross from Depot. j;t it i.t i.t i.t it J.t J.t :.: y :.: j.t j.t it it it J.t j.t Like a Mountain Breeze Cool waves from an electric fan do much to re lieve the oppressive heat waves, of these stuffy July days. Why sit and suffer from the suns ray's when for a few dollars you can own a handy little motor driven fan. Tho cost to operate it is very low a fraction of a cent per hour. We have all sizes and models. Come in and make a selection now before tho hot weather "gets" you. North Platte Light & Power Co. ........ . .. .. ..M ..