THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRTBUNE. GAINS 8 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS' TIME Dyepepsla Entirely Overcome and She Eats, Sleeps and Feels Better Than In Years, Saya Boston Resident. , "I imve ncturtlly wined eiKht pounds !n two weeks' time nnd am now entlng better, sleeping better and feellnj bet ter tlinn I Imve In three or four years,!' finld Mrs. Celesta Fell, 32 Prlni!e street, Boston, Mass., recently, In telling of the great benefits she has derived from the use of Tnnlnc. "My stoninch was In such n bad, fix before I took Tnnlnc that I did not dare eat much of anything, for if I did I would have so much pain and dis tress from indigestion that I felt like I was going to die, I was so run down nnd weak from lack of nourishment that I could not do my housework. "I was so nervous I couldn't keep still during tho day nor sleep at night. I can seo now If It had not been for Tanlac I would have had to give up entirely. I am now feeling strong and healthy and all the credit belongs to Tanlac" Tanlac 3s sold by all good druggists. Baked Monkey a Delicacy. A hunter's paradise Is Mexico, and almost within sight of the capital are forests that abound with wild game, offered at all seasons In the Mexico City markets. Venison Is a staple and wild ducks nnd geese may be purchased for u few centavos. Live quail as well as varie ties of pheasants and pigeons are sold on the streets by peddlers. Indians from the hills frequently trudge to the city with a wild boar, and turkeys may be had for the price of a paltry tip to a native hunter. If one Is so Inclined, a tender monkey mny be procured for Sunday baking, a dish that Mexican epicures, especially of tho tropical regions. rel Ish above all others. Modern Kansas Reformers. An Atchison young woman Is trying to make her young man friend quit drinking, and he Is trying to make her quit smoking. Atchison Globe. There Isn't much criticism of the man who always comes back with flour In the flour barrel. Woman Relied Upon Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Emnoria. Kansas. "I benran usintt Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines years ago I when l was a girl. For several years I (had severe pains at menstrual periods, making me very weak and interfering with my regular du- Ities. l pried several I remedies without ob- Itaining relief. I was induced to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Dy friends and it re stored me to normal health. I often have occasion and do recommend your Vegetable Compound to my friends who have troubles similar to my own. You may use these facta as a testimonial. " T-i . . rnn tt o. n muva ALUiiiuu, io union ou, umpona, Kansas. There are many-women who first used our Vegetable Compound during their girlhood days. They found it a valuable help during trying periods. In. later years they use it whenever they feel those annoying symptoms which women often have. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a woman's medicine. It is pre pared carefully from tho best quality of medicinal plants, whose properties are especially adapted to correct tho troubles women nave. Chronic Constipation KalUvod Without thm Uio of Laxative Nujol Is lubricant not a medicine or laxative so cannot gripe. When you are constipat ed, there is not enough lubricant produced by your Bystem to keep the food waste soft. Doctors prescribe Nujol because its action is so close to this natural lubricant. Try it today. Texas Dairy Bargain Coat $100,000, To close eatate will aell for 166,000, Terms 116,000 cash, or more, bal ance eaay. Registered herd, modern equip ment, line location, good trade, little compe tition; money-maker. Unlimited demand for producta. Want experienced-. man, Full par ticulars on requeat. John Marshall, Sherman, Texas Would You Pay $25 to $40 Per Acre for Land in Southwest Texas ? Artesian water, rich, loamy soil Wonderful climate the year around. These lands produce from $250 to $500 per acre each year. Write for free literature, giiing FACTS first hand. T. S. Neal, Bedell Bldg., San Antonio, Texas FROM GIRLHOOD TO MANHOOD IIIIIIIUWUIIIIII rar nun PR 1 Ofie AMERICAN LEGON (Copy for Thta Department Supplied by the American Legion News Service.) SWAM MEUSE UNDER FIRE Sergt. M. Waldo Hatler of Joplln, Mo., Wcaro Medals for World War Bravery. In the fighting In France Sergt. M. Waldo Hatler of Joplln, Mo., swam the Meuse river under fire after a com rade had perished In the attempt, landed within tho German lines nnd explored their po sitions thoroughly and swam back across the river with Information of great value to the Amcrlcnn command? For this ho hns re ceived tho croce dl guerra of Italy, tho equivalent of the French crolr do guerre. Hatler met Gen. Armando Diaz, commander in chief of the Italian armies In the World wnr, at the third national convention of the Amerlcnn Legion In Kansas City. After tills meeting tho Italian decoration was presented at a special ceremony In Joplln. Tho Mlssourlan also wears the American Medal of Honor and the French crobc do guerre. V. P. OF FORTY AND EIGHT C. E. Cronklte of Los Angeles I Second in Command of Legion Roughhouse Club. "Sous Chef de Chemln de For Na tlonale des 40 Homines ct Uuit Chevaux." This means In Eng lish, "National Assistant Rail way Station Agent of the 40 Men and Eight Horses." But in A. E. F. patois it stands for vice president of the Forty nnd Eight, tho Legion's Roughhouse club, named after tho little French boxcars built to carry "40 men or eight horses." This Imposing title Is borne by C E. Cronklte of Los Angeles, Cnl for merly first lieutenant in tho Three Hundred nnd Twenty-second field signal battalion. "QUEEN OF THE CANAL ZONE" Miss Viola Blssell Wins Contest Spon sored by American Legion Department of Panama. The "Queen of tho Canal Zone" has bepn chosen through an election sponsored by the American Legion, department o f Panama. The contest was won by a Miss Viola Blssell with 1, 807,800 votes. Ac cording to her enthusiastic "subjects" she Is of the true Amer ican type, tall, blonde and ath letic. The Pana- mans declare hqr famous smile would win In any contest over any of the beauties of America or Europe. Slightly Deficient. Here's one that has leaked out of nn O. T. C. after a couple of years or so : A young man, a good soldier, but sadly lacking In book-larnln. was up for a commission. He staggcroxl through part of the examination to the Increasing bedevllment ofille offi cers In charge, but when It cumo to geographical questions his Ignorance was limitless. Flnully one of the offi cers, nfter listening to n piece of as tounding misinformation, Jumped to his feet and thundered : "My sainted aunt's black catl Hero you are say you want to defend your country and, by the whiskers of a ring-toed monkey, you don't even know where It is 1" American Legion Weekly. Middle West National Cemetery. On the prairies of the Platte river In Nebraska Is located the only natlonnl cemetery In tho Middle Westthat of Fort McPherson. Here under tho cot- tonwoods and evergreens of the plains lie the dead of the American wars of the west. Recently 15 of the World war dead from France have been bur led there by Fort McPherson post of tho American 'Legion. On 001 of tho earlier grave markers Is the slnglo word, "Unknown." "We Aim to Please." Convict No. 7111 hear Bill the Mugg Is out again and that he's the most popular hold-up guy In Chi cago. Convict 117 Yeah, no always gives tho victims back car fare, so now he gets the cream of the trade, Ameri can Legion Weekly. MINISTER IS POST LEADER Rev. H. G. Scogglns, Former Duck Private, Heads Strong American Legion Organization. A Texas county somewhat lnrgcr tlinn the state of Rhode Island has been discovered which contribu ted no commis sioned olllcer to tho World war, not even a "shavetail." The highest ranking ex-soldler hi the county Is a for mer sergeant of ordnance, The command er of the local Legion post nt Moran, tho county sent, Id Rev. H. G. Scogglns, truck driver, Methodist minister and former buck private of Infantry. He was a corporal once, but like the lmmortnl Mulvnncy, ho vn8 "rejuced." Under his leading the Moran post has n membership In tho county 00 per cent of "possible." CHAIR FOR THE COMMANDER Elaborate Reed Piece, Gift to Mac Nlder, From tho Department of the Philippines. A chair of woven reeds thnt will sustain the weight of half a dozen men now ornaments the office of Com mander Hnnford MacNlder of tho American Legion, da a gift from the Department of the Philippines. It Is modeled on the throne of a Moro chleftnln. Though the chair never felt a painter's brush, It Is built up . in a bright color scheme that is the gift of the sun Itself. Split bamboo and Bamboo Chair In Natural Colors. carefully chosen reeds were selected In the course of the tropical summer for their varying shades. Theso were assembled nt Manila und woven into a great chair without nails, pegs or paint. The workmanship Is claborato and Oriental In design. Defends the Negro. His appointment of a negro boy to Annapolis naval academy Is defended by Representative Martin Ansorge of New York as a mntter of Justice to the large colored population of his dis trict, and "In recognition of tho valoi and patriotism of the 500,000 colored boys In the United Stntes service In the World wnr." The appointee, Emlla Trevllle Holley, Is n freshmun In the College of the City of New York narvard university makes no discrim ination against negroes, nnd there are several all-negro posts In the American Legion: Carrying On With the 1 American Legion T Hundreds of the small craft that were used to Bwcep the North sea clear of mines during the wnr nre to be put on the scrap pile, a navy order states. Ten dollars a month for each month's service, with 25 per cent ad dltlonal for overseas .service, Is to bo paid World war veterans of Maryland by the state. The veterans of the "battle of Wash Ingtpn" during the World war aro being rnpldly scattered. The latest order transfers 103 officers out 'of the capital city. Reorganization of wur-tlmo draft boards to assist the Legion In finding Jobs for service men has been pro posed by Dr. John Grler Hlbben, pres Ident of Princeton university. In a house-to-house cnnvnss of Indi ana cities, Hoosler Legionnaires Inter viewed 330,000 former service men nnd women nnd listed 1,500 cases Involving disability, compensation and lost Lib erty bonds. ... Wllllnra Strother, Houston, Tex., World wnr veteran sojourning In A. E F. scenes In Paris, France, wants to climb Eiffel tower, a feat never yet ac complished, for the benefit of u French veterans' organization. The Legion's campaign for Jobless soldiers was aided materially by n De troit (Mich.) court Judge who, finding nil Jury pnncls exhausted, directed that unemployed ex-soldlers he ob tained for Jury service at $4 n day. fBEa t rnnnl.-n PER GENT. A'V&iir.fAlitolYcnarationfbrAj ItlntneStonvidisandlKWxUa Thrrphv-Promoiln6D14cttoa ChccrfalnessandBcstCofltaitfl neither Opldm,Morpiuncn; Hncrol. NoTNAttcoTic, faW JM k infill Remedy for GonitipntionnndDiarr Md Wrlshncss and. loss of XaciroilcSi4not2,of to(torxwmGoHW?oi Exact Copy of Wrapper. 10 Cents Something to Look At. "Anything to seo In tills town?" In quired n recently arrived guest. "Well," replied the landlord of tho tavern at Oblong Center, "a lady bar ber has Just opened up a shop In tho next block. You might klndn ramble around nnd " "I havo seen lady barbers before." "I suppose so. But prob'ly .you never saw how tho malo population of a village act when they see a lady barber." Kansas City Star. Ho Knows. Tommy, ago live has Just started, to school nnd his parents run their house on a budget plan. Tho other day his mother paid CO cents to have his um brelln fixed, and that night when his father was marking up tho budget ho said : "I really don't know under what heading to put this DO cents." Tommy piped up nnd said : "Well, I think that it would come under shelter." Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggist who are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview on the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so many applicants for insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble is so common to the American people, and tho large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even .suspect that they have tho ,!8easc. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is on salo at all drug stores in bottleB of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Advertisement. An Unjust Accusation. Mrs. Knugg I Just know you're going out to spend the evening with some other woman. Uer Husband How foolish you talk I I'm going out to get relief from ono woman. Think I'd spend my pre cious moments of freedom with an other? Every department of housekeeping needs Red Bross Ball Blue. Equally good for kitchen towels, table llneu, .sheets and pillowcases, etc. Adver tisement. Vinous Indulgence leads a man to perpetrate a poor Joke and his hear ers to laugh at It. There Is horso sense and motor sense; nnd the latter usually consists in going just a little slower. Rcclpo for perpetual Ignorance: Bo proud of your opinion and content with your knowledge. One must bo poor to know tbo luxury of giving. Marriage Is a tie, but not necessar ily n nooso. If tho conversation flags when visit ors aro calling, tho cntranco of the family dog Is u great spur. The empty vessel makes the great est sound. HBI 1 , aes an aiin MMME WM i I vm,LlAlaLM Children Special Care of Baby. That Baby Bbould have a bed of its own all aro agreed. Yet it is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to uso a man's medicine in an attempt to regulate tho delicate organism of that samo infant. Either practice is to bo shunned. Neither would be tolerated by specialists in children's diseases. Your Physician will tell you that Baby's medicine must be prepared with even greater care than Baby's food. A Baby's stomach when in good health is too often disarranged by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared for Infants and Children ? Don't be deceived. Make a mental note of this: It is important, Mothers, that you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of your Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that the desired results may be had from the uso of medicines primarily prepared for grown-ups. MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAT IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'8 CAST0RIA GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the SI TM CCNTAUR COMPANY, N1W YORK CITY. Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie PUTNAM FADELESS DYES dyes or tints as you wish A Risky Bet "Tho Sinn Fein extremists nnd tho Ulster extremists as well risk too much," said Padralc O'Shaughncssy, tho Irish shlp-bullder at u dinner In Boston. "They remind mo of O'Flannlgnn. "OTlannlgan, with a big bandago round his head, was hobbling down tho street on n pair of crutches. " 'Faith, O'Flannlgan. what's hap pened to ycz?' said O'ltcllly. "I bet O'Donahuo a dollar,' said O'Flannlgan, 'that ho couldn't carry mo up u four-story ladder, and I won.' " Africa for the Africans, rropagunda Is being skillfully circu lated In Africa against tho whites. Theso activities aro said to be centered In a colony of American negroes. Tho blacks want tho Dark Continent for themselves. Uncle Eben. "Don't bo nfrald to hnve n good opin ion of yourself, son," said Undo Eben, "as long you's willln' to take de opin ion serious nn' work hard to deserve it." Washington Post. Far Worse. "There Is witchery In moonlight." "And even moro diabolical Influences In moonshine." After awhile ono makes allowanco for being Imposed upon to a certain degree. Sure Relief FOR INDIGESTION 6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief ELL-ALMS 25$ and 75$ Packages. Everywhere DflTEMT'S yvttonn K. Coleman, rl I EJ1 B 49 Patent I,awyer,WasnlngW 1 bilV BI D a Adrlcnand book ires. Bates reasonable Highest retorences. Ilettserrlees. f1AI0VCI V IfllTCDi'i'Acra ANYwitEitB UAIoT rLT MLLlii attoactbandkillb ALU FLIbU. Meat, clean, orninitnUl.con vanlent, cheap, Luta all acuon. Maoa of mettl, can't spill or up over; will cot aoll or Injur anything. Gau-antecd elfccUva. Eold. by dMlcra, or 5 by EXI'HEKS, prepaid, 11.23. HAUOUJ UUUlUta. IW U KU Avo Urooklya, N. Y. New Hair to replace old, should be crow lug all the lime. It will If you Tonic Don't get bald, get Q-Dau today It'a much more pleasant. At all good drug-gUta, Tie, or direct from ItESSIG-UUS, CatubU, Km,VU, Tcaa. Nebraska Directory HOTEL ROME OMAHA Rooms 11.60 to 13.00 Caftftrfa Opin Day and fftjht El.otrolla M5KMANKNT HAIIt WAVINO A"v liraaotor Maaaaae. Hair goods made to .fckV;-?! orter' "a'r tinting and dyeing, Uxpert ValJ oporaUira In all llnea, Students taught. 3 J Mnrlnelln Llrensml Hhop T v3 800IlrnclofaTlieatroIll5(r. f f Marlnello Uratem. Irene dray, MfrVGray Heady Hhon, AlhleUo Club Jlldg, Ueriberg lieauty Htiop, 1MB Itouglas. Full linn preparations. Mali orders receive prompt attention. McADAMS BROS. & IHNEN Live Stock Commission Merchants Room 124 Exchange Bldg., Phone Market 3000 UNION STOCK YARDS, OMAHA.NEB. The very firm you have been looUIng for Try us with your next uhlpment "WE SERVE YOU PERSONALLY" IBB Cry For Signature of Nebraska Directory Creamery and Cream Station Supplies Milk Bottles and Dairy Supplies: Hej Cues and Chicken Coops; DOILERS KENNEDY & PARSONS CO. 1 309 Jones St. 1 1 W. Third St. OMAHA SIOUX CITY doctors niAcn & niAcn, dentists Tblrd moor mxton Woe 16th and Faxnam Sta., Omaha, Neb. ftaVllost equipped dental offlco In Omaha, utMoiia men. Bpeicioi aucount to all peoplo llTlng outside of Omaha. leew.EDWARDSm.d..d.c New Location! Southwest Con 24th end Farnam V OMAHA'S PIONEER Paxton Hotel $1.50 and Up Dsabk POPDLAlt PRICED 'CAFE Street enrs pans tho door from all depots. Cornar 14th and Farnam Streets. Omaha, Neh CAMP OUTFITS TENTS, ETC. WRITE Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Go. 15th and Howard, Omaha, U. S. A. Hotel Castle 032 S. IGlh Stroet Omaha, Neb. New, absolutely fireproof 300 ROOMS With private toilet tli0 'with private butu 12.00 to 12.50 FRED A. CASTLE, Propriety Lwf tit KicInttTt Sew ud Ci4 Blr fend Offlct Hilar llimM U Aiurfcft. ttt Occap7 Our fi 1,000 OMAHA FIXTURE & SUPPLY CO, S. W. Cor. 11th and Douglas 3ti Omaha, Neb. Mfrs. Of MODERN STORE, OFFICE and BANK FIXTURES Phono Jackson 2721. All we ask Is a cbanco to bid Electric Service on Automobiles Atwattr-Kent Auto-Lite Ilijure Connecticut Dixie Gray & Dirk Nortli-Enst Simmshuff Westinghoim fixtbe"BOSCH AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CORP, OMAHA. NEBRASKA RE!VfINGTON$15 Smiths $1T; Oliver S1S.W; Under woods, UoyalB, etc. Lowest rices. Bend tor list. AUMikee ypawrittr Co., ZOS S. 18th St., Oaika and Masque Costumes for plays and parties at THEO. LIEUEN & SON 1516 Howard St. Oauha.Neb, SHIP YOUR JUNK TO Nebraska Iron & Mclal Co., Omaha WHITE FOR PRICES and TAGS In Omaha Stop at Hotel Font enelle Homey andHoipUahlcAbsoluUly FircpToof-Every Room IVith Bath 44