Illko A group of young people will hold a hlko Sunday morning. Thoy will go to the hills south of tho city and cook their breakfast. - Shower Miss Ituth Ilogsott will ontertain at a micollanoous shower Tuesday evening in honor of MIsh IIoImi Swan-eon. Tarty Tho Christian Endoavor o.f the Christian Curch hold a party-at the stato farm Tuesday ovoning. Twenty fivo guests wore present. THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY frRimmrc is tho third child of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mason and has mnny warm friends in North Platte. Mr. Olson Is tho only son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Olson who live south of tho city and Is a prosperous farmer In this vicinity., Tho bride and groom loft by auto for Denvor and othor Colorauu pomts where thoy will spend tholr honey moon, Thoy will bo at homo to tholr friends at tho Olson farm south wost Of North Platto on tholr roturn. m:nk.ska leads all states l NUJMEIt or FJIEE AUTO CAMPS -:o:- Amcrlcan Legion Tho mombers of tho American Le gion hold a mooting Tuesday cvonlng. Music was furnlshod during tho ovon ing and Itofroshmonta were sorvod liy tho Ladlos Auxilllary of tho Logion. Scries of Parlies Mrs. W. T. Wilcox, Mrs. W. J. O' Connor and Miss LuoIIlo "Wilcox arc giving a series of parties. Tho first of tho sorlos was a one o'clock lunch eon glvou Tuosday. Tho second party was givon yostorday and tho last ono will bo given this ovoning. llccital Tho last program of tho year was glvon at Mrs. Oilfoyly's studio, Wod csday ovoning by her vocal pupils. Thoso recitals havo boon both a pleas uro and profit to thoso taking part and plans aro now being made for public programs during tho com ing yoar. Surprise , last evening tho Lutheran girls club surprised Mrs. C. V. Koch with a party at her homo. Tho ovoning wns spont In playing games. Mrs. Koch wafl prosontod with a pair of candle sticks. Twonty guests wcro present. At tho clo3o of ho ovoning a dainty Inch was sorvod. Elks Convention The Btato convention of Elks was hold Thursday Juno 22 at Columbus, Nebraska. Thoso from North Platte who attended this convention aro, Arthur IToagland, Dr. Mltcholl, Ilor ton Munger,' Butler Miltonborgor, Har ry PIzcr. Chns. Pass, Thos. Iloaloy, Ernest Rlnkpr and Fra.nk Tlorrod. ' ' . Picnic. . Tho young mens class of, tho Meth odist church hold a picnic amMiorso shoo tournament at tho stato farm Tuesday evening. H. L. Cochran, Mrs. T. C. Pat terson and Mrs. II. C. Yost ontortnlnod at a party at tho country club Wedr noaday afternoon In honor of Mrs. T. Fulton Qantt and Miss Edith' Gnntt. LOCAL AM) PERSONAL Dixon Optlcnl Co. grinds loimos. C. E. Sousor of Qorlng spont Sunday with his. family In tho city. Victor, Vlctorolaa, Ilolloy Music House. See tho Wilcox Doparment Store for Shoos at roasonablo price. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Broetol loft Wis morning for Gothenburg, called thoro y tho doath of tho latters brothor John Mcllvaln roturhed last ovon ing. Ho liaB been visiting in Canada and Now York. W. M. Dunn of tho Sutherland Cour ior took In tho cornorstono laylntt yostorday. Mrs. Harry Ilarklu of Grand Island is visiting Miss Margaret Frazior. Mr. Harkln is engaged in tho hotel bu'si noB in Grand Island. Mrs. Mlko MoFaddon will roturn to her homo in Parton after visiting for sovoral days, at tho John Herrod homo. In a rccont-hullotln giving locations of free auto tourist camps on the Lln- j coin highway between New Y6rk and San Francisco ono camp is located ln( Ponsylvania, throe in Indiana, three In Illinois, 18 In Iowa. 28 in Nebraska,) nlno In Wyoming, throo in Utah, four In Nevada and soven in California.1 Thoso aro tho'camps which aro locat-' ed on tho Lincoln Highway only. North, Platto is Hated as one of tho Nebraska camps. All holp in the Union Pacific Din ning room is laid off for thirty days. Jo Rauoh, Jr. loft this morning for Oshkosh whoro ho will transact busi ness for soveral days. The Logan Bulck Auto Co. reports tho salos of slx-cyllndor cars to Fred Wendoborn, John Dugan," M. R. Mc Graw and a four cylinder coupo to W. L. Whaley.- Mr. nnd Mrs. It. A. Itoso nnd dau ghter, former rosidonts of this city aro visiting nt tho W. W. Cummlgs homo. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Drcstol left this morlng for Gothenburg whore they wore called by tho death of the latters brother. When in Omaha STOP WITH US Auto Clothing for Womon nnd Girls at tho Wilcox Dopartmon Storo. Dr. C. E. Mclloynolds and family will loavc in a, few days for Caspor, Wyoming whoro thoy will make tholr future home. JUST TELL' CENTItAL 212 When placing your order for grocorles tomorrow. DEFOREST CASH GHOCEItY Hote Cooaet Hotel Saofordi Hotel Henshawj Our reputation of 20 years fair dealing is back of these hotels. Guests may stop at any one of them with tho as surance of receiving honest value and courteous treatment. QNANT hotel company J. S. TWINEM, H. D. (Homeopath) Medicine and Surgery Hospital Facilities NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Office Phono 183 Rcsldenco 283 v sim:cjal features written is comrinatiox with standard life policies Non-Cancellable Accldont and Health Insurance. Double Indemnity Provisions. Specific Dismemberment Provisions. Monthly Life Incomo ' Provisions. Disability Incomo Clause. Puro and Installment Income Endowment Provisions. Premium Waiver Clause. Post Mortem Dividends., Full Participation in all . Surplus. Automatic Non-forfoituro Clause. In.'iunuiee (hut Insures Protect ion Hint Protects Fidelity Reserve Company Home Office Fourth and Locust Streets, North Platte, Neb. 1 Olson-Mison A vory pretty wedding tok placo Wodnoaday noon at tho blrdo's'homo In Grncoland addition whon Miss Svl via Era Mason bocamo tho brldo of Oscar F. Olson. Tho brldo wore a whlto canton cropo dross nnd carried a bouquet of brides rosc3. Miss Esther Olson, sister of tlio groom played tho wedding march. Tho couple woro un attended nev. P. A. Sh(jnk of tho Bap tist church porfonnod tho ceremony in which tho ring sorvico was used. .Artor tho coromony a dollclous wed ding dinner wns sorvod by Mrs. D. L. Richards assisted by Mrs. Dorothy Walkor. Only rolatlvos and close friends wero present. Mrs. Olson graduated from tho North Platto high school in 1917. Slnco her graduation sho has boon a teacher In tho Lincoln county schools. Sho Fares So Cheap You Can Forget the Auto this Year Round trip tourist fares from North Platte to vacation points in the west this summer via Union Pacific are the lowest in years: Look: Denver, Coll)., and return sjilS.l.V . (Faro Denvor to Estes Park, Rocky Moun- tafti National Park and roturn $10.50).' , . . Suit Luke City and return $M.2.V r - We-sjUYcIlowHtone, (Yellowstone Turk) and return . $11.00 Portland, and return 071.25 Scntilo nnd Tncoimi and return $72.00 San Francisco and return $72.00 Santa llnrlmra nnd return .-$72.00 Los Angeles and return $72.0(1 San Diego and return $72.00 Spolinno and return $07.00 Victoria and return . $77.."0 Vancouver nnd return $77.50 $00.00 for clrclo trip including Denver, Salt Lako, Los Angoles, San Francisco, Portland, TacomoSeattlo and back homo. .Side trip to Wost Yollowstone $0.45 extra. $14.00 for clrclo trip Including Denvor, West Yellow stone, Salt Lake, Scenic Colorado and back home. (A 4 day tour through Yellowstone Park including meals and lodging $54.00 if you stop at hotels! $45.00 It you stop at permanent camps.) Drop in and lot's talk your trip ovor well in advance. Wo can glvo you full information about fares and interest ing divorso routes to uso jjolng and returning. Wo nlso havo somo One illustrated booklets doscrlptlvo of tho west froo. T. D. PYLE, Agent, North Platte, Ncbr; 'UNION PACIFIC. cuprite aw&Ae P jWiil Why did Lady Viviennc leave England? f-WUN fey A What was she doing in the barren desert wastes?. 4 Lvl a By what fright did this desert renegade claim her W JJ What interest did this young fighting engineer ffel"T "Vir have m her? .r & v-4i I What was the great mys- fwl IfW tery of her past? :fl What did the future hold jfPO " ' ' J To what did she awake? II ) You must see this great --(flfe : JiJfk dramatic thriller tiUri S fBN " ' l Wi filled with action, & f g II ,S ' LA V k mystery and ro- Mjl Ifl -M $J mance - Priscilla JM tlMUi Wl Dcan's latest and fV AfiH &43 M Lsm&Sm iTiBTfinTiB in ii i) "P' m HWliI :liLiL7a:mi At The Sun, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday j'j ",",vvt .v............... j v.r.v! .t :.r t.t t.t It j.t :.t J.t J.t j.t J.t j.t J.t i.t j.t i.t V J.t J.t H j.t j.t jt j.t If H j J 11 j.t j.t j.t j.t- i.t 11 J.t ti 28 Inch flno quality silk stripe tissues! ... "B,,L i'"wrn8, an unusual bar SMn 20c yard. 27 Inch Everett gingham fast colors. good pattorns, Standard ?"al,t,y 15c yard Pleached crash toweling regularly sold at 15c yard going " : : 8c yard 7- Inch Rourrow satin finish Damask, blue strlpo pattern, an extra value ,r, - - $1.19 yard 40 inch Silk Canton Cropo in all colors nn extra, flno quality and special n(W for $2.89 yard DIG SPKCIAL-Chlldronfs bluo cham- bray rompers sizes 2 to 0 golnc for b l4fQ TO CLI2AN UP-Ono largo lot of fancy dross voiles, somo ombroldor ed and Bomo printed in a beautiful lino of colors at 39c yard PIZER S STO NORTH SIDE Speial Inducements for the 4th of July, Starting Saturday, June ENDING THE FOURTH OF JITLY We choose right now when the need of these things and the season is just on offer you these unusual values on seasonable merchandise. RE 24th US, to One Lot Men's Van Housen collars sell out at 33c Ono Lot Wilson Bros, puro silk thread socks in all shades, a real bargain at G9c Ono Lot Mens' Light strlpo madras shirts with collars attached special at 98c Ono Lot Mens' guantlet cotton flan noll gloves with leather faco to close out at 19c Ono Lot Wilson Bros, fino lisle union suits for men, white Bhort sleevo nnklo or length, regular $2.50 values going for $1.79 Ono Lot Ladles Aprons in all styles, an exceptional bargain at 9Sc Wo aro quoting special 4th of July; prices on our cntiro stock of Mensj and Boys' clothing All sizes from s to 50. r -v to 11 Tissue Gingham 49c Yard Thoso aro tho host imported, combod yarn, tissue ginghams nnd wo nro go Ins to clean up the ontlro lino. A good variety of tho uowost to chooso from If. you qomo early. MonB Chocolato Outing Ball Work shoos, soft too. Peters mnko guar anteed Special. $2.25 Boys everyday Scout Shoos, oik soles, doft too, Pctors make, guaranteed. $2.4$ A largo line of ladies' Mens' brown Btralgh last dress shooa a limited amount to cloao out a$ .154.95 Silk Gloves 98c Pair A'n extra flno quality of Iartlea' pure Bilk, doublo tip gloves, long and short In colors, black, white, gray and tan rorulnr S1.50 and $2.00 values. ' nnJ L:l.l C!I ' TV 1 - 1 . . . u.u,cn noes, rumps ana uxtordt, in all the new styles at the very lowest prices. Don't miss this bargain giving event. P I Z E R ' S STOR B N ORTH SIDE .................. .......... .. ..,....,,,'.'..?........ ...